My little tells my mom the same thing--- he can't sleep without his cozy mama.
Sorry! Back to Diana now. So, lets assume all those reports are true.
It seems the 230-430 would be more of the stake out, then the moving in would happen. How would he know about the oil, though? That makes such zero sense. If you were going to steal a child, why would you want the parents alerted within 15 minutes of you leaving? That makes no sense!!!
So, the oil would have had to go on around 6:45. OH!!!!!!!!!! I just thought of something!!!!!!!!! Remember step dad said that usually the kids are up before him making noise? and that day, they werent, so he asked wife if they werent going to church and she got up? So, this dude came in to take her after the kids would usually be up and noisy VERY possibly waking up the parents? Yep. More pieces that dont fit.