GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #2

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I bolded part of pepelepolecat's post above. A few years ago, I posted down in the jury room asking for opinions on whether or not I should call CPS on my neighbor (my mind had already been pretty much made up, but I was hoping for support). I was HUGELY surprised, given what this forum is, at the number of people who told me I shouldn't, that CPS ruins lives, etc., etc.

Very quick backstory--having worked with CPS before (I used to represent parents, and sometimes kids, in CHIPS cases, also did a lot of family law), I knew that what I had to report would likely be screened out (my state's system doesn't deal well with verbal/emotional abuse), but I thought that if there were other borderline reports from, say, the school, maybe it would become actionable. The couple that lived next to me (white) had a little boy together, and the mom had an older, bi-racial daughter. That poor, beautiful girl was singled out for TERRIBLE verbal abuse. The things that mom said to her daughter were just heartbreaking. That, combined with the constant, daily, loud, horrible arguments between the parents (by this time dad had moved out, but I still got to listen to mom scream at him over the phone daily), finally pushed me to the point where I HAD to call. When I did, I ended up breaking down and crying into the phone while I was talking to the intake worker.

When I posted that I had called, I had people still tell me I was wrong. And remember--I used to represent some really bad parents (also some really good ones), had lots of training on child abuse/family dynamics, etc., and frankly, I was NOT overreacting (and I also had never cried, even when reading some pretty bad police/CPS reports). I know even great parents sometimes lose their cool, but what was happening in that household was NOT ok.

So, pepelepolecat, you're not preaching to the choir. People, even here, need to be reminded that yes, it is OK to call and report suspected abuse/neglect, and it is not 'interfering'. And it sounds like you had some terrible childhood experiences, and I am very sorry to hear that, and I am very sorry that no one called for you. Hugs (if you want them).

Thank you. I appreciate it. And it does happen in all kinds of families -- my family was definitely not what people think of as the stereotypical family for abuse. (If there even is such a thing ... )

I have really mixed feelings on CPS. I've heard stories about them getting involved with good families and bullying them a bit. Then there are stories like this where the ball is dropped so spectacularly that you really think the worker should face charges. At the end of the day, I'd rather be overly cautious and call then not call and leave a child at risk.
This is an entirely different case, but some aspects mirror Chance's case. It's about "antipatory neglect," and I found it really, really interesting. Would this kind of thing help save children like Chase?

One really sick thing here is that a mother can participate in murdering her three innocent children and only get FIVE YEARS in prison! That is CRAZY! This morning on my local news station, I heard a report about a child molester moving into an apartment (they always broadcast where sexual predators are living/moving). He's just moved in, and he was convicted earlier THIS YEAR! For a child molestation conviction. And he's already out. Insane.
One really sick thing here is that a mother can participate in murdering her three innocent children and only get FIVE YEARS in prison! That is CRAZY! This morning on my local news station, I heard a report about a child molester moving into an apartment (they always broadcast where sexual predators are living/moving). He's just moved in, and he was convicted earlier THIS YEAR! For a child molestation conviction. Insane.

That is insane!
I get neighborhood alerts when a sex offender moves in. So many. Too many.
When you click on their photo it gives the conviction and sentence. Most are 3-6 MONTHS. Then...they are released back into the wild. A slap on the wrist. IMO
One really sick thing here is that a mother can participate in murdering her three innocent children and only get FIVE YEARS in prison! That is CRAZY! This morning on my local news station, I heard a report about a child molester moving into an apartment (they always broadcast where sexual predators are living/moving). He's just moved in, and he was convicted earlier THIS YEAR! For a child molestation conviction. And he's already out. Insane.

Yep, that's just nutz. What sentence would someone if s/he were found with 3 ounces of pot?

Baby Chance, Nov. 20 can't get here soon enough.

Sent from my fingertips using what remains of my brain.
I google baby Chance every night before I go to sleep. I look at that sweet face and ... . This one really hurts. Baby Chance didn't have that baby sparkle or any sign of emotion in his pictures. He was scared, confused and so all alone - you can see it in his eyes. Waiting for justice to be served and hoping he's loving his angel wings. This ... is beyond words. There are no words.
I google baby Chance every night before I go to sleep. I look at that sweet face and ... . This one really hurts. Baby Chance didn't have that baby sparkle or any sign of emotion in his pictures. He was scared, confused and so all alone - you can see it in his eyes. Waiting for justice to be served and hoping he's loving his angel wings. This ... is beyond words. There are no words.

