GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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Yes I'm in Tally. Over 12 years now :seeya:

To the other poster... I'll definitely put my thoughts in if I have anything useful to add heh :eek:
Welcome! We're all happy to have you here!! 😀

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I'm surprised a federal judge was okay with her being hired as an assistant or clerk.

Her husband killing screamed hired hit before any arrest was ever made.

So why would a judge or his department take that chance on a new hire in the realm of suspicion?

Are we saying that she was the only qualified candidate for that job?

Or was it due to her families prominence or what.

Another note. Her and her family are definitely financially secured and Dan money wasn't needed. Jmo.

So I think the motive made it harder to solve since Wendi wasn't a drug addict with a billion dollar insurance policy on Dan. Jmo.
Welcome Tally.....glad you are here! I tend to lurk as well, but please be assured - if you post I will always be here reading! There are so many great minds at work here with so many great thoughts and opinions.....I never get bored.
I keep coming back here hoping to see the thread title changed to *arrests* instead of arrest. :waiting:
But, where do the rabbis fit in all of this?

You asked this question earlier, I believe? There is no connection between the rabbis and DM's murder.

DM consulted as an expert on behalf of one of the rabbis regarding retributive justice in unrelated litigation. It was a red herring, internet theory and has since been put to rest.

Question is whether Adelson family was involved in Markel murder, and motives of the suspects
June 08, 2016
By: Michael Abrams

Police say that dentist Adelson, the brother of ex-wife Wendi, had a close relationship with the former girlfriend of the accused murderer and father of her two children. One is tempted to ask about the connection between Garcia and his former girlfriend. If a man were to hire a hitman for his brother-in-law, why would he hire a girlfriend’s former boyfriend?
More motives

What other basis for the murder exists?

Perhaps some sort of extortion or blackmail

Assume the suspects acted on their own, and no one in the Adelson family acted to “hire” them.

The dentist brother’s alleged relationship with Garcia’s ex-girlfriend could have generated a factor of jealousy. After all, the woman Adelson was seeing was the mother of two children by Garcia, according to the affidavit. Murdering Markel would be more logical than taking out Charles Adelson.

If Garcia knew that Adelson with access to money disliked Markel, getting rid of Markel could set up an extortion or blackmail scheme.

Garcia and Rivera may have been persuaded that it was possible to get money from Adelson. If the suspects were caught, they could always claim they were paid or hired. If they were never caught, Adelson could be on the hook for money.

Was it possible that the girlfriend of Garcia/Adelson is linked some kind of extortion plot against the dentist and his family and persuaded Garcia and his friend to act?

Is there a money trail?
There are some surprising details in the Probable Cause (PC) document:

(1) Garcia and Rivera (G&R) stayed at 2 different motels. That is pretty strange. Did they intend to stay 2 nights? Looks like they did because the reservation for the 2nd night was made in the name of the unnamed witness in the PC. But why bother staying at another motel reserved for another person if you are going to use real identity at the first motel? It seems they had intended to stay 2 nights. But it makes no sense that they would make reservations for 2 different motels, 1 under their actual names and 1 under the witness'.

(2) G&R had made an earlier trip to Tallahassee "a month or more" before 7/18/2014 when they met with this witness. This is when Rivera was seen with his "silver-finish revolver" which detectives have linked to the shooting. (Or this may have been another occasion. The PC doesn't make clear, as the date of the meeting was June 2014.) If so, this may have been an exploratory trip for G&R to scout the location, check out the feasibility of carrying out the murder, or even to determine whether they'll do the job.

(3) After checking in at a motel on W. Tennessee St. at 1am 7/17/2014, G&R spend the next mid-morning at Ashford Club Apartments, 2055 Thomasville Road, which is directly behind the crime scene, 2116 Trescott. This is an apartment complex with a parking lot. It looks like they were casing the joint to see if access could be had from the back. There is a storm ditch which separates the Markel's house from Ashford, however. G&R weren't aware of this storm ditch and Rivera fell in, completely soaking himself. They may have given up getting into the house from the back, usually the favorite route taken by would-be burglars who do not like to be seen in the front of the house.

From these details, we can conclude that G&R were mulling over this contract murder since June 2014 or even well before that. It is an investment in time and money to make two separate trips to Tallahassee. My guess is they had initially wanted to stage a burglary-gone-bad scene. This was Plan 1. With the back access taken away, however, G&R decided to do a quick, walk-up shooting of Dan, who would not recognize either one. This became Plan 2. Rivera was probably the getaway driver since he rented Prius in his name and was seen driving the car. Garcia may have been the shooter since the sight of Rivera on his property might set off alarm bells for Dan. But G&R may have wanted to kill Dan on 7/17/2014, if they had waded through the storm ditch. Whatever "black object" Rivera may have been carrying when walking back to Ashford, it may have been another weapon. It wouldn't take much for 2 gang members to overpower Dan and finish him off once inside. Plus you can be sure you positively killed someone unlike in a walk-up shooting where the victim might survive and increase the chance of getting caught or being seen fleeing the scene.

