GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #7 *arrests*

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Twitter accounts have been helpful ways to follow this trial for me, since I can't watch the live stream. Seems that Etters and Williams have very different senses of how it's going. Etters seems to think the defense is doing all right, or at least better than Williams does. Or it could be that Etters is doing more editorializing and Williams is more just-the-facts (I prefer her approach, honestly).

As for reading into the jury's having only one question, hard to say. Seems from what I could follow that Rivera's testimony was pretty straightforward, which would explain lack of questions (a confused jury would presumably ask many questions). The only real shot the defense had was to make him seem unappealing (hence the LK linkage, I guess) and/or untruthful (hence Kawass' focusing on the inconsistencies).

For me the really surprising thing was Rivera said they were doing it for Wendi. How would he know that, I wonder? Seems that Garcia didn't say much and Magbanua was the main contact. If true it certainly raises the odds of WA's involvement.
Twitter accounts have been helpful ways to follow this trial for me, since I can't watch the live stream. Seems that Etters and Williams have very different senses of how it's going. Etters seems to think the defense is doing all right, or at least better than Williams does. Or it could be that Etters is doing more editorializing and Williams is more just-the-facts (I prefer her approach, honestly).

As for reading into the jury's having only one question, hard to say. Seems from what I could follow that Rivera's testimony was pretty straightforward, which would explain lack of questions (a confused jury would presumably ask many questions). The only real shot the defense had was to make him seem unappealing (hence the LK linkage, I guess) and/or untruthful (hence Kawass' focusing on the inconsistencies).

I watched most of the testimony, and concur with your take re Riveria. Professionally, I size people up, and my impression is that he's a flawed character (at times oddly sympathetic) yet overall credible in his testimony. I found the nitpicking by the defense a bit desperate. I don't feel any of the cross-examinations impeached him or his story. But Karl can read the juror's faces and I can't.

Can't wait for the jail snitches to take the stand and possible talk of toilet wine.
Did Nobles take a picture of the license plate on the Prius? I thought I saw something about that on Twitter
I know it was yesterday but does anyone have a take on Jeff Lacasse yesterday. I thought he painted quite a picture with WA,

1. almost out of the blue, confiding on JULY 13 that CA looked into engaging a hit man the previous summer. Not just a joke. It really struck a blow against the narrative of “Oh Charlie, he so crazy!! That whacky joker” that WA had on the stand.

2. Also the June 4 nervousness —she was unusually freaked out—- and we know the dynamic duo who had pretty much just got to Tallahassee as she freaked out.

3. WA and Jeff had a double date in Miami with CA and KM in March 2014. Not sure that all 4 were in the hot tub after but he testified they were all at dinner together

4. He testified WA was in South Florida on July 1. That was the date of the ‘flurry’ of phone activity CA, KM, SG including calls to HA number.

5. And the general bitterness about the divorce and DM that WA had, compared to her testimony that she wasn’t really bothered with DMs court filings and she was so relieved to be stuck in Tallahassee

The part about him possibly being set up as a suspect as he was about to leave town 7/18 11am, I don’t know about that. Police would have ruled him and his car out based on traffic and other camera in the area.
I know it was yesterday but does anyone have a take on Jeff Lacasse yesterday. I thought he painted quite a picture with WA,

1. almost out of the blue, confiding on JULY 13 that CA looked into engaging a hit man the previous summer. Not just a joke. It really struck a blow against the narrative of “Oh Charlie, he so crazy!! That whacky joker” that WA had on the stand.

2. Also the June 4 nervousness —she was unusually freaked out—- and we know the dynamic duo who had pretty much just got to Tallahassee as she freaked out.

3. WA and Jeff had a double date in Miami with CA and KM in March 2014. Not sure that all 4 were in the hot tub after but he testified they were all at dinner together

4. He testified WA was in South Florida on July 1. That was the date of the ‘flurry’ of phone activity CA, KM, SG including calls to HA number.

5. And the general bitterness about the divorce and DM that WA had, compared to her testimony that she wasn’t really bothered with DMs court filings and she was so relieved to be stuck in Tallahassee

The part about him possibly being set up as a suspect as he was about to leave town 7/18 11am, I don’t know about that. Police would have ruled him and his car out based on traffic and other camera in the area.
The main thing that sticks in my mind is his testimony about confronting her over cheating -- that she admitted it but then seemed to deny it and the awkward drive back to Tally after he confronted her. IIRC Wendi portrayed it as she was offended that he accused her of cheating and so broke off the relationship. It was similar to her claiming the Markels tried to take away her children when apparently all they did was ask the DA about foster care if she was arrested. JMO.
1. almost out of the blue, confiding on JULY 13 that CA looked into engaging a hit man the previous summer. Not just a joke. It really struck a blow against the narrative of “Oh Charlie, he so crazy!! That whacky joker” that WA had on the stand.


I was confused about this part. Did she actually say that to him the night before the murder or was it a some time in the past?
2. Also the June 4 nervousness —she was unusually freaked out—- and we know the dynamic duo who had pretty much just got to Tallahassee as she freaked out.

Do we know if WA called either HA or CA while Lacasse was out getting her Pepto (or whatever he got)?
The main thing that sticks in my mind is his testimony about confronting her over cheating -- that she admitted it but then seemed to deny it and the awkward drive back to Tally after he confronted her. IIRC Wendi portrayed it as she was offended that he accused her of cheating and so broke off the relationship. It was similar to her claiming the Markels tried to take away her children when apparently all they did was ask the DA about foster care if she was arrested. JMO.
Like a true narcissistic personality disorder. JM very humble opinion - obviously there is no psych eval to back this up.
I know it was yesterday but does anyone have a take on Jeff Lacasse yesterday. I thought he painted quite a picture with WA,

1. almost out of the blue, confiding on JULY 13 that CA looked into engaging a hit man the previous summer. Not just a joke. It really struck a blow against the narrative of “Oh Charlie, he so crazy!! That whacky joker” that WA had on the stand.

2. Also the June 4 nervousness —she was unusually freaked out—- and we know the dynamic duo who had pretty much just got to Tallahassee as she freaked out.

3. WA and Jeff had a double date in Miami with CA and KM in March 2014. Not sure that all 4 were in the hot tub after but he testified they were all at dinner together

4. He testified WA was in South Florida on July 1. That was the date of the ‘flurry’ of phone activity CA, KM, SG including calls to HA number.

5. And the general bitterness about the divorce and DM that WA had, compared to her testimony that she wasn’t really bothered with DMs court filings and she was so relieved to be stuck in Tallahassee

The part about him possibly being set up as a suspect as he was about to leave town 7/18 11am, I don’t know about that. Police would have ruled him and his car out based on traffic and other camera in the area.

Jeff is a stitch. He's my fav. If we all vote for it, can we get him back on the stand?
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I was confused about this part. Did she actually say that to him the night before the murder or was it a some time in the past?

I have in my notes from his testimony, that on July 13th, Wendy told him that her brother had hired tried to hire a hitman in 2013. She blurted it out and he thought that the cost was going to be $15,000 or 50,000.

Moo from my notes on Jeff's testimony
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