GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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:welcome5: to everyone new who has joined to discuss Dan's case. We're glad to have you.

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I just stumbled upon this very personal obituary that gives some insight into Dan's personality. It's an interesting read.
I find the reasoning in this post a bit peculiar. I have no idea whether they chose a Prius because of the one next door or that was merely a happy coincidence, but your logic seems to be "Because G and L did stupid things during the commission of the crime, it's silly to think they could have gotten lucky with the selection of the Prius." Why? There isn't any logical connection between stupid crime committing and not getting lucky. On the other hand, I could much more easily make the case that "Because G and L did stupid things during the commission of the crime, it's silly to think they managed to perfectly plan the selection of their getaway vehicle." That's because stupid crime committing and meticulous planning *are* unlikely to go hand in hand. Basically, as far as I can tell, your reasoning seems to point precisely away from your conclusion.

Take a look back a page or two at my thoughts on this. I think your point may support my theory - that there was meticulous planning by the family and at some point it was handed over to Garcia once things were set in motion. I think them taking nearly the longest possible route, in what they thought would have avoided tolls, is a big clue. Jmo
Welcome to all the new members of Ws and to the many guests who read here!
Re: Charlie's possible motivation:

In the divorce proceeding didn't Dan Markel subpoena the financial records of Wendi's parents and her dad's dental practice? Doing this would directly implicate Charlie's livelihood and finances, and who knows if there were any lingering issues regarding taxes, gambling debt, drugs, other illegal activities. Or isn't it possible that Dan threatened to disclose something he knew about Charlie (or perhaps Charlie's girlfriend) and her background or potentially illegal activities if Wendi did not back off in the divorce? If supported by any evidence this would create a much more compelling motive story that Charlie stepping in as a loyal son who didn't like his sister's ex to protect his mom or sister.

Without better evidence of some motive or evidence of a payment from Charlie, I think that he will never be charged and if he is prosecutors will face an uphill battle. It just seems that there are other plausible explanations for why Garcia and Rivera would kill Markel that could readily create some doubt in the minds of a jury. Here's one: Given that Dan was aggressively pursuing every litigation angle in the divorce and that he clearly was angry at her family and was also disagreeing with Wendi about the kids and their diet, friends and schools, it doesn't seem beyond the pale for Dan to hire a private investigator to look into her family members, including Charlie and his relationship(s). If Dan had learned something about Kathy and her history with Garcia, he might have learned something about her past Garcia and threatened to bring this out in the divorce to keep his kids away from Charlie and her. From what I hear about Dan, based on what a number of his friends and colleagues have said, he was a somewhat relentless and overbearing guy who often did not know when to back off. It also appears that much of his effort to spend lots of time with the kids and to be super-involved with them really followed Wendi filing for divorce; before then he clearly had put his career first and had an active travel schedule, and this must have required Wendi to bear most responsibility for the kids. Given that he clearly seemed hurt by Wendi's approach to the divorce and he did not want her and her family to be around the kids, he was likely pursuing every possible angle. How could that get him murdered? Based on what a number of his friends have said, Dan seemed to be the kind of guy who would not know when to back off and who was going to pursue every possible angle, even if it meant public character assassination of Wendi and her family. Perhaps Dan was even making inquiries about Garcia and his activities on his own, as a way of gathering dirt on Charlie to keep him and his girlfriend away from the kids. If Dan was in over his head in investigating gang or other illegal activities that could be traced to Kathy, as a way of impugning Charlie's character, he could easily have set off Garcia and/or Rivera himself.

This theory only makes sense if you're a defense attorney for the other Adelsons (beyond Charlie).
Hi everyone - been lurking for a while. One motive that I discovered through the public court records hasn't received a lot of the time of Markel's death, there was a pending Motion to Compel financial records related to their marital settlement agreement. Markel claimed that WA failed to disclose significant assets before the marital settlement agreement was entered and that it should be set aside due to her fraudulent failure to disclose. He moved to compel documents pertaining to (if I recall correctly) an investment account that she failed to claim as well as several thousand dollars in jewelry. WA's attorney withdrew amidst the allegations citing a conflict of interest, saying that the motion implicated her as failing to disclose as well. The Motion to Compel was set for a hearing but WA obtained a continuance so that she could hire a new lawyer. She hired Judkins and the hearing had not yet been reset but was obviously looming. It would never be reset, because he was killed within weeks. Obviously, her desire to relocate and his blocking that is the most glaring motive...but how embarrassing for her if she, as a lawyer, was slapped on the wrist for failing to disclose financial assets and their entire marital settlement agreement was set aside and redone, giving her less money? All of these documents are available on the Leon County Clerk of Court's website.
Re: Charlie's possible motivation:

