GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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Interesting. Looks down to me but maybe he has it only open to some. Is the GF in denial?

Just searched and CA does not show up on Facebook, all photos and tags gone also. I know this can happen when blocked, but no way I'm blocked.

I can see restricting access to friends-only if you only had a few close facebook friends. But these people have thousands and you gotta figure many of them aren't actually "friends" - like Dan Markel was on CA's list.
The smart thing to do would have been to deactivate the account back in June.

Yes, are you an insider, or did you just send a friend request to see what's going on?
Not unheard of, I bet all of the people involved have received friend requests from "friends" who are just curious to see pictures, statuses, etc. With >1000 friends impossible to detect.

You can crank up privacy settings in facebook. I think he has it set so "friends of friends" can see his facebook page. I have not sent him a friend request.
Not being nosy but does WS
or our discussions make you uncomfortable knowing what we may know and what could possibly happen to CA? Do you speak about CA's situation with your GF? This feels a tad ackward.

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At this point in time, we are really just "facebook friends." Her and I have hung out in the past through groups of friends, although that was many years ago. So I have had no such discussions with her. Without breaking the rules, I'll say that as far as content on facebook goes with those folks - anything regarding this case is completely absent. Which I find interesting.
You can crank up privacy settings in facebook. I think he has it set so "friends of friends" can see his facebook page. I have not sent him a friend request.

Not that it matters but I don't see that option in my Facebook for basic profile views. Maybe people have different control panels? Also TallyEng you might find that if you log out, then back in, they are gone. And in the mobile version changes might take a while. Looks deactivated to me, when this all first hit the news searching "CA photos" brought up a lot of "playboy" pictures of him (years of tagged photos) now they are all gone.
But if we're discussing Facebook we must be hungry for real news.
I really hope for a new development soon. The Adelsons appear to be still sitting pretty, and it's frustrating. I have done the same sleuthing along with you guys with the available channels of the players' presence online.

I know it's innocent until proven guilty, but we have seen the basis of facts and assumptions from LE. Waiting for the "flips" of the suspects may never come or at least not soon enough.

Very hopeful that the bond hearings come and the grand jury in August will bring us closer to justice.
CA's Facebook went down today.
Not sure what that accomplishes at this point.

Until very recently CA was being tagged in other people's Facebook photos all the time. I'm being careful not to identify any specific third parties, so I hope I'm not violating the terms of service. CA seems to be having the time of his life lately. His profile was locked but he could be seen living it up in other people's photos for the past several months. A few days ago, a photo was posted of CA, WA and a few other people engaging in a night on the town. CA and WA again seemed to be having a great time. Based on the looks of things WA really didn't seem to mind partying with the man who's been accused by police of orchestrating the murder of her former husband. The day after this photo was posted, the social media account where it had been posted was locked. Also CA's Facebook was taken down approximately the same day -- or he significantly increased his privacy settings the same day. The timing of this was noteworthy IMHO. CA has been lax about social media during all this but it wasn't until the day after a picture of WA was posted that he decided to lock down his account. WA was the only family member who was sensible enough to shut down her Facebook account (albeit intermittently) immediately after Garcia's arrest. This is certainly because she's had her Facebook photos used by the media in the past, but possibly also because she's a lawyer and knows how effectively the police can use social media to mine incriminating information. Given the timing of CA's decision to shutter his account, it seems likely that WA probably hectored CA and the person who posted the photo into taking more precautions with their social media use after they posted pictures of WA. She seems to be following this case very closely and there is good reason to believe that she's monitoring the social media use of other players in this case. There's nothing nefarious about that in itself, because even if she's entirely innocent she has plenty of legitimate reasons to want to monitor how this case unfolds. Just interesting to see how the family dynamic plays out while law enforcement continues its investigation. DA and WA seem to run the family. IMHO, speculating.
Until very recently CA was being tagged in other people's Facebook photos all the time. I'm being careful not to identify any specific third parties, so I hope I'm not violating the terms of service. CA seems to be having the time of his life lately. His profile was locked but he could be seen living it up in other people's photos for the past several months. A few days ago, a photo was posted of CA, WA and a few other people engaging in a night on the town. CA and WA again seemed to be having a great time. Based on the looks of things WA really didn't seem to mind partying with the man who's been accused by police of orchestrating the murder of her former husband. The day after this photo was posted, the social media account where it had been posted was locked. Also CA's Facebook was taken down approximately the same day -- or he significantly increased his privacy settings the same day. The timing of this was noteworthy IMHO. CA has been lax about social media during all this but it wasn't until the day after a picture of WA was posted that he decided to lock down his account. WA was the only family member who was sensible enough to shut down her Facebook account (albeit intermittently) immediately after Garcia's arrest. This is certainly because she's had her Facebook photos used by the media in the past, but possibly also because she's a lawyer and knows how effectively the police can use social media to mine incriminating information. Given the timing of CA's decision to shutter his account, it seems likely that WA probably hectored CA and the person who posted the photo into taking more precautions with their social media use after they posted pictures of WA. She seems to be following this case very closely and there is good reason to believe that she's monitoring the social media use of other players in this case. There's nothing nefarious about that in itself, because even if she's entirely innocent she has plenty of legitimate reasons to want to monitor how this case unfolds. Just interesting to see how the family dynamic plays out while law enforcement continues its investigation. DA and WA seem to run the family. IMHO, speculating.

