GUILTY FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #8

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Well from reading all the things ACR has on her site I think Judy,The Cousin,and Mr Massey.And since the Teddy guy lied about seeing him i guess he knew to. why lie about seeing him unless of course you have something to hide?As for others being arrested I hope everyone that had anything to do with this crime gets whats coming to them.Reading the interviews from Judy she makes no sense She jumps all over and says alot of {you knows}.man I wonder how the Detectives felt when they were done with her..
One reason people could have been lieing about seeing Abraham is $$$. Dorice was offering money and houses if people would just lie about seeing him to the police and others She was paying his own relatives, like his cousin, $5,000 to deliver cards he did not write to his mother. She was paying the undercover informant money to call his mother and pretend to be Abraham, to deliver more things to his mother, and ultimately to move his body. And why did Howard Stitzel, an attorney, lie to the police and the newspaper about having spoken with Abraham long after he was dead. $$$ was traced from Dorice to Howard Stitzel as well. Or Judith telling someone she had seen him in Texas or that he had AIDs. Did all these people, his friends, his family, and people who were employed by him, know he was murdered and buried by this murderess and were they all knowingly concealing the crime? If so, they could all be charged with what Dorice was originally charged with, I would think, concealing the murder. Or is it just as likely they all saw money and because of their greed just looked the other way as to why someone would want to pay them all this money to lie for Dorice? Like to know how many of these people who took this money are paying it back to the estate.
What kind of job does Judith Haggins have now? Didn't she use to work for the Housing Authority? Then there was some kind of civil action she had, I think it was with them.
One reason people could have been lieing about seeing Abraham is $$$. Dorice was offering money and houses if people would just lie about seeing him to the police and others She was paying his own relatives, like his cousin, $5,000 to deliver cards he did not write to his mother. She was paying the undercover informant money to call his mother and pretend to be Abraham, to deliver more things to his mother, and ultimately to move his body. And why did Howard Stitzel, an attorney, lie to the police and the newspaper about having spoken with Abraham long after he was dead. $$$ was traced from Dorice to Howard Stitzel as well. Or Judith telling someone she had seen him in Texas or that he had AIDs. Did all these people, his friends, his family, and people who were employed by him, know he was murdered and buried by this murderess and were they all knowingly concealing the crime? If so, they could all be charged with what Dorice was originally charged with, I would think, concealing the murder. Or is it just as likely they all saw money and because of their greed just looked the other way as to why someone would want to pay them all this money to lie for Dorice? Like to know how many of these people who took this money are paying it back to the estate.
What kind of job does Judith Haggins have now? Didn't she use to work for the Housing Authority? Then there was some kind of civil action she had, I think it was with them.

Let me ask you this. If people who got money from deedee should pay it backto the estate? trips, toys, food, rent ???
there has been a loss of life and pain for the family, a mother should not have to see her son die, but to be killed and buried like he was nothing was wrong. And i am sure le will let no stone be unturned.....The one that talks first will get the best deal...That's the way it works !If i were you i'd think back more than once a day about the night you were going to be drugged.
pp may have saved your life, however she knew. did you ever think if maybe she flipped a coin to decide whether to tell you or not about being bet that plenty of hush money was being paid.
Let me ask you this. If people who got money from deedee should pay it backto the estate? trips, toys, food, rent ???
there has been a loss of life and pain for the family, a mother should not have to see her son die, but to be killed and buried like he was nothing was wrong. And i am sure le will let no stone be unturned.....The one that talks first will get the best deal...That's the way it works !If i were you i'd think back more than once a day about the night you were going to be drugged.
pp may have saved your life, however she knew. did you ever think if maybe she flipped a coin to decide whether to tell you or not about being bet that plenty of hush money was being paid.

