GUILTY FL - Blake, 54, & Mary-Jo Hadley, 47, beaten, Port St Lucie, 16 July 2011

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Link to arrest affidavit with police report.

It's chilling and mind numbing to read. I just don't get it. This is my hometown and it really hits close to home. Wow.

i guess the article posted earlier in this thread was wrong, it looks like the best friend was the anonymous tipster. this also says that the best friend stated that tyler had told him that he was going to kill his parents earlier in the day. this doesn't say anything about ecstasy
The report says there was an older brother that moved out only 3 months ago. I'm sure he's devastated and will go through life wondering "what if he hadn't moved out?"
Kids at this age never live beyond the moment it seems. He wanted what he wanted and he wanted it NOW.
His dad looked like a big guy, though. How could he not fend him off? The articles I've read said the weapon was a hammer.
Sigh... in any case.. like someone else mentioned, there must have been some underlying mental problems taking their toll unless it was just pure sociopathic selfishness which we see more and more of lately.
The immediate gratification generation, no matter what the cost :(
God rest their souls.
Parents killing children, Children killing parents. I'm starting to question my choice to live in Florida...

Was it this son (Tyler) who had the car accident, or the other (the one who moved?)

IF he hadn't moved, he could have also been killed.....that is possible too.
Although I don't know how this one managed to kill both parents at once?

Was it this son (Tyler) who had the car accident, or the other (the one who moved?)

IF he hadn't moved, he could have also been killed.....that is possible too.
Although I don't know how this one managed to kill both parents at once?


in the affidavit posted above, the friend says tyler told him that after he killed his mother, his father came into the room and "stared at him in the eyes for one minute" or something to that effect. what the heck??
Was it this son (Tyler) who had the car accident, or the other (the one who moved?)


According to The Daily Mail, LM it was Tyler Hadley who had the accident.
Riddle me this. If one takes E and says they are posessed by the devil and plan on commiting suicide would they then go and throw a party? Maybe they would. We just had another thread on the kid that killed his family members with an axe and partied up. His grandparents. The kid showed the murders to his friend.

It's been eons since I was that age. This is how kids think, right? No?

Meanwhile and trust me I may regret posting this, but at the begining of the thread Miss Izzy posted old Myspace pages for Tyler Hadley. The bands he listened to had names like corpse and such in them. I know. I know a band couldn't make a young man do such a thing, but just sayin.
well, i am i teenager and i can tell you i don't think this way, and no one i know thinks that way. lol.

i also do not think the music really had an effect. i think this teen may be mentally ill. imo also i really don't see how ecstasy caused this, because from my understanding violence is not typically a "side effect" (?) of ecstasy. i'm not claiming to be an expert in anything obviously, but when i first heard the ecstasy thing i was scratching my head.
If he were a certain female (C. Anthony) he would have killed and entered a hot body contest in the same breath. True sociopathic behavior.
well, i am i teenager and i can tell you i don't think this way, and no one i know thinks that way. lol.

i also do not think the music really had an effect. i think this teen may be mentally ill. imo also i really don't see how ecstasy caused this, because from my understanding violence is not typically a "side effect" (?) of ecstasy. I'm not claiming to be an expert in anything obviously, but when i first heard the ecstasy thing i was scratching my head.

Most teenagers do not murder anyone, askfornina.... so of course you don't think like him or knows anyone who does. Thank goodness for that, huh?

But those who do murder not have to be mentally ill. In fact very few are. Now I do see this kid as being a sociopath or has some type of anti-social traits. His flat affect in court shows he really isn't that remorseful for what he has done.

To me the Ecstasy excuse is just that excuse for inexcusable acts.
MDMA or exstasy if you look at the studies, and there are some on the internet but they aren't the full study just synopsis of them do state that for a small population of people this drug can trigger psychosis or agression. The agression from what I've read is in individuals that already have poor impulse control.

That's why we see the argument is it a love drug or a drug? Especially when users take more than one dose at a time. More is not better with this drug and the old "if one is great then 3, 5, or 10 will be amazing" just doesn't work with this one.

I've never done this drug. I worked with younger people who did and didn't see any weird side effects other than one young man kept pushing up on me and gazing at me like I was a lollipop while we were socializing. I moved away from that situation quickly. I did have one young lady tell me that she had a really bad trip on it the first time she took it and proceeded to fight with her boyfriend and basically tore his apartment up in rage at him. Just my personal reflections.

