GUILTY FL - Astronaut Lisa Nowak arrested in kidnap attempt, 5 Feb 2007

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Just saw on the news that they flew her back to Houston this morning early. Question: do we know what vehicle she drove to FL? Was it a rental or was it the family minivan/or whatever?? Because apparently it's still in Orlando as evidence, I guess.

Saw the pic of Colleen Shipman. I actually sort of thought that the pics I've seen of Lisa in better days and the film footage of her on the shuttle last summer made Lisa look like she is quite a bit more attractive than CS, but I guess that's neither here nor there.

Agreed that Lisa should lose her career and the charges of aggravated attempted kidnapping should stick and likely the attempted murder one, too. I can't believe that Billy-O was worth all this to her. He was obviously playing both of them!! Who would want a guy who would do that? :loser:
julianne said:
IMO, this woman is a criminal, plain and simple. She got caught & didn't think she would...
These military people live in their own little world and usually only associate with other military individuals. They think that "civilians" are beneath them. I know because I lived around this mindset for years.

They really are rather disgusting because they think that they are better than everyone else and think that they are above the law. They think that because of their backgrounds and positions that they will be given the benefit of the doubt. I guess that they are right because that's what is happening for Lisa. Can you believe that her bail was set at $25K? That is absolutely disgusting and scary, IMO.

I bet the victim is not going to sleep well at all knowing that Lisa is out and about and being coddled by her NASA family.
j2mirish said:
bold by j2m
I dont think she had the opportunity, because the victim was smart enough not to let her in the car- had the woman given her a ride as requested, I dont believe mrs. nowak, would be out on bond right now-
That what I was gonna say. Thanks to power door looks; Miss Shipman is alive to write a book or make a movie about her frightning run-in with a crazy woman.
nanandjim said:
You apparently have never been stalked and harrassed. I tend to agree with julianne. I have been harrassed, stalked, attacked and had property vandalized by a nut who wanted her ex-boyfriend to return to her. It is not fun and it is quite unsettling as you don't know what the person will do next. She was small, innocent looking and held a very good job. Had she not broken into my apartment and physically assaulted me, she still would not have been prosecuted. Even at that, the police tried very hard not to get me to press charges. It was absolutely disgusting.

All I have read about so far is how NASA personnel has circled wagons around Lisa Nowak. They are very concerned about her. I have not heard them express one bit of concern for the victim.

If I were Colleen Shipman, I'd prosecute this woman (if I could) and I'd dump the boyfriend after I used him to testify for me. Surely, he was witness or privy to certain incidences involved poor, little, confused Lisa. :rolleyes:
RIGHT! and where is the compassion for the intended victim? :rolleyes:
jillybean said:
We all have compassion, just because some of us disagree, you can't claim we don't. And you weren't her intended victim, so how could you possibly know how she felt and feels today.

Julieanne asked me how I would feel if I was her intended victim and I answered as such. I was not stating that I could possibly know how this victim would feel. I agree disagreeing does not indicate lack of compassion but I found the post I was responding to very cold and unfeeling.

jillybean said:
RIGHT! and where is the compassion for the intended victim? :rolleyes:

I have lots of compassion for the victim. In fact I am impressed with her actions. She got herself a restraining order and has not made a statement with the press. These actions speak loudly to me. She is taking care of herself and
alowing the legal system to do what it needs to do.

julianne said:
She's not sick, IMO. She's a depraved woman who was so jealous and envious of this girl that she was simply going to get rid of her. Her agenda, while you call it idiotic, it was most certainly also criminal in nature. There are idiotic criminals everywhere---she has now been added to the list. Put yourself in the intended victims place for a moment. Imagine some jealousy ravaged woman who already had known stalking issues with you, driving 900 miles, IN A DIAPER SO SHE COULDN'T BE PLACED AT ANY SCENE EN ROUTE, with implements that are known as weapoins......what kind of medical treatment would you want her to get? What if YOU were her intended victim, or your daughter? Frankly, she has lost the ability to have what's in her "best interest" doled out to her----she needs to be locked up! This woman isn't mentally ill--she's depraved.
I agree that she has lost the ability to have what's in her "best interest". What hatred she must have had boiling up in her to drive 900 miles. Was her "plan" the only thing on her mind? Did she once think of her precious son and twins she left behind? Didn't reality click in for just one minute for her to realize what she could possibly be throwing away if her "plan" failed?

I asked this before but didn't get an answer. Does anyone know who was watching her children? What was her alibi going to be if she did indeed harm Colleen, especially since she would be unaccounted for by those that knew her? It seems like someone would have put two and two together if Colleen had been harmed, especially the boyfriend (can't remember his name). Did Lisa honestly think no one would point fingers back to her?
kahskye said:
I asked this before but didn't get an answer. Does anyone know who was watching her children? What was her alibi going to be if she did indeed harm Colleen, especially since she would be unaccounted for by those that knew her? It seems like someone would have put two and two together if Colleen had been harmed, especially the boyfriend (can't remember his name). Did Lisa honestly think no one would point fingers back to her?
From what I heard on TV last night, it is assumed the kids are with their father.
jillybean said:
RIGHT! and where is the compassion for the intended victim? :rolleyes:
Yes, thank you very much. I am so tired of a judicial system and public that is more interested in the poor wittle accused and/or guilty person and wants to spend all this time and money to understand them and how they were wronged and bascially says to the vicitim, 'So you were a victim, yeah well too bad.'
I read somewhere she split with her husband a few weeks ago.

