GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #1 *Arrests*

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Did someone here say the Tallahassee ex-mayor lived across the street from Mr. Markel? Is that true? I have to admit there's a very small part of me wondering if the shooter went to the wrong house. I know that sounds like a Law & Order episode but if I were the police I would at least check the possibility. The ex-mayor of a city that is also the state capitol has to have more enemies than a law professor who wasn't known by the average person until he was murdered.

I should've mentioned this in the first post but I'm wondering also about the time between the 911 caller hearing the gun shot until he/she got to the window to see the Prius going down the street. Did the caller see the Prius right away? Was it out of sight then zoomed by? I'm wondering because if it was a very short time between the shot and seeing the Prius--like ten seconds, let's say--that would mean the Prius was basically parked at the entrance to Mr. Markel's driveway. What shooter does that? Or maybe there were two people involved--a shooter and driver--with the Prius down the street and the driver pulling up to pick up the shooter.

By the way, for some reason I'm inclined to believe the Prius was a rental.

BBM ... Me, too.
By the way, for some reason I'm inclined to believe the Prius was a rental.

Shorten original post

I bet LE has check out all the rental places in the state for records of any green prius rented out.

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Seems like a professional hit to me.

I think it will be very difficult to solve.



"It could be that he had an interaction with somebody, a stranger, and we're hoping that if that is the case that someone could come forward and let us know if they saw Mr. Markel in any areas that we released," said Dave Northway, PIO for the Tallahassee police"


"Also, police are still looking for the person driving a Toyota Prius spotted in the area near the time of the shooting. Tips led them to the vehicle and say the driver is not a suspect"
Would eyewitness account be considered a "tip"? In either case, tips led LE to the vehicle? Or just the Prius-type description?
That's a very confusing quote. I wonder if the editor just forgot to delete the old information when updating the article, so now two sentences seem to contradict each other. Or, is it the owner (usual driver) of the car who is not a suspect, but LE believes someone else drove the vehicle when DM was killed? If the latter is true, it sounds like LE knows who that person is, they just can't find him/her. JMO
I think it was poorly written. LE is looking for the prius, but "the driver is not a suspect" (yet.. they never are until they are ...) They don't want to scare people off from calling about the prius. I do not think LE has found the prius yet.. it was just worded funny. IMO
I'd like to know how much time was between Dan saying, "Someone's in my driveway" until the shot. From that we'd get a good idea if the person was standing in the driveway as Dan pulled in OR Dan was sitting in his garage, looked in his rearview mirror, and saw someone approaching the car. I know the ABC news story says someone was waiting outside his home for him but that phrasing can mean a lot of different things. If someone was waiting I would think that excludes the road rage angle. How does the ticked off driver get to Dan's house before Dan does?

Although "Someone's in my driveway" infers a stranger--someone Dan didn't know. In contrast to, "What's she doing here?" or "What's he doing here?" Or even using someone's name. So a stranger could mean a road rage incident.

The single shot seems odd, especially since it was fired through glass. I would think someone who wanted to make sure Dan was dead would've taken more than one shot. I'm not sure the shooter would know this but glass in your car is different than glass in your house. Car glass is made with the expectation that something may hit it. So it's a bit tougher. But I'm still wondering why the shooter didn't wait for Dan to get out of the car. Nervous? Saw Dan using the phone and thought the worst? I'm not sure.

The whole thing does kind of have the feel of an amateur execution--like the shooter saw something in a movie and tried to duplicate it.
BBM I wonder what typed of gun was used.

I think the killer didn't want to give Dan an opportunity to fight back, to tell the person he was talking to on his cell anything that could ID the killer (if the killer had even anticipated that) or to call for help -- either by yelling, or dialing 911. He/she wanted to catch Dan off-guard at his most vulnerable, and that was when he was sitting at the wheel of his car. The person may have not known that car glass is more break-resistant. I'm even wondering, though, whether the window on the driver's side was partially down. If Dan actually saw a person in his driveway -- not the car -- did he begin lowering his window to speak to the person? Or, did Dan lower his window all of the way until he saw that the person approaching him had a gun, at which point he began raising the window again? Not sure what effect the bullet would have if the window were partially lowered. Here are some images of bullets through a car window:

I agree that this was amateurish -- done in a fit of rage, but premeditated.
I think it was poorly written. LE is looking for the prius, but "the driver is not a suspect" (yet.. they never are until they are ...) They don't want to scare people off from calling about the prius. I do not think LE has found the prius yet.. it was just worded funny. IMO
That was my first impression. After reading the same wording in some other articles, I was like, "oh, I understand what they're saying now. The Prius as a vehicle of interest was given as a tip and they found the driver but he's not a suspect." I went back and started to edit my post when I realized, "that's the same thing creepingskills suggested." :facepalm: I had been trying to think of an alternative interpretation to explain the contradictory statements.

It really does sound like LE identified the vehicle witnessed by a neighbor and know who the driver is but cannot locate him/her, and they just want to emphasize that he/she is not a suspect but a potential witness whom they want to question. I'm not sure that's the intention. Maybe the media is trying to flush out the car's owner (and possibly the killer) by implying that LE have ID'd the car and owner through tips and are searching for him/her. Later, media can just innocently attribute the wording to poor writing skills. ;)
Would it be a common thing in Florida to walk, or drive around in the morning, with a gun on your person?
If that is not something that is generally done, then it would be less likely, imo, that this was the actions of someone who violently snapped after an altercation.
Would it be a common thing in Florida to walk, or drive around in the morning, with a gun on your person?
If that is not something that is generally done, then it would be less likely, imo, that this was the actions of someone who violently snapped after an altercation.

