GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #2

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So on top of everything else his weight indicates that he may have been starved as well. I wonder what Duanes weight at time of death was? For awhile now on KB Facebook most of the photos in the Chance scrapbook have been locked or removed. (By her or LE?). I'm going to guess the photos were incriminating if she removed them, or evidence if LE removed them. They are blocked on JW page as well. Only the first 3 photos showing.

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Could little Chance have been a failure to thrive baby because he was born to a drug addicted mother? I am so sad that the hospital, if he was even born in one, failed to keep this poor baby and treat him for withdrawl. I am so upset thinking that he should never of been allowed to go home with those two oxygen thieves. poor little boy. :(
Welcome SweetPea4.5! I gotta tell ya...I'm a nitpicker about spelling and I didn't even notice the 'a' haha... ;) Till I saw mention of your story in your had to go read it....I feel for ya!....I wish sometimes I'd been a bit more creative with my user name....something jazzy*L* anywaysssss...!:welcome:
Could little Chance have been a failure to thrive baby because he was born to a drug addicted mother? I am so sad that the hospital, if he was even born in one, failed to keep this poor baby and treat him for withdrawl. I am so upset thinking that he should never of been allowed to go home with those two oxygen thieves. poor little boy. :(
That could be possible. I'm not familiar with Florida but here in New York when I had my son he had difficulty latching on and lost an ounce or two over the two nights in the hospital. I had to stay an extra 24 hours until they were satisfied all was well and I could nurse properly. If Chance was born drug addicted I thought it had to be reported and measures taken. I'm pretty certain though that she WAS smoking dope while pregnant because the lady they were staying with said as much. Also there was mention that someone reported her for opiate misuse. Seems like alot of people failed this little guy.

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As to the question if sweet baby Chance was abused and neglected immediately after birth (the lack of weight gain, what appears to be bruising and swelling in his pics) I'll say the answer is NO.

This poor thing was being abused and neglected before he ever entered the world. With God knows whatever kinds of drugs and probably alcohol as well she was ingesting while pregnant, she clearly didn't care about the health of this baby LONG before he was ever born. Someone knew it, and someone had the good sense to call CPS on her while she was still in the hospital the day after Chance was born. It just blows my mind CPS did nothing.

I unfortunately had to call cps in a VERY similar situation regarding a girl I knew through friends. I saw her take multiple pills and shots at a get together following a funeral. Hours later she had a premature baby. I didn't even know she was pregnant. CPS was all over it. That baby did not leave the hospital with mom and has now been adopted by grandma (turned out she wasn't really 'grandma' when a paternity test was done; but she fought like crazy to protect him) I barely knew these people and I was the only one who called...I'm still baffled. He's 6 is still a mess. Why do people turn a blind eye to this stuff??? They are babies!!!!!
Could little Chance have been a failure to thrive baby because he was born to a drug addicted mother? I am so sad that the hospital, if he was even born in one, failed to keep this poor baby and treat him for withdrawl. I am so upset thinking that he should never of been allowed to go home with those two oxygen thieves. poor little boy. :(

I think his failure to thrive was from the start. I wondered the other day about Medicaid and WIC for Chance, or if they had to buy formula and watered it down . Here in Texas if you have no insurance and have a baby they're automatically egibile and signed up right there in the hospital. Someone said no if KW tested positive for drugs she wouldn't be, but would that include a baby and his needs?

MY grandson's mother was fifteen when she had him, and she was eligible for Medicaid and WIC and received several cans of formula at a time. She would sell it for cigarettes and Ding Dongs. Our grandson lived with us from birth and we provided everything , even insurance, but she got her and his benefits every month.

Also back a few years ago people were stealing formula off the shelfs and selling them. Some even from ice cream truck. That could've been a source of some cash for drugs.
Welcome SweetPea4.5!!

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I think his failure to thrive was from the start. I wondered the other day about Medicaid and WIC for Chance, or if they had to buy formula and watered it down . Here in Texas if you have no insurance and have a baby they're automatically egibile and signed up right there in the hospital. Someone said no if KW tested positive for drugs she wouldn't be, but would that include a baby and his needs?

MY grandson's mother was fifteen when she had him, and she was eligible for Medicaid and WIC and received several cans of formula at a time. She would sell it for cigarettes and Ding Dongs. Our grandson lived with us from birth and we provided everything , even insurance, but she got her and his benefits every month.

Also back a few years ago people were stealing formula off the shelfs and selling them. Some even from ice cream truck. That could've been a source of some cash for drugs.
If they sold his formula for drugs I will hate them even more. When they go to hell they will have to move in with Adolf Hitler or some such other heinous infamous garbage.

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This is beyond devastating.

Not only did current and former family members/friends/acquaintances/roommates/neighbors know, witness, or suspect what kind of environment this little boy was being brought into... But a report was filed with DCF within a day of Baby Chance's birth (while he was in a "safe" location)...and they did nothing? No background check on these two? No drug testing on all three before release?

SOMEONE did the right thing here (out of all the other someones who could have), and IMHO, DCF dropped the ball.

Yes.... These two killed Chance (and probably Duane), but the state agencies in place to prevent their opportunity to do it failed miserably. AGAIN. 😡

Why isn't there an automatic database link upon admittance to hospitals that reveals high risk/DCF involvement, or past DV/drug use of individuals in order to a) better understand possible treatment plans for the patient and b) prevent potential risks to newborns?

