FL - Brandi Peters, 27, & her 3 kids found murdered, Tallahassee, 20 Nov 2010 *Guilty*

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The CTV reporter did say that the Jury Foreman was the one that asked(all or most of the)questions during the trial.
Hopefully, he will agree to share after sentencing.
I am shocked that Prince is not putting much effort to save HS life in this Death Penalty case. Really he acted like he could careless how much evidence he put on. I have seen defense attorneys take a full day or day and a half to save their client.

Some or most Jurys I have seen have a hard time sentencing some one to Death. This case they may not have that issue. imo

Prince underestimated the intelligence of the jury. I for one would have been insulted. Total jury alienation. Once you see through the lies what is left? The EVIDENCE (and yes, people circumstantial counts). The prosecutor meticulously exposed lies, debunked experts, and presented an accurate timeline.

I did a silent cheer when Fuchs clarified reasonable doubt. I thought it was the best explanation I have seen at trial; ironically, he was able to use Prince’s own words to do so.

There is a certain amount of conceit on both parties, defense lawyers and narcissist sociopathic clients. I get it, it is your job, but boy how would you sleep at night if your client got off? Probably basking in the spotlight, touring all the crime channels. I agree with everyone the sulkiness is apparent. You lost. Your dreams of being the next Jose Baez have been dashed. I am sorry you were paid half your normal rate. You will soon drop HS like a hot potato. Let’s see how fast that motion to withdraw as counsel hits the court docket. 10, 9, 8, 7…..the countdown begins, it is probably being drafted as I type.

I am disgusted by this trend of trial delays and utterly unbelievable theories.

I do think this case became a runaway train (Santos motive) early on. There were at least 7 Judges before Hankinson took the reins, I am sure making it near impossible to un-do any previous rulings on “evidence” i.e. testimony from nutso attention seeking jail birds being allowed.

I will be disappointed if death is not the outcome as all criteria is met. Bracing myself for any "mitigating" factors presented, I hate listening to that BS, but betting HG won't allow any, he will maintain his innocence until his last breath. I anticipate a short deliberation tomorrow.

Thank you. :cool:

And you’re spot on - it was jury alienation! Beginning with Santos and ending by yelling at jury during closing argument. Defense attys have a lot of disdain for jurors probably because they can’t control them and they usually lose since most of their clients are guilty. Juries don’t buy these unreasonable theories time and time again. And yes they are insulting to any reasonable and fair minded jury. And when defense attys have the nerve to be so indignant and self-righteous with their guilty as hell and despicable clients and their insulting theories then I lose all respect. I noticed Prince and his client didn’t stand for the jury when they left the courtroom. Really?

In this case Prince couldn’t control his client either. Segura should not have testified.
Thank you. :cool:

And you’re spot on - it was jury alienation! Beginning with Santos and ending by yelling at jury during closing argument. Defense attys have a lot of disdain for jurors probably because they can’t control them and they usually lose since most of their clients are guilty. Juries don’t buy these unreasonable theories time and time again. And yes they are insulting to any reasonable and fair minded jury. And when defense attys have the nerve to be so indignant and self-righteous with their guilty as hell and despicable clients and their insulting theories then I lose all respect. I noticed Prince and his client didn’t stand for the jury when they left the courtroom. Really?

In this case Prince couldn’t control his client either. Segura should not have testified.

So many of your post are well thought out and point on! I am not sure if Prince already thought he had lost the jury and just sped through his closing. I have never encountered him before in a FL trial. He just seemed off from closing until now.

I hope we get to see the proceedings today. Maybe on Law and Crime?
Segura wants the Death Penalty!

It is confusing what is going on. They are going to take 10 - 15 minutes to discuss.

ETA: He doesn't want anyone to testify except his ex-wife. He said that the person who killed Brandi and the children deserves the Death Penalty. That would be him. So is he admitting his guilt.

I guess I will have to wait until the video comes out to post what I heard.

Law and Crime
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Apparently a potential juror claims he heard the clerk talk about how the attys were working on a plea deal the first day of jury selection. So judge called each juror individually to ask and they said they didn’t hear it and penalty phase will move forward as planned. I guess this potential juror wanted his 15 mins of fame. He waited until a guilty verdict to say this??? There are too many shady characters in this case who just want to insert themselves bc of the high profile nature. Never seen anything like this! Meanwhile 3 children were brutally murdered and it almost feels like that’s become beside the point in this case. It’s disgraceful!

As for Segura asking for DP! Ha! So predictable. Luis Toledo did the same but his atty wanted to recuse himself if that was gonna be allowed and Toledo relented and allowed his defense to put on mitigation. In Segura’s case, there’s prob no mitigation! This is the defeated narcissist trying to hold on to any bit of control he has left before he goes to prison. He’s enraged with the jury, the judge, and prosecutors and this is his petulant F U! Like a child! I hope jury gives him what he wants but even if they don’t it’s sweet justice! Either way! He will have ZERO control from here on out. He will be told by another man or woman, preferably woman, what to do and when!
Or is this all a ploy to get Life. Reverse psychology?

Prince is there, the lady is taking over this part of the trial.

HS makes me sick, I can not stand him, haul him away! jmo
Apparently a potential juror claims he heard the clerk talk about how the attys were working on a plea deal the first day of jury selection. So judge called each juror individually to ask and they said they didn’t hear it and penalty phase will move forward as planned. I guess this potential juror wanted his 15 mins of fame. He waited until a guilty verdict to say this???

rsbm bbm

I didn't take it this way. The potential juror is an attorney himself. He was at the courthouse with a whole bunch of other people for jury selection for 6 different cases that way. He had jury duty like everyone else. The clerk said to the whole lot of them something to the effect of "sit tight, things don't always start right away because attorneys are working on plea deals and other things." She was speaking in general about all cases, not just this one. But shouldn't have said that and put that idea in their heads. He ended up telling a colleague about it (like, "I don't think that clerk should be saying that) and THAT colleague contacted Prince last night to say what she'd been told, and then Prince called that attorney/potential juror.
Or is this all a ploy to get Life. Reverse psychology?

Prince is there, the lady is taking over this part of the trial.

HS makes me sick, I can not stand him, haul him away! jmo

Doesn't the death penalty mean an automatic appeal?
Segura wants the Death Penalty!

It is confusing what is going on. They are going to take 10 - 15 minutes to discuss.

ETA: He doesn't want anyone to testify except his ex-wife. He said that the person who killed Brandi and the children deserves the Death Penalty. That would be him. So is he admitting his guilt.

I guess I will have to wait until the video comes out to post what I heard.

Law and Crime
OMG I just woke up to this!
What BS
Once again it is WHAT HE WANTS.
Despicable, well I hope he gets what he wants in this instance.
Segura did not want the Dr to testify. So I wonder what happened at that appointment. Did he not cooperate or what?
Respectfully snipped BM

As for Segura asking for DP! Ha! So predictable. Luis Toledo did the same but his atty wanted to recuse himself if that was gonna be allowed and Toledo relented and allowed his defense to put on mitigation. In Segura’s case, there’s prob no mitigation! This is the defeated narcissist trying to hold on to any bit of control he has left before he goes to prison. He’s enraged with the jury, the judge, and prosecutors and this is his petulant F U! Like a child! I hope jury gives him what he wants but even if they don’t it’s sweet justice! Either way! He will have ZERO control from here on out. He will be told by another man or woman, preferably woman, what to do and when!

Yes true Narc!
Sorry I did not read your post, you said it better than me!

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