GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #1

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I would doubt they went to Englewood Beach to dispose of Chance. There are so many places nearer their home which are just roads leading to no where. Lots of woods and canals, and empty lots. When I lived near North Port a few years back, I was amazed at all the streets that led to no where. Lots of dumping at dead ends and undeveloped cul-de-sacs.

Clearly, LE agree with you. Since they autopsied the gator that lives behind their home.
People who are truly working a 12 step program don't write poetry blaming everyone else for their problems. This poem shows someone who isn't taking responsibility for her own actions. So your mom wasn't great, guess what.. no one is perfect and it's time to look inside yourself and help yourself move past your past and change who you are, not keep blaming others.

If you go read her fb she blames friends for not being there to drive her back and forth to work. Everything seems to be everyone's fault but hers.
I am sure they disposed of him near their home.

I wonder if they had cadaver dogs sniff the car in that photo.
I am sure they disposed of him near their home.

I wonder if they had cadaver dogs sniff the car in that photo.

I was wondering the same thing. I think they should take the dogs through ANY vehicle these two had access to since Sep 9th. If they all come up clean, I'd do an intensive search in a 1-2 mile radius of the house - I can't imagine either of them walking any farther than that for disposal of remains (if there are any).
I understand that a horrible childhood can mess with a person, but there comes a time in adult life to stop the circle of violence! I know it doesn't come easy for some people, but we all become our own adult with our own thoughts and actions. Yes it's easy to blame an upbringing, but when your grown and away from that you have choices. Just my opinion from personal experience and I know it does not happen for everyone so don't misunderstand my meaning :)

I've been avoiding this thread. So sad for yet another baby missing. I hope Chance is found safe with another family. (I wanna dream this Thanksgiving weekend 😢)
I would doubt they went to Englewood Beach to dispose of Chance. There are so many places nearer their home which are just roads leading to no where. Lots of woods and canals, and empty lots. When I lived near North Port a few years back, I was amazed at all the streets that led to no where. Lots of dumping at dead ends and undeveloped cul-de-sacs.

Babies are small and easier to hide/dispose of. Chance could be anywhere, and will probably be like many others, and not found. He would be a smaller "package" than Caylee.

For a term baby, the average circumference of the head is 13–14 inches, and the average circumference of the chest 12–13 inches. The infant's sitting height, measured from crown to rump, is approximately equal to the head circumference. So add for additional bone growth, and factor in decomp and you could hold his little skull and bones in your two hands.
I just finished reading mom's entire FB and it is full of rapidly cycling mood swings - happy, sad, angry, girlish gushing, resentful, happy, sad, up, down, empty, angry - literally from one day to next. Her FB only goes back a couple of years where she initially talks a lot about sobriety and meetings and whatnot, so it appears she was already an addict when she started FBing. I don't know if this unstable mood pattern was a direct result of her drug use or if it's always been a part of her psychology, but she is definitely all over the place and in need of some serious intervention - whether it's substance abuse treatment or treatment for a general mental illness, I do not know, but she is really ill.

Having thought about what I read in her postings, in her own words, I'm on the fence as to whether or not she was capable of deliberately and overtly killing her baby in an act of violence. Apathy, lack of care, starvation, drug overdose or some other passive action like simply dropping the baby into the canal alive I can see her doing. She mentions that she has a felony record but doesn't say what the charge was for, so I don't know if it was a violent charge or not, but nothing in her FB (or the other 5 or 6 I read) referenced any kind of violent behavior or outbursts on her part.

Now, dad is a different story. He has severe and aggressive violent outbursts like battery and assault with a deadly weapon convictions - all against weaker females, not males. I suspect if outright violence or battery lead to the death of this infant, it is much more likely that he committed the act rather than her. I also suspect his drug problem is much, much worse than hers as his appearance now compared to two years ago is alarmingly deteriorated, whereas she looks no better or worse than usual really.

I think an act of explosive violence took place in that house after grandpa left on the 9th, which is why mom refused to answer the door when grandma came by later that day to check on things. And why no one has seen this infant since that day. My money is on dad - with mom sticking by him and covering up the murder of the baby to protect him. If it was the other way around, I think he'd throw her under the bus in a heartbeat.

As always, this is only an opinion.

Thank you for your intelligent post. The thanks button was not enough
Babies are small and easier to hide/dispose of. Chance could be anywhere, and will probably be like many others, and not found. He would be a smaller "package" than Caylee.

For a term baby, the average circumference of the head is 13–14 inches, and the average circumference of the chest 12–13 inches. The infant's sitting height, measured from crown to rump, is approximately equal to the head circumference. So add for additional bone growth, and factor in decomp and you could hold his little skull and bones in your two hands.
That is just about the saddest post I've read in a long while. I can actually picture this.[emoji17]

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Seems as though mom has some serious issues. Rough childhood, drugs, abandonment, dead babies. She is so underwater that she is holding on to that man for dear life. She has no clue how to be a mom, she didn't have one. She has no clue how to love a baby, she wasn't loved. She has already lived a lifetime of violence in her life, she is used to it from her childhood. She is damaged goods. But, that man loves her with all her faults, she is never letting go of him.

Sad. Just sad. They managed to kill 2 sons. Why are we not offering free sterilizations to drug addicts?

