FL FL - Adji Desir, 6, Immokalee, 10 Jan 2009 - #2

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I looked again this evening for more stories of Adji and any new info that might be, but this is the latest that I found, for April 4th. Are there any later? I am so glad that they stressed that he was special needs so an abductor would not feel as though they must harm Adji to prevent him from id'ing them. I wish that they had done this first thing.
I hear that the Anthony's will be on Oprah soon. :( I know that she has had to hear about little Adji and has seen his picture. Why does she not feel ashamed to have the A's on, when Adji is still missing and desperately needs the publicity to keep up interest and to inform the public. I prayed every day that Caylee would be found even when it looked so bad, but she no longer needs to be in the public eye the way that a missing child does. I get so angry sometimes.

While I sort of agree, you can't deny that the missing children who stick out in your mind due to frequent media attention are all good looking white kids. Madelaine McCann, Caylee Anothony, Jon Benet, Elizabeth Smart, Natalee Holloway. Name one black kid or other child of colour who the public is well aware of as much as these kids. Trenton Duckett (sorry if I spelt wrong!) is all I can think of.
Not trying to debate just had to add my two cents since it's been brought up already.

And Sandra Cantu. A very recent case that is getting mass exposure. And why - because there is a lot of DRAMA. Some guy kissed her at the pool, pedos all around, and now it appears the crime was committed by a WOMAN. The media will follow this case to the bitter end!

Maddie's case was followed because she disappeared on vacation with her family and her parents kept her in the media. Jon Benet's parents had money and mom was a former beauty queen. Elizabeth's parents kept her in the media - also there was a suspect and then he committed suicide - drama. Natalee Halloway - disappeared on her senior trip from a well known tourist location (drama) and her parents, both her mom and dad, continue to keep her in the media.

I think some of the problems with other children include:
1. No leads from the get go, so there is nothing for the media to hang on to - we are beginning to see this in Haleigh's case even though there are enough people involved to keep this front page for at least another month.
2. Parents have little experience with media relations and more importantly they don't know anyone who will HELP them. I think this is huge. In all the other cases the parents either had money or friends with money.

I agree in some respects with what you are saying - especially when it comes to all the TV personality wantabees. Where is the bounty hunter for Adji? Where is the pro bono lawyer for Adji? or Adji's parents? Where are all those colorful characters that keep Caylee and Haleigh in the news? This is where Sharpton could have been so effective. I hope we hear back from him soon. We need to line up some of these colorful people to take on some of these cases of color. Hmmmm.....


I looked again this evening for more stories of Adji and any new info that might be, but this is the latest that I found, for April 4th. Are there any later? I am so glad that they stressed that he was special needs so an abductor would not feel as though they must harm Adji to prevent him from id'ing them. I wish that they had done this first thing.
I hear that the Anthony's will be on Oprah soon. :( I know that she has had to hear about little Adji and has seen his picture. Why does she not feel ashamed to have the A's on, when Adji is still missing and desperately needs the publicity to keep up interest and to inform the public. I prayed every day that Caylee would be found even when it looked so bad, but she no longer needs to be in the public eye the way that a missing child does. I get so angry sometimes.


My bold - Auntbaby - I so agree with you and it is soooooo frustrating!!!! Why on earth would Oprah have the Anthonys on?? Why?? Have they not made big enough azzes of themselves, now Oprah is going to give them air time. Its disgusting, plain and simple.

What do you think Oprah would do if we emailed her about Adji? Do you think she would care? Maybe its worth a try. Has anyone already emailed her?

I can't tonight because now I'm upset. But I'll try to do it this week sometime if it has not been done by someone else already.

Adji and his parents deserve Oprah's time and assistance so much more than the dramaqueen Anthonys. Why do all these tv hosts think we are even interested in what the A's have to say? We have ALREADY heard it! Enough! Let them all tell it to the judge and jury when the time comes and in the meantime - they should all just get out of our faces :banghead::banghead:

Okay - sorry to rant but it is frustrating.

I agree with you Salem. Race does seem to be a general factor at times in cases but I think you are spot on regarding the drama issue and why other cases get (forgive me) shoved down our throats.