Argh, I'm getting more and more upset as I am winding down to bed time.
The most loving gesture this tiny little soul will ever experience here on earth will be his own funeral service. Where strangers hands will swaddle his little body and place him gently in his final resting place. And words of warmth and love will be spoken in His name. So sad. I'm so sorry for this little peanut. Little Baby who never had a Chance Walsh.

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So the brother says JW has been on meds for his "mental illness" since he was a kid. Lovely. They'll probably use that as an excuse.

From this article

"There are many questions for the Department of Children and Families after two Bay area children died. Christopher said Joseph Walsh has always struggled with “demons”, and he has been on medication for his mental illness since he was a child.Bury directed detectives to the gravesite, where a fragment of blue surgical gloves was found.
“Anytime my brother would do cocaine, it would bring out the sickness in him – make him paranoid”, Christopher said. He said that he knew Bury would try and point the finger at Walsh when they were arrested October 6, but Christopher said he understands Walsh is just as much in the wrong as Bury.
“It’s unsettling, it’s heartbreaking”, Christopher said."
I unfortunately had to call cps in a VERY similar situation regarding a girl I knew through friends. I saw her take multiple pills and shots at a get together following a funeral. Hours later she had a premature baby. I didn't even know she was pregnant. CPS was all over it. That baby did not leave the hospital with mom and has now been adopted by grandma (turned out she wasn't really 'grandma' when a paternity test was done; but she fought like crazy to protect him) I barely knew these people and I was the only one who called...I'm still baffled. He's 6 is still a mess. Why do people turn a blind eye to this stuff??? They are babies!!!!!

Good job helenlouise426- standing ovation for you.
From the beginning of this case, my question was how did she get out of the hospital with a newborn?

I am relieved to hear someone did call DSS, however, FL is notorious for their inactions! I know, the system has problems across the US, but FL has too many, that are too violent, and too publicized! Just think of all the cases that slip through the cracks!

In KB's admittance to the hospital for this birth, her blood would be tested. Is testing for drugs, too many, not a factor looked for? Also, could the professionals not be able to tell by observing this couple that they were addicts? I know nothing about drugs, addicts, etc. except from what I read. I feel sure the answer is everyone at the hospital attending to KB knew she was an addict. The nurses and doctors could tell by Chance's APGAR testing and just by watching him that his mother was an addict.

Do they, the professionals, not have a responsibility to this newborn child to protect him? Is it truly alright to send this innocent newborn home with addict parents? Does the hospital not have an obligation to contact DSS?

I am floored or really naive over this whole situation allowing Chance to go home. On second thought, he must have tested clear or he would not have been discharged. Guess that would mean ole' mom was wise enough to stay off the stuff enough days before his birth so she would not test positive either. Is this a correct assumption?
You know what helps if you have a mental illness? To take your medication and NOT do coke or meth. IMO what these two did to Chance has a big fat ZERO to do with mental illness.

But I think his brother read about Bella Bond and is hoping an insanity plea will work for JW.

He said Walsh was often paranoid, and he heard Bury and Walsh say previously that they believed there was a demon in Chance.
So the brother says JW has been on meds for his "mental illness" since he was a kid. Lovely. They'll probably use that as an excuse.
Too bad. I know people with bipolar, and with depression. They would never, ever do this. Even OFF their meds they wouldn't do this.
I used to work with people with schizophrenia in a residential care setting. Other than a couple who were very poorly medicated for various reasons, I don't think they would do this. They would have been neglectful at their worst, but never deliberately cruel and some of them had some extremely bizarre behaviours. They still weren't evil. They had a disease, and they would not have been able to care for a baby, but they were not evil. (I'm talking about the people I worked with, not these rotters who killed Chance)

No, this guy is just plain evil. He is sane. He made a choice. Doing illegal drugs rather than taking your meds is a CHOICE.
In another FL case I'm following, I see they charged Janiya Thomas' mother with "Caylee's Law" yesterday, after the missing girl's body was found in a freezer. I hope this charge will be added to both defendants in this case. Without much hope of the DP, these two animals should be locked away from society as long as possible..... hopefully at least beyond their breeding years.
Too bad. I know people with bipolar, and with depression. They would never, ever do this. Even OFF their meds they wouldn't do this.
I used to work with people with schizophrenia in a residential care setting. Other than a couple who were very poorly medicated for various reasons, I don't think they would do this. They would have been neglectful at their worst, but never deliberately cruel and some of them had some extremely bizarre behaviours. They still weren't evil. They had a disease, and they would not have been able to care for a baby, but they were not evil. (I'm talking about the people I worked with, not these rotters who killed Chance)

No, this guy is just plain evil. He is sane. He made a choice. Doing illegal drugs rather than taking your meds is a CHOICE.

I agree, and IMO that they can't use "mental illness" for this cruel and depraved act to a 9 week old infant. What they did is pure evil, and nothing would convince me otherwise.
I agree, and IMO that they can't use "mental illness" for this cruel and depraved act to a 9 week old infant. What they did is pure evil, and nothing would convince me otherwise.
I don't believe the "taking meds for mental illness since he was a child" BS... CW, JW's brother has been defending him since day one, <modsnip>
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