GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 *arrests* #10

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Dec 3 2019
TaxProf Blog: Latest Developments In The Dan Markel Case: Garcia Appeals His First Degree Murder Conviction; 'What Do You Have To Do To Get A Death Sentence Around Here?'
"About a month after sentencing, Sigfredo Garcia is appealing his first degree murder conviction.

Garcia was sentenced to life for killing Dan Markel last month. Right now, Garcia doesn't have an attorney for the appeal process.

Tallahassee Democrat, It's Time to Re-examine Capital Punishment:

What do you have to do to get a death sentence around here?

That’s not asked derisively, or with sarcastic disrespect for the dignity of our court process or the solemnity of imposing the ultimate penalty. The extreme difficulty of getting a jury to unanimously agree on execution, to cite just one major flaw, should make legislators finally abolish the death penalty when they convene next January. ...

Tallahassee recently had two ghastly murder cases which underscore the odds against getting juries to agree on death.

Sigfredo Garcia and his accomplice drove eight hours from Miami — twice! — to kill Dan Markel, an FSU law professor they’d never met and who had caused them no harm.

Testimony in Garcia’s trial indicated it was a contract killing, one of the aggravating factors in a capital case.

Yet the jury that convicted Garcia didn’t recommend his execution. He got life without parole eligibility."
Bock & Goode (1996) theorized that behavior, including antisocial and delinquent behavior, is the result of a complex interplay of individual biological and genetic factors and environmental factors, starting during fetal development and continuing throughout life.

In views of the disciplinary proceeding below and what is alleged in a tentative indictment regarding the conspiracy leading to the assassination of Dr. Dan Markel, I wonder, if criminality were not a compulsive continuum of anti-social behaviors of varying degrees? Are there some empirical evidences to that effect?


Charles Adelson, DMD, Case No. 2013-17838 Respondent was charged with the following violations: Count I: Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes, by failing to allow adequate healing time before placing more dental implants into or around an area of suspected nerve
injury and/or by having paid an indemnity in the amount of $187,000.00 to the patient as a result of negligent conduct. Count II: Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes, by failing to record the type of bone graft material placed in the patient.”

State of Florida the Florida Board of Dentistry
This matter appeared before the Board of Dentistry (hereinafter Board) at a duly-noticed public
meeting on February 15, 2019, in Gainesville, Florida, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and
120.57(4), Florida Statutes, for consideration of a Settlement Agreement. Upon consideration of
the Settlement Agreement, the documents submitted in support thereof, the arguments of the
parties and otherwise being advised in the premises, the board rejected the settlement agreement
and offered a counter-settlement agreement that includes all terms of the original settlement
agreement with the following modifications:
1. The Respondent shall pay an administrative fine in the amount of $5,000.00 in lieu of
$2,000.00. The fine shall be paid in full within 6 months from the effective date of this
Final Order; and
2. The Respondent's license shall be Reprimanded in lieu of being issued a Letter of
As imposed by the written settlement agreement, the Respondent shall pay costs of prosecution.
The total costs are $7,000.00. “
End of the year, Markel case is number one story for the year.

Miami New Times' Most Popular Longreads of 2019 JESSICA LIPSCOMB | DECEMBER 11, 2019 |

1. FSU Professor Dan Markel's Murder Was a Contract Hit, by Steve Miller: Cops say Donna Adelson and her son Charlie, Wendi's older brother, paid $100,000 to have Dan Markel killed. According to law enforcement, they hoped to free Wendi to move with her two preschool-aged sons to South Florida, where she grew up. But almost five years after the murder, neither has been criminally charged.

A Professor's Murder in Tallahassee Was a Contract Hit, Prosecutors Say
Excellent. The Adelsons will be, hopefully, forever immortalized, in law, to prevent more evil-doing using them as an example. I’m here for it. Can you imagine the sons growing up grappling with their life circumstances, trying to decide if they truly were raised in evil or not? Well, they can point to this bill. A law was proposed to right the wrong of their nuclear family. Elected law”makers” feel compelled to take action. Can’t make it any more clear to those boys. Wow. That’s not “fanciful fiction” is it?

Congrats Wendi! You’ll be more a valedictorian of inspiring legal bills to combat evil playing out in plain sight.