In reading over at the Haleigh thread a while ago it occured to me that media, reporters and journalists, print, tv, and radio.. it's not the same as it was just a few short years ago. It's all sensationalistic to the point of not having any (or so few I can't find them) reliable news sources anymore. It used to be that reporters and journalists would dig and hunt down leads on stories and come back with meat and in many ways that was a help to LE not the hinderance it is today. Think about it, the two used to kind of work with one another... now LE has to not only work cases but try to keep the media sharks at bay because of the damage they do - on purpose for ratings. It didn't used to be that way.

Additionally, what's the point of having all these technological advances combined with 24 hour news channels if all they're going to do is repeat, exactly, what they've said 2 hours prior... no updates, no new tidbits, just the exact same story. Why aren't they out hunting down other stories to fill the gap? The program will end, new one begin, new host... same story again. ;-) I'm not that old but I can remember when news was nothing as it is today.

Bless little Adji and his hardworking decent family! It's a shame that those qualities are a "negative" in any situation! FWIW, I think the media has it so wrong... people would pay attention, they'd tune in... even for decent people's stories! I think we're in the majority on that issue and they need to stop pandering to the minority.

Hi gitana - I just wanted to add a few comments here regarding the "race" issue. Please understand I am all for whatever it takes to get Adji some media exposure so please don't think I am trying to dissuade you. Whatever it takes!

Having said that, I really don't believe this is a race issue. I believe it is a DRAMA issue. Adji has good, decent parents and a loving grandmother. There are no rumors about illicit love affairs, possible parental involvement, or sex, drugs or rock n roll. The news of a possible stanger abduction was very slow to come out and did not really come out until the searches had been called off. In Caylee's case, she was not reported missing for 31 days, media outlets played this to the hilt. In Haleigh's case there was a very dysfunctional family with a dad with custody and lots of drugs and human drama. In Sandra Cantu's case, probably the most bizarre of them all, and also a child of color, there was video of Sandra, lots of speculation of child *advertiser censored* and pedos and a guy who kissed her at the swimming pool. Adji just doesn't have any of this drama in his life.

My thought for increasing media attention would be to really play up the stanger abduction theory, try to get the neighbors to speak about their fears for their children, a killer running loose in the neighborhood or praying on children from unsophisticated families, who don't know how to use LE and the media to their best advantage. To bring the DRAMA back to this case somehow. AND I'm all for using the race issue if it will bring that drama back - that human interest aspect that the media can run with. Adji deserves to be found and brought home.

I agree with you... and it's sad isn't it?!

I think in Adji's case it probably goes to the lack of juicy drama within the family. Nothing to sensationalize and grab headlines or film promo teasers with. Add the fact that he's black and it's just all the more easy to forget about.

While I sort of agree, you can't deny that the missing children who stick out in your mind due to frequent media attention are all good looking white kids. Madelaine McCann, Caylee Anothony, Jon Benet, Elizabeth Smart, Natalee Holloway. Name one black kid or other child of colour who the public is well aware of as much as these kids. Trenton Duckett (sorry if I spelt wrong!) is all I can think of.
Not trying to debate just had to add my two cents since it's been brought up already.
Bless you for making that the subject of your paper!

Poor Trenton. They never have found a trace of him, have they.

I have a short paper due Wednesday night for a multicultural ed class and decided to do it on racial disparity in media attention to missing children. I found some good articles on the topic.

I do agree with Salem that the lack of drama hurt Adji's case. Also the language barrier because his family can't get out there and make asses of themselves on tv *LOL* because they don't speak English. They might have some pole dancing, drug dealing, nanny blaming going on but who would know unless you speak Creole?

By the way, I read somewhere this weekend (an old article) that the Law Enforcement in Collier County have made a point of emphasizing his disability in hopes that an abductor will not feel they have to kill him to prevent being identified. He can't give anyone a description of them. It was such a sad story about his mother, too. She can't sleep or eat, she only thinks of her son and what might be happening to him. They need some kind of closure.

I better work on my paper now. :( Ya'll have a safe evening.
I don't watch Oprah's show but I'm disappointed that she would give the Anthony's a platform. I cannot imagine a purpose for doing so other than ratings (is she waning?)! I hadn't thought about it before but why wouldn't a woman of color with such an audience and pull, not to mention money, already have spoken up for Adji (and others?)?