In the divorce proceeding didn't Dan Markel subpoena the financial records of Wendi's parents and her dad's dental practice? Doing this would directly implicate Charlie's livelihood and finances, and who knows if there were any lingering issues regarding taxes, gambling debt, drugs, other illegal activities. Or isn't it possible that Dan threatened to disclose something he knew about Charlie (or perhaps Charlie's girlfriend) and her background or potentially illegal activities if Wendi did not back off in the divorce? If supported by any evidence this would create a much more compelling motive story that Charlie stepping in as a loyal son who didn't like his sister's ex to protect his mom or sister.

Without better evidence of some motive or evidence of a payment from Charlie, I think that he will never be charged and if he is prosecutors will face an uphill battle. It just seems that there are other plausible explanations for why Garcia and Rivera would kill Markel that could readily create some doubt in the minds of a jury. Here's one: Given that Dan was aggressively pursuing every litigation angle in the divorce and that he clearly was angry at her family and was also disagreeing with Wendi about the kids and their diet, friends and schools, it doesn't seem beyond the pale for Dan to hire a private investigator to look into her family members, including Charlie and his relationship(s). If Dan had learned something about Kathy and her history with Garcia, he might have learned something about her past Garcia and threatened to bring this out in the divorce to keep his kids away from Charlie and her. From what I hear about Dan, based on what a number of his friends and colleagues have said, he was a somewhat relentless and overbearing guy who often did not know when to back off. It also appears that much of his effort to spend lots of time with the kids and to be super-involved with them really followed Wendi filing for divorce; before then he clearly had put his career first and had an active travel schedule, and this must have required Wendi to bear most responsibility for the kids. Given that he clearly seemed hurt by Wendi's approach to the divorce and he did not want her and her family to be around the kids, he was likely pursuing every possible angle. How could that get him murdered? Based on what a number of his friends have said, Dan seemed to be the kind of guy who would not know when to back off and who was going to pursue every possible angle, even if it meant public character assassination of Wendi and her family. Perhaps Dan was even making inquiries about Garcia and his activities on his own, as a way of gathering dirt on Charlie to keep him and his girlfriend away from the kids. If Dan was in over his head in investigating gang or other illegal activities that could be traced to Kathy, as a way of impugning Charlie's character, he could easily have set off Garcia and/or Rivera himself.

Occam's razor tells us the PCA is probably correct.
Me too, @reallybusy!! It seems to me that it's an abnormal thing to ask repeatedly. I am trying to imagine if I would ever post on Facebook asking my friends how much my child looks like me, and the answer is NO I wouldn't!! You just post pics of your kid, and most of the time it comes up organically -- people will say, "oh! He looks so much like you!" (or like the other parent).

@seaeclipse, I think the logic was that someone else must've planned which car to rent (eg, one of the Adelsons).

Yes, Millymollymandy, that was my logic exactly. I just beat around the proverbial bush and didn't say it that clearly or directly. It isn't lost upon me that the people involved are scary, dangerous and very well connected. This includes the two suspects already arrested and the person or persons that sent this known gang member and his partner to our neighborhood to kill our neighbor in broad daylight. I say broad daylight, because killing Dan in the middle of the night while we were all asleep, wasn't "their" plan, either IMHO. The two sons (nephews) (grandchildren) were also asleep. Asleep in their beds in Dan's house. @seaeclipse let me be clear and direct about this part. I think this was "another" instruction given by the person or persons that thought of the idea to murder Dan. I DO NOT think these two men "just happened" to approach Dan's home on both days they went to it and "got lucky" that the children weren't there EITHER time on either day.
Hi everyone - been lurking for a while. One motive that I discovered through the public court records hasn't received a lot of the time of Markel's death, there was a pending Motion to Compel financial records related to their marital settlement agreement. Markel claimed that WA failed to disclose significant assets before the marital settlement agreement was entered and that it should be set aside due to her fraudulent failure to disclose. He moved to compel documents pertaining to (if I recall correctly) an investment account that she failed to claim as well as several thousand dollars in jewelry. WA's attorney withdrew amidst the allegations citing a conflict of interest, saying that the motion implicated her as failing to disclose as well. The Motion to Compel was set for a hearing but WA obtained a continuance so that she could hire a new lawyer. She hired Judkins and the hearing had not yet been reset but was obviously looming. It would never be reset, because he was killed within weeks. Obviously, her desire to relocate and his blocking that is the most glaring motive...but how embarrassing for her if she, as a lawyer, was slapped on the wrist for failing to disclose financial assets and their entire marital settlement agreement was set aside and redone, giving her less money? All of these documents are available on the Leon County Clerk of Court's website.

