FL FL - AMBER ALERT: Diana Alvares, 9, Fort Myers, 29 May 2016 #3

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IMO: I can't imagine that a child predator would be so big hearted to "rescue" a child from a troubled family life. I believe he viewed Diana as an easy target and groomed her.
Yes I guess I meant I'm sure Diana thought in her mind he was trying to help her but that wasn't HIS intent.

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sorry & you're welcome! lol ;p


fox4 has everything, that was the one I watched live. he goes over a very through timeline right off the bat almost. by 4minutes he's talking about JGT & his phone pings & how it falls into the grand sceme of things.

I'm happy they have the lawyer, but still curious why things like why Jorge moved out don't coincide with what RH says.

now that I'm thinking about it.. I don't know if I remember the oil being brought up in the conference. do you?

ugh. so much, yet it feels like so little..

you did a great job transcribing by the way, thank you! xo.

Thank you! I was able to watch, though the sound is very low. I listened carefully and the lawyer does NOT say how they know JG had a "single vehicle accident" at 4:30-4:45 AM. If that info on the timing comes from JG's word then it sounds like an attempt at an alibi, IMO. I hope they actually have phone data and record of the call JG claims to have made to his brother when he broke down. However, since he didn't call a tow truck or the police to report his accident, it is just his word. If the timeline is true, it seems unlikely he had time to hurt Diana and stash her somewhere close to home or along the route. If there is phone data to support this story, I can believe he could have been speeding like crazy to get to YHJ where he had his alibi of the car breakdown all planned. But how did he pull off putting the car in the ditch without anyone driving by and seeing him and Diana? I'm more inclined now to think that he handed her off to someone as soon as they got near YHJ or maybe he handed her off before leaving Ft Myers and then hurried to YHJ. JMO.
I am so confused, but also very skeptical about everything we've been told, by every party. I've never been able to reconcile the fact that at one time, the parents said they never saw anything inappropriate between JG & DA. Then, they said JG was the first person they thought of when DA went missing. And at some point, they said that JG was kicked out of the house because of the inappropriate relationship. Which is the truth? Then we have the oil. Somewhere upthread someone said the oil is a red herring, and I agree. I don't believe anything about the oil. And I don't know why (motivation) anyone would have made it up, but it just sounds unreal. I also can't figure out how DA could have disappeared so quickly after the mom covered her with a blanket, and nothing was heard by anyone in the home. I wonder if because they are part of an undocumented population, the family has been afraid and has been trying to protect themselves by anticipating what they think might look like bad parenting, and creating stories to counter those suspicions. To be clear, I'm saying that the parents aren't involved in the disappearance, but perhaps they weren't home yet, perhaps they allowed JG to come visit DA, or something else entirely that they are afraid would get them into trouble. Because none of this makes sense. And on top of that, if police told me that they weren't going to look for my baby girl anymore, I'd go ballistic. I cannot imagine how that mother feels. One more thing. I worry that JG will never talk, now that he is in jail. He has no motivation. They won't let him off for the child *advertiser censored*, so he is going to serve time, most likely. So why admit to something even worse? When Haleigh Cummings went missing, it was after Misty & Ron were jailed on drug charges that all talk stopped. Why? IMO, because why admit to killing someone when you could get less time by just waiting out your sentence? There was no incentive to cooperate once they knew they were stuck in jail anyway. Again, IMO.
I am so confused, but also very skeptical about everything we've been told, by every party. I've never been able to reconcile the fact that at one time, the parents said they never saw anything inappropriate between JG & DA. Then, they said JG was the first person they thought of when DA went missing. And at some point, they said that JG was kicked out of the house because of the inappropriate relationship. Which is the truth? Then we have the oil. Somewhere upthread someone said the oil is a red herring, and I agree. I don't believe anything about the oil. And I don't know why (motivation) anyone would have made it up, but it just sounds unreal. I also can't figure out how DA could have disappeared so quickly after the mom covered her with a blanket, and nothing was heard by anyone in the home. I wonder if because they are part of an undocumented population, the family has been afraid and has been trying to protect themselves by anticipating what they think might look like bad parenting, and creating stories to counter those suspicions. To be clear, I'm saying that the parents aren't involved in the disappearance, but perhaps they weren't home yet, perhaps they allowed JG to come visit DA, or something else entirely that they are afraid would get them into trouble. Because none of this makes sense. And on top of that, if police told me that they weren't going to look for my baby girl anymore, I'd go ballistic. I cannot imagine how that mother feels. One more thing. I worry that JG will never talk, now that he is in jail. He has no motivation. They won't let him off for the child *advertiser censored*, so he is going to serve time, most likely. So why admit to something even worse? When Haleigh Cummings went missing, it was after Misty & Ron were jailed on drug charges that all talk stopped. Why? IMO, because why admit to killing someone when you could get less time by just waiting out your sentence? There was no incentive to cooperate once they knew they were stuck in jail anyway. Again, IMO.