I know. Especially the pic of him in his plaid shirt, the one with the white towel, and the one with the scratch under is eye. He looks weary and wary - not what is expected in someone so tiny and young. The looks on his face in those pictures is so unsettling and haunting. Poor sweet baby.
I agree. had he not been killed, he would likely have ended up with RAD. breaks my heart.

I know. Especially the pic of him in his plaid shirt, the one with the white towel, and the one with the scratch under is eye. He looks weary and wary - not what is expected in someone so tiny and young. The looks on his face in those pictures is so unsettling and haunting. Poor sweet baby.
Hi all, I'm new here and in the UK. I've spent the last few nights reading about Chance from the beginning (there was very little coverage here) and I'm absolutely heartbroken for him, heartbroken over the unconditional love of a parent that he never experienced, heartbroken because of a system that failed him, those that could have done more but chose to remain silent.

I have three children, the eldest is 8, the youngest is 9 months. One of my children has additional needs, is non verbal and quite challenging at times. My husband works away and I've said it myself, I can see how someone without a support network could snap, shout or even slap a child in a highly emotive state. I myself am guilty of half wailing "I don't know what you want from me" during a particularly colicky episode. The guilt was massive. These had the choice of support, they denied them. They could have turned for help, they could have given him away, they could have done any number of things to ensure his safety yet two people who, out of everyone in the whole world should have kept him safe. Should have kept him warm. Should have kept him fed. Should have made him feel loved in a way no other person on earth is capable of failed him. Not only that but that one or both of them actively brutalised him in such a way has reduced me to tears in a way that no other thread on here has.

I've sat up with sick animals so that they didn't die alone. I've paid extra to have pets euthanised at home so they can die with dignity and love in peaceful, familiar surroundings, and the stuff I've read on here about has physically made me sick.

I hope somewhere, somehow that justice is served. Death is too good for these vile individuals. They should suffer, day in and day out for the rest of their lives. I pray that they live long, long lives, and that baby Chance is their first thought in the morning and their last thought at night. I hope he fills every second of the day and at night the sounds he made haunts them while they sleep. I've never, in my life, felt such hatred for anyone.

I just wish people would learn that children are a blessing, a privilege, and not some basic right. I would die a thousand times over for my children, I probably would for any child, that woman isn't human.
Also I feel things need to change within the welfare system. As I said before, I'm in the uk. I've had some concerns over some local children for a few months. When I mentioned it to someone I was told that unless it came from a person in a position of trust, ie a teacher, dr etc then it would take more than one report to social
Services before any allegations were investigated. Luckily having young children I'm in contact with the local health visiting team who share data with
Hospital, Drs etc and whilst the family weren't discussed with me, I just conveyed my concerns to a member of the team, I do know that the family were visited on more than one occasion. Had I not had this option I don't know how far my report would have gone given that they seem to be quite a reclusive family, visited only by likeminded individuals.

Having been visited by an apologetic RSPCA inspector after falling with someone, he informed me that a large percentage of his calls involved 'revenge calls' however every call had to be followed up on it seems that animals have more of a right to their basic needs being met than children. And I find that so upsetting.

Right, it's 3:44am here, I'm going to go and cuddle my baby.

Sleep tight Chance, I'm an atheist but like to think that on some level, somewhere and somehow he knows how many people love him.
Hi all, I'm new here and in the UK. I've spent the last few nights reading about Chance from the beginning (there was very little coverage here) and I'm absolutely heartbroken for him, heartbroken over the unconditional love of a parent that he never experienced, heartbroken because of a system that failed him, those that could have done more but chose to remain silent.

I have three children, the eldest is 8, the youngest is 9 months. One of my children has additional needs, is non verbal and quite challenging at times. My husband works away and I've said it myself, I can see how someone without a support network could snap, shout or even slap a child in a highly emotive state. I myself am guilty of half wailing "I don't know what you want from me" during a particularly colicky episode. The guilt was massive. These had the choice of support, they denied them. They could have turned for help, they could have given him away, they could have done any number of things to ensure his safety yet two people who, out of everyone in the whole world should have kept him safe. Should have kept him warm. Should have kept him fed. Should have made him feel loved in a way no other person on earth is capable of failed him. Not only that but that one or both of them actively brutalised him in such a way has reduced me to tears in a way that no other thread on here has.

