GUILTY FL - Astronaut Lisa Nowak arrested in kidnap attempt, 5 Feb 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Smurf said:
Wow, such a descent into some kind of maddness. In her NASA photo she looks so healthy and normal. What would make a person think she could kidnap and kill a woman who possible didn't even know her and then not get caught and win her man and live happily ever after? What did she plan to do with her husband and twins?
Good question above. I would suspect that since she's a very driven person who has always pushed herself to succeed ( based on a friends assessment of her), doesn't accept failure and has achieved much in her life because of her strength and sheer determination, she thought she could literally get away with murder. No doubt she was/is totally obsessed with the guy (forget his name at the moment) and she just can't stand to not "win" in her for his love.
Peter Hamilton said:
Lacy Wood said:
DNA in restrooms? I'd say she just did not want to enter the station/conv store to avoid getting on video cameras along the way Houston to Orlando.

They need to check the credit cards she used...since she planned it so well, but they could point to her taking the trip...stolen or fraudulent cards?...or maybe she carried extra gas cans in the back{QUOTE}--true--whole point was not to be seen--hence her disguises also
She had $600+ in cash. Probably didn't use a CCard the whole way.

Remember, she planned on getting away with this.....................and all she ended up with was a badly soiled diaper. Especially after she got caught in the act, and carped (as JBeanya would say) her pants.
s_finch said:
Good question above. I would suspect that since she's a very driven person who has always pushed herself to succeed ( based on a friends assessment of her), doesn't accept failure and has achieved much in her life because of her strength and sheer determination, she thought she could literally get away with murder. No doubt she was/is totally obsessed with the guy (forget his name at the moment) and she just can't stand to not "win" in her for his love.
We can just call her Robochick, and he is Billy-O.
Buzzm1 said:
She could have ended up with a bad case of diaper rash??

900 miles, could be 15 hours of driving.
15 hours of driving and they call this "a mistake"?? In 15 hours she couldn't bring herself to turn around and go home, in 15 hours she didn't "come to her senses"?????

Amraann said:
I believe they stopped enforcing those rules.
But he would be in just as much trouble as she if memory serves me.

IMO there is no way they did not have some sort of affair.
Could have been an emtional affair only. Then again, every day people stalk complete strangers just because that stranger triggers something inside them.
Peter Hamilton said:
lol--"Lust in Space"--"Fom Shuttles to Shackles"--"The Wrong Stuff"
You guys are too much!! I'm glad that we can laugh about her mission was not successful. :)
Mama-cita said:
What did the "other woman" look like? Just curious....
She is 30 years old and looked pretty petite from the photo that I saw. It was a photo of her in her uniform. She was not bad looking. I would say she was on about the same level as her obsessive rival, Robochick.

Billy-O was probably playing both women and loving it. He will probably now have to fess up to his girlfriend. I would dump his butt if I were she.
I saw about all the coverage tonight and even the former US Attorney on Greta did not mention federal charges. But this woman hatched a plot in Houston, bought what she needed there, then drives through LA, MS, AL, to Florida, carrying weapons and materials for a criminal act, across state lines a-plenty, on a mission to commit a crime that evidence shows was probably murder or kidnapping...There are federal crimes there for sure, and probably far more easily provable for feds than for the state of Florida. What happened in Florida can still be a part of a federal case.

Good defense to state charges says she changed her mind when she got to Orlando with the lawyer saying "all she did was knock on the window and spray mace at the accuser, never touching her". But the Federal charges may start as soon as she crosses the TX-LA state line, with evidence of a plan to kill or kidnap at that point.
JDB said:
But he is not Married!! And she has been seprated for a few weeks now.
Both parties who are in an affair commit adultery if one of them is married, and both parties face potential charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

ETA: this article also has a picture of Shipman. The last few sentences touch on the potential charges Oefelein faces.
There is nothing funny, amusing or entertaining about what has happened to Lisa Nowak.
Yes, what she has done is very serious and certanitly of a crimianal nature. However, she did not shoot , stab or kill another person. Charging someone based on what their intentions might have been when that person is clearly mentally ill is not right in my opinion. A prison employee who had contact with Ms. Nowak discribed her as completly disoriented. It seems obvious to me that this women has had somekind of mental break. Instead of society paying thousands of dollars to prosectute and persucte this poor women we should be putting our efforts into getting her into a hospital and appropriate medical care. This thread where people continue to make jokes at this womens expense really turns me off. This women is ILL. She deserves our sympathy, pity and understanding not scorn and ridicule. She does have to answer for the criminality of her actions, but to quote a well known judge we should always temper Justice with Mercy. Please lets not find amusment in another persons pain.

I've not brought this up before, since I couldn't quite remember what I thought I remembered (y'all still with me?), and I still can't. But maybe this rings a bell with someone else?

I had always been interested in space stuff and many years ago (early 90's maybe?) I watched a documentary on TV and in it, an astronaut who had been to the moon was talking about what an effect it had on him, mentally. He had been to the moon in the early days of space travel, IIRC.
He said something like after returning to earth, he had terrible mental problems because being in outer space looking back at earth kind of warped his mind, it was all so magnificent, hard to grasp. I think he said his colleagues in space also turned out having mental problems after returning to earth.

Now I don't remember if these were permanent mental problems, and I am sure that with the progress in the space programs NASA paid attention to this part as well, but I can't help but wonder if something like this might have happened to Nowak, to make her snap like she did? If only I could remember exactly what he said, and who he was, maybe it's on the 'net these days now.
I haven't heard yet that the apparent victim here (Capt Shipman) has stated that Nowak was confused or disoriented, as opposed to determined and aggressively attempting to get her.

Assuming mental illness is a leap in itself. Especially when the symptoms suddenly appear only after after you've been caught, and you realize your previous life as you knew it is over. That said, there is a variety of Bipolar Disorder discussed extensively in "Mania: An Emerging Concept" in which those affected identify a heroic viewed target of affection, one often not accessable, that is pursued to the detriment of all else in life. I have long believed that concept was a factor in many stalking cases. But also true is that bipolar symptoms exist in a continuum with typical or normal behaviors making diagnosis difficult. That is why bipolar is usually rejected as a mental illness that excuses criminal acts in courts.
The Smoking Gun documents kindly linked by above give one tidbit I had not heard. That is Lisa Nowak got the flight plans of Ms Shipman (and apparently the emails etc) from the computer of "the man they had a common interest in". The Smoking Gun
Lacy Wood said:
I haven't heard yet that the apparent victim here (Capt Shipman) has stated that Nowak was confused or disoriented, as opposed to determined and aggressively attempting to get her.

Assuming mental illness is a leap in itself. Especially when the symptoms suddenly appear only after after you've been caught, and you realize your previous life as you knew it is over. That said, there is a variety of Bipolar Disorder discussed extensively in "Mania: An Emerging Concept" in which those affected identify a heroic viewed target of affection, one often not accessable, that is pursued to the detriment of all else in life. I have long believed that concept was a factor in many stalking cases. But also true is that bipolar symptoms exist in a continuum with typical or normal behaviors making diagnosis difficult. That is why bipolar is usually rejected as a mental illness that excuses criminal acts in courts.

There are tons of mental Illnesses that could explain her behavior. Their causes vary from severe trauma to organic brain disease and probably tons of causes which I do not know. This is a women who functioned at a very high level and was well acomplished who now is behaving totally bizzare and irrationaly. I do not think suspecting she is mentally Ill is a leap I think its a liklyhood.


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