FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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As for the "school" thing - yes, I think it was still in the early stages but that she had missed quite a few school days this year. He had probably been called, and notices sent in the mail.

I also think LE is looking HARD at one or two people. They don't want to tip their hand because they just don't have the HARD evidence yet to back it up. Once they arrest - all he77 is going to break loose in that town!

I also believe that once this is all over - or an arrest is made - regardless of WHO is arrested - RC is going to loose custody of Jr. I can bet that mom etal. have contacted the divorce attorney with questions along these lines - an order will be filed to vacate the custody order now in place and issue temporary custody back to bio-mom just due to the circumstances revolving around this. Dad (by delegating Misty) was negligent with these children. And I think it will be granted. Wonder how he is going to take that?
As for the "school" thing - yes, I think it was still in the early stages but that she had missed quite a few school days this year. He had probably been called, and notices sent in the mail.

I also think LE is looking HARD at one or two people. They don't want to tip their hand because they just don't have the HARD evidence yet to back it up. Once they arrest - all he77 is going to break loose in that town!

I also believe that once this is all over - or an arrest is made - regardless of WHO is arrested - RC is going to loose custody of Jr. I can bet that mom etal. have contacted the divorce attorney with questions along these lines - an order will be filed to vacate the custody order now in place and issue temporary custody back to bio-mom just due to the circumstances revolving around this. Dad (by delegating Misty) was negligent with these children. And I think it will be granted. Wonder how he is going to take that?

We only have Bio mom's word about the missing school thing and Haleigh had a disease, maybe it was a little bit of both (oversleeping and illness). I think missing 15 days of school (which I believe someone posted was the "trigger" with the school board) just doesn't seem as bad as the Bio Mom missing 12 Doctor's appointments (per the transcript of custody hearing, Ron had definitive proof).

And we know Ron had a CPS case manager per the same court transcript... and we know from the Sheriff that CPS "knew the home" or had been "called to the home" while Misty was living there. Yet CPS didn't see fit to remove the children and the police hadn't filed any charges so again I say how bad could it really have been???? These people were on the radar already, it wasn't like this was a case where children were slipping thru cracks because CPS had a history here.
It has been said that they moved either four months ago (October) or a few weeks ago (Jan).

Maybe there was a school change for Haleigh and they weren't quick to get her registered at the new school?

Just speculatin'
And we know Ron had a CPS case manager per the same court transcript... and we know from the Sheriff that CPS "knew the home" or had been "called to the home" while Misty was living there. Yet CPS didn't see fit to remove the children and the police hadn't filed any charges so again I say how bad could it really have been???? These people were on the radar already, it wasn't like this was a case where children were slipping thru cracks because CPS had a history here.

CPS here in Florida is called DCF- and they are known for letting things slip through the cracks, unfortunately.

They are overtasked and underpaid.
We only have Bio mom's word about the missing school thing and Haleigh had a disease, maybe it was a little bit of both (oversleeping and illness). I think missing 15 days of school (which I believe someone posted was the "trigger" with the school board) just doesn't seem as bad as the Bio Mom missing 12 Doctor's appointments (per the transcript of custody hearing, Ron had definitive proof).

And we know Ron had a CPS case manager per the same court transcript... and we know from the Sheriff that CPS "knew the home" or had been "called to the home" while Misty was living there. Yet CPS didn't see fit to remove the children and the police hadn't filed any charges so again I say how bad could it really have been???? These people were on the radar already, it wasn't like this was a case where children were slipping thru cracks because CPS had a history here.
I agree that we do not have the KNOWN FACTS of events. We do know CPS was involved - we DON'T know what CPS actually had in their case file, interviews, social worker's notes, recommendations made (and was RC following them).

IF the school thing is true - and its only 5 days absent in one month or 10 days absent in 90 school days - that will be brought in and he will be asked to explain each and every absence. Sleeping in - even once, twice and definitely 3 times will be a negative mark in his column.

Bio mom - now had new baby - has new pediatrician that can "testify" that she is bringing the baby in for appts, she can verify income whether hers or her fiance, I heard she had bought a home - so she has a mortgage and a stable home.

Over time things change. I believe, if what we are hearing is true, that mom can go back to court - show the changes she has made - and yes CPS will be required to do a home visit on her house as well - she has a good chance - a REAL GOOD CHANCE.
I agree that we do not have the KNOWN FACTS of events. We do know CPS was involved - we DON'T know what CPS actually had in their case file, interviews, social worker's notes, recommendations made (and was RC following them).