I'm with OCB in that the drug use is an excuse. It looks like he planned this crime. I do think he needs a mental eval though because as MissIzzy stated he's at the prime age for certain mental illness to manifest. (paranoid schizophrenia comes to mind as one).

Most teenagers do not murder anyone, askfornina.... so of course you don't think like him or knows anyone who does. Thank goodness for that, huh?

But those who do murder not have to be mentally ill. In fact very few are. Now I do see this kid as being a sociopath or has some type of anti-social traits. His flat affect in court shows he really isn't that remorseful for what he has done.

To me the Ecstasy excuse is just that excuse for inexcusable acts.

lol i was mostly just pointing out the obvious, but yes, thank goodness indeed. :)

just to clarify, by "mentally ill" i did mean some kind of anti social disorder. i don't know how possible it is that it would be more than that. certainly in the realm of possibly though.

i have to be honest, generally i have a hard time believing a person can murder another person and NOT have something going wrong in their brain, but i guess i recognize that it does happen.

it is my understanding that "ecstasy" is almost never truly ecstasy when a person buys it off the street. usually it is MDMA mixed with any number of things. methamphetamines, etc. if he really did take some pills there is no telling what was in them. (except by testing them of course lol) could have been pcp.

whatever it was, if he actually did take something imo, it could have triggered the event to happen that particular date, but he probably had it in mind before hand.
I don't think the drug had anything to do with it. Didn't the friend say Tyler had said he was going to kill his parents before? More than once?

And the fact that he said he couldn't do what he did without the drugs tells me he is not mentally ill.
I don't think the drug had anything to do with it. Didn't the friend say Tyler had said he was going to kill his parents before? More than once?

i believe he said it twice the day of or the day before iirc.
I agree with you indi. I think the killings are just more magnified today because of social media. These stories played out locally but seldom nationally IMO.

These days something can happen next door and it is spread around the world in 24 hours. We hear of more and more cases but I think it's because we do hear about them, not because there are more.

The world has always been mean. We were just more sheltered.

Bless the family.

The amount of murders may be remaining consistent however I think the categories of kids who kill are changing. Although I would love to see some new stats on it to see if they have risen since 2009 which is the last time I could find the latest stats out there. In the past few years right here on this site we have seen these same type of murders by children over and over and over again. Done by the 'dont tell me no' child.

Truthfully rarely does an abused child even kill their abuser yet the psyche doctors still list them as number one. To me the statistics are flawed and stagnated. Millions upon millions of children are abused yearly in our country yet the vast majority do not harm anyone. So if abuse makes a child into a murderer then why don't we see many more of those type murders based on the millions who are abused?

Imo, what we are seeing more of is the anti-social child or fledgling sociopaths who have no remorse or conscience for what they have done. Once said to be the last on the list has now become number one on the list to me of kids who murder. The ones who cant take 'no' for answer. The ones who kill in the blink of an eye if they don't get their way about something. Those are the ones we see most often murdering their parents now. Not the abused child or mentally ill child.

Rarely is a teen deemed to be mentally insane at the time they murdered.

To me it is no different than the myth spun about mothers who kill their own children. The psyche doctors start laying out the same tired excuses in their category types. Psychiatrists get on TV and lie pretending the mother somehow rarely kills their own. Yet the truth that is not revealed even by the media and that is mothers kill their children as often as fathers do and rarely are they mentally ill. Only 2% are deemed mentally ill.

Just another way to brainwash society into believing that kids cant really be cold blood murderers (EXCUSES EXCUSES GIVEN) and mothers (EXCUSES,EXCUSES GIVEN) cant be either when that is as far from the truth as it can get.

Joy Behar covering the case now on HLN.

Interviewing LE Chief..........with what he is able to speak about due to the ongoing investigation.
On Joy Behar........

Family friend on the phone, describing the parents, how she knew the family.

Report that TH knew he'd be arrested; had numerous perocet (sp?) tablets he was going to take to commit suicide.

Psychologist saying possible early stages of schizophrenia; comparison to Loughner in AZ who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and killed others.
I thought ecstacy was for 'loving'... not killing.

Psychologist on Joy Behar's show just stated as it loosens inhibitions, for someone who has psychiatric disorder, i.e. possible schizophrenia, it could also work in the way of violence (paraphrased).
Can anyone explain how they try someone as an adult but sentence them as a juvinile?

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