I've sat up with sick animals so that they didn't die alone. I've paid extra to have pets euthanised at home so they can die with dignity and love in peaceful, familiar surroundings, and the stuff I've read on here about has physically made me sick.

I hope somewhere, somehow that justice is served. Death is too good for these vile individuals. They should suffer, day in and day out for the rest of their lives. I pray that they live long, long lives, and that baby Chance is their first thought in the morning and their last thought at night. I hope he fills every second of the day and at night the sounds he made haunts them while they sleep. I've never, in my life, felt such hatred for anyone.

I just wish people would learn that children are a blessing, a privilege, and not some basic right. I would die a thousand times over for my children, I probably would for any child, that woman isn't human.

Welcome Ekkwhine!:greetings:

I agree with you 100%. The sad thing is that as much as I would love for these pathetic and disgusting carbon life forms to suffer guilt and emotional torment for the rest of their lives, I just don't see it happening. When we think about how this little baby was beaten and allowed to suffer until finally expiring right in front of them, and then just left in his crib until the smell of decomposition became too disgusting for them, we know that these two have no souls. No possibility of feeling remorse.

They went on a "family vacation" and sold his little clothes. They went on a vacation in a new car. They left to "start a new life." After ending the life of poor Chance.

It's horrible.
I'm not sure what I would rather have happen to them tbh. Humane capital punishment doesn't seem fair to Chance. Life in prison is a waste of space and resources and even oxygen...

Welcome Ekkwhine! Great first post. I commented early on in the case that I was caring for a very sick baby goat. It was so sad to think that I was giving her more love and care then Baby Chance ever got in his short little life. When the baby goat died a few days later, I gave her a proper burial, complete with a handmade wooden box and fresh flowers.

These monsters disgust me.
Hi ClaireNC and Cookie. I'm still up, this is haunting me. His little face. I just can't even begin to imagine how anyone could do that, let alone his parents. The most primitive, basic, animal instinct screams with every fibre of a mammals being to protect their young. I don't know what animals you have over there but here a tiny couple of oz stoat will fight a fox to the death to protect her young. I just can't understand it. I also made the mistake of googling little Brianna, I don't know how LE and officials cope with this.

Anyway, I have a (probably stupid) question. On a few of the pics I've seen little Chance sucking his thumb. Not one of mine have been thumb suckers nor had a dummy (pacifier?) though not through lack of trying, i swore my first wouldn't have one, half heartedly tried with the second and spent a small fortune on various styles for the third in a desperation for her to go longer than 45 minutes between feeds when she got older (she was low birthweight cluster fed a lot then got in the habit) anyway, that's by the by. Is thumb sucking quite common in babies so young? Or could it be an indication of him being 'just a bit hungry' a lot of the time? Maybe his formula was stretched with extra water or something? I'm just curious.

Claire, I'm so sorry about the goat :( I've been nursing a sick kitten (flea anaemia) and tube feeding, administering fluids hourly 24/7, giving meds, cleaning, it was touch and go but we've turned a corner. One night, I felt sure it was the end, I didn't dare sleep and sat with him on my chest on the sofa all night. I know exactly how you're feeling.
Hi ClaireNC and Cookie. I'm still up, this is haunting me. His little face. I just can't even begin to imagine how anyone could do that, let alone his parents. The most primitive, basic, animal instinct screams with every fibre of a mammals being to protect their young. I don't know what animals you have over there but here a tiny couple of oz stoat will fight a fox to the death to protect her young. I just can't understand it. I also made the mistake of googling little Brianna, I don't know how LE and officials cope with this.

Anyway, I have a (probably stupid) question. On a few of the pics I've seen little Chance sucking his thumb. Not one of mine have been thumb suckers nor had a dummy (pacifier?) though not through lack of trying, i swore my first wouldn't have one, half heartedly tried with the second and spent a small fortune on various styles for the third in a desperation for her to go longer than 45 minutes between feeds when she got older (she was low birthweight cluster fed a lot then got in the habit) anyway, that's by the by. Is thumb sucking quite common in babies so young? Or could it be an indication of him being 'just a bit hungry' a lot of the time? Maybe his formula was stretched with extra water or something? I'm just curious.