...Even if a person does not possess a CWFL, there are some places a person may possess a firearm. These places include:

  • A private motor vehicle if the firearm is securely encased.
  • A public mode of travel if the firearm is securely encased and not in an individual’s manual possession.
  • A person’s residence or place of business.
  • A person engaged in fishing, camping, or hunting, including going to or returning from fishing, camping, or hunting.

If the perp knew Dan's routine, they could have waited near the side of the house, until the garage door opened. A person is quite vulnerable, as they are backing out of their driveway. As soon as the perp heard the door open, they could have rushed into the garage, and committed this violent act. :twocents:

The Prius quote is strange--How do you find a car but not its owner? Unless of course the owner doesn't want to be found--but what kind of innocent car owner doesn't want to be found?

And after that, how is an "innocent" Prius owner on Mr. Markel's street, passes Dan's house within seconds of the shooting, and sees nothing? How do I know the driver saw nothing--because he didn't call 911 like the neighbor did. How do I know the driver didn't call 911? Because the police would've found the driver by now if that's the case.

Even if the Prius driver didn't see anything, he had to have heard something--the gun. But no call to police. Seems shady.
Something seems off, like why doesn't anything add up to be the single reason? Sure he & his ex were going through a contentious court battle, but for me its crazy to think that would be the most obvious considering she's extremely educated, recently published a book that ALL of FSU has backed and implemented as their reading for the 2014-2015 year, she's helped get certain bills passed to protect children and women, holds esteemed positions as a scholar, the list goes on. Idk but to me it would be too obvious and maybe somebody decided to use this very trying time between Dan & his ex to off him and therefore hide under the shadow of the obvious. Maybe as if somebody would try to frame her? But if that's the case, for what purpose?

Yellow, or anybody else that may have known Dan, what was he most recently working on? He's a law professor teaching criminal law at FSU. He's an expert in retributive justice and conspiracy laws. Are there any athletes under fire lately, or professors maybe, that would need Dan's assistance? Has anyone been convicted or forced to plea to a lesser charge maybe bc police stacked charges against them so they felt they had no choice? I'm just brainstorming here...wondering if maybe certain law enforcement, or maybe even a prosecuting attorney or judge, could have pushed a conviction erroneously. If Dan was investigating for or helping a colleague or student that may have needed his assistance, if he found something that may have been unethical then that would certainly be motive and therefore points suspicion in a certain direction. If somebody in uniform or backed by the law stacked evidence erroneously, and if it were proven, then they could lose their job/license/permits etc forever. Again, just an idea mind you. Dan's passion was retributive justice. Does that play a factor?

Also, his exwife helped many victims of sex trafficking. Could Dan's death possibly be related to somebody that had their toes stepped on in the trafficking community? That kind of, at least to me, doesn't make too much sense considering he's criminal law.

Lastly, have the heirlooms been listed yet? Not even thinking that's a factor tbh.
The Prius quote is strange--How do you find a car but not its owner? Unless of course the owner doesn't want to be found--but what kind of innocent car owner doesn't want to be found?

And after that, how is an "innocent" Prius owner on Mr. Markel's street, passes Dan's house within seconds of the shooting, and sees nothing? How do I know the driver saw nothing--because he didn't call 911 like the neighbor did. How do I know the driver didn't call 911? Because the police would've found the driver by now if that's the case.

Even if the Prius driver didn't see anything, he had to have heard something--the gun. But no call to police. Seems shady.

Is it possible for the car to have been found rented from an agency but the person that rented it wore a disguise and used fake id? If that's the case, police would be looking for the driver even if they located the car.

The neighbor is the person that called 911.
I'm so curious about the ballistics. What kind of gun was used and why haven't police released that yet?
"Police are reportedly investigating whether law professor Dan Markel may have been murdered by one of a handful of blog commenters who blasted him with threatening messages &#8212; including one who ranted about &#8216;shutting people like YOU down.&#8217;

Markel, who was gunned down in the driveway of his Florida home, sparred with several commenters on his own blog and other sites that cater to law students, The Tallahasse News reported.

The prominent Jewish professor even complained that he felt physically threatened by one nasty internet commenter on a now-defunct site called, which prompted even more ominous posts.

&#8220;You&#8217;re worried about your home and private life being a target?&#8221; the correspondent wrote. &#8220;What about your graduate&#8217;s homes and private lives? (Or lack thereof?) YOU&#8217;VE RUINED THEIR LIVES YOU FOOL.&#8221;

Read more:
The Prius quote is strange--How do you find a car but not its owner? Unless of course the owner doesn't want to be found--but what kind of innocent car owner doesn't want to be found?

And after that, how is an "innocent" Prius owner on Mr. Markel's street, passes Dan's house within seconds of the shooting, and sees nothing? How do I know the driver saw nothing--because he didn't call 911 like the neighbor did. How do I know the driver didn't call 911? Because the police would've found the driver by now if that's the case.

Even if the Prius driver didn't see anything, he had to have heard something--the gun. But no call to police. Seems shady.

Perhaps the Prius was stolen, and that is why they are not looking for the owner, but the driver?
"911 Audio Released in Dan Markel Investigation, Listen to the Full Call here"

"According to the call, Markel was found by a neighbor after he was shot. The neighbor can be heard telling the dispatcher that Markel was shot while he was sitting in the driver's seat of the car and that the garage door was wide open.

You can listen to the 911 call at the link below. WARNING, some of it may be considered graphic."
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