I’m sorry, but if she WAS an innocent bystander in all this, she eventually had a choice to do the right thing. A moral choice for her babies. And, she didn’t. Watch her testimony, it’s all over the web. Forever.

IMO, but most others too.

Jeff Brandes bill, citing Markel murder case, could allow grandparents more visitation rights

Jeff Brandes bill, citing Markel murder case, could allow grandparents more visitation rights
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Jumping off @reallybusy 's post.....

Attached proposed bill and link (taken from Justice from Dan Facebook post): SNIPPED by me. LOVE THIS LANGUAGE!! I hope this passes.

(1) A grandparent of a minor child may petition the court for court-ordered visitation with the minor child if:
(a) The whose parents of the minor child are deceased, missing, or in a persistent vegetative state;, or
(b) whose One parent of the minor child is deceased, missing, or in a persistent vegetative state and the whose other parent has:
1. Been convicted of a felony or an offense of violence evincing behavior that poses a substantial threat of harm to the minor child’s health or welfare;
2. Been identified by the state attorney as a person of interest or an unindicted co-conspirator in an open homicide investigation relating to the deceased parent’s murder; or
3. Willingly allowed the minor child to be supervised by an
individual identified by the state attorney as a person of interest or an unindicted co-conspirator in an open homicide investigation relating to the deceased parent’s murder, may petition the court for court-ordered visitation with the grandchild under this section.
Senate Bill 1886 (2020) - The Florida Senate


  • MarkelGP_proposedBILL.pdf
    140.6 KB · Views: 3
Great news. I hope evil Wendi is proud of herself.


What a clear sign of guilt (IMO) that she would withhold access from what appears a very loving set of grandparents who were actively in the kids lives. What changed? We all know what!

I also felt in her interview she seemed surprised to learn the Markel's were actually in the US at the time....she would have to face them sooner than she thought...all MOO

Lawmakers want parents of murdered professor to see grandkids
By Mary Ellen Klas
Updated 29 minutes ago rbbm.
''TALLAHASSEE — The bitter family feud between the parents of murdered law professor Dan Markel, who have been denied visitation rights with their grandchildren, and his estranged wife, has prompted a state senator to file a bill to allow a court to intervene.

The bill would allow a court to let children of murder victims see members of their deceased parent’s family when the living parent tries to block access. Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, filed the bill Monday on behalf of Phil and Ruth Markel.

Current law does not allow a deceased parent’s family access to courts to petition for supervised visitation or telephone calls, and Markel’s friends and family say the impact of breaking those ties has the potential to further traumatize children already grieving their parent’s violent death.''

''Wendi Adelson said Tuesday her decision to keep her children from her former in-laws is about safety.

“As a mom, my number one concern is to make sure my boys are safe,’’ she said. “This is not about family separation; instead, this is a personal family matter about a mom protecting her children and doing what is in their best interest, to keep our family unit safe and secure.”

The legislation was proposed by a group of Markel’s friends who have formed the committee, Justice for Dan, after seeing Markel’s family treated differently than families of other murder victims in Florida.

“Florida has extremely strong victim rights protections, unless those victims are the minor children of murder victims,” said Jason Solomon, founder of Justice For Dan. “In these cases, the living parent can unilaterally limit all access to the deceased parent’s family, leaving traumatized children without the full emotional support and sense of identity needed to lead healthy lives over the long-term.”
Jan 14 2020 rbbm.
Jeff Brandes bill, citing Markel murder case, could allow grandparents more visitation rights
"Markel’s parents have been vocal about being kept from their grandsons, who now live in South Florida with Wendi Adelson.
In a statement, they wrote that they hoped Brandes’ bill would allow more access among family members embroiled in criminal cases.

“Following the horrible murder of our son, Dan Markel, our goal has been to embrace his children, our grandchildren, and preserve the loving relationship they have had with us and the rest of their father’s family,” Markel’s parents said. “Care and support from a loving family will help heal children subjected to violent crimes. Legislation such as this will ensure their best interests are protected. We are indebted to Senator Brandes for his interest and support in this matter.”

''Wendi Adelson, through her attorney John Lauro, said the bill was an effort in allowing the judicial system to dictate parenting decisions.