Claire, I'm so sorry about the goat :( I've been nursing a sick kitten (flea anaemia) and tube feeding, administering fluids hourly 24/7, giving meds, cleaning, it was touch and go but we've turned a corner. One night, I felt sure it was the end, I didn't dare sleep and sat with him on my chest on the sofa all night. I know exactly how you're feeling.

Thumb-sucking in and of itself is not necessarily a symptom of abuse. It can be, as it is self-soothing, but it doesn't have to be. My youngest (who was a late "surprise" and was adored by her 3 older doting siblings) sucked her thumb. She was as far from neglected as a baby could get. Some babies even suck their thumbs in the womb. (-:
I think thunbsucking it more accepted today than it was in the fifties and before. My daughter spit her paci out and stuck her thumb in her mouth when she was four months old. It wasn't a big deal to me. It was how she calmed herself. Now when my son came along he didn't like any kind of paci and wasn't a thumbsucker. He ate his blanket's fuzz until it was almost gone and he then started on his sister blanket with the numi num border. Our dentist told my daughter she could suck her thumb until she lost her first tooth, and she'd tell her grandma that when they fussed at her. So when her first tooth came out she stop sucking her thumb.

I also wondered if they got WIC for women and children that give formula to babies, and if they watered it down, possibly selling some cans of it for drugs.
Some babies suck their thumb or finger(s) in utero. One can see it on ultrasound.

My new 5 month old grandson came out sucking his fingers. We had seen it on ultrasounds, but was surprised to see those fingers in his mouth as he made his exit out of the womb.
Thanks peoples :)

Thumb-sucking in and of itself is not necessarily a symptom of abuse. It can be, as it is self-soothing, but it doesn't have to be. My youngest (who was a late "surprise" and was adored by her 3 older doting siblings) sucked her thumb. She was as far from neglected as a baby could get. Some babies even suck their thumbs in the womb. (-:

I think thunbsucking it more accepted today than it was in the fifties and before. My daughter spit her paci out and stuck her thumb in her mouth when she was four months old. It wasn't a big deal to me. It was how she calmed herself. Now when my son came along he didn't like any kind of paci and wasn't a thumbsucker. He ate his blanket's fuzz until it was almost gone and he then started on his sister blanket with the numi num border. Our dentist told my daughter she could suck her thumb until she lost her first tooth, and she'd tell her grandma that when they fussed at her. So when her first tooth came out she stop sucking her thumb.

I also wondered if they got WIC for women and children that give formula to babies, and if they watered it down, possibly selling some cans of it for drugs.

Some babies suck their thumb or finger(s) in utero. One can see it on ultrasound.

My new 5 month old grandson came out sucking his fingers. We had seen it on ultrasounds, but was surprised to see those fingers in his mouth as he made his exit out of the womb.
Here's some information from the abuse hotline call that was dismissed:

"They're flying under the radar somehow. And it's really scaring me. Because I don't want another child to pass away."

DCF's review of the call found three separate reasons it should have prompted an investigation into whether Baby Chance was safe with his parents, who are now charged with his murder.

The caller said the mother, Kristen Bury, was using drugs.
The caller said the family's home had burned down because of a meth lab explosion.
And both parents -- Kristen Bury and Joseph Walsh -- had past histories of problems with their other children.

The call is just chilling.

I haven't seen anything in msm saying that the house fire was from a meth lab explosion though. It seems like that would have been obvious to investigators. I'd like to hear more about that fire.
Wow. I suspected the home fire might be related to a cook situation, even small scale for personal use. But I have not seen that in MSM in this case til now. Not proof that the fire was indeed meth lab related, but at least now I know others had the same suspicion/concern. Heartbreaking. Someone suspected Duane's death was not as it appeared. Someone was concerned enough about Chance and the drug use etc that they made that call.

And yet events still unfolded as they did. Like a train - barreling down the track. Nothing put the brakes on for Chance.

Chance truly didn't have a glimmer of a chance.

"What I'm mainly concerned about is that child," the caller said. "I don't want the child to come home and then I hear about it through the grapevine three weeks from now that the child passed away."

Chance died six weeks after that call. Police say his father beat him to death.
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