Once Plan 1 became impossible, Plan 2 became inevitable. They had already checked out of N. Monroe that morning. They had no place to stay. All that was left to do was kill Dan and go home to Miami. Of course they had to check the news to verify that they actually killed Dan, thereby fulfilling the contract. The rest is now history.
There are some surprising details in the Probable Cause (PC) document:

(1) Garcia and Rivera (G&R) stayed at 2 different motels. That is pretty strange. Did they intend to stay 2 nights? Looks like they did because the reservation for the 2nd night was made in the name of the unnamed witness in the PC. But why bother staying at another motel reserved for another person if you are going to use real identity at the first motel? It seems they had intended to stay 2 nights. But it makes no sense that they would make reservations for 2 different motels, 1 under their actual names and 1 under the witness'.

Maybe they couldn't get someone to rent a room at 1 in the morning. I believe that is the time of arrival in Tallahassee. They may have attempted to contact the witness for a room on June 17th, and we aren't privy to that information yet. I don' t think they planned staying two nights, but either DM wasn't home or coming from the back of the house proved too difficult for a quick escape. ( I agree with what you described)

I was wondering the other day that if the neighbor hadn't seen the Prius-type vehicle backing out of the driveway, would this case have ever produced an arrest? Makes me think that if this was Plan 2, they were getting sloppy.
The more I find out about the Adelson family dynamics, the more it's hard to understand. So, the mother didn't like Dan--that's established whether she had something to do with his murder or not. Dan was a professional. Well-known. Well-paid. A good father by seemingly all accounts. And the mother still despised him. On the other hand, it seems that the mother was PERFECTLY FINE with her son--a dentist of some type--dating a single mother with children who had a criminal with friends in a gang for an ex-husband.

That's some interesting double standards.

However, digging deeper we can see the difference. To my knowledge, the son didn't have any children with this woman. So, the mother didn't have any grandchildren on that side. But, she had two grandchildren through Wendi. This could be the reason the mother was more accepting of the son's relationship, than Wendi's. In other words, the mother didn't have a lot "to lose" if the son's relationship went bad. With Wendi's, the mother had everything to lose.

There's also this feeling you get with just listening to Wendi's words on that podcast, whether Wendi realizes it or not. To put it in 21st lingo: You get the feeling that the mother thought Dan was getting in the way of Wendi's awesomeness, even while they were still married. And the restriction on the grandchildren seeing the grandmother might've been the final straw.

However, I'm also open to the idea that the son might've taken things into his own hands. He knows his mother is upset. He wants to please her. Maybe he feels like the inferior of the two children. So, what's going to make his mother happy? Killing Dan and getting the grandchildren back down to South Florida.

Obviously, through electronic forensics and other things, a connection will or will not be made to the Adelson family. However, understanding the family's dynamics will be helpful to the police as well. Because I think there's definitely a psychological angle to all this.
The entire Probable Cause document is chilling. It lays out the murder from beginning to end, as a matter of fact. Ghoulish. imo, WA had to have known on some level that her family was involved. Who else would have known about the contentious issues regarding child custody and cared enough to do something about it so that WA and the kids could live in the same area as the grandparents. She may not have lit the match, but her hands are all over the pouring of the gasoline. RIP Dan.
I thought I'd do a milage estimate on the perp's trip.
1.) The one they took: Toll road for Alligator Alley I-75W from Ft. Lauderdale to Naples= 109 miles and 1 hr. and 39 min. From Naples to Tallahassee is= 434 miles at 6 hrs. 8 min with a total=543 miles at 7 hr. and 47 min

2). No tolls at all: I-95 N. to Jacksonville and I-10 W to Tallahassee = 6 hr and 56 min.

3). The fastest. w/tolls Florida Turnpike N. to I-10 W to Tallahassee=464 mi at 6 hr and 25 min.

All of the above is no stops and pushing the pedal to the metal.

The way they traveled was clearly the longest way by an hour and a half.
The no toll road would have been 1 hour shorter

It seems odd that they would pick this route.

On 7/16/14, they left at 2:18 pm arriving in Tallahassee at a little after midnight.