I agree yes anyone who got his money from DeeDee should pay it back.As for the drugging i am not sure how she knew and yes you have a point it raises some concern with me.And when DD walked away after asking if we wanted an ativan I told PP she hit that one close.She was also right on the money with DD leaving as well as when she said on our way home that night that DD was digging up the body.I told that to the Detectives when they interviewed me and they said what a revelation they asked me how she knew i could not answer that She told me it was because she watched {Bones}Maybe when they put up her interview from June we will have the answers.I personally don't believe she had anything to do with the murder nor the cover up But yeah she knew things that is true but maybe DD told her we were at DD's house for a day and half and they did talk alot about what i do not know i didn't want to know so i stayed away from them when they went to huddling
and whispering.Sorry i can not be more clear i only hope i have not said more then i should since they have yet to release my interveiw i don't know what they released.
One reason people could have been lieing about seeing Abraham is $$$. Dorice was offering money and houses if people would just lie about seeing him to the police and others She was paying his own relatives, like his cousin, $5,000 to deliver cards he did not write to his mother. She was paying the undercover informant money to call his mother and pretend to be Abraham, to deliver more things to his mother, and ultimately to move his body. And why did Howard Stitzel, an attorney, lie to the police and the newspaper about having spoken with Abraham long after he was dead. $$$ was traced from Dorice to Howard Stitzel as well. Or Judith telling someone she had seen him in Texas or that he had AIDs. Did all these people, his friends, his family, and people who were employed by him, know he was murdered and buried by this murderess and were they all knowingly concealing the crime? If so, they could all be charged with what Dorice was originally charged with, I would think, concealing the murder. Or is it just as likely they all saw money and because of their greed just looked the other way as to why someone would want to pay them all this money to lie for Dorice? Like to know how many of these people who took this money are paying it back to the estate.
What kind of job does Judith Haggins have now? Didn't she use to work for the Housing Authority? Then there was some kind of civil action she had, I think it was with them.
And susan you are right she was offering money.But these people were his family..If someone came to me and offered a house or money for me to lie about anything to LE i may tell them i would but run so fast to the cops and tell them what was what..Its wrong no matter how you put it and they should be charged for that.In my opinion..
And susan you are right she was offering money.But these people were his family..If someone came to me and offered a house or money for me to lie about anything to LE i may tell them i would but run so fast to the cops and tell them what was what..Its wrong no matter how you put it and they should be charged for that.In my opinion..

over whelmed, why didn't you run so fast to the cops when pp told you dee dee was going to drug you? did you find out how pp knew dee dee was going to try and drug said dee dee offered you ativan and something else, what was the something else?
now knowing and investigation is going on, pp telling you you were going to be drugged, and dee dee offering you ativan and something else. pp saying dee dee was going to leave that night and dee dee does leave, looking back doesn't that seem odd to you that pp knew all this. what exactly did pp say when you two got back and the crime scene tape was up? did she seem to know what was exactly going on then? the huge tub, or animal metal container dee dee was going to put the body in,pp's swimming pool?
are things getting clearer for you???? if this were a movie what would you say happened? thanks for a speedy reply, you have my best regards,
over whelmed, why didn't you run so fast to the cops when pp told you dee dee was going to drug you? did you find out how pp knew dee dee was going to try and drug said dee dee offered you ativan and something else, what was the something else?
now knowing and investigation is going on, pp telling you you were going to be drugged, and dee dee offering you ativan and something else. pp saying dee dee was going to leave that night and dee dee does leave, looking back doesn't that seem odd to you that pp knew all this. what exactly did pp say when you two got back and the crime scene tape was up? did she seem to know what was exactly going on then? the huge tub, or animal metal container dee dee was going to put the body in,pp's swimming pool?
are things getting clearer for you???? if this were a movie what would you say happened? thanks for a speedy reply, you have my best regards,
We were driving to DDM house when that was said to me.And Honestly i thought it was alittle over the top when she told me that.Right up until she came out side and offered us that.I know alot more then i am telling you all here because i don't know what i can say yet.In time i will tell my story start to finish.When we got back to the office that night it was not taped off.Trust me it was a complete and Total nightmare.I felt i was living someone else's life.I went thru things i had never been thru before.And i speak of my entire time i lived in that area.If i told you what all was done to me you would think i was a liar.That is why i am so much more happier to be away from there and the people...In time tho.
Am I understanding this correctly? So I guess this was Dee Dee's "Alibi Dinner" (01/25/2010) where apparently she not only wanted to make sure nobody was on either of the 5732 and 5802 Hwy 60 properties that wasn't suppose to be there but probably expected the guests at the dinner to cover her butt as to where she was when the body was suppose to be dug up by Smith.

Who all was at that dinner that night besides Shar's mother and DebM?


The information on the link below was included on one of the LE's Follow Up #2 reports. They're talking about a lap top reported (02/09/2010) that was at the hotel room at the Homestead Suites as well as a thumb drive and some bank statements that belonged to Abraham Shakespeare.

How did those items end up at the hotel? Did Dee Dee bring items to the Homestead Suites between the time of the search warrant (01/26/2010) and when she was arrested (02/02/2010)?

Or did Shar's mother bring them there?

