GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #3 *Arrests*

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WA tried to cast suspicion on her new and temporary beau, a fellow professor?!
Iirc, the divorce papers did not indicate any physical abuse or infidelity, why did WA repeatedly say in one way or another, that DM did not treat her well, hurt her ect?
Definitely do not want to say anything negative about the deceased, but what did DM supposedly do that ruffled feathers to that degree, besides not read his wife's book, and travel to NY for work/research?
imo, speculation.

Well it hurt in the end. Look at the insight the new boyfriend provided, straight to the brother and mother. That doesn't hurt WA but it shows her to be a conniving person.
Anyone know how the dental practice is doing? Have they lost patients?

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I found an interesting case with 1985 FL Supreme Court decision (favorable to defendant) which has some similar court nuances to the Garcia/Rivera cases.
This is a petition to review Westlake v. Miner, 460 So. 2d 430 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984), in which the First District Court of Appeal held that the "convenience" of the state to try codefendants jointly is not an "exceptional circumstance" justifying the state's request for an extension of speedy trial time over a timely objection by one of the defendants. The district court certified the following question to be of great public importance:

Is the convenience to the state of trying codefendants together a sufficient reason in and of itself to extend an objecting defendant's speedy trial time and deny a motion to sever when a delay is necessary to accommodate a codefendant?

Id. at 433. We have jurisdiction. Art. V, § 3(b)(4), Fla. Const. We answer the question in the negative, and approve the decision of the district court of appeal.

Respondent, K J [redacted] Westlake, and a codefendant were charged in a single information with grand theft. The codefendant filed a motion for continuance and waived his right to a speedy trial. The state then moved for an extension of Westlake's speedy trial time on the basis that the same witnesses would be called in both cases. Westlake responded to the codefendant's and the state's motions by moving for a severance, alleging that a joint trial would violate Bruton v. United States, 391 U.S. 123, 88 S. Ct. 1620, 20 L. Ed. 2d 476 (1963), and that a severance was necessary to protect her right to a speedy trial. The trial judge granted the continuance, extended the speedy trial time, and denied Westlake's motion to sever without commenting on the speedy trial right asserted in her motion. Westlake subsequently filed a motion for discharge on the grounds that she had been continuously available for trial, had never waived her right to a speedy trial, and had attempted to preserve her speedy trial right by seeking a severance when her codefendant moved for a continuance. The trial court denied the motion for discharge.

*1067 On appeal, the state asserted Westlake's right to speedy trial was not violated because the state had moved for an extension on the basis of an exceptional circumstance under rule 3.191(d)(2) and (f), Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure. The district court rejected that argument, finding that an in pari materia reading of rule 3.152 and rule 3.191 compels the conclusion that the convenience to the state of a joint trial is not an exceptional circumstance upon which to base an extension of speedy trial time. The relevant portion of rule 3.191 provides: […]
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WA tried to cast suspicion on her new and temporary beau, a fellow professor?!
Iirc, the divorce papers did not indicate any physical abuse or infidelity, why did WA repeatedly say in one way or another, that DM did not treat her well, hurt her ect?
Definitely do not want to say anything negative about the deceased, but what did DM supposedly do that ruffled feathers to that degree, besides not read his wife's book, and travel to NY for work/research?
imo, speculation.

IIRC WA has alluded to the fact that she believed Dan did not respect her intellect and didn't treat her as an equal in the relationship. There have also been reports that Dan was allegedly making negative comments about his perceptions of WA's mental health to some of their colleagues at FSU - I don't recall whether WA was the source of that information or if their colleagues told the press that. So that may be what she was referring to here. She also may have been referring to her perceptions of his conduct in the divorce proceedings. But as far as I can recall there have been no specific allegations of infidelity, substance abuse, addiction or spousal abuse, including verbal abuse. Not that any of the aforementioned matters should have "ruffled feathers to that degree," but those are some of the alleged bad acts that may have formed the basis for her saying that he "treated her badly." IMHO, just speculation as always.
There is the ORDER, but no MOTION is listed on the docket prior to the ORDER. Where is the MOTION? Perhaps it’s not yet posted on the online docket?