IF the school thing is true - and its only 5 days absent in one month or 10 days absent in 90 school days - that will be brought in and he will be asked to explain each and every absence. Sleeping in - even once, twice and definitely 3 times will be a negative mark in his column.

Bio mom - now had new baby - has new pediatrician that can "testify" that she is bringing the baby in for appts, she can verify income whether hers or her fiance, I heard she had bought a home - so she has a mortgage and a stable home.

Over time things change. I believe, if what we are hearing is true, that mom can go back to court - show the changes she has made - and yes CPS will be required to do a home visit on her house as well - she has a good chance - a REAL GOOD CHANCE.


Somehow I don't think so because her other child was not taken. I don't think a mother would kidnap one and leave the other.

Also, where did we learn that DCF was involved in this family? Was it speculation or was it stated by LE?

The Rev.'s ???????? And these people rent to SO's???

Do SOs have to report their status to landlords? My guess is they do so who rents to these SOBs?

Do SOs have to report their status to employers? My guess is they do so who hires these SOBs?

It's extreme risky bizness for both I just can't see anyone in their right mind doing it willingly.. How :crazy: is that?
Somehow I don't think so because her other child was not taken. I don't think a mother would kidnap one and leave the other.

Also, where did we learn that DCF was involved in this family? Was it speculation or was it stated by LE?
Early on - day 1 or 2 I think, LE did answer a question about CPS. Well, actually he had been asked if LE had had any calls to the residence in the recent past - he said no - LE had not had any involvement BUT the DFS HAD been called and had dealings with them. He was asked to clarify and all he said was that DFS was there involving Ron, Misty and the children. Some speculated that maybe bio-mom and/or grandma may have called them - but the school social worker could have alerted them due to the attendance - don't know. But yes, LE did say DFS had been involved.
I just don't think that LE really thinks BIO Mom had anything to do with it. She has offered to take a poly, and they have not done it yet. If they thought she was involved in any way....they would have. On the other hand, how many times have they re-interviewed Misty. Also has she had 2 poly's? Looks like they think she is where the answers are.
Early on - day 1 or 2 I think, LE did answer a question about CPS. Well, actually he had been asked if LE had had any calls to the residence in the recent past - he said no - LE had not had any involvement BUT the DFS HAD been called and had dealings with them. He was asked to clarify and all he said was that DFS was there involving Ron, Misty and the children. Some speculated that maybe bio-mom and/or grandma may have called them - but the school social worker could have alerted them due to the attendance - don't know. But yes, LE did say DFS had been involved.

Thanks Swag- there has been so much conjecture I just want to make sure we're talking facts.

I wonder if DCF may have been called about Misty being underage?????
Yep teh - ITA

Bio mom and gma both said they filled the paperwork out last Thursday to take them - but LE has not come back to them yet saying "c'mon, let's go, we're ready". Mom has a new baby - it is quite easy to prove where you were and when you were there. I think both her and fiance's whereabouts have been documented and proven by a variety of means. At first I was leary - but the no poly yet? Nope, she's not involved.
I just don't think that LE really thinks BIO Mom had anything to do with it. She has offered to take a poly, and they have not done it yet. If they thought she was involved in any way....they would have. On the other hand, how many times have they re-interviewed Misty. Also has she had 2 poly's? Looks like they think she is where the answers are.

I agree, tehcloser. And after watching bio mom and her mother on various shows, I don't find them suspicious.

In fact, I think the mother is fairly well spoken and seems fairly intelligent and kind. I know she was fairly vocal in the first couple of days and that upset some sleuthers. However, if it were my child or grandchild she would have looked tame compared to how angry I would be.

They had every right to question Misty and Ron and the care being given to those children when one of them disappeared in the middle of the night. It wasn't received well here but I could totally relate.

Anyway, something about biomom's mother clicks with me in a good way.
Plus, now dad's "camp" has QUIT the media. We have heard nothing from them since, I think it was Friday? Yet, mom and gma are staying on the air - which I think is a good thing - it keeps Haleigh's face out there in the public. The more media coverage for a missing child - the better.
Plus, now dad's "camp" has QUIT the media. We have heard nothing from them since, I think it was Friday? Yet, mom and gma are staying on the air - which I think is a good thing - it keeps Haleigh's face out there in the public. The more media coverage for a missing child - the better.