Debra Munguia Interview 02/09/2010 12:15am (Synopsis)

Yes I am DebM.She was going out to eat alot with David Land She said they were not involved like they say tho. IT did but of course i was thinking something totally different then what was really going on.Yes PP did say that because DD was acting so strange that she felt something was going down.I told Pp i wanted to go back to get the few things i had in the house and PP said DD did not own the house so she would not benefit from burning the house down.I do not know what she did or did not know.As for did DD act alone i use to think she did but after reading the interview of the lady in jail with Dd i am not so sure now.Again i did not see where DDM was acting so strange but i had 90% of my dealings with her on the phone other then the week i spent in plant city months before she met AS.And the few times she went to Panama City for business.So i did not know DD like PP did.Evan RJ told us that night{at his house}that he knew his mother was hiding something he just did not know what.

well my best guess would be like a self serve gas station, Pump and go...
We were driving to DDM house when that was said to me.And Honestly i thought it was alittle over the top when she told me that.Right up until she came out side and offered us that.I know alot more then i am telling you all here because i don't know what i can say yet.In time i will tell my story start to finish.When we got back to the office that night it was not taped off.Trust me it was a complete and Total nightmare.I felt i was living someone else's life.I went thru things i had never been thru before.And i speak of my entire time i lived in that area.If i told you what all was done to me you would think i was a liar.That is why i am so much more happier to be away from there and the people...In time tho.

well debm, i trust you and know you have been put in a bad situation, it is better to tell the truth, protecting people at this point will bite you right in the *advertiser censored*..did you ever see ja down there. he puts the b in bum.....dee dee helped him alot, but he hated dee dee, he just used her because imo he was taught that way, you know monkey see money do. and people that have Jesus coming out of their mouth for one set of their standards are not alway real , sometimes dangerous
Am I understanding this correctly? So I guess this was Dee Dee's "Alibi Dinner" (01/25/2010) where apparently she not only wanted to make sure nobody was on either of the 5732 and 5802 Hwy 60 properties that wasn't suppose to be there but probably expected the guests at the dinner to cover her butt as to where she was when the body was suppose to be dug up by Smith.

Who all was at that dinner that night besides Shar's mother and DebM?


I don't think it was her alibi dinner i believe she just wanted us all off the properties so she could have the body dug up.It was just DD Shar RJ PP and myself.

The information on the link below was included on one of the LE's Follow Up #2 reports. They're talking about a lap top reported (02/09/2010) that was at the hotel room at the Homestead Suites as well as a thumb drive and some bank statements that belonged to Abraham Shakespeare.

How did those items end up at the hotel? Did Dee Dee bring items to the Homestead Suites between the time of the search warrant (01/26/2010) and when she was arrested (02/02/2010)?

Or did Shar's mother bring them there?

Debra Munguia Interview 02/09/2010 12:15am (Synopsis)

The day we left DDM and had to go to Panama City for PP brotherinlaws death DD gave PP the computer Telling us it was to do payroll while we were gone. she was expecting to be arrested while we were gone.When we got back and still could not get in at 5732 we went to the motel.When i seen on the news that they were looking for Computers i called LE and told them That PP had left the computer that DD gave her and asked if they wanted to come get it.PP also gave me a thumb drive that She said DD gave her and so i gave that to the Police as well..The bank statements was from the mail they were coming to 5732 and so PP left them as well so i gave them to LE.I did not want to keep anything from LE i was trying to help them with what ever i could..
well debm, i trust you and know you have been put in a bad situation, it is better to tell the truth, protecting people at this point will bite you right in the *advertiser censored*..did you ever see ja down there. he puts the b in bum.....dee dee helped him alot, but he hated dee dee, he just used her because imo he was taught that way, you know monkey see money do. and people that have Jesus coming out of their mouth for one set of their standards are not alway real , sometimes dangerous

I have never met J but pp told me that it was J that DD liked first and J did not like her.I have told LE everything i know i have been known to call them when i remember things i think has something to do with this case.To the point he has told me i do not have to call so much..I will not cover up for noone.There is noone involved in this case worth lieing for or covering up for.You all can believe that My family is more important then anyone with this case.. I may not be able to answer all your questions right away i am having computer problems.I am using GranGran's computer right now i hope to be up and running later today..
I have never met J but pp told me that it was J that DD liked first and J did not like her.I have told LE everything i know i have been known to call them when i remember things i think has something to do with this case.To the point he has told me i do not have to call so much..I will not cover up for noone.There is noone involved in this case worth lieing for or covering up for.You all can believe that My family is more important then anyone with this case.. I may not be able to answer all your questions right away i am having computer problems.I am using GranGran's computer right now i hope to be up and running later today..