Judge ordered it "sua sponte" to be delayed 6 days due to delays caused by hurricane Hermine per court paperwork.
"WHEREAS on Thursday, September 1, 2016, and Friday, September 2, 2016, Hurricane Hermine caused the closure of the courts in Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, and Wakulla Counties in the Second Judicial Circuit; and WHEREAS this emergency also may have temporarily impeded the ability of attorneys, litigants, witnesses, jurors, and others in the performance of their duties and obligations with respect to many legal processes throughout the State of Florida; and WHEREAS it is the intent of this order to equitably relieve parties in all pending cases by extending legal time limits that they otherwise would have been unable to meet due to the emergency; and WHEREAS it is the intent of this order to suspend the speedy trial procedure during the times stated herein in the manner described in Sullivan v. State, 913 So."
Judge ordered it "sua sponte" to be delayed 6 days due to delays caused by hurricane Hermine per court paperwork.
"WHEREAS on Thursday, September 1, 2016, and Friday, September 2, 2016, Hurricane Hermine caused the closure of the courts in Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, and Wakulla Counties in the Second Judicial Circuit; and WHEREAS this emergency also may have temporarily impeded the ability of attorneys, litigants, witnesses, jurors, and others in the performance of their duties and obligations with respect to many legal processes throughout the State of Florida; and WHEREAS it is the intent of this order to equitably relieve parties in all pending cases by extending legal time limits that they otherwise would have been unable to meet due to the emergency; and WHEREAS it is the intent of this order to suspend the speedy trial procedure during the times stated herein in the manner described in Sullivan v. State, 913 So."
Ahhh… makes sense about Hurricane Hermine.
Thanks reallybusy for getting and posting that document.
Here is Meggs’s bottom line (emphasis added):
Meggs said [disagreements between his office and police investigators] continue, but until police gather more substantial evidence that can be proven in court, there would likely be no more arrests in Markel’s killing.
Officers can arrest Magbanua or the Adelsons without a warrant because they face felony charges, Meggs added.
“If they believe they have probable cause then they should go make the arrest. They don’t need me,” Meggs said. “I would say to Chief [Michael] DeLeo go make the arrest and get ready for your civil suit from whoever they have arrested without probable cause.’”
Ouch. And the prospect of a lawsuit from the Adelsons should not be discounted; they certainly know how to pick great lawyers.
(Avoiding litigation is certainly one reason why, aside from it being the right thing to do, I have tried to be fair to all parties — including, but not limited to, the Adelsons — while covering this case. If you want someone to go all “Nancy Grace” on them, you’ll have to look elsewhere.)
In other news related to this investigation, ABC News just posted a detailed timeline explaining how the police cracked this case. Most of what’s in the timeline will be familiar to followers of the case, but there’s a little more detail in the piece about Professor Jeffrey Lacasse, who previously had some not-very-nice things to say about his ex-girlfriend Wendi Adelson and her family.
1 full hour. Great name for it.

The program, “In-Laws and Outlaws,” will feature interviews with Chief Assistant State Attorney Georgia Cappleman, Tallahassee Democrat New Director Jennifer Portman and others.
sometimes, simply not going along with a scorned woman qualifies as abuse. some women also call "abuse" when none occurred because they are angry.

WA tried to cast suspicion on her new and temporary beau, a fellow professor?!
Iirc, the divorce papers did not indicate any physical abuse or infidelity, why did WA repeatedly say in one way or another, that DM did not treat her well, hurt her ect?
Definitely do not want to say anything negative about the deceased, but what did DM supposedly do that ruffled feathers to that degree, besides not read his wife's book, and travel to NY for work/research?
imo, speculation.
sometimes, simply not going along with a scorned woman qualifies as abuse. some women also call "abuse" when none occurred because they are angry.

So JL may have literally, dodged that bullet.
imo, speculation.
For those of you who may have a desperate desire to see a giraffe repeatedly eat a peanut out of Harvey Adelson's mouth, rejoice, I have a random video for you.

A preview of Donna Adelson's voice here as well in anticipation of the soon to be released wiretaps. Enjoy.

sometimes, simply not going along with a scorned woman qualifies as abuse. some women also call "abuse" when none occurred because they are angry.
Exactly what I've been thinking. WA hasn't given any accounts of the abuse she claims to have experienced at the hands of her ex; she has only made vague inferences. When she says, "Danny hurt me," does she mean emotionally or physically? When she says, "Danny didn't treat me well," that could mean "he didn't treat me like a Disney princess like I was accustomed to being treated by my family."