Great post, that photo was really making the rounds this weekend. If my brother was recently implicated in the murder of my ex-husband, I don't think I'd go out to dinner with him, I'd be pretty devastated. The wisdom of posing for a photo and then posting it are another thing. It sure didn't look good for WA to be arm-in-arm with CA with a big smile on her face. I don't know that taking it down helps...LE must have all the relevant Facebook profiles under surveillance, and the photo is already out there.

DA and WA seem to run the family. IMHO, speculating.
So interesting! If true, works against the WA-as-victim theory.
Facebook had another change and it effected their privacy settings around June 30. The only way it came to my attention was when I posted something and realized that the selection "Friends Except ........." did not appear.

Not being a computer whiz, the regular way of correcting that error did not work. After playing around, I learned there is a new method to adjust FB settings. Wonder if that is how the picture of CA and WA that you all are discussing got sent out to so many people - a change in FB settings which cancelled out ones' chosen selections?
Well, what better way to show the press, the talking heads and social media that she doesn't believe her brother capable of planning Dan's murder.

But, maybe it backfired. Because it could also look like the two of them were in cahoots.

And I don't think CA is yukking it up. I believe he's very scared and probably bothered and dismayed by a too clingy girlfriend.

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Facebook had another change and it effected their privacy settings around June 30. The only way it came to my attention was when I posted something and realized that the selection "Friends Except ........." did not appear.

Not being a computer whiz, the regular way of correcting that error did not work. After playing around, I learned there is a new method to adjust FB settings. Wonder if that is how the picture of CA and WA that you all are discussing got sent out to so many people - a change in FB settings which cancelled out ones' chosen selections?

In this case, it wasn't even that complicated. The picture of CA and WA was posted by a third party with an open facebook page, no privacy settings. So that picture was visible to the entire world. A day or so after the photo was posted, the third party's account was locked down. CA's account was deleted/locked down at approximately the same time. The third party who posted that photo has posted several pictures of suspects/persons of interest in the case. My suspicion is that the A's (specifically, WA) told third party to stop posting pictures of them or to at least not make the pictures available to the entire world.

CA's facebook, and all the tags and comments are gone as of 1300 EST today (didn't check this morning). All of the zillion pictures of him that current GF has posted are still up. But his comments, tags, etc are all gone
Snippets concerning shared custody of kids, Daniel Markel may have appreciated this article, imo.
Mom privilege is not confined to egotistical celebrities. It remains a widespread phenomenon in the West even though, in this era of fevered gender equality, it should be viewed as long past its cultural expiry date. Unfortunately, while the media are all over the slightest manifestation of male privilege, the commentariat is either silent on the justice of shared parenting as a default, or reflexively supportive of mom privilege.