Well, just because someone had a horrible childhood doesn't mean they are destined to grow up into a horrible adult, either. Given the prevalence of child abuse and neglect in the U.S., if tough childhoods resulted in horrible people, then this country would be riddled with monsters. And while it sometimes may seem that way -- it's really not. Most people, including those with tough backgrounds, grow up to be decent human beings and solid citizens.

KW could have had the worst childhood in the history of ever -- it still doesn't excuse whatever she did to her child. It doesn't excuse her other bad choices, either. It MAY provide context, but even that I give a serious side-eye towards. This was her choice, and I don't care how unloved she felt, how damaged she felt, how much she thinks her "husband" loves her or how much violence she's experienced: If she murdered her newborn son, she gets no mercy, no pass from me.

Or, you know, this could just be the ramblings of a meth-head and not even remotely accurate re: her upbringing.
Not much happening in the case right now. Hopefully once the parents are back in Florida we'll start to hear more.

A memorial for Chance Walsh, the missing 10-week-old baby from North Port, has been set up outside the home where his grandparents say they last saw him.

His parents, Joseph Walsh and Kristen Bury, sit in a South Carolina jail and are charged with child neglect. NBC2 confirmed through the Jasper County Jail that the pair will be extradited, but the date has not been determined.

Chance's grandmother, Sally Susino, didn't have any comment when reached by NBC2, but she left a very visible comment at the memorial.

Scrawled on the photo of the baby: "We love you, Chance. I will find you. Signed - SS."

Interesting note from the article:

The medical examiner did not respond to requests for information on the alligator.

Kind of odd. I don't know if it means anything though.
Thanks for the update MsMarple. The ME was probably advised to keep silent. And it's doubtful LE will divulge when KW and JW arrive back in Sarasota County. Doubt we will hear much of anything, but, hopefully LE has at least an idea about what happened to that poor baby.
Because this is the United States in 2015, not Germany in 1940?

As I recall, Germany did not over a voluntary program, as I suggested.

It is my opinion that drug addicts should be counseled about sterilization. They don't take BC or use condoms because that requires some personal responsibility the least of which is to take the pills daily which is too much to ask and for them, the money is better spent on more drugs. Fact.

They deliver drug addicted babies, spend years in the legal system over custody issues with DCF , the children are neglected and abused and usually run in and out of foster care and things rarely work out well for them.

Then we want to be mad, sad and kill them when the child dies while in the care, custody and control of the addict. Maybe some counseling about the FACTS of babies born to drug addicts would make them realize that they are addicts for life and will be horrible parents. Maybe they will realize that their choice is drugs and they will choose to not have babies rather than give up the drug or have babies and keep drugging.
Babies are small and easier to hide/dispose of. Chance could be anywhere, and will probably be like many others, and not found. He would be a smaller "package" than Caylee.

For a term baby, the average circumference of the head is 13–14 inches, and the average circumference of the chest 12–13 inches. The infant's sitting height, measured from crown to rump, is approximately equal to the head circumference. So add for additional bone growth, and factor in decomp and you could hold his little skull and bones in your two hands.

--sadly, i have to agree.

--we could all make an extensive list of babies/children that have not been found.

--and in this case, LE wasn't notified until weeks later----where to begin?

--even IF notified immediately (lonzie barton) ruben was driving around all night, who knows which trash bin, or whatever/wherever, he decided to dump him in..

--it's so sad, these little ones left out there God knows where...
As I recall, Germany did not over a voluntary program, as I suggested.

It is my opinion that drug addicts should be counseled about sterilization. They don't take BC or use condoms because that requires some personal responsibility the least of which is to take the pills daily which is too much to ask and for them, the money is better spent on more drugs. Fact.

They deliver drug addicted babies, spend years in the legal system over custody issues with DCF , the children are neglected and abused and usually run in and out of foster care and things rarely work out well for them.

Then we want to be mad, sad and kill them when the child dies while in the care, custody and control of the addict. Maybe some counseling about the FACTS of babies born to drug addicts would make them realize that they are addicts for life and will be horrible parents. Maybe they will realize that their choice is drugs and they will choose to not have babies rather than give up the drug or have babies and keep drugging.

I think I could go along with this idea if they were also offered free counselling, quality pre-natal care or abortions or assistance with adoptions. So maybe offer tubal ligation after a woman becomes pregnant along with the other three options. Then it's up to her to have the baby or not, and then get a tubal ligation. And yes, with all that help and assistance maybe she will be able to get off drugs.

And instead of realizing "their choice is drugs and they will choose to not have babies rather than give up the drug or have babies and keep drugging" we can help them choose to have babies (if that's what they want) and stop using drugs.

I don't think it's fair or right to tell someone who is an addict she is going to be a horrible parent.

It's too late for Duane and Chance though. :(
Just a thought... If KW and JW were meth junkies then they would have scratch marks all over their faces in their mugshots. Guessing that they were both heroin addics and JW's weight loss is possibly due to Hepatitis.
Just a thought... If KW and JW were meth junkies then they would have scratch marks all over their faces in their mugshots. Guessing that they were both heroin addics and JW's weight loss is possibly due to Hepatitis.
I agree. I sort of assumed this in the beginning. I think the confusion came when a poster commented about the blood spatter and meth induced homicidal frenzy. I think they are heroin addicts because she showed track marks, and no one has said she seemed crazed or tweaky.

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