FL - Brandi Peters, 27, & her 3 kids found murdered, Tallahassee, 20 Nov 2010 *Guilty*

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The video from this morning was very difficult to hear for sure. For some reason Prince doesn't seem like he is into this penalty phase of the trial. I wonder if he is moving on to the appeal instead? He just looks disconnected to me.
Also, the audio is terrible on that Tallahassee Democrat video, sadly. But did I hear pros say that he had a prior felony conviction? What for? Does anyone know? And I hope they're going to bring in his DV issues as well.
The felony was not discussed at hearing but that is one of the aggravating factors to be considered for the death penalty….

The FELONY was on the perjury charge relating to the battery of a pregnant woman. He took a plea and was ordered to attend anger management classes.

Many of his cases were dropped by the prosecution. He also has filed indigent status in some of his cases. Funny how someone not worried or lacking money would do that. It was denied.


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Now my opinion if I was on the jury deciding Guilt or Not. I think I would want an explanation of where all the money went that Brandi was supposed to have stolen from Santos. She had nothing to show for that $80,000 - $100,000. To me nothing fit for Brandi to be a drug runner there was nothing in her history to prove that.

I know the defense doesn't have to put on any evidence. Since they chose to they needed to show the money to Brandi.

I just didn't buy into the defense's story at all. I knew nothing about this case until the trial. I did go back and read the thread though. Also read a few articles.

Yeah Prince looked completely dejected. More than HS. It's quite disturbing to me that he was so convinced he would prevail that he's so devastated. To me that says he had lost all perspective in this case.
Yeah Prince looked completely dejected. More than HS. It's quite disturbing to me that he was so convinced he would prevail that he's so devastated. To me that says he had lost all perspective in this case.
While I am not sympathetic to Segura, I did get a good vibe from Prince--he is smart and I do get a sense of decency from him, which unfortunately (and appropriately) I did not feel at all from his client. I think that he is sincere and really did believe that Segura wasn't guilty of this heinous crime. I have to believe that this was the best outcome though--if it wasn't Segura, then who?

Henry Segura Penalty Phase - Charge Conference

This is the same thing from this morning just the sound is much better on this one.
I thought the prosecutor argued that Santos got Brandi's information from Cleo Green (her ex-boyfriend) who Santos had met in prison? Why the heck this ex-boyfriend would give Brandi's information to some nut job he met in prison is truly scary! After that I believe Santos started emailing Brandi, as the prosecutor contended, and she was rightfully scared that some random guy in prison was contacting her.
You are right in closing the prosecution said the connection was Cleo Green.
The Prosecutor brought out in closing that Segura & Santos we’re previously incarcerated together.
I don't recall the connection ever being brought out at trial, but they were housed in the same pod. I posted a blip from one of the pre-trial hearings upthread. I don't think the prosecution wanted to give anymore credence to Santos than what he had already received and certainly the defense did not want to make a connection to Segura.
(Segura mentioned seeing the mailman across the street in his alibi interview. You or another Websleuther brought this up)
What is written on the inside of the envelope( playful flirting) and what written on the outside do NOT go together. IMO Segura intercepted the envelope and wrote the threat to Brandi on the outside. Which ended up being a lead-in to Segura carrying out the massacre next day. Santos is crazy for attention has falsely confessed to many murders so of course IMO he said it is was his hand writing on envelope under oath...& created the bizarre story of Brandi being his drug mule.
I brought the mail man up. I thought it was peculiar. I think he could have been rifling through the mail looking for any outgoing/incoming paperwork re:child support, the IRS lien, or for the paternity results. He had received over 20 notices in the weeks before. Once I saw the complete envelope writings (they are on twitter somewhere); I tend to think it fits Santos crazy rantings. I was not alarmed by the angel in heaven one (a clumsy attempt to be romantic if the contents are flirtatious). The other I am not certain considering the circumstances? "Death before dishonor"

I do remember it was the judges ruling at one of the trial hearings where the letters and emails were not going to be allowed. The judge did not want Santos on the stand testifying to nonsense, as he had proven in his depos by claiming code etc. I think the emails allowed were from others that had verified the content meanings.
ETA: that is Why Santos only testified to the writing on the envelope not the letters
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Yeah Prince looked completely dejected. More than HS. It's quite disturbing to me that he was so convinced he would prevail that he's so devastated. To me that says he had lost all perspective in this case.
I follow a lawyer online that gives updates on this case and I commented to the shock on HS and Prince faces; he responded by saying:

"it’s very painful for the lawyers - specially the good ones who care - I’ve been there on wins and losses - and the stakes in this one were so high"; "he (Prince) knows more than all of us - I have no idea what was suppressed- what did those jail notes contain- he did, though, fully believe that the State did not meet its burden - I’m sure he is hurting"​
I follow a lawyer online that gives updates on this case and I commented to the shock on HS and Prince faces; he responded by saying:

"it’s very painful for the lawyers - specially the good ones who care - I’ve been there on wins and losses - and the stakes in this one were so high"; "he (Prince) knows more than all of us - I have no idea what was suppressed- what did those jail notes contain- he did, though, fully believe that the State did not meet its burden - I’m sure he is hurting"​
Well Prince should have put up more information then. imo

I am ready to move on to the penalty phase. Then Prince can take things up with an appeal. I am not to worried about it. jmo
Well Prince should have put up more information then. imo

I am ready to move on to the penalty phase. Then Prince can take things up with an appeal. I am not to worried about it. jmo
I agree. Just thought someone might like to see it from a fellow local lawyer's perspective.

When the strategy developed one of the judges told them you better put up some proof if you are going the cartel hit angle.

Henry Segura Penalty Phase - Charge Conference

This is the same thing from this morning just the sound is much better on this one.

HS appeared to read (I guess) Brandi’s sisters impact statement that was submitted today to the defense table. I could be imagining it but it was the first time HS looked a little humble afterward.
I think he even mouthed -okay- as the judge dismissed them all.
Yeah, I got he vibe that Prince is angry. While I can understand it..it doesn’t come off very professional.
HS appeared to read (I guess) Brandi’s sisters impact statement that was submitted today to the defense table. I could be imagining it but it was the first time HS looked a little humble afterward.
I think he even mouthed -okay- as the judge dismissed them all.
Yeah, I got he vibe that Prince is angry. While I can understand it..it doesn’t come off very professional.
Plus Prince was sucking on candy or chewing gum which is very unprofessional.

I went back and watched the Verdict again today. Prince has his head hung from the beginning before the Verdict is even read. I wonder if he could tell by what the jurors face looked like it was not good for Segura. Prince looked mad before they read the Verdict.
Plus Prince was sucking on candy or chewing gum which is very unprofessional.

I went back and watched the Verdict again today. Prince has his head hung from the beginning before the Verdict is even read. I wonder if he could tell by what the jurors face looked like it was not good for Segura. Prince looked mad before they read the Verdict.

Reminds me of the line ~
Players only love you when they’re playing
Is Prince a tobacco chewer? He had something in his mouth during the State's rebuttal and during this charge conference. What is in his mouth???
Is Prince a tobacco chewer? He had something in his mouth during the State's rebuttal and during this charge conference. What is in his mouth???
I couldn't figure it out either. I just know I remember some attorney saying before that she chewed gum and a judge jumped all over. It is very disrespectful to the court to be eating or have something in your mouth.
I mean, I can understand that lawyers want to win. They’re invested in the case of course. Having said that, I cant imagine that Prince believes his client to be innocent. Prince knew what he had, which was nothing (in terms of ‘some other guy did it’). He had to know that Santos wasn’t going to win this case. Neither was Angel Avila Quinnones who was out of the country or in prison when this crime occurred! I mean, he HAD to know the jury would not buy that bull crap. So why was he so shocked? Like I said before it was the 8-4 for acquittal poll from the 1st trial. That made him arrogant and he lost perspective. And he clearly didn’t factor in that Santos testifying would ERASE the whole cartel angle. Maybe he was hoping Santos would pull the same trick and plead the 5th again. Creating reasonable doubt.

His argument at closing was that even if the jury doesn’t believe Santos they have to consider it and that state has to disprove it. And if state doesn’t disprove it then it’s reasonable doubt. Well as Fuchs clarified that’s not how it works. Jury gets to determine credibility of all evidence in the same manner including defense evidence.