86 Violet- IMHO, I think you are more right than you may realize. I think this part was the big time Number 1 motive for CA, not just being a brother trying to be protective of his sibling, which my gosh is not protective at all. I think the Number 2 motive of DA (the MIL) is listed in the PC. I think the Number 3 Motive hasn't actually been discussed that much or may not be realized. I am not sure I allowed to even say it without RE-reading the entire two threads on WS and the rules and regulations to see if it is ok to post. It might take me awhile to reread all the these things, but in my humble opinion, there is one thing that was also all happening in this same time period and may have just been the final thing that stopped any hestitation to go through with having Dan murdered for Motive #1 and Motive #2 and it has to do with a third party and was known to some friends. I know it has already been confirmed on this site, WS that CA was and still is (unfortunately) friend of Dan's on FB. That means CA would have been able to see a picture that was taken (the picture did not include the third party) and posted on Dan's FB. In my humble opinion 86 Violet you are more on top of it that you may know and I think your post further explained will be able to be seen as the biggest motive and supersede DA's motive. I could explain myself further after I reread the rules and posts to make sure I am not speaking out of turn. I think it is actually stunning when you put all of these things together. The motives may all be interwoven and vis a versa for the parties, but the main people that are currently still benefiting from this murder are the ones that planned it, even if there is inadvertently WA also benefiting in a big time way that people may not realize.
86 Violet- IMHO, I think you are more right than you may realize. I think this part was the big time Number 1 motive for CA, not just being a brother trying to be protective of his sibling, which my gosh is not protective at all. I think the Number 2 motive of DA (the MIL) is listed in the PC. I think the Number 3 Motive hasn't actually been discussed that much or may not be realized. I am not sure I allowed to even say it without RE-reading the entire two threads on WS and the rules and regulations to see if it is ok to post. It might take me awhile to reread all the these things, but in my humble opinion, there is one thing that was also all happening in this same time period and may have just been the final thing that stopped any hestitation to go through with having Dan murdered for Motive #1 and Motive #2 and it has to do with a third party and was known to some friends. I know it has already been confirmed on this site, WS that CA was and still is (unfortunately) friend of Dan's on FB. That means CA would have been able to see a picture that was taken (the picture did not include the third party) and posted on Dan's FB. In my humble opinion 86 Violet you are more on top of it that you may know and I think your post further explained will be able to be seen as the biggest motive and supersede DA's motive. I could explain myself further after I reread the rules and posts to make sure I am not speaking out of turn. I think it is actually stunning when you put all of these things together. The motives may all be interwoven and vis a versa for the parties, but the main people that are currently still benefiting from this murder are the ones that planned it, even if there is inadvertently WA also benefiting in a big time way that people may not realize.
I'd be interested in hearing your take on CA'S motivation on post #542.

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Sigfredo Garcia’s attorney will argue that the 34-year-old should be released on bond Friday morning.

Garcia, who was arrested in late May in connection with the murder-for-hire plot of Dan Markel, is being held without bond while he awaits trial.

The hearing could set a bond.

Friday's hearing is slated to last three hours.

Garcia is one of two men accused of killing Markel as he pulled into the garage of his Betton Hills home back in July 2014.

Tallahassee Police say Garcia and Luis Rivera were the trigger men in a murder for hire plot.

More arrests are expected.
This is reminding me of another recent alleged Florida murder-for-hire -- involving the killing of Dr. Teresa Sievers. In that case after the hit men were arrested it took several months for the prosecutor to work out a deal with them whereby they would cooperate in the prosecution of the alleged ringleader -- Dr. Sievers husband. Only after that deal was reached was the husband charged with murder.
It should be very high or no bond, he was running (packed and ready to flee) when they caught him.
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