why certainly i believe you, so dee dee gave you two the computer whn you 2 headed for panama city due to the death of her sisters husband, because she was expecting to get arrested? so she must have told you she expected to get arrested, so at this time you 2 must have known she committed the did this make you feel? i bet you were shocked?????
why certainly i believe you, so dee dee gave you two the computer whn you 2 headed for panama city due to the death of her sisters husband, because she was expecting to get arrested? so she must have told you she expected to get arrested, so at this time you 2 must have known she committed the did this make you feel? i bet you were shocked?????

the day you 2 left is the same day her brotherinlaw died, the same day they found the body. correct?
the same day dee dee gave you the computer saying she expected to get arrested or did you leave the exact day they found the body?
are you shocked that dee dee has been charged with murder? were you shocked when she was arrested? dee dee giving you the computer and saying she expected to be arrested, was that like her telling you she did it?
what did you and pp talk about on the way to panama?
someone knowing you were about to be drugged by dee, does this not tell you anything, like you were out of the loop?
why certainly i believe you, so dee dee gave you two the computer whn you 2 headed for panama city due to the death of her sisters husband, because she was expecting to get arrested? so she must have told you she expected to get arrested, so at this time you 2 must have known she committed the did this make you feel? i bet you were shocked?????

Yes she was thinking she would be arrested any time she was waiting.She was expecting to be arrested as soon as they took the house over..{I am soo sure it was before that but any way}And i knew she did it the day AFTER they locked down the house and how i knew was the way she was acting.It made me sick scared and really she was driving me crazy being around her and the way she was acting..I WAS HAPPY TO BE AWAY FROM HER....
the day you 2 left is the same day her brotherinlaw died, the same day they found the body. correct?
the same day dee dee gave you the computer saying she expected to get arrested or did you leave the exact day they found the body?
are you shocked that dee dee has been charged with murder? were you shocked when she was arrested? dee dee giving you the computer and saying she expected to be arrested, was that like her telling you she did it?
what did you and pp talk about on the way to panama?
someone knowing you were about to be drugged by dee, does this not tell you anything, like you were out of the loop?

Yes we left the same day they found the body.I had mixed feelings about DD being arrested and charged with murder.I have not really totally had it hit me .I think once the trial is over it will cause then i will know alot more then i do now.PP and i talked about how crazy DD was acting and how we thought she was quilty,How we could not figure out why and what made her do it.We talked about what her son was feeling.How A,S mother was feeling.I knew i was out of the loop.I never wanted in her loop ever.I really never looked at it like that until you said something.Now i am greatful that i was able to get out of there.At one point i told LE i didn't want to talk to DD any more but was told to let her talk.So i let her talk I took her calls and let her say what she had to.I did ask her questions and sometimes she made me crazy with what she said
Yes we left the same day they found the body.I had mixed feelings about DD being arrested and charged with murder.I have not really totally had it hit me .I think once the trial is over it will cause then i will know alot more then i do now.PP and i talked about how crazy DD was acting and how we thought she was quilty,How we could not figure out why and what made her do it.We talked about what her son was feeling.How A,S mother was feeling.I knew i was out of the loop.I never wanted in her loop ever.I really never looked at it like that until you said something.Now i am greatful that i was able to get out of there.At one point i told LE i didn't want to talk to DD any more but was told to let her talk.So i let her talk I took her calls and let her say what she had to.I did ask her questions and sometimes she made me crazy with what she said

at the time you left with pp for panama city was dee dee arrested and charged with the murder?
i am sure you had mixed feelings . so if i understand it correctly, you and pp wondered why she did it on your way to panama city? i bet that was an interesting conversation, if you would share that with me i would be grateful.
take care and be sure the right things will happen....
Yes we left the same day they found the body.I had mixed feelings about DD being arrested and charged with murder.I have not really totally had it hit me .I think once the trial is over it will cause then i will know alot more then i do now.PP and i talked about how crazy DD was acting and how we thought she was quilty,How we could not figure out why and what made her do it.We talked about what her son was feeling.How A,S mother was feeling.I knew i was out of the loop.I never wanted in her loop ever.I really never looked at it like that until you said something.Now i am greatful that i was able to get out of there.At one point i told LE i didn't want to talk to DD any more but was told to let her talk.So i let her talk I took her calls and let her say what she had to.I did ask her questions and sometimes she made me crazy with what she said

DD did not get arrested until Feb.PP's brother in law died the end of Jan.They charged her with the Murder what like the middle of Feb.?To kind of change the subject here I have been reading the link on ACR's post.Anyway i was checking out all the money that was loaned out and seems to me That James His girlfriend and PP got just as much as AS friends.I think that they ALL should be wondering where did all the money come from...
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