A smarmily mom-centric May article in the U.K.’s Mail Online, entitled “Agony of Being a 50/50 mum,” for example, empathizes with mothers anguishing over the unjustness of a cruel world in which they must share children equally with their ex-husbands. To a critical eye, the piece reads like satire, with trivial woes solemnly affirmed as tragic.

She asks us to imagine “the agonizing pain of being privy to your child’s life for only half the time. The milestone missed. The lost cuddles before bedtime … wondering if they are sleeping sweetly or crying out for Mummy.” Please. There are two people missing out on milestones and cuddles, and two people wondering if their kids miss them when they’re not there. But it’s as if one of them does not exist.

Do you know many children who “come to terms” with losing their fathers as so many do in mom-biased family courts? Maybe if the reporter had taken the trouble to interview some — any — fathers, she might have realized that having to stop being a father for half their life is equally “agonizing.” But it never occurred to her to ask

CA's facebook, and all the tags and comments are gone as of 1300 EST today (didn't check this morning). All of the zillion pictures of him that current GF has posted are still up. But his comments, tags, etc are all gone

Dan was a lawyer and wonderful father and proffessor and mentor that didn't deserve this at all.

Why did they hate him that much to kill him. Both Dan and Wendi and the Adelsons made good money. So this wasn't about money.

So why?

Dan was a lawyer and wonderful father and proffessor and mentor that didn't deserve this at all.

Why did they hate him that much to kill him. Both Dan and Wendi and the Adelsons made good money. So this wasn't about money.

So why?
This seems right, among a few other possible motives. IMHO, speculating, here are the most plausible motives that have been discussed, *assuming* that one or more of the A's were in fact involved in planning the attack as law enforcement has suggested:

1. DA and CA may have been desperate to get DA's "sunshines" back to South Florida, as Tallahassee police have theorized

2. This could potentially have been an "honor killing" of sorts that may have been intended to get back at Dan and to stop him from further badmouthing WA in front of her colleagues and before the family court (and, potentially, before the Florida Bar or other tribunals)

3. WA may have been desperate to get out of Tallahassee and move closer to her parents because she appeared to be unhappy about living in Tallahassee and she understandably wanted/needed help with the kids from extended family. The only thing stopping her from leaving Tallahassee was Dan and the court order requiring her to stay close to him with the kids.

4. Some mix of Possible motives 1-3. This doesn't necessarily tell us which of the A's might have been in on the plan beforehand, *assuming* that any of them were involved or had knowledge of the plan. In theory it could have been CA acting alone to help out his sister, it could have been DA and CA acting to help out WA without her knowledge, it could have been CA and WA just trying to extricate WA from Tallahassee, it could have been CA, WA and DA in combination, etc. IMHO. None of this sheds any direct light on who would have actually been involved in the planning.

Regarding possible motive 3: this link was recently posted online about WA:
I'm not sure exactly what Owler is or how it works, but it seems to be some kind of competitive intelligence firm. I don't know why they would suddenly be posting about WA but anyway, the post links back to this full article on WA, which was published on April 6, 2014:
It's an interview with WA about what motivated her to become a lawyer and how she landed at FSU. Here are some of the relevant excerpts in which WA explains how she became a clinical law professor at FSU:

"I screwed up fantastically and ended up with a dream job as a clinical law professor. I fell in love with the wrong man, and he got a job in Tallahassee. I had wanted to be in DC or become a foreign service officer, or in the previous few years, live closely to my family in South Florida. So, ill-fated romance took me to Tallahassee, and love for my children keeps me here....I was offered my dream job of directing an immigration clinic in another city when I was 7 months pregnant with my older son, and I turned it down, because I didn’t know what his needs would be when he was born, or how being a mother would change my perspective on work and family. And now, I’ve received offers for more lucrative employment, but not with the same kind of flexibility, and so I turn them down as well, because what matters most to me, today, is that I can spend the most amount of quality time with my lovies."