Sad....but a good point.

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According to Busatta, Diana's 6-year-old sister told investigators Diana spoke to her about a plan to runaway with Guerrero. He also revealed authorities told the family they requested an Amber Alert early in Diana's disappearance twice, but were denied by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Four In Your Corner contacted the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and learned only one request was ever made, three days after Diana's disappearance. That request was approved.
I am so confused, but also very skeptical about everything we've been told, by every party. I've never been able to reconcile the fact that at one time, the parents said they never saw anything inappropriate between JG & DA. Then, they said JG was the first person they thought of when DA went missing. And at some point, they said that JG was kicked out of the house because of the inappropriate relationship. Which is the truth? Then we have the oil. Somewhere upthread someone said the oil is a red herring, and I agree. I don't believe anything about the oil. And I don't know why (motivation) anyone would have made it up, but it just sounds unreal. I also can't figure out how DA could have disappeared so quickly after the mom covered her with a blanket, and nothing was heard by anyone in the home. I wonder if because they are part of an undocumented population, the family has been afraid and has been trying to protect themselves by anticipating what they think might look like bad parenting, and creating stories to counter those suspicions. To be clear, I'm saying that the parents aren't involved in the disappearance, but perhaps they weren't home yet, perhaps they allowed JG to come visit DA, or something else entirely that they are afraid would get them into trouble. Because none of this makes sense. And on top of that, if police told me that they weren't going to look for my baby girl anymore, I'd go ballistic. I cannot imagine how that mother feels. One more thing. I worry that JG will never talk, now that he is in jail. He has no motivation. They won't let him off for the child *advertiser censored*, so he is going to serve time, most likely. So why admit to something even worse? When Haleigh Cummings went missing, it was after Misty & Ron were jailed on drug charges that all talk stopped. Why? IMO, because why admit to killing someone when you could get less time by just waiting out your sentence? There was no incentive to cooperate once they knew they were stuck in jail anyway. Again, IMO.

I could not have said it better. Thank you
I wonder if Diana was still with him when he got picked up from the wreck. I really hate when details change. Makes it almost impossible to even know where to begin.
I've watched the video once, nearly all the way through before reading anything here. As I am slowly picking my way through it the second time, I've gotten about 10 minutes in and have more stinking questions/thoughts than before!!!! (I know many of you share that same frustration) I apologize for the lengthy post ahead of time.

Just a few things that jumped out as I was making notes during the first 10 min or so...

- Nothing was mentioned regarding the stove.
Why wouldn't that have been something of note? I mean they did a media interview that went over it in detail. It's a very large red herring, if it is one! IMO


- 7 a.m. RH/UJ wake up to discover DA missing
- Approx 20 min later LCSO officers arrive
- 7:42 a.m. UJ makes call to JG. After LE directed questions, JG ended the call.
- 9:52 a.m. RH contacted JG again. JG said he was broken down in Orlando and he had no way back. LE directed questions and JG disconnected at that time.
- Approx 10 a.m. Investigators arrive (yes, even on a Sun. the atty says...bah!)

So, I wonder if UJ made the call to JG at the behest of LCSO or he did it of his own volition and LE told him things to ask? Were RH's calls made at the request of the investigators or was that immediately prior to the investigators arriving and at the request of officers? I know that seems like small potatoes, but that could be a turning point of some kind. Would having asked UJ/RH make contact with JG making it obvious LE was now involved, put JG under a microscope lead to him feeling forced to do something (to do who knows what, it's just something that stood out a bit)?