On 7/18/14 they left Tallahassee at approx 11:00am and arriving in Miami at approx 6:30pm.
(they made great time. Probably no stops along the way)

I am surprised that the monetary transaction occurred on July 18 at 6:30pm as Dan had not been declared deceased until the next day.

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Perhaps a little more common than one might think, although, given the amount of M.I.L. jokes, you might expect things to be the other way around imo.
Nov. 2014
A Watertown social worker, who's married to a local dentist, is accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill her son-in-law.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department charged 57 year old Melisa Rae Schonfield of Brownville with second-degree conspiracy and second-degree criminal solicitation.

Senior Detective Dave Pustizzi said Schonfield was arrested Friday morning after she met with an undercover sheriff's detective who was posing as a hitman.

According to court documents, Schonfield met with the undercover detective and, thinking he was a contract killer, agreed to pay him $11,000 to murder her son-in-law, identified as 36 year old Ernesto Negrillo of Florida.
Maybe they couldn't get someone to rent a room at 1 in the morning. I believe that is the time of arrival in Tallahassee. They may have attempted to contact the witness for a room on June 17th, and we aren't privy to that information yet. I don' t think they planned staying two nights, but either DM wasn't home or coming from the back of the house proved too difficult for a quick escape. ( I agree with what you described)

I was wondering the other day that if the neighbor hadn't seen the Prius-type vehicle backing out of the driveway, would this case have ever produced an arrest? Makes me think that if this was Plan 2, they were getting sloppy.
Well, there were the people in the apartment complex behind Dan's house who saw the car and the 2 perp's the day before the murder.
I suspect after the murder, it became clear to the apartment residents just what these two men were up to.

And then there's this secret witness. Did they come forward and if so, when and how. This person holds a huge key . Was he/she the one who told Garcia he was about to be arrested? Was that planned by the cops to get Garcia to run?

And then there is KM. Another unknown but she too holds a big key here. I'm sure she'd hate to be separated from her children while wasting away in jail. And...CA has moved on. So, who to be "loyal to"? I would be surprised if she was ever introduced to Mr. and Mrs. A.
She had to know that marriage to CA was never going to happen. I think Mama would/will have had a heart attack as I'm sure she hopes CA will someday bring home a nice Jewish girl. So maybe KM needs to think about that. She may have been next on Mrs. As "not suitable for my chikdren" list. Or anyone else who dates Mr. A who doesn't fit into Mommie's idea of the perfect girl. If "they" do it to him, "they" will certainly do it to you.

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There are two new articles, today, in the Tallahassee Democrat but I can't access them.
The more I find out about the Adelson family dynamics, the more it's hard to understand. So, the mother didn't like Dan--that's established whether she had something to do with his murder or not. Dan was a professional. Well-known. Well-paid. A good father by seemingly all accounts. And the mother still despised him. On the other hand, it seems that the mother was PERFECTLY FINE with her son--a dentist of some type--dating a single mother with children who had a criminal with friends in a gang for an ex-husband.

That's some interesting double standards.

However, digging deeper we can see the difference. To my knowledge, the son didn't have any children with this woman. So, the mother didn't have any grandchildren on that side. But, she had two grandchildren through Wendi. This could be the reason the mother was more accepting of the son's relationship, than Wendi's. In other words, the mother didn't have a lot "to lose" if the son's relationship went bad. With Wendi's, the mother had everything to lose.

There's also this feeling you get with just listening to Wendi's words on that podcast, whether Wendi realizes it or not. To put it in 21st lingo: You get the feeling that the mother thought Dan was getting in the way of Wendi's awesomeness, even while they were still married. And the restriction on the grandchildren seeing the grandmother might've been the final straw.

However, I'm also open to the idea that the son might've taken things into his own hands. He knows his mother is upset. He wants to please her. Maybe he feels like the inferior of the two children. So, what's going to make his mother happy? Killing Dan and getting the grandchildren back down to South Florida.

Obviously, through electronic forensics and other things, a connection will or will not be made to the Adelson family. However, understanding the family's dynamics will be helpful to the police as well. Because I think there's definitely a psychological angle to all this.

Yes fast eddy, and while I agree with your post, I just wanted to add something about how complex a mother's emotions may run when it comes to the significant others of their children. The concept of "fair" doesn't necessarily come into play.

I'll simply sum it up like this: maybe the standards set by WA for her personality disordered "princess" would've been impossible for any man to meet--short of a white knight complete with castle & of the proper "tribe". Because we just all know how special this princess is. However, WA's standards for the significant other of her son just may have been something along the lines of well, hoping that she could be hot & sexy enough for him NOT to stray after anything & everything.

Point being, a mothers standards & double standards that they impose & feel about each child & their significant others has nothing to do with defined logic.
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