GUILTY FL - Carlie Brucia, 11, Sarasota, 1 February 2004

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It's not over, yet. In Memory of Carlie Jane Brucia
March 16, 1992 - February 1, 2004

The finding of precious Carlie does not mean "closure" by any means for this family. In fact, in such a case, there is never closure. There is an answer, yes. They have her back, now, albeit not the way anyone would have wanted. As a victim of crime, I can tell you, there is no such thing as "closure".

Now is not the time to forget about Carlie, or her family. We must be fervent in our prayers of support for the family, as they face a trial at some point. They will never get over the loss of this child, it will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

To say that an Amber Alert being issued earlier might have saved her does not bring her back. To say that she did nothing to get away from him only hurts this family, a family already completely broken with despair and grief. To say that she was dressed provocatively is absurd, so please do not utter such nonsense. No one deserves what happened to Carlie, no matter what.

Yes, I believe Carlie looked older than her 11 years, and the animal who took her thought she was probably 15 or maybe even older. Does that make it ok? Hell no. No one has the right to abduct and harm another human being, ever, under any circumstance.

Will Carlie's death be in vain? I pray not. I think each of us should start by doing something positive, now. Each one of us can write to our lawmakers and demand they begin to search for our missing loved ones in earnest, the moment they disappear, irregardless of age, irregardless of circumstances. Because one never knows, irregardless of past behaviors, if a person has been abducted or left of their own free will.
Is any of us willing to take the chance?

One thing that was brought to my attention most recently disturbed me a great deal. I never realized it could be true, until the story about Carlie's abduction. Did any of you know that the age of "consent" is now 10? TEN years old, and that young person is considered to be a probable runaway. Yes, I know, some leave even younger to escape bad circumstances. But do all? I seriously doubt it. When are the adults of America going to rise up and defend our children? When, I beg of you, when? Does anyone know how many people are missing in America? Over 890,000. That alone should scare you, even if you are an adult female, or a man. There is safety in numbers, no matter what sex you are, or what age you are.

Please take care, take precautions, educate yourselves on how to protect yourself, and the ones you love. A simple class can teach you how to prevent abductions. Did you know if you fight with an abductor, even if they have a weapon, you have a greater chance of survival than if they take you to a secluded place? Did you know that 74% of abducted persons are killed in the first three hours? Did you know that most abducted persons are taken for sex, even young babies and children? If not, maybe it is time to open your eyes, and see what is happening out there. It's not a pretty picture, but education is the key. Fear is the absence of knowledge.

Arm yourselves with knowledge, and please no more Carlie's, ever again.

Much love to all, with HOPE
It's not over, yet. In Memory of Carlie Jane Brucia
March 16, 1992 - February 1, 2004

The finding of precious Carlie does not mean "closure" by any means for this family. In fact, in such a case, there is never closure. There is an answer, yes. They have her back, now, albeit not the way anyone would have wanted. As a victim of crime, I can tell you, there is no such thing as "closure".

Now is not the time to forget about Carlie, or her family. We must be fervent in our prayers of support for the family, as they face a trial at some point. They will never get over the loss of this child, it will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

To say that an Amber Alert being issued earlier might have saved her does not bring her back. To say that she did nothing to get away from him only hurts this family, a family already completely broken with despair and grief. To say that she was dressed provocatively is absurd, so please do not utter such nonsense. No one deserves what happened to Carlie, no matter what.

Yes, I believe Carlie looked older than her 11 years, and the animal who took her thought she was probably 15 or maybe even older. Does that make it ok? Hell no. No one has the right to abduct and harm another human being, ever, under any circumstance.

Will Carlie's death be in vain? I pray not. I think each of us should start by doing something positive, now. Each one of us can write to our lawmakers and demand they begin to search for our missing loved ones in earnest, the moment they disappear, irregardless of age, irregardless of circumstances. Because one never knows, irregardless of past behaviors, if a person has been abducted or left of their own free will.
Is any of us willing to take the chance?

One thing that was brought to my attention most recently disturbed me a great deal. I never realized it could be true, until the story about Carlie's abduction. Did any of you know that the age of "consent" is now 10? TEN years old, and that young person is considered to be a probable runaway. Yes, I know, some leave even younger to escape bad circumstances. But do all? I seriously doubt it. When are the adults of America going to rise up and defend our children? When, I beg of you, when? Does anyone know how many people are missing in America? Over 890,000. That alone should scare you, even if you are an adult female, or a man. There is safety in numbers, no matter what sex you are, or what age you are.

Please take care, take precautions, educate yourselves on how to protect yourself, and the ones you love. A simple class can teach you how to prevent abductions. Did you know if you fight with an abductor, even if they have a weapon, you have a greater chance of survival than if they take you to a secluded place? Did you know that 74% of abducted persons are killed in the first three hours? Did you know that most abducted persons are taken for sex, even young babies and children? If not, maybe it is time to open your eyes, and see what is happening out there. It's not a pretty picture, but education is the key. Fear is the absence of knowledge.

Arm yourselves with knowledge, and please no more Carlie's, ever again.

Much love to all, with HOPE
The source added that Carlie was killed within a few hours of her kidnapping - and that cops had an encounter with Smith at about 10 p.m. that night near the thick underbrush where the victim's body was found.

Patrolling cops spotted Smith's Buick station wagon - believed to have been used in the abduction - parked illegally under an overpass off I-75. When they spotted the auto mechanic and Brooklyn native returning to his car after emerging from some thick underbrush, they asked him what he was doing.

Was this close to where she was abducted?? Obviously this was soon after he abducted and committed the murder.