- When RH was speaking to JG what do you think he meant by "he had no way back"?
Had JG admitted at that time to RH he may have DA with him or knowing something? Or was it LCSO/investigators asking him to "come back" because they knew he'd been in the area? How would they have known that early on he HAD been there? Just the "back" part of that whole thing sticks out to me.

- LCSO interviews with UJ - Atty specifically says, "contained" "in custody" for 14 hours. Did they read him Miranda rights or place him under arrest then later let him go?

-LE drove RH down to Naples, during time of UJ's interviews, on the possibility a friend (whose friend?) down there that might have info on where DA went. (Does the wording imply they already knew or felt she'd ran off, as this was prior to the siblings interview with Child Protective Team.

- 911 call - this seemed to be a small point of clarification as it had to be done between 7 - 7:20ish a.m.

- If JG gave DA a cell to communicate, then why would any type of voice mail or text go through a phone used by others in the home?

- Was the deleted message incoming or was it out going?

- Several days after the 29th, FDLE was in contact with JG at a construction site in Okeechobee Co. at that time he was questioned, but not detained. There was a 6 day period between DA's disappearance and LE locating and arresting JG. I assume it was that interview that finally convinced FDLE to issue the AA? What was JG doing in all that time? Going on with life as usual?

-I paid VERY close attention to the Atty's next statement - Quote: "What has been relayed to the family is based on statements Mr. Guerrero made to LE. That there is admissions that places him with Diana at some period on the morning approximitely around 3 o'clock in Lee Co. " End quote...

IMO, That attorney is trying to be a bit elusive or twisty with his wording. I don't feel that JG told them much of anything. I feel whatever LE has gotten has been a product of deduction and possible "admissions" by JG would only have been things that could/would lead one to draw conclusions. Nothing outright. JMOO

- I don't feel that cleared anything up. I am bit disappointed that Mike Scott wasn't there and has not spoken of this to the public/been interviewed as he has been in other cases where LCSO was involved. I feel he gives very good interviews. I feel there is something really fishy in all this and I don't even know anymore who or what to believe! There are so many contradictory statements/stories it hurts my head.

Harry S. Truman said it best - "If you can't convince them, confuse them." Yep!
This may be a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are they stopping the search? Has there been another case like this (obviously not exactly like this) where they have just given up? A child disappears, the situation is hinky, details are constantly changing and they just call off the search?
This may be a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway. Why are they stopping the search? Has there been another case like this (obviously not exactly like this) where they have just given up? A child disappears, the situation is hinky, details are constantly changing and they just call off the search?

I think they are stopping the (active) search, but in no way whatsoever are they stopping the investigation. These are two very different things. I don't believe they have given up at all, but manpower and resources are limited. Without new, actionable leads, the 24/7 boots-on-the-ground type search can't be justified.

ETA: should have included this last night, but your question is not stupid. Not at all.

"the little girl" ; "the girl"

does this terminology bother anyone else? :confused:
*Raises hand*. That has bothered me immensely each time I've heard it.

It was her 6 year old sister who she had a conversation with regarding running away. That conversation took place on Sunday. :(
If that's the case, this will be the first just-barely 9 year-old girl I've ever heard of that wanted to run away with a grown man that's not kin. I feel like somebody got something wrong. Maybe the sister made it up because she wanted to help? Or... nevermind :thinking:

As I posted yesterday the story keeps evolving at every press interview and press conference.
It makes it highly confusing for us, I can't even imagine how much more difficult and frustrating it must be for all LE involved.

NOT one clue.. giving up the search. NOT THE FIRST CLUE where she is or what happened to her. IMO law enforcement overpaid. Not even a hint of an answer. Unreal.
IMO, I believe that's a pretty unfair statement. LE can only go on the information they get. If I hand you a map and send you on a treasure hunt, then give you a completely new map every 10 steps you take, you will never, ever, find that treasure.