"This bill is anti-family and anti-parents and is an attempt to have courts and the state attorney’s office intrude on the good judgment of parents," Lauro wrote in an email. "Parents around the state should be outraged that Sen . Brandes wants to circumvent parental authority. What’s next - having the courts instruct parents on what they can teach their children?"
Lawmakers want parents of murdered professor to see grandkids
By Mary Ellen Klas
Updated 29 minutes ago rbbm.
''TALLAHASSEE — The bitter family feud between the parents of murdered law professor Dan Markel, who have been denied visitation rights with their grandchildren, and his estranged wife, has prompted a state senator to file a bill to allow a court to intervene.

The bill would allow a court to let children of murder victims see members of their deceased parent’s family when the living parent tries to block access. Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, filed the bill Monday on behalf of Phil and Ruth Markel.

Current law does not allow a deceased parent’s family access to courts to petition for supervised visitation or telephone calls, and Markel’s friends and family say the impact of breaking those ties has the potential to further traumatize children already grieving their parent’s violent death.''

''Wendi Adelson said Tuesday her decision to keep her children from her former in-laws is about safety.

“As a mom, my number one concern is to make sure my boys are safe,’’ she said. “This is not about family separation; instead, this is a personal family matter about a mom protecting her children and doing what is in their best interest, to keep our family unit safe and secure.”

The legislation was proposed by a group of Markel’s friends who have formed the committee, Justice for Dan, after seeing Markel’s family treated differently than families of other murder victims in Florida.

“Florida has extremely strong victim rights protections, unless those victims are the minor children of murder victims,” said Jason Solomon, founder of Justice For Dan. “In these cases, the living parent can unilaterally limit all access to the deceased parent’s family, leaving traumatized children without the full emotional support and sense of identity needed to lead healthy lives over the long-term.”
Mouth agape in disbelief. Thanks for pointing out the WA quote. THE NERVE saying to keep children SAFE! :mad::mad:

ETA: Good let her keep talking keeps her name in the media
''Wendi Adelson, through her attorney John Lauro, said the bill was an effort in allowing the judicial system to dictate parenting decisions.

"This bill is anti-family and anti-parents and is an attempt to have courts and the state attorney’s office intrude on the good judgment of parents," Lauro wrote in an email. "Parents around the state should be outraged that Sen . Brandes wants to circumvent parental authority. What’s next - having the courts instruct parents on what they can teach their children?"

Um (clearing throat), Mr. Lauro, umm, John, literally, NO ONE is outraged about this.

This comment reads plainly as manufactured soapbox outrage.

The public opinion is VERY much against your client and not so unfairly either, as the case speaks for itself, is all out there, and is being widely discussed and portrayed on an international level.

Even a recent juror who BELIEVED Katherine Magbanua said the ENTIRE jury agreed on 1 thing: Wendi's guilt/involvement (mentour lawyer interview).

Check FB, Instagram, YouTube comments. :/ No es bueno para Wendi. Nobody defends her. Like, nobody except a very, very, small few. She prob needs a PR team at this point. Who repped Scott Peterson or Chris Watts?

IMO, and prob some others too. IDK. Some things said in jest, some in truth, or can it be both? This case has gone on for so long and the injustice makes me mad, what can I say?
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Um (clearing throat), Mr. Lauro, umm, John. Literally, NO ONE is outraged about this.

This comment reads plainly as manufactured soapbox outrage.

The public opinion is VERY much against your client and not so unfairly either, as the case speaks for itself, is all out there, and is being widely discussed and portrayed on an international level.

Even a recent juror who BELIEVED Katherine Magbanua said the ENTIRE jury agreed on 1 thing: Wendi's guilt/involvement (mentour lawyer interview).

Check FB, Instagram, YouTube comments. :/ No es bueno para Wendi. Nobody defends her. Like, nobody except a very, very, small few. She prob needs a PR team at this point. Who repped Scott Peterson or Chris Watts?

IMO, and prob some others too. IDK. Some things said in jest, some in truth, or can it be both? This case has gone on for so long and the injustice makes me mad, what can I say?
:)Love this so much!
and most of those very, very, small few Wendi defenders are PAID or complicit

ready for the upcoming trial
sadly it is not trial(S)
“As a mom, my number one concern is to make sure my boys are safe,’’ she said. “This is not about family separation; instead, this is a personal family matter about a mom protecting her children and doing what is in their best interest, to keep our family unit safe and secure.”

