GUILTY FL - Dontrell Melvin, 5 mos, Hallandale Beach, July 2011

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I've been thinking of a scene in the movie ' trainspotting' since yesterday about little Dontrell. I'm not saying this is what happened but for some reason it's in my mind. The house in the movie was full of junkies and one had a baby and seemed to love the baby. But one day she goes into the room to find the baby is dead in his crib and you get the impression that they were too busy partying and being under the influence that maybe they didnt' check on the baby in days. I'm not sure if they explain what happened to him but that was always my impression is that he was just forgotten about for so long term, he starved to death or the movie , NOT in this case. For some reason it is just where my mind went. MOO IMHO , etc
Remember when the world thought 31 days was bad? I think we live in a very different, damaged world, and life is not valued as it was in some of these families. I am shocked every time I read these stories and unfortunatly there is more than one story a yr like this. I just don't understand.
I'd bet a large sum that Dontrell was not forgotten by his parents on their tax refund.
I gave grandpa a hard time in a previous post. But now understand that he is also very young for a grandpa, lives in NJ (IIRC) and has not seen his daughter in years. His posts on fb show he is proud of his grandkids. Being so far away, they probably lied believable lies to him, and also an aunt who appears to be a loving aunt.

Denial? Probably. As a parent, its my greatest flaw.

I would certainly hate to have to live with the guilt they must all be feeling now. No way would either of my kids get away with me not knowing every little detail about my grands.. like my oldest grandson (7) lost his tooth yesterday and his little sister (3) has been trying to pull her teeth out all day because she wants the tooth fairy to bring her money too. They are far away too, but yeah.. we have computers that we use for more than facebook self portraits.
This story is such a tragedy.

I will bet that one "parent" will claim that Dontrell died of SIDS and that s/he panicked and buried him, then made up the story about him being with grandparents.

And, with the remains being skeletal, it will be hard to pinpoint a COD unless there is real obvious trauma.
A Broward county judge increased bond for both parents to $100,000 on the charge of cruelty towards a child and abuse causing great bodily harm.

Melvin, also charged with obstruction of a criminal investigation or falsifying information to locate a missing person, was given an additional $50,000 bond.

Looking at these charges, cruelty and abuse causing great bodily harm, both parents are charged with the same thing, and have equal bond. This is looking just at charges related to Dontrell's cause of death.

I'm thinking that they were both abusing him, and that they both admitted to it, and that the police think they're equally responsible for Dontrell's death.

Any thoughts on this? Thank you.
I think you are right cheese. Either that, or they have both said the other one abused him and the Judge is just going to let a jury figure it out.

No matter who caused his death, they are co-conspirators, IMO.. they both knew where he was buried and covered his death up, then lied about his whereabouts to family, and LE. I think they are equally guilty. So glad their bond was raised.. the inital amount just made my blood pressure soar!

I feel so sorry for "J", poor baby has to live with what happened to his brother and that his parents did it. I really hope he is safe with someone who will shower him with attention and love.
Ok here is where I'm afraid I will get lost in the vast halls of websleuths. Will you all be following the case and court , etc? If so, is there a thread to do that ? When will this one be inactive and the next thread start? Did I make sense?

Also from the above link:

To child welfare advocates such as David Lawrence Jr., the case is "desperately sad" and reminiscent of two other high profile cases involving child homicide: Rilya Wilson and Nubia Barahona.

I don't like that Lawrence is comparing Dontrell's case to Rilya or Nubia's case. I can not compare them because, unlike Rilya or Nubia, Dontrell was living with his biological parents. :furious:

I'd compare Dontrell's case more closely to Caylee Anthony's case because Dontrell, like Caylee, was living with his bio parent(s) and at one point his mother and father were living with grandparent(s). I do not believe Brittney's mother was clueless about this situation. Why would her daughter have her oldest and youngest but not her middle child?

I think I will sit on my hands with regards to this case for a bit before I earn myself a time out.
Ok here is where I'm afraid I will get lost in the vast halls of websleuths. Will you all be following the case and court , etc? If so, is there a thread to do that ? When will this one be inactive and the next thread start? Did I make sense?

There is no set rule. If and when this case get's to trial either this thread will be moved to Currently Awaiting Trial, trials or the discussion will continue here in the located forum. It all depends on how the mod's decide to handle the thread.

If the thread is moved there will be redirect for a short period of time.....

If at some point you need to search for Dontrell's thread, use advanced search. Keyword Dontrell, search thread titles only and sort by thread. It will be easy to find that way.

This story is such a tragedy.

I will bet that one "parent" will claim that Dontrell died of SIDS and that s/he panicked and buried him, then made up the story about him being with grandparents.

And, with the remains being skeletal, it will be hard to pinpoint a COD unless there is real obvious trauma.

Sadly, you are probably very much on target. Unless the child died of a massive injury that can be detected in the bones, there will likely be no proof of his cause of death. They may try to blame it on SIDS, just like you said. But if they smothered the baby, overdosed him on meds or shook him to death, it would be hard to prove with nothing but skeletal remains.

I find it infuriating that parents can conceal a death so that the cause of death can be proven and may get a much lighter sentence (or get away with it with no jail time as Caylee Anthony's killer did).

This is why there needs to be harsh punishment for anyone who conceals the death or disappearance of a child. Otherwise we will be seeing more cases like these.

The first reports were that the mom had reported that the dad was keeping the child from her but now the story is that social workers were checking on a report they had. Well, what is it?? We already know that social services totally turned their back on this baby when the first report of his whereabouts were questioned many months ago. But they deemed it "not worthy" of being investigated. Unbelievable!!!

