FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #22

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Ron was the one who should have called 911; he was after all the father of the child. Misty must have thought this also because she told the 911 operator that she was the mother. Even Misty thought this was off. I don't know why Ron didn't want to make this phone call.

i think ron told her to call because he was freaking out and running around looking for haleigh.
LOL! My son was like that before the Marines... Even tho he had an IQ of 140 he had a mild nonverbal learning disability (they said it was like a racehorse pulling a plow)... Any time he was stressed and trying to verbalize out came the swear words... :(

Edited to Add: They told me that was very common.

Mine is far from common & needs whacked upside the head!!! LOL
I have gone through a situation when my children were younger. It was summertime, they were outside playing with neighborhood kids. I went to call them in for supper, and the youngest was nowhere to be found. I immediately went next door and knocked, no answer. I then went into the street to ask the kids on their bikes if they had seen him. No, but they went looking. I then saw some neighbors and told them I couldn't find him. There were immediately three cars backing out of driveways to go search. As I walked back into the house, I had made the decision to call the police. My mind was racing at the speed of light.....this couldn't possibly be happening. This was all in a matter of three to five minutes. Guess who came strolling up? The guilty party! He was next door with music turned up so loud they didn't hear me knock on the door. Talk about knees buckling, but only after I had asked everybody within earshot for help. Instant fear made me do what I did. Why not do all those things? If you think the worst has happened, scream to high heaven (literally and figuratively).

A parent knows to galvanize themselves and others immediately. I cannot understand RC & MC not getting in the car and driving around the neighborhood blowing the horn and yelling for her and waking every neighbor. I cannot understand it.
I agree that Misty's behavior is off.

She obviously has access to a phone because she called Ronnie as he was pulling into the driveway after he got off work to tell him that Haleigh was missing.

She says over and over in interviews that she got up "around 3 am".

She doesn't call 911, we haven't heard that she called any family (someone sleuthed out a basic timeline of who and what time family members say they were contacted)

If she had contacted family members by phone I would think that given it was almost an half an hour between the time she woke up and the time Ron pulled into the driveway those family members contacted would be at his trailer to help look.

Am I looking at her behavior the wrong way?

she said she got up 5 minutes before ron got home. she said she saw 3. meaning 3-something. not 3:00.
I stewed about this last night.

OT: I'm reading a book I'm having a hard time getting into..."Perfect Town, Perfect Murder" so I put it down and laid in bed thinking.

I think I'm seeing to many co-incidences or my mind is making them appear as co-incidences.

I agree with the theories that it could have been a SO abduction, in fact, I'm not discounting anyone else's theory because I haven't thought of one myself that I'm comfortable with for now.

But here is what is bothering me. If we look at this situation as if we didn't know anything about the history of rap sheets, RSO's in the neighborhood and took the story at face value. What I see is a 17 yr old female that was the last known person to see Haleigh.
This 17 yr old female just happened to wash two blankets hours before Haleigh went missing.
This 17 yr old just happened to wake up and a door, that by all accounts remains locked at all times, was standing wide open.
This 17 yr old states the screen door was propped open by a cinder block that no one seems to know where it came from.
Something is just not adding up with her story. I'm focusing on one piece at a time before I try to join the pieces together for a theory.
Yes. I think that is what I would have done. Run to my brother's house and gotten him out looking with me while his wife watched Rj. I would not have wanted to stay in the trailer alone AT ALL after someone broke in!

Nor would I, and if I knew where that berretta was, I can assure you it would be in my hand!
In one of the early press conferances, the Sherriff's department clearly stated that LE had never been to the house on criminal matters, but that DCS was familiar with the family and household and had an open investigation of some sort.
This could pertain to her missing a lot of school.
Ron must have been told that Hayleigh was discovered missing at least awhile before he got home or he would never have said "my dumb girlfriend didn't even let me know until I got home". Then it changed to five minutes.
she said she got up 5 minutes before ron got home. she said she saw 3. meaning 3-something. not 3:00.

I've seen her say that too catch-22. But I've also seen her timeline evolve in video interviews. So I am not sure what time to believe.
I also have a "green behind the ears " question. How could the tracking dogs differentiate between these kids playing outside all day, and where she may have gone in the evening? Seems as thought the dogs wouldnt know the difference if she was outside that evening (5:30) with other kids, and may be confused. Maybe this is the are where they played, I know kids in groups tend to wander "out" further if there are a few of them together..
The local news here (WESH) keeps announcing that the authorities are seeking Chad Reynolds for questioning related to the Haleigh disappearance.