I agree with you, poor baby Caylee is no longer in need of being found... those that are still out there missing need these loud voices speaking for them!!!

Thinking along these lines - I haven't heard a word back from NAN or NAACP. Anyone else??

I looked again this evening for more stories of Adji and any new info that might be, but this is the latest that I found, for April 4th. Are there any later? I am so glad that they stressed that he was special needs so an abductor would not feel as though they must harm Adji to prevent him from id'ing them. I wish that they had done this first thing.
I hear that the Anthony's will be on Oprah soon. :( I know that she has had to hear about little Adji and has seen his picture. Why does she not feel ashamed to have the A's on, when Adji is still missing and desperately needs the publicity to keep up interest and to inform the public. I prayed every day that Caylee would be found even when it looked so bad, but she no longer needs to be in the public eye the way that a missing child does. I get so angry sometimes.

I hear that!!!

I had not even thought of Oprah... but I'm going to email her.

here is her contact page: http://www.oprah.com/contactus

If a woman of her stature in our society would give one nanosecond of time to the Anthony's and none to Adji... what does that say?!

My bold - Auntbaby - I so agree with you and it is soooooo frustrating!!!! Why on earth would Oprah have the Anthonys on?? Why?? Have they not made big enough azzes of themselves, now Oprah is going to give them air time. Its disgusting, plain and simple.

What do you think Oprah would do if we emailed her about Adji? Do you think she would care? Maybe its worth a try. Has anyone already emailed her?

I can't tonight because now I'm upset. But I'll try to do it this week sometime if it has not been done by someone else already.

Adji and his parents deserve Oprah's time and assistance so much more than the dramaqueen Anthonys. Why do all these tv hosts think we are even interested in what the A's have to say? We have ALREADY heard it! Enough! Let them all tell it to the judge and jury when the time comes and in the meantime - they should all just get out of our faces :banghead::banghead:

Okay - sorry to rant but it is frustrating.

Snowme - it says that I will never watch Oprah or spend any money on any products she is involved with again (such as Rebok shoes). Thats what it says to me. I will write her an email also. I don't really watch Oprah, but I do believe she has a good heart and she may be just what little Adji needs.

I agree with you Salem. Race does seem to be a general factor at times in cases but I think you are spot on regarding the drama issue and why other cases get (forgive me) shoved down our throats.

In reading over at the Haleigh thread a while ago it occured to me that media, reporters and journalists, print, tv, and radio.. it's not the same as it was just a few short years ago. It's all sensationalistic to the point of not having any (or so few I can't find them) reliable news sources anymore. It used to be that reporters and journalists would dig and hunt down leads on stories and come back with meat and in many ways that was a help to LE not the hinderance it is today. Think about it, the two used to kind of work with one another... now LE has to not only work cases but try to keep the media sharks at bay because of the damage they do - on purpose for ratings. It didn't used to be that way.

Additionally, what's the point of having all these technological advances combined with 24 hour news channels if all they're going to do is repeat, exactly, what they've said 2 hours prior... no updates, no new tidbits, just the exact same story. Why aren't they out hunting down other stories to fill the gap? The program will end, new one begin, new host... same story again. ;-) I'm not that old but I can remember when news was nothing as it is today.

Bless little Adji and his hardworking decent family! It's a shame that those qualities are a "negative" in any situation! FWIW, I think the media has it so wrong... people would pay attention, they'd tune in... even for decent people's stories! I think we're in the majority on that issue and they need to stop pandering to the minority.

Well said Snowme! :clap::clap::clap: I bolded a few things and changed the font color just for added emphasis - WELL SAID - I too believe we would tune in to real news if someone would just provide it.

I hope she picks up Adji's story and she drops the A's story. Adji is still missing and needs to be found and brought home. The focus should be on the children that are missing and their families, I do see this as a ratings grab.
Ugh-don't even get me started on Oprah!! :razz:
I hear that!!!

I had not even thought of Oprah... but I'm going to email her.

here is her contact page: http://www.oprah.com/contactus

If a woman of her stature in our society would give one nanosecond of time to the Anthony's and none to Adji... what does that say?!

