GUILTY FL - Cherish Perrywinkle, 8, Jacksonville, 21 June 2013 #2

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Just love how they had to get this is: "Cherish would always tell her mother that she wanted to be just like her when she grew up."

Also, isn't there a brother?
I wonder why the "Step Fathers" two daughters don't have his last name? Not in the obit anyway.
Wow. That's pretty repugnant. Especially considering the "step father" got a mention.

And...THREE sisters?

Moms like this one would do so.The abusing BF the family courts allow to live with my Gson who mom moved in within weeks of knowing and also had an older daughter.He has a restraining order and cant see his own son for past year because guess the reason? He son says he was abusing him!I guess since NJ CPS has been making house visits and The school is aware.He cant abuse My grandson or his sister I guess he started on his own son. Finally a different Judge and they made a stupid move and both filed on the same day.New judge now knows because first she heard her and my sons case and after this judged yelled at her she asked the Judge how do you changes judges not a good move! My son jumped on the chance to bring judge up to speed on this case,judge said she could not unless he filed he said ok.Guess who the next case was Same mom who just asked for a new judge because THIS female judge called her on her BS.LOL well her and abusing daddy 3 walk in to the same judge She ordered them both to have mental health evaluations before he can even think to get even supervised visitation.So hopefully this judge will listen .This is the second time he has had an order against him.When my son found out about the first one he filed.Judge did nothing said it was not my sons business!!!!IMO it is since his son lives with this man!! Sorry about the O/t parts.
question for you:

Normally, wouldn't a lawyer approach law concerning anything like this if it's that big of a deal?

Isn't there a rule of thumb that cases are not to be discussed through interviews and the like (twitter, social media) or is it more common sense and tact?

I am not familiar with law or at least in the sense of practicing it; but I was under the assumption that atty's do not discuss cases that are currently pending or ones they are retained for. I know they can be spokesman but they steer clear of any personal type talks or opinions. I look at this like a Dr or nurse going public with a patient. There's just some things you don't do.

It is my personal understanding and professional understanding (not a lawyer but a LE support profession) that issues are dealt with through proper channels such as the courts by filing motions etc. Not social media. I work in a job where we would get fired for posting anything work related on social media or blogs etc.

ETA If I were a potential client of this lawyer I would not hire him as I wouldn't want him posting on social media sites.
Interesting how RP refused to tell Mr. Jarreau of Cherish's birth and he had to find out from the state when she claimed benefits for her. So she denied him the right to even know he had a child.

Then she fights him in court to try and keep him from his child, when it is clear the child would be better off with her dad.

Now she wants to keep Mr Jarreau away from the funeral for Cherish and is allegedly threatening to cause him problems if her shows up. Even in DEATH - she tries to deny him the chance to be with his child, hos LAST chance to see her before she is buried.

But meanwhile, she had no problems Cherish being with a strange man ( a SEX OFFENDER!!!), had no problem with him going with Cherish to the dressing room, had no problem with Cherish going to Mc D with this sex predator.

Umm, yeah there is something seriously wrong with this unusual "mom". Deny the father access but allow a convicted sex offender free access.

Yeah, I'm going to go sit on my hands now cuz I love WS and the mods an don;t want to cause any problems with expressing my real uncensored thoughts on this.
It is my personal understanding and professional understanding (not a lawyer but a LE support profession) that issues are dealt with through proper channels such as the courts by filing motions etc. Not social media. I work in a job where we would get fired for posting anything work related on social media or blogs etc.

Thank you for answering my questions. your response is what I thought to be the norm too.

Even the most fame monger atty's don't behave in this manner. Allred, Kuby etc. i wanted to call my atty and ask about this but I kinda didn't want to spend the 200.00 for a question lol
I agree for the most part, however I think it's worth considering that "if her mother had protected her" maybe the scenario could have gotten worse. e.g. the offender becoming angry he wasn't getting what he wanted so attacks the mother and/or the children

Protected her which of the many chances she had? In Walmart had she even made an attempt do you think he would have made it out those doors?How about when the creepy man said Im off want anything ,instead answering a cheeseburger she should have locked eyes on all 3 of her kids and waited til he left then went to customer service and ask for 911 to be called.When she stepped in that van she could have gotten all of her daughters killed!
Or she could have text someone for help "call 911"

There's a million different ways this was totally and absolutely preventable - and would have been a parole violation - tossing him back in the can for a bit. I feel no remorse for Rayne, none. She actively chose to ignore what was going on for 100.00. She had HOURS to get help and was in public where people could have helped her. It's not like she was alone during any of this.
Thank you for answering my questions. your response is what I thought to be the norm too.

Even the most fame monger atty's don't behave in this manner. Allred, Kuby etc. i wanted to call my atty and ask about this but I kinda didn't want to spend the 200.00 for a question lol

They do when they see the system fail over and over again some has too speak out.I usually have not seen a Court evaluator speak out and I follow many cases. Everyone involved most likely feels some responsibility or maybe just sick to death of seeing children die.

What should his lawyer tell him to do ?Not attend the funeral?Stay in Ca.? Your child what would you do?
Surely CPS is getting invovled to check the welfare of theother two girls in this situation????

I've followed this case since day one.

I do not understand the court not charging her with neglect. I don't know a sane person who would put their children in this situation. She is guilty in my mind of neglect which in turn caused the death of her beautiful daughter. It was her job to protect her daughter. I couldn't live with myself knowing I put my child in this situation. What is wrong with our system. This child has been let down by the mother who sould've protected her, yet they are leaving the other two minor children in the care of the parents who are clearly neglectful....SMH
Thank you for answering my questions. your response is what I thought to be the norm too.