I heard on MSNBC he was in custody..per the ex FBI guy(dang, I can't remember his name right now)
I have gone through a situation when my children were younger. It was summertime, they were outside playing with neighborhood kids. I went to call them in for supper, and the youngest was nowhere to be found. I immediately went next door and knocked, no answer. I then went into the street to ask the kids on their bikes if they had seen him. No, but they went looking. I then saw some neighbors and told them I couldn't find him. There were immediately three cars backing out of driveways to go search. As I walked back into the house, I had made the decision to call the police. My mind was racing at the speed of light.....this couldn't possibly be happening. This was all in a matter of three to five minutes. Guess who came strolling up? The guilty party! He was next door with music turned up so loud they didn't hear me knock on the door. Talk about knees buckling, but only after I had asked everybody within earshot for help. Instant fear made me do what I did. Why not do all those things? If you think the worst has happened, scream to high heaven (literally and figuratively).

A parent knows to galvanize themselves and others immediately. I cannot understand RC & MC not getting in the car and driving around the neighborhood blowing the horn and yelling for her and waking every neighbor. I cannot understand it.

Bolded by me. Key distinction here - Misty is NOT Haleigh's parent...and she's never been a parent to any child. There is a big difference in how protective and reactive you become once you are a parent...vs a teenage 'babysitter'.
I think it is rather sad actually. I am sure Mark has some fond memories of Jessica while living there. Poor fella.

Has he been to meet with Ronnie and the families in this case?
SS, I might have mis understood, did you mean the trailer where Couey was or the Grandparents trailer? When I said "good" I thought this is where Couey and the others (WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED WITH A CRIME) lived.
I wonder, of all of the things for LE to remove from the home, why take a cassett tape? Maybe there were several unplayed messages on the recorder that shows LE NO ONE WAS HOME...maybe....I think it is a strange thing to take, unless the light on ans machine was flashing and it caught someone's eye

My first thought was it could be a videocassette of the child for identification purposes. But I could just be thinking that because our police department had a program where they actually fingerprinted and made a video of your child and gave it to you in the case the child ever need to be identified and I just happened to see it the other day when I was cleaning. But it could have just been a family video. Not a lot of phones have the little cassette anymore do they?
The article didn't say, but wouldn't it have made more sense to burn down the trailer where Couey was staying if it had to do with being fed up with sex offenders?

Did mis read??? I thought that was the trailer Couey was staying.
I stewed about this last night.

OT: I'm reading a book I'm having a hard time getting into..."Perfect Town, Perfect Murder" so I put it down and laid in bed thinking.

I think I'm seeing to many co-incidences or my mind is making them appear as co-incidences.

I agree with the theories that it could have been a SO abduction, in fact, I'm not discounting anyone else's theory because I haven't thought of one myself that I'm comfortable with for now.

But here is what is bothering me. If we look at this situation as if we didn't know anything about the history of rap sheets, RSO's in the neighborhood and took the story at face value. What I see is a 17 yr old female that was the last known person to see Haleigh.
This 17 yr old female just happened to wash two blankets hours before Haleigh went missing.
This 17 yr old just happened to wake up and a door, that by all accounts remains locked at all times, was standing wide open.
This 17 yr old states the screen door was propped open by a cinder block that no one seems to know where it came from.
Something is just not adding up with her story. I'm focusing on one piece at a time before I try to join the pieces together for a theory.

I have been doing that as well as then I get to the end of the "facts" and everytime I say...there has to be more, this isn't it.....
I have gone through a situation when my children were younger. It was summertime, they were outside playing with neighborhood kids. I went to call them in for supper, and the youngest was nowhere to be found. I immediately went next door and knocked, no answer. I then went into the street to ask the kids on their bikes if they had seen him. No, but they went looking. I then saw some neighbors and told them I couldn't find him. There were immediately three cars backing out of driveways to go search. As I walked back into the house, I had made the decision to call the police. My mind was racing at the speed of light.....this couldn't possibly be happening. This was all in a matter of three to five minutes. Guess who came strolling up? The guilty party! He was next door with music turned up so loud they didn't hear me knock on the door. Talk about knees buckling, but only after I had asked everybody within earshot for help. Instant fear made me do what I did. Why not do all those things? If you think the worst has happened, scream to high heaven (literally and figuratively).

A parent knows to galvanize themselves and others immediately. I cannot understand RC & MC not getting in the car and driving around the neighborhood blowing the horn and yelling for her and waking every neighbor. I cannot understand it.

everything you said, I agree with. I'm not a parent. My parents would have done basically as you but perhaps not with the same velocity. But I was born in 1952 and grew up in an entirely different common social setting, i.e. not a whole bunch of what commonly happens today happened back then. I was blessed because of that. Seems to me with all that goes on today many if not most children may learn/feel they should live in fear/apprehension of *bad* things happening to them, I did not have to live that way as a child.
I think it is rather sad actually. I am sure Mark has some fond memories of Jessica while living there. Poor fella.

Has he been to meet with Ronnie and the families in this case?

Oh wow, I think I totally misread your first post..I thought this was the house that Couy held Jessica in the closet of..
OMG..Yes, I can imagine it is very upsetting to Mark..
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