GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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As I am unable to click on evidentiary pictures, I am going by Helmut3585's post that says,
"In one of the videos taken from Star Metro. immediately before the murder, you see the white shirt".

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Wonder if the white shirt was taken off after the murder?
Maybe he was really trying to dress for the role of " Hitman" ?
imo, speculation.

Timothy Olyphant images Hitman

Life imitating art?
The Man in White is a character who goes around dressed entirely (or predominantly) in white wherever he is. The reasons for this are not important, but what it signifies to the audience is; and it just so happens that in most cases, it signifies that the character is up to no good.

There's just something about a man in white that weirds people out. One possible explanation for this is that since conservative men's attire has been dark-colored for the longest time (black, charcoal, and navy), looking upon a man in white creates a sensation not unlike a color-inverted image. Another one is that since white is also the color of snow and bone, an all-white ensemble evokes sensations of coldness and death.

In the US, white suits have also come to be associated with Southern plantation owners, leading to the birth of the Fat, Sweaty Southerner in a White Suit. As such, white clothing in American media can also be used to suggest pride, avarice, ambition, and questionable morality, which is why you can see so many mafiosos, drug lords, and corrupt corporate executives in such garb.
As these two made in back to Miami in really good time ( taking the longest route possible) would they have had time to change out or wash up?
I don't think I-10 to I-75 is "the longest route possible" - it's the recommended route by Google Maps, at 6:43, and the route most people driving from Tallahassee-Miami Beach take. Looks like they just took the route Google Maps recommends.
The murder happened right before 11am, and it is 6:47 PM when they arrive in Pembroke Pines. If they drove straight through they could have arrived as early as 5:25PM in Pembroke Pines. Could be a traffic delay, or lunch, or just driving very slow.
But since the white shirt is visible in the Prius in Tallahassee I don't understand the discussion of changing clothes.
Might check out this book to see if any insight can be gained concerning these alleged gang members, and how it all could affect the outcome of this weird and tragic murder, imo, speculation.
Once a King, Always a King: The Unmaking of a Latin King
Reymundo Sanchez
Chicago Review Press, Oct 1, 2004 - Biography & Autobiography - 304 pages
This riveting sequel to "My Bloody Life" traces Reymundo Sanchez's struggle to create a "normal" life outside the Latin Kings, one of the nation's most notorious street gangs, and to move beyond his past. Sanchez illustrates how the Latin King motto "once a king, always a king" rings true and details the difficulty and danger of leaving that life behind. Filled with heart-pounding scenes of his backslide into drugs, sex, and violence, Once a King, Always a King recounts how Sanchez wound up behind bars and provides an engrossing firsthand account of how the Latin Kings are run from inside the prison system. Harrowing testaments to Sanchez's determination to rebuild his life include his efforts to separate his family from gang life and his struggle to adapt to marriage and the corporate world. Despite temptations, nightmares, regressions into violence, and his own internal demons, Sanchez makes an uneasy peace with his new life. This raw, powerful, and brutally honest memoir traces the transformation of an accomplished gangbanger into a responsible citizen.
That video was taken at 10:55am, 7 minutes prior to the murder being reported. The murder was reported by Dan's neighbor at 11:02am. So the actual shooting probably took a minute or two before that. My guess is the two were following Dan from the health club back to 2116 Trescott. They're not directly behind Dan because he had gone past the traffic light but the two must know where Dan's headed.

It's the video titled, "Markel Murder Investigation: Suspect Passes Bus"

They're stopped behind a dark station wagon before moving and you can see Garcia wildly moving about inside. Don't know what he's doing here. But he's doing something, maybe practicing the shooting or gesturing wildly to Rivera. He could be pointing to the black Accord up the road. He may indeed be wearing a long-sleeved polo shirt. One of the photos at the ATM show his left sleeve rolled up. Why would he wear a bright white shirt if he did the shooting? First, we don't know for sure if he's the shooter, although if I were a betting man, I would bet on him. Otherwise, Garcia did very little. Rivera did all the driving, got soaked at the storm ditch, provided the revolver and the motel room, and even pulled the trigger. I tend to think Garcia may have contributed his part and pulled the trigger.