Even the most fame monger atty's don't behave in this manner. Allred, Kuby etc. i wanted to call my atty and ask about this but I kinda didn't want to spend the 200.00 for a question lol

There are a lot of lawyers on Twitter etc. And example being Mark Eiglarsh. I have never seen him so anything of the sort.

A lot of companies and agencies have social media policies for employees now.
They do when they see the system fail over and over again some has too speak out.I usually have not seen a Court evaluator speak out and I follow many cases. Everyone involved most likely feels some responsibility or maybe just sick to death of seeing children die.

What should his lawyer tell him to do ?Not attend the funeral?Stay in Ca.? Your child what would you do?

I believe that this lawyer was Mr. Jarreau's Florida counsel in the custody battle for Cherish. I have a funny feeling that Mr. Jarreau (and others) have been told not to speak about the specifics of the case to the media because LE has a few tricks left up their sleeve, so I think the lawyer may be speaking on Billy's behalf so he has some sort of voice in all this.
Interesting how RP refused to tell Mr. Jarreau of Cherish's birth and he had to find out from the state when she claimed benefits for her. So she denied him the right to even know he had a child.

Then she fights him in court to try and keep him from his child, when it is clear the child would be better off with her dad.

Now she wants to keep Mr Jarreau away from the funeral for Cherish and is allegedly threatening to cause him problems if her shows up. Even in DEATH - she tries to deny him the chance to be with his child, hos LAST chance to see her before she is buried.

But meanwhile, she had no problems Cherish being with a strange man ( a SEX OFFENDER!!!), had no problem with him going with Cherish to the dressing room, had no problem with Cherish going to Mc D with this sex predator.

Umm, yeah there is something seriously wrong with this unusual "mom". Deny the father access but allow a convicted sex offender free access.

Yeah, I'm going to go sit on my hands now cuz I love WS and the mods an don;t want to cause any problems with expressing my real uncensored thoughts on this.

I agree! If any parent should not want to see the other you think it would the dad! She is clueless she thinks the public is mad because the dad let it out that she was a one night stand and a stripper.She thinks that is why Some are saying WTH! and blaming her not her inaction's.When in reality who gives a fig about that! We are fuming because we see this should not of ever happened to cherish. I can almost guarantee she feels this way so yep she is gonna get him by denying him what is his RIGHT! Cherish looked happy with him and she would have want her dad there. Not sure about the others but I really believe she would want him there.
I agree for the most part, however I think it's worth considering that "if her mother had protected her" maybe the scenario could have gotten worse. e.g. the offender becoming angry he wasn't getting what he wanted so attacks the mother and/or the children

So should we all just quietly hand our children over to pedophiles for fear that the scenario gets worse?

They were in a public place, and there was help available, and a pedo is not going to get far if they attack every shopping family who don't let their children be groomed and molested. Exceptions to every rule but it is not usually their MO and at least 99,99999% of the time it is more dangerous to let your kids leave with perverts than not.

Anyway I'd rather be attacked and die fighting than just give my children to a pedo and know that i didn't try to protect them.
They do when they see the system fail over and over again some has too speak out.I usually have not seen a Court evaluator speak out and I follow many cases. Everyone involved most likely feels some responsibility or maybe just sick to death of seeing children die.

What should his lawyer tell him to do ?Not attend the funeral?Stay in Ca.? Your child what would you do?

Family lawyers take to social media to speak out? I doubt it.

His lawyer should tell him to do what is best for his daughter. His lawyer should have dealt with the funeral home and made arrangements and had a letter couriered to the mother stating his client's position. Going on Facebook did nothing but make people more angry than they already are. What's the point? Does it help Cherish?

As for why the mother has not been is only Wednesday. CPS has to wait for the police to finish their investigation. Doesn't mean that there is nothing being looking into...we just don't know about it.
There are a lot of lawyers on Twitter etc. And example being Mark Eiglarsh. I have never seen him so anything of the sort.

A lot of companies and agencies have social media policies for employees now.

Oh I know, I meant posting about cases and opinions about their client(s).
I believe that this lawyer was Mr. Jarreau's Florida counsel in the custody battle for Cherish. I have a funny feeling that Mr. Jarreau (and others) have been told not to speak about the specifics of the case to the media because LE has a few tricks left up their sleeve, so I think the lawyer may be speaking on Billy's behalf so he has some sort of voice in all this.

I do believe you are correct. I also think he could get emergency hearing to ensure billy can go. I sure hope this does not turn into a riot.
Family lawyers take to social media to speak out? I doubt it.

His lawyer should tell him to do what is best for his daughter. His lawyer should have dealt with the funeral home and made arrangements and had a letter couriered to the mother stating his client's position. Going on Facebook did nothing but make people more angry than they already are. What's the point? Does it help Cherish?

As for why the mother has not been is only Wednesday. CPS has to wait for the police to finish their investigation. Doesn't mean that there is nothing being looking into...we just don't know about it.

Sadly it is too late to really do anything for Charish any more, but maybe what they both are doing will help another children if people get out raged enough.That is the only time changes happen.
A mother who thinks with her childs best interest at heart would not need a letter and she would do as she wanted like she has all along.This is a woman who with held a father even knowing he was a dad..................I believe the dad
More informed, he knows what he is doing just keep and open mind.. I understand it I wish I could write it out but I am horrible at writing but do my best.
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