-Their best interest is to have your un-indicted co-conspirator mom (in a murder investigation) serve as their primary babysitter?

As someone else mentioned, I'm glad that this will at least give greater public scrutiny to this awful family.
THIS. WHOLE. PIECE ->Well done, well-argued, Mr. Schorsch. Thank you. Maybe we can, actually, get some small win for justice here. People call those lawmakers! It's just a few minutes, and it will make THE difference. Scroll through and pick a few senators, won't ya? :) This is a specific and easy way as a member of the public, to transition from a message board venting to actually doing something positive for Danny's sons.

"Brandes was inspired to tackle this issue by the Dan Markel murder.

There’s plenty written about the case, which has been the feature of international news and popular podcasts. But, for the sake of this column, I’ll recount just the important detail: the two hit men who have been convicted of murdering Markel both point fingers to his ex-wife, Wendi Adelson, and her family as having orchestrated and financed the hit. Authorities contend the murder was motivated by the desire for their two young sons to relocate from Tallahassee and live in Adelson’s sole custody in South Florida.

That’s precisely what happened: Immediately after his murder, Adelson changed the boys’ last name to her own and moved them to South Florida, where her family has unrestricted access to them. They haven’t been charged, but the case is still open.

Meanwhile, Markel’s parents are estranged — cut off from all forms of contact. No birthday calls. Adelson says she keeps them apart for the children’s “safety.”

Does this sound right? No. But does Florida law allow it? Entirely.

Florida law only allows grandparents to petition courts for visitation if the living parent has been convicted of a felony. Once they petition, the courts then consider myriad factors in determining what’s best for the children.

They generally rule on the side of parents.

But in this case, the Markels can’t even go to court. They can’t even say, “Hey! Wait a second … this case is a little different."

Why? Because Adelson has no felony convictions, despite what observers or “web sleuths” hypothesize are multiple crimes committed (such as perjury on the stand, hiding of finances in divorce proceedings, and accessory to murder after-the-fact, if not also beforehand.)

There’s an additional layer of irony to this case. In her professional life, Wendi Adelson advocates for the reunification of immigrant families at the border. The government she condemns for enforcing separation at the U.S. border is the same government she relies on to protect the separation she has created in her own family."

Jeff Brandes takes on court access policy challenge for sake of murder victims’ kids
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THIS. WHOLE. PIECE ->Well done, well-argued, Mr. Schorsch. Thank you. Maybe we can, actually, get some small win for justice here. People call those legislatures! It's just a few minutes, and it will make THE difference.

"Brandes was inspired to tackle this issue by the Dan Markel murder.

There’s plenty written about the case, which has been the feature of international news and popular podcasts. But, for the sake of this column, I’ll recount just the important detail: the two hit men who have been convicted of murdering Markel both point fingers to his ex-wife, Wendi Adelson, and her family as having orchestrated and financed the hit. Authorities contend the murder was motivated by the desire for their two young sons to relocate from Tallahassee and live in Adelson’s sole custody in South Florida.

That’s precisely what happened: Immediately after his murder, Adelson changed the boys’ last name to her own and moved them to South Florida, where her family has unrestricted access to them. They haven’t been charged, but the case is still open.

Meanwhile, Markel’s parents are estranged — cut off from all forms of contact. No birthday calls. Adelson says she keeps them apart for the children’s “safety.”

Does this sound right? No. But does Florida law allow it? Entirely.

Florida law only allows grandparents to petition courts for visitation if the living parent has been convicted of a felony. Once they petition, the courts then consider myriad factors in determining what’s best for the children.

They generally rule on the side of parents.

But in this case, the Markels can’t even go to court. They can’t even say, “Hey! Wait a second … this case is a little different."

Why? Because Adelson has no felony convictions, despite what observers or “web sleuths” hypothesize are multiple crimes committed (such as perjury on the stand, hiding of finances in divorce proceedings, and accessory to murder after-the-fact, if not also beforehand.)

There’s an additional layer of irony to this case. In her professional life, Wendi Adelson advocates for the reunification of immigrant families at the border. The government she condemns for enforcing separation at the U.S. border is the same government she relies on to protect the separation she has created in her own family."

Jeff Brandes takes on court access policy challenge for sake of murder victims’ kids
Off the topic but is Wendi still working?
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