This is why I read this thread a lot but don't bother posting. Just when I think I have somewhat of an idea of what may have transpired, everything changes right before my eyes. Again, I cannot even imagine how LE feels with this one. Good thoughts and hugs sent out for them, they are doing an incredible job on such a difficult case. Poor DA needs to be found, but I'm not sure that will be possible if somebody doesn't start throwing it all on the table, so to speak.
Sorry if I offended you, not my intent at all. I just feel when a child is missing and at risk, such as this case, they use so many resources which cost a great deal of money, I just want results for the child. I want her safe and with her family.
Again, sorry.

*Raises hand*. That has bothered me immensely each time I've heard it.

If that's the case, this will be the first just-barely 9 year-old girl I've ever heard of that wanted to run away with a grown man that's not kin. I feel like somebody got something wrong. Maybe the sister made it up because she wanted to help? Or... nevermind :thinking:

It makes it highly confusing for us, I can't even imagine how much more difficult and frustrating it must be for all LE involved.

IMO, I believe that's a pretty unfair statement. LE can only go on the information they get. If I hand you a map and send you on a treasure hunt, then give you a completely new map every 10 steps you take, you will never, ever, find that treasure.

This is why I read this thread a lot but don't bother posting. Just when I think I have somewhat of an idea of what may have transpired, everything changes right before my eyes. Again, I cannot even imagine how LE feels with this one. Good thoughts and hugs sent out for them, they are doing an incredible job on such a difficult case. Poor DA needs to be found, but I'm not sure that will be possible if somebody doesn't start throwing it all on the table, so to speak.
Something is really annoying me, and it's probably quite a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things... The phone.

So Diana used a phone belonging to someone in the house. I'm assuming mother or stepfather? Or was this a phone of Diana's?

I just feel like this meet up in the middle of the night must have been planned or premeditated.

Diana will have gone to bed, did she get up and just happen to check the phone & there was a message saying he was coming to see her? How could he risk messaging the phone & her parents getting the phone 1st?

So makes me think she text him 1st? So then he left and she waited awake for him to come? Did he text her to say when he was there?

My point is she must have been waiting awake to wait for him, she must have knew to get the phone. That he was coming.

9 year olds need sleep, ofcourse ste could have stayed up late. But eventually she would have fallen asleep.
About the timeline- how long would it have taken JG's brother to get to the scene of the accident? Is it possible that the times actually are all correct, but whatever happened to Diana was done between the time of the accident and his brother arriving?
It is very confusing from the beginning. Once it was the daughter got up for potty, then it was mom getting up to potty and then it was the bottle. Yes, Mom may have done both at that time. Then I hear he found the stove on and another she did. I also heard he found her missing and then another mom.
All of the above, I believe were interviews with the parents in the house. I know LE knows more than us but I wonder if they are a little confused.
I do hope she is found.

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
About the timeline- how long would it have taken JG's brother to get to the scene of the accident? Is it possible that the times actually are all correct, but whatever happened to Diana was done between the time of the accident and his brother arriving?

I agree with something being fishy and have said so from the beginning but cannot post details. This presser just added to my beliefs.
About the timeline- how long would it have taken JG's brother to get to the scene of the accident? Is it possible that the times actually are all correct, but whatever happened to Diana was done between the time of the accident and his brother arriving?

It depends on where they both were and if his brother could hop right in a car and take off. Assuming the area near the search site by Yeehaw Junction, driving time to YJ is about 30 minutes from Okeechobee and 60-90 from Orlando (big city, no idea what part of the city he lives in). Then whatever time from YJ to where JGT actually was. The intersection of Hwy 60 and Peavine Trail (site of the search command post) is 7.7 miles west of YJ. Peavine is lined with ditches (street view).

I have wondered if she had something to do with the accident (if it happened) as well as what he was doing for 2+ hours near her home (assuming her mom covered her at 2; per the affidavit, his phone was in the area from 12 - 3 am). Behind her home and the homes on her street are extensive wooded and marshy areas (satellite view), mostly part of a large preserve (if you zoom in near San Carlos Park, you can see her street, Unique Circle, just at the eastern edge of the preserve).

I'm certain LE knows a lot more and has been able to confirm or disprove much of what we've been hearing. I think that's a big factor in why they've been so quiet. So far all I've seen in response to the PC yesterday was that LE had responded by email saying the investigation continues.
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