EXACTLY!!!! If my child were missing....I would be in front of every camera I could find...begging! And if I was not in front of a camera I would be out doing anything and everything I could to find my daughter. They have closed ranks and almost gone into seclusion. Not a good sign imo. Yes, Ron did beg Tim to stay, however you can look at that in a couple of different ways.
Yep teh - ITA

Bio mom and gma both said they filled the paperwork out last Thursday to take them - but LE has not come back to them yet saying "c'mon, let's go, we're ready". Mom has a new baby - it is quite easy to prove where you were and when you were there. I think both her and fiance's whereabouts have been documented and proven by a variety of means. At first I was leary - but the no poly yet? Nope, she's not involved.

Morning All-

Well...Thank Goodness we can eliminate someone!..? Great work trying to sort this all out, on one continuous thread. Not sure of all the reasons for that, but i think most "key players" have been established. Now praying someone spills some beans and Haleigh can be found.

Have a good day Everyone
I agree that we do not have the KNOWN FACTS of events. We do know CPS was involved - we DON'T know what CPS actually had in their case file, interviews, social worker's notes, recommendations made (and was RC following them).

IF the school thing is true - and its only 5 days absent in one month or 10 days absent in 90 school days - that will be brought in and he will be asked to explain each and every absence. Sleeping in - even once, twice and definitely 3 times will be a negative mark in his column.

Bio mom - now had new baby - has new pediatrician that can "testify" that she is bringing the baby in for appts, she can verify income whether hers or her fiance, I heard she had bought a home - so she has a mortgage and a stable home.

Over time things change. I believe, if what we are hearing is true, that mom can go back to court - show the changes she has made - and yes CPS will be required to do a home visit on her house as well - she has a good chance - a REAL GOOD CHANCE.

I think you're right, Bio Mom does seem like she's turned it around. That's why I think CPS (or DCF) had an easy way to clean up this situation, if as the Sheriff said, they were aware of the 17 year old in the house and IF they found other things wrong in the home. I know things slip thru the cracks and resources are taxed like Pirate said, but DCF had an easy out and didn't take it. It just makes me think "maybe" things weren't that bad in this home as some people here seem to want to believe... Of course, who knows, maybe they were :( I guess I just get my back up because people act like they "know" these people when none of us know the true facts. Me included!

It's time for me to take a break from this case. Praying for Haleigh and all those involved. No matter how they (both parents) raised these kids, it's apparent to me they loved her dearly.
I posted this on the media docs thread:

I think this clears up how long Ron has been living in the house:


SATSUMA, FL -- Donald Bard remembers the phone call early last Tuesday morning that woke him up.

His wife Phyllis answered the call.

"We were sleeping and then we received a phone call, the automated phone call that Haleigh Cummings was missing in our neighborhood," said Phyllis Bard.

The Bard's recognized the name right away.

"The home where Haleigh was taken from belonged to my parents," said Phyllis.

It sits right next door to her own home, and Phyllis began renting it out a few years ago after her father died of diabetes complications and her mother died in a car crash 80 days later.

The Bard's first met Haleigh's father, Ron Cummings, last August.

Phyllis says, "They first moved next door to us, and then they needed a bedroom for each of the children he said, and so he asked to rent that house and we rented that to him in November."

She's an adorable little girl," says Phyllis. "Just adorable. She would come over when I was hanging clothes on the line, and I would see the two of them out in the yard playing and she's just, what can I say, a beautiful, adorable little girl. It just breaks my heart that all this has happened."

The Bard's say, almost one week later, it's still so hard to believe. The FDLE Command Center is just yards from their front door, and Monday night, the Putnam County Sheriff's Office teamed up with the Florida Highway Patrol to set up a another roadblock outside the neighborhood.

Sgt. Joseph Wells of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office said, "It's just a general set of questions. Were they down here last week, and then if yes, a few more questions."

"We might find that there's a paper delivery or a gas delivery company or something that comes and goes on this day and time and we'd just like to know who was down here and maybe did they see anything."

Sgt. Wells said the roadblock, which will be up until 2 a.m., is part of CART protocol, which is the Child Abduction Response Team.

Just down the road, Phyllis Bard thinks of the missing daughter, and of her own mother, and is comforted.

"I heard on the television, hold on to hope. I heard the sheriff say that, and all of a sudden it hit me, my mother's name was Hope. It's the house of hope. Because if my mother were living, my mother would say, just hang on to hope."
Plus, now dad's "camp" has QUIT the media. We have heard nothing from them since, I think it was Friday? Yet, mom and gma are staying on the air - which I think is a good thing - it keeps Haleigh's face out there in the public. The more media coverage for a missing child - the better.

Well not talking to the media isn't an indication of guilt. However there has been media coverage of Ron on horseback with Tim Miller. Ron searching. Ron quoted in a link last nite thanking everyone who searched and saying he will never, ever give up looking for his daughter.
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