I also read that she should be denied bail because she's an "obvious flight risk"! ;-)
Yeah, she's an obvious flight risk, one Depends and she's across the border into Mexico.
jillybean said:
Her career with Nasa is OVER. You can take that too the bank. They do not like being embarrassed Whether she will be found gulity of all or some of the charges. She is done with Nasa.
Not necessarily. They can send her to a military doctor who will say that she had some type of chemical imbalance or whatever to excuse her behavior. You can take that to the bank.

I just hope that our justice system successfully prosecutes this woman. Colleen, IMO, will be pressured to go along with whatever they decide because she doesn't want to hurt her career.

I just hope that Colleen is strong enough to see this thing through and make sure that Lisa Nowak is treated just like any other criminal. I'm afraid that this won't be the case, though.
Well, did Jay Leno include this in his monologue last nite? I didn't watch.
curious1 said:
Yeah, she's an obvious flight risk, one Depends and she's across the border into Mexico.
At least she'd be prepared for Montezuma's revenge. :laugh: What a fruit loop. :crazy:
julianne said:
She's not sick, IMO. She's a depraved woman who was so jealous and envious of this girl that she was simply going to get rid of her. Her agenda, while you call it idiotic,

I agree. She was acting on jealously and being VERY selfish... she wasn't acting like a sick mentally ill person..
Just a bit of info on astronaut diapers.

Do astronauts wear diapers?

By Pauline Landry - School Programmes Officer at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver
Astronauts wear diapers during lift-off, reentry, and while on spacewalks. As soon as the spacecraft reaches orbit astronauts remove their orange survival suits (diapers included) and put on regular clothes for the rest of the mission. Because astronauts sit on the launch pad, strapped into their seats for over three hours, they all have to wear diapers. Astronauts also wear diapers when they are working in space during spacewalks which normally last 5-8 hours. In both cases, changing out of the spacesuit to go to the bathroom just takes too long.

Pretend you are an astronaut preparing for launch. You are strapped into your seat in the shuttle at least three hours before launch; you are wearing your Launch and Entry Suit (LES) with an attached helmet and visor. The LES is a pressurized space suit that provides pure oxygen for breathing in the event of a bailout at high altitude. In addition, the LES is a buoyant suit (it floats). You are also wearing a parachute. With all of these safety measures in place, you are still not protected from the fluid elimination function that your body will soon begin!
mjak said:
IF I was her attended victim I would want her in a psych hospital being evaluated. This women clearly lost the ability to determine what is in her best intrest when she decided to act on her distored reality. Yes, I believe she is mentally Ill . Your lack of compassion scares me.

Sorry. I don't have one iota of compassion for Lisa. I do have compassion for her intended victim, though--and I'm glad that Lisas' "plan" wasn't allowed to come to fruition. What if she succeeded in kidnapping & killing Colleen? Would you still feel that she shouldn't be jailed?

I'm sorry you feel that my post was "cold and unfeeling", as you indicated in your later post. I have a tendency to be cold and unfeeling toward attempted murderers, but that's just me.
julianne said:
Sorry. I don't have one iota of compassion for Lisa. I do have compassion for her intended victim, though--and I'm glad that Lisas' "plan" wasn't allowed to come to fruition. What if she succeeded in kidnapping & killing Colleen? Would you still feel that she shouldn't be jailed?

I'm sorry you feel that my post was "cold and unfeeling", as you indicated in your later post. I have a tendency to be cold and unfeeling toward attempted murderers, but that's just me.
OH.......but julianne, if you would read everything you could, you would find this was completly out of character for her, she was a wife, mother and nasa employee who had no problems in her background.......married to a mission control person, a woman who flew a shuttle, nothing but kudos in her career and still was going strong--3 kids, I am sure a fabulous home, health benefits, etcetcetcetc,---how can you not feel sorry for her? ok.........I dont either :D ---
I find it interesting that seperated or not- after 19 years of marriage her husband didnt come to retrieve her, or help--- that is a big statement to me-
j2mirish said:
OH.......but julianne, if you would read everything you could, you would find this was completly out of character for her, she was a wife, mother and nasa employee who had no problems in her background.......married to a mission control person, a woman who flew a shuttle, nothing but kudos in her career and still was going strong--3 kids, I am sure a fabulous home, health benefits, etcetcetcetc,---how can you not feel sorry for her? ok.........I dont either :D ---
I find it interesting that seperated or not- after 19 years of marriage her husband didnt come to retrieve her, or help--- that is a big statement to me-
I wonder what his role is in all this? meaning what was going in the their marriage...

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