Smith, who has been charged with murder and kidnapping, "said he went to pee - and the cops let him go," said the source.

The next morning, Smith showed up late for his job - and was acting "strangely," the source said.

"He kept washing his hands over and over even though they were clean," the source said. "And he told his boss that he might have to leave the state at any time."

I'm assuming this was on Monday morning and he had already killed her.
I heard on the local news down here, that a person who he worked with reported that he was "close to tears" that day.
WasBlind-- Thanks for your post. Everything you said is so true and your expressed it so well.
Today I get to do my normal activities. Tending to my children, taking care of our home, being a wife to my husband. My day is pretty much normal. I will pick the kids up from school, go visit a neighbor in the hospital and take them a personal need item. I prayed last nite and I've prayed this morning for the blood of Jesus to keep my family and home safe and no harm will come upon us. We have the covering now. My life is good, Praise God.

There's a family today not feeling so normal. It's Carlie's. Her mom can't kiss her goodbye and tell her to have a good day at school. Carlie won't be coming home today and be told to clean her room. Carlie won't be around to ask mom and dad can she have a friend sleep over tonight and of course can we order pizza. Nope. The world and family has lost a life that was just living and bothering no one. She was just growing up and trying to find her way, being shaped and molded by society and her environment.

Today is Carlie's funeral. Her family is experiencing a core level loss. All their everyday routines, acitivities and functions will never be the same. There's many kinds of losses but this is the most painful. When you lose a loved one that effects your everyday life. When you lose a cousin, grandparent, co-worker, older siblings, though sad, the core level loss effects everything you do. From grocery shopping, laundry, vacuuming, planning.

having experienced this type of loss myself in losing my husband at the age of 28, my spirit is grieved for the pain and heartache this family is suffering as we read. I pray the Lord gives them a special hug today, for I know he's in the house of the mourning for he says so.

Wasblind, and others, your posts are very informative. I ask the same as the others, protect and arm your family with knowledge and prayer and no harm will come to you. Rebuke the enemy and cover your families. Do it in honor of Carlie today.
Imon128 said:
Has anybody read any updates on this case?

Imon, go to, the forum administrator in the updates section informs us their working on it and there will be more updates soon. The forum is growing and getting alot of hits, so that's a good place to look. The administrator is also asking for any ideas from people to improve the forum if you have any, I encourage you to contact them.
The warrant that held him in jail was from the Department of Corrections. Joesph Smith violated the conditions of his probation and when he broke a new law, his officer had to immediately fax a detainer warrant on him. This is to make sure that Smith has been afforded the opportunity to respond to the violations that will be sent to the Parole Board.

Warrants for the Department of Corrections in America do not have any bond. They can only be lifted once they are in the custody of the DOC.
WasBlind said:
It's not over, yet. In Memory of Carlie Jane Brucia
March 16, 1992 - February 1, 2004

...One thing that was brought to my attention most recently disturbed me a great deal. I never realized it could be true, until the story about Carlie's abduction. Did any of you know that the age of "consent" is now 10? TEN years old, and that young person is considered to be a probable runaway. Yes, I know, some leave even younger to escape bad circumstances. But do all? I seriously doubt it. When are the adults of America going to rise up and defend our children? When, I beg of you, when? Does anyone know how many people are missing in America? Over 890,000. That alone should scare you, even if you are an adult female, or a man. There is safety in numbers, no matter what sex you are, or what age you are...
Arm yourselves with knowledge, and please no more Carlie's, ever again.

Much love to all, with HOPE

Lanie, I hope that's not the age of consent for sexual activity, but just the age of consent for running away. Still, ten seems extraordinarily young to me for any kind of consent. A child of ten can't even give consent to get her ears pierced!
It loads fast if you are on highspeed. It is not complete yet. I need to dig for more photos.
Thanks Imon! :D
Twinz- WOW!! There are no words to express how much your works touch me. You have a wonderfull talent and are gracious to share it with all of us.
Thanks for touching my heart.
The age of consent is 10! That is not right at all. My goodness! I have a daughter around that age and when I tell her to clean her room or when she doesn't like what I have to say, sometimes she tells me that she wants to run away! That is not reasonable she is being a child!!!!!! She is not able to determine that cleaning her room is not cause for running away! So if she did I expect someone to help me find her!!!!
Twinz said:
It loads fast if you are on highspeed. It is not complete yet. I need to dig for more photos.
Thanks Imon! :D

You're welcome, Twinz. BTW, LOVE your avatar! You are the best doll maker, bar none, and your sight to Carlie is so very caring. Can you post the link again, when you do more updating? It could get lost if posting gets going on the case.
Was that in the same neighborhood as the sleepover? Greta Von Susterin asked Carly's mom in a phone interview if she had any idea why Smith was in the neighborhood.

He'd only discovered something was wrong with his car and borrowed Pincus' cream-colored station wagon approximately an hour before the 6:15 pm abduction, which time had been decided by Carly herself.

Carrying Carly's body across a wide open stretch from the I-75 overpass to the woods was awfully risky. So probably the murder was done around 7, when it would have been dark, from another road, more secluded than where the overpass was. Why did he come back at 10, unless maybe fearing someone had seen him go into the woods? Staging to establish an alibi in case police should hear of it?

If the 300 miles isn't a mistake, could someone have driven that many miles between about 7:30 and 10:00? Not necessarily in a straight line but if he did go in only one direction, where would he end up, 150 miles out, minus the miles he'd already put on the car in the hour before the abduction?
Say 100 miles out?

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