Snowme - thank you for this information. Before I compose my email, I just want a little feedback on some of Adji's story. Maybe we can come up with some drama angle that will help other media outlets pick up on this story.

Was Adji on America's Most Wanted? Isn't there a rumor that Adji may have been taken by human traffic'ers? I think I read that on some psychic thread somewhere? Parents are Haitian, right? With little English? They speak Creole - does anyone remember why? Were they originally in Lousiana? Is anyone here in contact with the family or local LE?


Ugh-don't even get me started on Oprah!! :razz:

How come Danaya? What do you think? Please tell me, gentlely if possible :crazy:. I want to make sure I hit everything in my email that I can that might get Oprah's attention so that she will do the story. If I know what you think, it might help me to get my words out in a better format so the email will get read? Maybe?



PS - Snowme - I have heard nothing back from NAACP or Sharpton :( I'm still hoping though!
Snowme - thank you for this information. Before I compose my email, I just want a little feedback on some of Adji's story. Maybe we can come up with some drama angle that will help other media outlets pick up on this story.

Was Adji on America's Most Wanted? Isn't there a rumor that Adji may have been taken by human traffic'ers? I think I read that on some psychic thread somewhere? Parents are Haitian, right? With little English? They speak Creole - does anyone remember why? Were they originally in Lousiana? Is anyone here in contact with the family or local LE?



I am from the area but do not know Adji's family. They speak Haitian Creole because they are Haitian. There are quite a few people who are from Haiti and speak Creole in the southern part of Florida. I used to work for the school district and all communications are available in English, Spanish, and Creole. I don't know if they are originally from LA but the most likely is that they are from Haiti. Farmworkers Village is rental housing for farmworkers but if I remember correctly, you have to be a migrant worker or US citizen to live there. I am going to take a nap right now but if you have any questions about the local area, PM me and I'll try to answer.
How come Danaya? What do you think? Please tell me, gentlely if possible :crazy:. I want to make sure I hit everything in my email that I can that might get Oprah's attention so that she will do the story. If I know what you think, it might help me to get my words out in a better format so the email will get read? Maybe?



PS - Snowme - I have heard nothing back from NAACP or Sharpton :( I'm still hoping though!

I just think she has changed so much in the past years, most of her shows now are superficial crap, she seldom has a thought provoking serious topic. She just seems like an unhappy, materialistic woman who deep down is insecure and always dabbling in the latest spiritual craze and self help book, taking a lot of lost women along with her. The topics on her shows are just stupid, she only seems to care about famous people and has a bit of snobbery to her show. That's my opinion, I know not everybody will agree. :crazy:
Some of us have emailed Oprah and others to try get some help for Adji. They ask for everything but your birth certificate just to receive an email and then not even an auto response to let you know they got it. I wish you better luck than we had. Maybe your words will light on someones ears and make an impression. If we all do some little bit , it is all to the good for this little fellow. GOD bless him . And y'all too.
When I found out that Oprah was courting the Anthony's for a show, I sent an email expressing my displeasure and pointed out that Adji needs the shows help, far more than the Anthonys.
I just think she has changed so much in the past years, most of her shows now are superficial crap, she seldom has a thought provoking serious topic. She just seems like an unhappy, materialistic woman who deep down is insecure and always dabbling in the latest spiritual craze and self help book, taking a lot of lost women along with her. The topics on her shows are just stupid, she only seems to care about famous people and has a bit of snobbery to her show. That's my opinion, I know not everybody will agree. :crazy:

Thanks Danaya - I haven't watched her show in years. I can see what you are saying though, especially with the recent news that the Anthony's will be on. I just can't figure out WHY they would be on Oprah. So Oprah wants the drama also.

It may take me a day or two to compose the email. I really want to find a way to hit on some DRAMA. The only thing I can think is to really play up the "murderer in the neighborhood" theory or the human traffic'ing theory. I'm open to ideas.......


PS - Mywarmbluefleece - thank you for the information on the Creole language. I did not know Creole was spoken in Haiti - I thought it was only spoken in Lousiana. :crazy:
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