Since DM was a very successful professor, I imagine he devoted a lot of time to his career which suggests WA probably didn't get the attention she craved, and she didn't always get her way. DM didn't have time to read WA's book, and that hurt her feelings. She may have felt she was competing with DM's career, and she pouted about it. Maybe DM took a job in NY to give WA some space and autonomy, and she responded by taking the furniture and kids. JMO
For those of you who may have a desperate desire to see a giraffe repeatedly eat a peanut out of Harvey Adelson's mouth, rejoice, I have a random video for you.

A preview of Donna Adelson's voice here as well in anticipation of the soon to be released wiretaps. Enjoy.


When the inevitable movie is made about this case, the cast should be Katie Holmes as WA and Ellen Greene as DA, imo, speculation,fwiw.

Ellen Greene.


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That's a really good call. Need to think about the rest of the cast, but I was thinking Judith Light would be a good fit for DA role too.


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WA tried to cast suspicion on her new and temporary beau, a fellow professor?!
Iirc, the divorce papers did not indicate any physical abuse or infidelity, why did WA repeatedly say in one way or another, that DM did not treat her well, hurt her ect?
Definitely do not want to say anything negative about the deceased, but what did DM supposedly do that ruffled feathers to that degree, besides not read his wife's book, and travel to NY for work/research?
imo, speculation.

I never believe anything that someone says about their ex and the breakdown of their marriage, unless the person starts off by admitting their own faults and bad behaviour.

I notice DM started at FSU some time in 2005, and he and WA married in Feb 2006. "Marry in haste, repent at leisure", or more likely "Marry in haste, blame your ex at leisure"
ABC has obtained a copy of the police interview with WA's ex-BF:

“She [Wendi Adelson] told me that Charlie had looked into having Danny killed in the summer of 2013,” Lacasse told an investigator during a 2015 videotaped interview.

“She meant it, dead serious,” Lacasse continued. “I would joke around, saying I’d like to kill Danny Markel. ... That is different. She said it in a dead serious, chilling, uncomfortable way. ... In the moment, my stomach flipped. I was like, ‘Whoa.’”
WA's boyfriend Lacasse told police that Wendi broke up with him a few days prior to the murder. Does anyone think she broke up with him, because she knew she would be moving back to Miami shortly thereafter? The boyfriend also told police quoted in a previous article and discussed on WS that Wendi had also cancelled their California trip together. It was scheduled to take place during the first attempt on Dan's life. That attempt was interrupted. The rental car company had a GPS that alerted them the car was taken out of town when it was rented for in town purposes only. Garcia and Luis were in Tallahassee and they had to go back.

Did Wendy cancel this trip prior to the first attempt and break up prior to the second successful attempt because she knew this murder was going to happen?

I don't know why, but I think that is one coincidence too many.

ABC has obtained a copy of the police interview with WA's ex-BF:

“She [Wendi Adelson] told me that Charlie had looked into having Danny killed in the summer of 2013,” Lacasse told an investigator during a 2015 videotaped interview.

“She meant it, dead serious,” Lacasse continued. “I would joke around, saying I’d like to kill Danny Markel. ... That is different. She said it in a dead serious, chilling, uncomfortable way. ... In the moment, my stomach flipped. I was like, ‘Whoa.’”
WA's boyfriend Lacasse told police that Wendi broke up with him a few days prior to the murder. Does anyone think she may have done this because she knew what was about to happen and she would be moving back to Miami shortly thereafter? The boyfriend also told police quoted in a previous article and
on WS that Wendi had also cancelled their California trip together that was to take place during the first attempt on Dan's life that was interrupted. This happened because the rental car company knew that Garcia and Luis were in Tallahassee and they had to go back.

I don't know why but I think that is one confidence too many.
Well, so much for the TV repairman being Lacasse. (Someone had mentioned that possibility in a previous post) This TV repairman was there on the morning of the murder according to WA. I'd still like to know who that was.

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I know there has been a lot of skepticism on this thread about the "tv repairman," but I think it's entirely likely there was such a repairman at WA's house that morning. For example, over the years I've bought several large tvs from Best Buy, and I frequently have Best Buy's Geek Squad/Magnolia Home Theater technicians out to my house to fix/calibrate/reprogram, etc. Often that work is covered by warranty or by a Best Buy service agreement. So I don't think it's at all odd that WA would have scheduled a tv repair in her home.

The timing of the repair appointment was very convenient, of course, as it gives her an alibi. And her hit man "joke" to the repair guy raises huge red flags.

I am still on the fence as to whether she knew in advance, although if she didn't, I think she figured it out immediately after. And I agree that there are way too many coincidences here.
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