GUILTY FL - Cherish Perrywinkle, 8, Jacksonville, 21 June 2013 #2

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Smith even fooled the boyfriend of Perrywinkle's mother, who said the man came off as family oriented.

Except as far as the story goes, the boyfriend has not met Smith.
Except as far as the story goes, the boyfriend has not met Smith.

I have not seen anywhere that states that he has not met him- there seems to be a bit of info missing out of these interviews- i.e. what is not being asked
Smith even fooled the boyfriend of Perrywinkle's mother, who said the man came off as family oriented.

The actual quote from him seems to imply that he's repeating what RP told him.
OH Wow...I haven't seen this video before. Sorry if it's been posted before....

It's really sounding more and more like live in boyfriend could have previously known the RSO.

I think it is the way the article is written - it is quoted (badly placed) in the report from the video and could make it look like he was saying it was prior to the day RP met at the Dollar Shop - It's the way Aharon seems to relay the stories back - like he 'knows' what happened - but I get the impression that this is what he was told by RP.
Im not sure why they ask him what happened - he wasnt there and his versions of the events dont pan out the same as what MSM & Police reports have said...
He has already said something contradictory in one of the first interviews when he gives his version of how Cherish was abducted out of the store - he didn't mention anything about the hamburgers at all.

His versions of things (presently) I don't see as report worthy.

I hope the MSM keep their reports on this case clean and correct.
OH Wow...I haven't seen this video before. Sorry if it's been posted before....

It's really sounding more and more like live in boyfriend could have previously known the RSO.

I think it is simply a matter of more of the same (ie. AP inserting himself into the press to advocate for why its not Cherish's mom's fault she was duped by a smooth operator etc etc and so forth.)

I will not go into my thoughts on his opinions or my own and how they differ GREATLY on that subject.
I think it is the way the article is written - it is quoted (badly placed) in the report from the video and could make it look like he was saying it was prior to the day RP met at the Dollar Shop - It's the way Aharon seems to relay the stories back - like he 'knows' what happened - but I get the impression that this is what he was told by RP.
Im not sure why they ask him what happened - he wasnt there and his versions of the events dont pan out the same as what MSM & Police reports have said...
He has already said something contradictory in one of the first interviews when he gives his version of how Cherish was abducted out of the store - he didn't mention anything about the hamburgers at all.

His versions of things (presently) I don't see as report worthy.

I hope the MSM keep their reports on this case clean and correct.
Yeah, I think you are right. I went back and re-watched the video. Dang media. It was the reporter who said AP had been fooled -making it sound as if he had been directly fooled by the RSO. But I still haven't made up my mind about what I think. He could or could not have previously known the RSO. My gut has an odd feeling about that.
The actual quote from him seems to imply that he's repeating what RP told him.

In one of the very first MSM articles, the neighbor states that he took BF to Walmart- as BF was wondering why they had not come home yet.

BF calls perp "Donald" in one interview, and shows no anger, outrage, etc.

Since I am allowed to state my opinion- imo- he has met him

And- you set off another opinion- I believe it is implied he was fooled because he knew RS was at walmart, as "he was fooled"- why? because she called him and told him so- and/or they stopped at the home in between stores... maybe that is where the stroller is removed from the van?
The actual quote from him seems to imply that he's repeating what RP told him.


It's the use of the first name, and the absence of any malice when uttering said first name that makes a few of us raise eyebrows.
Yeah, I think you are right. I went back and re-watched the video. Dang media. It was the reporter who said AP had been fooled -making it sound as if he had been directly fooled by the RSO. But I still haven't made up my mind about what I think. He could or could not have previously known the RSO. My gut has an odd feeling about that.

Hmmm. He could have been 'fooled' if Rayne was talking to him (AP) on the phone or texting him while the evening was progressing, letting him know about the windfall offered, where they were going, that he said he's married, etc. Of course we have no way of knowing if that's the case with the info we have.
Hmmm. He could have been 'fooled' if Rayne was talking to him (AP) on the phone or texting him while the evening was progressing, letting him know about the windfall offered, where they were going, that he said he's married, etc. Of course we have no way of knowing if that's the case with the info we have.

It would be interesting to see if she had made contact with Aharon between the hours of 7:00pm and 11:00 pm and what her phone log was from the time of meeting RS up until she reported Cherish missing.
AND no ethical professional would diagnose her purely based on observations, rumors, comments, and/or MSM/LE reports...or even knowing her through friendship. Diagnosis takes testing, interviews, evaluations. And no ethical professional is going to discuss a person's official diagnosis on a public forum. So anyone on a web site "diagnosing" a person or discussing their diagnosis is either being unethical or has no education/licensure backing up that "diagnosis." (Thanks, a professional, this is one of my big forum pet peeves).

I agree with you!! I feel for you. That profession is so hard, and everyone always has an opinion.
There is a history of mental illness in my family, and even with a diagnosis, their illness is forever changing.
Hmmm. He could have been 'fooled' if Rayne was talking to him (AP) on the phone or texting him while the evening was progressing, letting him know about the windfall offered, where they were going, that he said he's married, etc. Of course we have no way of knowing if that's the case with the info we have.

But the police have her cell-phone number (provided that she actually gave them the correct one), so I have no doubt those phone records were the first thing subpoena'd. From what I understand, the Walmart and the R&A love shack are more than 10 miles apart, so they will be able to follow her pings like a trail of breadcrumbs.
In one of the very first MSM articles, the neighbor states that he took BF to Walmart- as BF was wondering why they had not come home yet.

BF calls perp "Donald" in one interview, and shows no anger, outrage, etc.

Since I am allowed to state my opinion- imo- he has met him

And- you set off another opinion- I believe it is implied he was fooled because he knew RS was at walmart, as "he was fooled"- why? because she called him and told him so- and/or they stopped at the home in between stores... maybe that is where the stroller is removed from the van?

BBM: Yep. Yet another something that morphed into something else later on. It went from the neighbor taking the b/f to WM because he was worried that they had not come home yet to him taking the b/f to WM after the fact when he was informed Charish was missing. As with so many other instances in this case....why the need for the change?

It would be soooooo much easier in all of these cases if...instead of "updating" over their original stories....MSM would keep the original and post a whole new update for comparison purposes. As it is, we read one version and when that version changes, we are merely left with the second (and third and fourth) versions at our links. Frustrating. Screen shots. We need to have been screen shooting everything. Hopefully LE is paying very close attention to all the "updating."
I hope that when he heard those bars lock on Saturday morning that was a forever sound for him. The needle would be too kind for DS. I wish he could be shipped here to serve his sentence out at Angola State Penitentiary.

Oh, yes...Angola would be perfect. The lifers would be waiting for him. In my past life I was a counselor and worked with ex-cons (Angola) who were on work release. They would go into great detail on what was done to child molesters/murderers.
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