Second, there are no perfect crimes in the real world. Meticulous planning, maybe. But they usually don't think through the whole process and can't control all variables. All this talk about taking off clothes after the shooting: Why wear the brightest color that reflects light in a tinted Prius if you're gonna do the shooting in the first place? May be that was the only spare he had. He may have worn it in case he's seen in the neighborhood and they were cutting it close that day: You usually don't suspect white golf shirts to be worn by street criminals. Maybe he wanted to blend in. We really don't know but shouldn't sweat the small stuff. Flawless execution only exists in books or movies. Things always go wrong. They probably tried to kill Dan the day before but couldn't access the house from the back. Remember, Rivera had planned this to be a 2-day murder junket initially. He had a late start. Plus they probably had no idea Dan was planning to fly out of town that day (if that report is true). They could have been easily thwarted once more.

As I am unable to click on evidentiary pictures, I am going by Helmut3585's post that says,
"In one of the videos taken from Star Metro. immediately before the murder, you see the white shirt".
I don't think I-10 to I-75 is "the longest route possible" - it's the recommended route by Google Maps, at 6:43, and the route most people driving from Tallahassee-Miami Beach take. Looks like they just took the route Google Maps recommends.
The murder happened right before 11am, and it is 6:47 PM when they arrive in Pembroke Pines. If they drove straight through they could have arrived as early as 5:25PM in Pembroke Pines. Could be a traffic delay, or lunch, or just driving very slow.
But since the white shirt is visible in the Prius in Tallahassee I don't understand the discussion of changing clothes.

As far as time is concerned, the longest direct route is US 27 all the way out of Miami, no tolls. The second longest, all things considered, really is I-75 to I-10 because they have to cut all the way across alligator alley out of miami before heading north. My theory is that Garcia and Rivera were advised by the A family to avoid tolls, and subsequently someone thought there wouldn't be a toll on this route (Garcia IMO) and that's why they took it. I'm even more certain about this theory now that I've heard the jail phone call and how he appears to be quite the planner. Here's the thing though, Garcia isn't too keen on doing research, as I-95 to I-10 would have been faster than the way they went, and no tolls. Still, as long as they didn't stop or even just a quick gas stop, you can make the 450-500 mile drive very fast. I make this drive 3-8 times a year and usually do it in 6.5-7 hours max. And I've taken every possible route because I get so bored of taking the Turnpike...heh
Then you can understand why Garcia was so excited inside the Prius, gesturing wildly. He may have been giving Rivera directions or telling him to hurry. It also shows that the murder was reported late. The neighbor may have approached Dan's car as soon as he heart two gunshots. But the reporting and processing took at least 7 minutes, since the report time is 11:02 am.

By the way, page 8 of the new document has a facinating tree diagram with some unseen pictures of those involved. It shows Kathy Magbanua being friends with Luis Rivera. I thought perhaps Garcia dragged Rivera into this. Again, shows why gang-related murders aren't exactly perfect crimes. To avoid getting caught, your best bet is to use degrees of separation. Don't drag friends or acquaintances with pre-existing trails and ties into this. As suspected, there is no link between Charlie Adelson and the two suspects. At least one person was trying his best to minimize contact with those carrying out the murder.

The murder happened between 10:51 and 10:55am. See page 5 of the new materials.
Why would Garcia wear a long sleeved white shirt to assassinate Markel? He was lucky that Dan's window was rolled up or he would have had blood all over the shirt. Again, I am astounded by their...... stupidity and their incredible dumb luck.

