FL - Brandi Peters, 27, & her 3 kids found murdered, Tallahassee, 20 Nov 2010 *Guilty*

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Segura did not want the Dr to testify. So I wonder what happened at that appointment. Did he not cooperate or what?

I think they (Prince) had this plan figured out yesterday morning thus the non participating attitude, head down, candy sucking,..the compliant look on Segura’s face.
This is aligning with appeal & taking power away from Brandi’s family impact statements. Basically taking the wind out of Prosecution sails today. A Narc move!
Wow, why am I not surprised!

I think they (Prince) had this plan figured out yesterday morning thus the non participating attitude, head down, candy sucking,..the compliant look on Segura’s face.
This is aligning with appeal & taking power away from Brandi’s family impact statements. Basically taking the wind out of Prosecution sails today. A Narc move!
Wow, why am I not surprised!

You could be right but I am still Shocked. I have never seen a Trial end like this and I have seen many Narcissist.
rsbm bbm

I didn't take it this way. The potential juror is an attorney himself. He was at the courthouse with a whole bunch of other people for jury selection for 6 different cases that way. He had jury duty like everyone else. The clerk said to the whole lot of them something to the effect of "sit tight, things don't always start right away because attorneys are working on plea deals and other things." She was speaking in general about all cases, not just this one. But shouldn't have said that and put that idea in their heads. He ended up telling a colleague about it (like, "I don't think that clerk should be saying that) and THAT colleague contacted Prince last night to say what she'd been told, and then Prince called that attorney/potential juror.

Thanks for the clarification. I caught the tail end of it and didn’t know the full context. In any case, I find it curious that as an officer of the court he didn’t feel duty bound to inform the court right away. Why didn’t the colleague? Both of them have potentially let this very high profile case go through an entire trial to only come in at the 11th hour to tell and cause a mistrial. How lucky for the victims!

I guess one could interpret defense’s choice not to put on any mitigation as a strategy - he’s so innocent that he’s not going to dignify the penalty phase by putting on mitigation! Ha! Smh. He’s going to appeal of course and I guess he doesn’t see the point of putting on mitigation. It may be better for him to get LWOP so as to lessen the scrutiny on appeal and put this to rest once and for all! He’s wasted 4 lives and everyone’s time! I hope to never hear his name again after sentencing!
Are ya'll sure Prince is there? I only see the two female attys.

Regarding the female atty holding his hand and rubbing his shoulders - I have no words!

ETA: Whoaaaaa. I spoke too soon. I just went back and watched Prince telling judge why they weren't presenting mitigation evidence. As I suspected, there is NO MITIGATION. Their own psychologist said he had borderline and narcissistic tendencies. Their neurologist said no brain defects or abnormalities. So basically, what we have is your good ole regular domestic violence. Perpetrated by a raging entitled selfish narcissist! There is no justifiable explanation or mitigation for what he did. None! AND as I suspected defense wants the DP so the case can get more scrutiny on appeal. I had a hunch! There's always an underlying manipulative intent with all narcissists. I don't believe there are any appeal-able issues here. He's on the record and has signed a waiver on the mitigation issue. He's finished! He thought he was going to get away with this and he can't stand it that he didn't.

ETA2: And did ya'll catch that he has a fiancee now? Of course he does!!! wow. And he briefly wanted his ex-wife Malica to come testify on his behalf. smh.
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Are ya'll sure Prince is there? I only see the two female attys.

Regarding the female atty holding his hand and rubbing his shoulders - I have no words!
Prince was the one at the beginning that complained about the juror (Attorney) that was in the room at the beginning before juror selection that might have heard something about verdict deal going on. It ended up being nothing. The judge asked each juror if they heard anything like that and they said no. End of story. It will be on the video when it gets uploaded, at the very beginning.

To me Prince made a big deal out of it and it was nothing. I think he thought he would get a mistrial out of it. A big NO on that!
Serious question: do defense lawyers do this to piss people off? He's not even responding to her - he's got his hand in a fist. Does she NEED to do this for herself, for him? For who? I can only think this is some kind of F U to the victims' families and anyone who thinks this man is just heinous. What innocent man is going to say, yeah put me to death I don't care?? What innocent man sits there with his puckered lips, emotionless as he finds out his life is basically over?

Serious question: do defense lawyers do this to piss people off? He's not even responding to her - he's got his hand in a fist. Does she NEED to do this for herself, for him? For who? I can only think this is some kind of F U to the victims' families and anyone who thinks this man is just heinous. What innocent man is going to say, yeah put me to death I don't care?? What innocent man sits there with his puckered lips, emotionless as he finds out his life is basically over?


He looks very angry and I thinks she looks pi**ed.

The more I think about them not putting on any mitigators is they want the death penalty. That way they can get a free appeal. I don't think HS can afford an appeal. I don't think there is any appeal issue either. I think Prince did a good job up until this point at putting on this case.

I hope the jury gives him Life now even though he deserves Death.


Henry Segura Penalty Phase - Judge Handles Jury Issues

This doesn't show Prince bringing it to the courts attention.

Henry Segura Penalty Phase - Jury Instructions
I'm surprised this is taking so long.
I need to go clean my house but I am afraid if I do they will come back. I was just about to get up and go clean the shower.

I guess there is always tomorrow!
Defense looks unhappy about LWOP verdict. They had the jury polled. Even the judge was taken aback. Defense wanted a DP so they can make "wrongful conviction" hay. That's not going to happen now. He'll go through the usual appeal process and I believe only about 1% of those cases are overturned. So he's finished. Good riddance!

ETA: It seemed like pros didn't really care whether he got DP or not either. They just kinda left it up to the jury!

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