Prince said jury has to give the benefit of doubt to the defendant. Which is true but it has to be a plausible or reasonable doubt. He HAD to know Santos was faaaaaar from that. Jury is not required to FORCE doubt. Even Washington doesn’t cause pause even if he had testified. Prince was basically banking on jury being so confused that they’d just give up and vote NG. Hence, spaghetti to the wall strategy. Then he had the nerve to be angry at jury. Lol. Gimme a break! Sometimes I feel like defense lawyers just put on a good act!

I’m sure it was Segura’s idea to testify. Narcissists can’t help themselves. And that’s what sunk him in the end. Narcissists and sociopaths take the stand and REMOVE ALL DOUBT! Segura made up a lie on the spot on the stand about how the female officer was calling him and harassing him and that he told her he was there that night! Come on!!!! Every time he talked about sex he smirked. He came off like the creep that he is. He sealed the conviction. No question. This was always a case of Segura v. Segura.
I mean, I can understand that lawyers want to win. They’re invested in the case of course. Having said that, I cant imagine that Prince believes his client to be innocent. Prince knew what he had, which was nothing (in terms of ‘some other guy did it’). He had to know that Santos wasn’t going to win this case. Neither was Angel Avila Quinnones who was out of the country or in prison when this crime occurred! I mean, he HAD to know the jury would not buy that bull crap. So why was he so shocked? Like I said before it was the 8-4 for acquittal poll from the 1st trial. That made him arrogant and he lost perspective. And he clearly didn’t factor in that Santos testifying would ERASE the whole cartel angle. Maybe he was hoping Santos would pull the same trick and plead the 5th again. Creating reasonable doubt.

His argument at closing was that even if the jury doesn’t believe Santos they have to consider it and that state has to disprove it. And if state doesn’t disprove it then it’s reasonable doubt. Well as Fuchs clarified that’s not how it works. Jury gets to determine credibility of all evidence in the same manner including defense evidence.

Prince said jury has to give the benefit of doubt to the defendant. Which is true but it has to be a plausible or reasonable doubt. He HAD to know Santos was faaaaaar from that. Jury is not required to FORCE doubt. Even Washington doesn’t cause pause even if he had testified. Prince was basically banking on jury being so confused that they’d just give up and vote NG. Hence, spaghetti to the wall strategy. Then he had the nerve to be angry at jury. Lol. Gimme a break! Sometimes I feel like defense lawyers just put on a good act!

I’m sure it was Segura’s idea to testify. Narcissists can’t help themselves. And that’s what sunk him in the end. Narcissists and sociopaths take the stand and REMOVE ALL DOUBT! Segura made up a lie on the spot on the stand about how the female officer was calling him and harassing him and that he told her he was there that night! Come on!!!! Every time he talked about sex he smirked. He came off like the creep that he is. He sealed the conviction. No question. This was always a case of Segura v. Segura.

Prince underestimated the intelligence of the jury. I for one would have been insulted. Total jury alienation. Once you see through the lies what is left? The EVIDENCE (and yes, people circumstantial counts). The prosecutor meticulously exposed lies, debunked experts, and presented an accurate timeline.

I did a silent cheer when Fuchs clarified reasonable doubt. I thought it was the best explanation I have seen at trial; ironically, he was able to use Prince’s own words to do so.

There is a certain amount of conceit on both parties, defense lawyers and narcissist sociopathic clients. I get it, it is your job, but boy how would you sleep at night if your client got off? Probably basking in the spotlight, touring all the crime channels. I agree with everyone the sulkiness is apparent. You lost. Your dreams of being the next Jose Baez have been dashed. I am sorry you were paid half your normal rate. You will soon drop HS like a hot potato. Let’s see how fast that motion to withdraw as counsel hits the court docket. 10, 9, 8, 7…..the countdown begins, it is probably being drafted as I type.

I am disgusted by this trend of trial delays and utterly unbelievable theories.

I do think this case became a runaway train (Santos motive) early on. There were at least 7 Judges before Hankinson took the reins, I am sure making it near impossible to un-do any previous rulings on “evidence” i.e. testimony from nutso attention seeking jail birds being allowed.

I will be disappointed if death is not the outcome as all criteria is met. Bracing myself for any "mitigating" factors presented, I hate listening to that BS, but betting HG won't allow any, he will maintain his innocence until his last breath. I anticipate a short deliberation tomorrow.
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