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I think Garcia was the shooter, and that he wore a long sleeved shirt to cover identifiable tattoos. This was part of the initial planning by the A family, IMO. He has tattoos that extend beyond where a short sleeve would typically end on each of his arms, especially his left arm.
Then you can understand why Garcia was so excited inside the Prius, gesturing wildly.
If you watch it a couple of times, it looks like he's putting the shirt on, not gesturing. Perhaps putting it on for the good reasons suggested.
I don't think I-10 to I-75 is "the longest route possible" - it's the recommended route by Google Maps, at 6:43, and the route most people driving from Tallahassee-Miami Beach take. Looks like they just took the route Google Maps recommends.
The murder happened right before 11am, and it is 6:47 PM when they arrive in Pembroke Pines. If they drove straight through they could have arrived as early as 5:25PM in Pembroke Pines. Could be a traffic delay, or lunch, or just driving very slow.
But since the white shirt is visible in the Prius in Tallahassee I don't understand the discussion of changing clothes.
Hey Daun1234- Earlier on I did a milage estimate. They way they went home was East I-10 to I-75 S. (through Tampa area to Naples and then jumping on Alligator Alley to Miami. That is 7 hrs and 30 min. That was what I couldn't understand. Why they took the long route. My guess is they thought there would be no tolls.

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I doubt they were thinking about avoiding tolls. They drove a car that had GPS on their first trip and went to an ATM on their second, and they rented a hotel room in Rivera's name. This was not well-planned.
I think you're absolutely correct. I thought that video was before the murder so didn't know what to make of what he's doing moving wildly inside. But he probably shot Dan wearing something else then changed into the white polo shirt. Yeah, the movement inside the vehicle is consistent with someone changing his shirt after the shooting. There were two shots and at least one was to the neck. So Dan's blood may have spurted onto what he was wearing after the first shot shattered the driver-side window. Remember, they had checked out of the motel and Garcia probably had a suitcase or a duffel bag inside that Prius.

This reinforces the belief that Garcia may have indeed pulled the trigger. Driving and shooting are two separate acts. It's double duty. When you want to kill someone quickly and without causing disturbance, it makes no sense for the driver to be also the shooter. That only happens in road rage incidents. The driver could serve as a lookout and getting ready to flee while the shooter is zoning in on his kill.

If you watch it a couple of times, it looks like he's putting the shirt on, not gesturing. Perhaps putting it on for the good reasons suggested.
Then you can understand why Garcia was so excited inside the Prius, gesturing wildly. He may have been giving Rivera directions or telling him to hurry. It also shows that the murder was reported late. The neighbor may have approached Dan's car as soon as he heart two gunshots. But the reporting and processing took at least 7 minutes, since the report time is 11:02 am.

By the way, page 8 of the new document has a facinating tree diagram with some unseen pictures of those involved. It shows Kathy Magbanua being friends with Luis Rivera. I thought perhaps Garcia dragged Rivera into this. Again, shows why gang-related murders aren't exactly perfect crimes. To avoid getting caught, your best bet is to use degrees of separation. Don't drag friends or acquaintances with pre-existing trails and ties into this. As suspected, there is no link between Charlie Adelson and the two suspects. At least one person was trying his best to minimize contact with those carrying out the murder.
Helmut3585- There most certainly is compelling evidence that CA was very familiar with KM. Please see the PC. But...nice try.😉

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Obviously, Charles Adelson was "personally involved" with Kathy Magbanua. So she was more than just an acquaintance to him. What I mean is being ever in contact with Rivera and Garcia. Looks like there probably was no direct contact.

Helmut3585- There most certainly is compelling evidence that CA was very familiar with KM. Please see the PC. But...nice try.
The best explanation for the I-10 to I-75 route they took is that it is the shortest (in time) according to Google Maps and the one recommended by Google Maps. (around 6:45 for I-75 versus 7:15 for I-95; I-95 is about 30 miles longer).
It says right on the route that it has tolls (see link above)- but I doubt they were thinking about avoiding those. They drove a car that had GPS on their first trip and went to an ATM on their second, and they rented a hotel room in Rivera's name.
Daun1234- I looked at your Google map but that is not the way they went. They went via Alligator Alley (Also I-75 ) to the
end (Naples) and then headed N
on I-75. That added an additional hour and a half onto their trip. And while I tried to get Google to map that way for me, it wouldn't because I suspect it was not the best or fastest way.