There's a lot to unpack there. But primarily, the truth is that she was under a court order to remain in Tallahassee, which she had actively fought against. That appears to be the reason why she was still in Tallahassee after she and Dan broke up. There seems to be evidence to suggest that she may have been unhappy to be living there, she may have believed that living in Tallahassee was beneath her, and she may have wanted to be in a place that she considered to be more cosmopolitan. It seems that she also apparently believed herself to be trapped there. After Dan was killed, she moved down to South Florida in a matter of months if I recall correctly. By all appearances, it seems like the only reason why she had stayed previously was because of the court order, which presumably would have been essentially null and void after Dan was murdered. This of course does not implicate WA directly, as one or more her family members plausibly could have taken action on her behalf to get her out of Tallahassee without her knowledge. As we've seen, there seems to be evidence to suggest that some other members of the family may have had their own, independent reasons to dislike Dan or even want him out of the picture. But WA's words here add a layer to the potential motivations that could have possibly animated *someone* to orchestrate this killing, assuming that law enforcement is correct that one or more members of the A family were involved in the planning. As a reminder, we don't have any direct evidence that the A family was involved in the planning of this attack, so this is just speculation, IMHO, IF it turns out that they were involved.
Does Grandma A have other grand children besides Wendis and Dans kids?

Didn't Dan meet her criteria as a good male role model and professional for her grandchildren.

Why would granny care that much about shared custody if both her daughter and son in law was both good people with the best education and top careers that could only help elevate the grandchildren through out life?
Does Grandma A have other grand children besides Wendis and Dans kids?

Didn't Dan meet her criteria as a good male role model and professional for her grandchildren.

Why would granny care that much about shared custody if both her daughter and son in law was both good people with the best education and top careers that could only help elevate the grandchildren through out life?

It's unclear if there were other grandchildren. Does CA have kids? Are there other siblings in the family aside from WA and CA? In one of the divorce motions, Dan claimed that DA (grandmother) told the grandchildren that Dan was stupid and was trying to keep her sunshines away from her, or something to that effect. There also seems to have been some evidence of possible bad blood between Dan and CA though I don't recall where that was documented (probable cause affidavit?). The evidence appears to suggest that there was no love lost between Dan and the A's after the divorce, and that seems to be the theory that law enforcement is going on to try to draw a connection between Dan, the alleged hitmen, and some of the members of this family. IMHO, speculating based on what I recall having seen in the records.
It's unclear if there were other grandchildren. Does CA have kids? Are there other siblings in the family aside from WA and CA? In one of the divorce motions, Dan claimed that DA (grandmother) told the grandchildren that Dan was stupid and was trying to keep her sunshines away from her, or something to that effect. There also seems to have been some evidence of possible bad blood between Dan and CA though I don't recall where that was documented (probable cause affidavit?). The evidence appears to suggest that there was no love lost between Dan and the A's after the divorce, and that seems to be the theory that law enforcement is going on to try to draw a connection between Dan, the alleged hitmen, and some of the members of this family. IMHO, speculating based on what I recall having seen in the records.
If I'm not mistaken, Dan wanted DA'S visits w/ his children to be supervised. That certainly would have limited granny's access to them. (knowing what we know now. I'm thinking the court may have agreed with him had they had the opportunity to question her.) But....that pesky murder got in the way and she no longer had to worry about it.

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4. Some mix of Possible motives 1-3. This doesn't necessarily tell us which of the A's might have been in on the plan beforehand, *assuming* that any of them were involved or had knowledge of the plan. In theory it could have been CA acting alone to help out his sister, it could have been DA and CA acting to help out WA without her knowledge, it could have been CA and WA just trying to extricate WA from Tallahassee, it could have been CA, WA and DA in combination, etc.

Great post!

I keep going back to the source quoted in the Democrat that said there could be 5-6 more arrests after Garcia was arrested. Rivera + KM + entire A family would equal 6 more arrests.

To me this meant "we're considering arresting every member of the A family, but are weighing the cases we have against them." That's a question of what evidence they have (and how sloppy each of the co-conspirators were), and that's different than being truly innocent. At this late stage of an intense investigation, LE isn't mulling charges against people who are clearly innocent, and especially not victims. They've done enough investigating to know. The Chief of Police didn't hesitate to tell the press that the hotel witness was not a suspect- just a witness. That's what it looks like when LE knows someone is truly innocent.

The A's are are smart enough to know all of this. The pressure must be intense. They could be arrested at any moment- or not until August.
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