GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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To Dan,

I think of you and your children every time I drive by your home. Actually, I think of the three of you, often. Today, on Father's Day, I say a prayer for your boys. That one day they will get to live with a family that loves them enough to know you don't show them love, by having their Father (Abba) murdered. I hope that prayer is answered as soon as possible.

To the person or persons that thought of the idea to murder Dan:

Every day that goes by you are continuing to steal from their happiness. They will either remember exactly how many days it it took you to confess. OR they will remember exactly how many days you were willing to continue to be evil. Please choose wiser than you did to get them to this place. Choose to give them a chance to possibly forgive you. Don't make it where you ruin their entire future, too, by making them think there is nothing but evil in this world. If they really were your "sunshines" show them with your actions today. It is never too late to do the right thing. Please choose the right thing. Choose it on Father's Day, for their sake and your own soul's sake.

Just thought this day would be a good day for a confession from the person or persons that thought of the idea to murder Dan. Let the boys remember this day a different way than what you have already done to them for this day and all their other days.
Re: Charlie's possible motivation:

In the divorce proceeding didn't Dan Markel subpoena the financial records of Wendi's parents and her dad's dental practice? Doing this would directly implicate Charlie's livelihood and finances, and who knows if there were any lingering issues regarding taxes, gambling debt, drugs, other illegal activities. Or isn't it possible that Dan threatened to disclose something he knew about Charlie (or perhaps Charlie's girlfriend) and her background or potentially illegal activities if Wendi did not back off in the divorce? If supported by any evidence this would create a much more compelling motive story that Charlie stepping in as a loyal son who didn't like his sister's ex to protect his mom or sister.

Without better evidence of some motive or evidence of a payment from Charlie, I think that he will never be charged and if he is prosecutors will face an uphill battle. It just seems that there are other plausible explanations for why Garcia and Rivera would kill Markel that could readily create some doubt in the minds of a jury. Here's one: Given that Dan was aggressively pursuing every litigation angle in the divorce and that he clearly was angry at her family and was also disagreeing with Wendi about the kids and their diet, friends and schools, it doesn't seem beyond the pale for Dan to hire a private investigator to look into her family members, including Charlie and his relationship(s). If Dan had learned something about Kathy and her history with Garcia, he might have learned something about her past Garcia and threatened to bring this out in the divorce to keep his kids away from Charlie and her. From what I hear about Dan, based on what a number of his friends and colleagues have said, he was a somewhat relentless and overbearing guy who often did not know when to back off. It also appears that much of his effort to spend lots of time with the kids and to be super-involved with them really followed Wendi filing for divorce; before then he clearly had put his career first and had an active travel schedule, and this must have required Wendi to bear most responsibility for the kids. Given that he clearly seemed hurt by Wendi's approach to the divorce and he did not want her and her family to be around the kids, he was likely pursuing every possible angle. How could that get him murdered? Based on what a number of his friends have said, Dan seemed to be the kind of guy who would not know when to back off and who was going to pursue every possible angle, even if it meant public character assassination of Wendi and her family. Perhaps Dan was even making inquiries about Garcia and his activities on his own, as a way of gathering dirt on Charlie to keep him and his girlfriend away from the kids. If Dan was in over his head in investigating gang or other illegal activities that could be traced to Kathy, as a way of impugning Charlie's character, he could easily have set off Garcia and/or Rivera himself.
Re: Charlie's possible motivation:

In the divorce proceeding didn't Dan Markel subpoena the financial records of Wendi's parents and her dad's dental practice?

This has never been reported. The motive for the murder is explained in the PC affidavit.
Re: Charlie's possible motivation:

In the divorce proceeding didn't Dan Markel subpoena the financial records of Wendi's parents and her dad's dental practice? Doing this would directly implicate Charlie's livelihood and finances, and who knows if there were any lingering issues regarding taxes, gambling debt, drugs, other illegal activities. Or isn't it possible that Dan threatened to disclose something he knew about Charlie (or perhaps Charlie's girlfriend) and her background or potentially illegal activities if Wendi did not back off in the divorce? If supported by any evidence this would create a much more compelling motive story that Charlie stepping in as a loyal son who didn't like his sister's ex to protect his mom or sister.

Without better evidence of some motive or evidence of a payment from Charlie, I think that he will never be charged and if he is prosecutors will face an uphill battle. It just seems that there are other plausible explanations for why Garcia and Rivera would kill Markel that could readily create some doubt in the minds of a jury. Here's one: Given that Dan was aggressively pursuing every litigation angle in the divorce and that he clearly was angry at her family and was also disagreeing with Wendi about the kids and their diet, friends and schools, it doesn't seem beyond the pale for Dan to hire a private investigator to look into her family members, including Charlie and his relationship(s). If Dan had learned something about Kathy and her history with Garcia, he might have learned something about her past Garcia and threatened to bring this out in the divorce to keep his kids away from Charlie and her. From what I hear about Dan, based on what a number of his friends and colleagues have said, he was a somewhat relentless and overbearing guy who often did not know when to back off. It also appears that much of his effort to spend lots of time with the kids and to be super-involved with them really followed Wendi filing for divorce; before then he clearly had put his career first and had an active travel schedule, and this must have required Wendi to bear most responsibility for the kids. Given that he clearly seemed hurt by Wendi's approach to the divorce and he did not want her and her family to be around the kids, he was likely pursuing every possible angle. How could that get him murdered? Based on what a number of his friends have said, Dan seemed to be the kind of guy who would not know when to back off and who was going to pursue every possible angle, even if it meant public character assassination of Wendi and her family. Perhaps Dan was even making inquiries about Garcia and his activities on his own, as a way of gathering dirt on Charlie to keep him and his girlfriend away from the kids. If Dan was in over his head in investigating gang or other illegal activities that could be traced to Kathy, as a way of impugning Charlie's character, he could easily have set off Garcia and/or Rivera himself.