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The best explanation for the I-10 to I-75 route they took is that it is the shortest (in time) according to Google Maps and the one recommended by Google Maps. (around 6:45 for I-75 versus 7:15 for I-95; I-95 is about 30 miles longer).
It says right on the route that it has tolls (see link above)- but I doubt they were thinking about avoiding those. They drove a car that had GPS on their first trip and went to an ATM on their second, and they rented a hotel room in Rivera's name.

The car had a tracking GPS the rental company pinged to locate the car. That doesn't mean Garcia and rivera were using a GPS for the drive. Google maps silly calculations, regarding this crime , mean absolutely nothing IMO. This was all about planning.

And trust me, out of South Florida i-95 to i-10 is faster than 75 to 10. I've taken these routes many many times . If they didn't care about tolls as you infer, they would have taken the turnpike which absolutely IS the fastest route.
Apologies for screwing up the map- I missed the SW FL reference in the PCA. Edited my posts.
Obviously, Charles Adelson was "personally involved" with Kathy Magbanua. So she was more than just an acquaintance to him. What I mean is being ever in contact with Rivera and Garcia. Looks like there probably was no direct contact.
Neither of us knows for sure but I suspect the police do. And it is jmo but I'm betting it is going to connect that particular dot just fine.

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The best explanation for the I-10 to I-75 route they took is that it is the shortest (in time) according to Google Maps and the one recommended by Google Maps. (around 6:45 for I-75 versus 7:15 for I-95; I-95 is about 30 miles longer).
It says right on the route that it has tolls (see link above)- but I doubt they were thinking about avoiding those. They drove a car that had GPS on their first trip and went to an ATM on their second, and they rented a hotel room in Rivera's name.

Further expanding on why I respectfully feel you are incorrect or missing something:

I just decided to use your method, Google Maps, and it shows the following for North Miami to Betton Hills in Tallahassee; in order of fastest to slowest time:

Florida Turnpike - 6 hrs 30 min (473 miles)
I-95 to I-75 - 6 hrs 57 min (499 miles)
I-75 to I-10: 7 hrs 42 min (546 miles)
US-27/US-19 the whole way: 9 hrs (470 miles)

My belief is that there was a point in the planning stage where the A family was still involved and Garcia was instructed to avoid tolls. I also theorize there was a time when Garcia (and maybe K) was left in control of the plan. At some point he figured taking 75 all the way out of Miami to I-10 would be the way to go; which makes sense for someone who's never taken that route or at the very least isn't familiar with where tolls are outside of the Turnpike. What supports that claim is the jail phone call and how Garcia hastily plans to have all of his and Ks belongings destroyed, except for their essentials, and for her to stay at a family members house until he gets out on bond, and then they can take off. Seems like a grand idea to Garcia, but in reality there would be too many eyes on him if he were released on bond.

So getting back to my point, if it was truly planned for the duo to get to Tally the fastest possible way while avoiding tolls, they would have gone 95 to 10. I think it was planned to be the fastest while avoiding tolls while the A family was still involved, but it ended there and Garcia/Rivera figured 75 out of Miami all the way to 10 would be that route; which fortunately ended up being a very helpful piece of evidence since there's a toll at entrance of alligator alley on 75.
Daun1234- I looked at your Google map but that is not the way they went. They went via Alligator Alley (Also I-75 ) to the
end (Naples) and then headed N
on I-75. That added an additional hour and a half onto their trip. And while I tried to get Google to map that way for me, it wouldn't because I suspect it was not the best or fastest way.

I've been wondering if the cut across Alligator Alley was to avoid major cities and perhaps to stop to see someone in Tampa. That was before I read that Rivera claimed he'd not been north of Tampa. I've made the trip between Tally/Dothan and the Tampa Bay Area countless times. US 41 - 19/98 - 27 has always been almost as fast, if not faster, as I-75/I-10 and without the monotony, endless semis, tourists, and traffic. Speed limits are a bit more ... flexible. Google says 8 hrs doing the speed limit. They went through the eastern AA toll booth at 2:18 pm and checked in at a Tally hotel at about 1 am. Three hours for food and rest stops? I think it's more likely they stopped for a visit.
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