Welcome to Ws. notwhatitseems!
Have also thought there was more to this hit than meets the eye, considering the gang connections and the various threats Dan received prior to his murder.
One thing seemed a little off to me, although it was not sunset when Daniel was murdered, it still was a Friday, a day when many Jewish people prepare for Shabbat.
Dan's children, family and religious community would be hearing about his death on an important religious day. Or, if strictly adhering to the Sabbath, maybe not.
It may be nothing at all, it just seems to curl like a wisp of smoke around the murder.

Honoring Shabbat (kavod Shabbat) on Preparation Day (Friday) includes bathing, having a haircut and cleaning and beautifying the home (with flowers, for example).

According to Jewish law, Shabbat starts a few minutes before sunset. Candles are lit at this time. It is customary in many communities to light the candles 18 minutes before sundown (tosefet Shabbat, though sometimes 36 minutes), and most printed Jewish calendars adhere to this custom. The Kabbalat Shabbat service is a prayer service welcoming the arrival of Shabbat. Before Friday night dinner, it is customary to sing two songs, one "greeting" two Shabbat angels into the house[17] and the other praising the woman of the house for all the work she has done over the past week.[18] After blessings over the wine and challah, a festive meal is served
Notwhatitseems - Interesting motive theory.
:Welcome1: to Websleuths!
The Dan Markel murder investigation has bled into the political arena with one state attorney candidate calling the rift between prosecutors and police a “consistent problem.”

In a campaign email, Sean Desmond, one of three candidates running for Second Judicial Circuit State Attorney, said the friction over the release of key court documents in the arrest of 34-year-old Sigfredo Garcia shows a "lack of communication and cohesive working relations" that "continues to threaten the safety of our community."
Court Documents: Dan Markel Murder Suspect Admits Traveling to Tallahassee

Updated 43 min ago

According to court documents, Rivera denied involvement in the murder, claiming he had never been north of Orlando and Tampa.

That was until investigators are said to have shown him a photo taken from an ATM of the two suspects in a green Prius.

Court documents say that Rivera changed his story, saying the two were in Tallahassee visiting Florida State.
Has anyone else notice that June Umchinda, Charlie's girlfriend, if not FB friends with Wendi? Doesn't seem that she is particularly close to the family.
Has anyone else notice that June Umchinda, Charlie's girlfriend, if not FB friends with Wendi? Doesn't seem that she is particularly close to the family.
Wendi is no longer on fb

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Ok I found where it was posted, I made a request for info

Quick update:

The Tallahassee Democrat has finally published a story, but it cites nothing but "court documents." So either they have the documents like WXTL does, and isn't offering them for download, or they just went with it and are going off of these two sources:

Either way, I made a request on the Leon County Clerk of courts website for a PDF of what they're talking should be available on the web soon anyway.

I can't believe WXTL, or anyone for that matter, broke this news before The Democrat.
6:54 p.m. EDT June 20, 2016
Police: Markel suspect changed his story

Rivera acknowledged he was in the car with Garcia and changed his story, conceding the two rented the hybrid and drove to Tallahassee to visit FSU's campus.

“Investigators asked if Rivera was an FSU fan, and he stated that he indicated he was a Miami Hurricanes fan,” said the new information added to the probable cause statement for Garcia’s arrest. “When questioned further, Rivera would not confirm or deny if he was at the scene of the homicide.”

Five days later, investigators checked with Rivera’s employer at the time of the killing. They learned he was not at work from July 16 to July 18, 2014 — the day Markel was shot in the head in broad daylight after he pulled into his garage after taking his sons to preschool and working out at Premier gym.
The Murder Of Dan Markel: In Defense Of Charlie Adelson
As a result of these allegations by law enforcement, Charlie Adelson has come under suspicion in some quarters. But he has his defenders, as reported by the Daily Mail late last week:

The wealthy Ft Lauderdale family police suspect of having a motive related to the execution-style killing of a highly respected Florida State University law professor had nothing to do with the murder, according to the live-in girlfriend of a family member….

[June] Umchinda, 27, a Thailand-born credit union worker who started dating playboy periodontist Charles Adelson eight months ago, tells Daily Mail Online in an exclusive interview she doesn’t believe the theory that Adelson or other family members paid the two to carry out the killing of Markel.

What’s the basis for June Umchinda’s defense of Charlie Adelson?

‘I can understand why the police would think this,’ Umchinda said after reading a narrative of the police investigation while standing outside Adelson’s canal house in Fort Lauderdale. ‘But there’s no way Charlie or anyone in the family is involved. They’re all so nice.

‘I mean, he hasn’t been saying anything about this. I haven’t asked about it. But I know he’s been under intense pressure over the last couple weeks and I assumed it was something having to do with work.

The police aren’t saying much about the Adelsons right now. When asked about the status of the Adelson family in the wake of Friday’s indictments, State Attorney Willie Meggs said, “They were not indicted. Today.”
Hello all - Leon County has sent me the new court documents! How do I upload here? All the new info in articles yesterday is in the PDF.

Edit: Also, basically nothing is redacted... so phone numbers etc are all in this document. Is it OK to post it?
Hello all - Leon County has sent me the new court documents! How do I upload here? All the new info in articles yesterday is in the PDF.

Edit: Also, basically nothing is redacted... so phone numbers etc are all in this document. Is it OK to post it?

I'm sorry that I don't know how to help you with this. I did alert on your post though so an admin or another mod who does know should be able to help you :) Thanks so much for getting these for us!!
I'm sorry that I don't know how to help you with this. I did alert on your post though so an admin or another mod who does know should be able to help you :) Thanks so much for getting these for us!!

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