I just can't see that the mother of this child honestly is telling the truth when she said that he took the kid with him one day and just dropped him off at his mom's and that she hadn't seen him or bothered to call or go see him even though he was supposedly only 30 minutes away.

I think she knows very well what happened to the baby and was part of the coverup. I really don't care who actually did the killing. They BOTH failed to care for that child. they both willfully disposed of him and denied that baby a proper burial. They are both equally to blame because they know what happened and conspired to lie about it.

I spent time on both of her facebook pages and believe me, her main concern was posing for pics (lots with her middle finger extended, oh so classy). She documented each of her 12 tattoos with the date she got them but NEVER once mentioned any of her 3 children's birthdays. She also showed off her manicures and her hair color changes and lamented the loss of her phone when the screen broke but never even showed a trace of sorrow for her dead child or even mentioned him, other than a few pics of him that were posted a little more than a week ago.

Apparently she and the babydaddy broke up recently (as per her fb comments) and this must be what finally compelled her to start pointing the finger at the dad and playing innocent like she was being kept away from her child.

I doubt we have yet heard the worst of this story. It will only get worse from here as the truth finally emerges (and the truth won't come from these 2 either, I bet).

I hate to think that this child was beaten to death but that may be the only chance to be able to prove how he died and thus charge them with murder because they will no doubt claim it was SIDS and that they are only guilty of improper disposal of a body.

Charge them with every single things possible (including welfare fraud, if applicable) and I pray they both get the harshest sentence and spend everyday of their sentence in jail (with no concurrent sentences or early release).
Sadly, you are probably very much on target. Unless the child died of a massive injury that can be detected in the bones, there will likely be no proof of his cause of death. They may try to blame it on SIDS, just like you said. But if they smothered the baby, overdosed him on meds or shook him to death, it would be hard to prove with nothing but skeletal remains.

I find it infuriating that parents can conceal a death so that the cause of death can be proven and may get a much lighter sentence (or get away with it with no jail time as Caylee Anthony's killer did).

This is why there needs to be harsh punishment for anyone who conceals the death or disappearance of a child. Otherwise we will be seeing more cases like these.

The first reports were that the mom had reported that the dad was keeping the child from her but now the story is that social workers were checking on a report they had. Well, what is it?? We already know that social services totally turned their back on this baby when the first report of his whereabouts were questioned many months ago. But they deemed it "not worthy" of being investigated. Unbelievable!!!

I just can't see that the mother of this child honestly is telling the truth when she said that he took the kid with him one day and just dropped him off at his mom's and that she hadn't seen him or bothered to call or go see him even though he was supposedly only 30 minutes away.

I think she knows very well what happened to the baby and was part of the coverup. I really don't care who actually did the killing. They BOTH failed to care for that child. they both willfully disposed of him and denied that baby a proper burial. They are both equally to blame because they know what happened and conspired to lie about it.

I spent time on both of her facebook pages and believe me, her main concern was posing for pics (lots with her middle finger extended, oh so classy). She documented each of her 12 tattoos with the date she got them but NEVER once mentioned any of her 3 children's birthdays. She also showed off her manicures and her hair color changes and lamented the loss of her phone when the screen broke but never even showed a trace of sorrow for her dead child or even mentioned him, other than a few pics of him that were posted a little more than a week ago.

Apparently she and the babydaddy broke up recently (as per her fb comments) and this must be what finally compelled her to start pointing the finger at the dad and playing innocent like she was being kept away from her child.

I doubt we have yet heard the worst of this story. It will only get worse from here as the truth finally emerges (and the truth won't come from these 2 either, I bet).

I hate to think that this child was beaten to death but that may be the only chance to be able to prove how he died and thus charge them with murder because they will no doubt claim it was SIDS and that they are only guilty of improper disposal of a body.

Charge them with every single things possible (including welfare fraud, if applicable) and I pray they both get the harshest sentence and spend everyday of their sentence in jail (with no concurrent sentences or early release).

Everything you said x two ! Thank you .
I dont' know why but I seem more upset that the parents didn't care than that they killed him. How can that be? Does that make sense? I mean..... how can someone not care ? Poorest little Dontrell , a baby angel now.
We care ! Florida has the death penalty....... i just had a flicker of a smile.
I can't share pictures without making them HUGE but at this slideshow,0,3110123.photogallery there is a picture of Dontrell's name, long with some other kids name, etched into the sidewalk in front of the house his body was found at.

It also has a picture of a "memorial" outside of the house. That picture makes me sad because it is such a very small memorial. I hope that more things are added to it.
Everything you said x two ! Thank you .
I dont' know why but I seem more upset that the parents didn't care than that they killed him. How can that be? Does that make sense? I mean..... how can someone not care ? Poorest little Dontrell , a baby angel now.
We care ! Florida has the death penalty....... i just had a flicker of a smile.

Yes that's exactly what I ice-cold can a person just do this or let it happen and then just go n with your life? I mean without being eaten alive by, at least, fear of being caught?! I really don't get it.

I wish there was a way we could send something to the memorial from many miles away.

The picture of the neighbors reacting made me stop and think about how they're feeling lately. There's a missing woman near me and I have often thought, while I was running in the woods or by the creek (secluded areas), how would I feel if, god forbid, her body had been hidden along one of "my" routes? I can't imagine finding out that this sweet baby's bones were hidden out there, maybe right where I can see from my kitchen window. (of course I don't know anything about the neighbors' windows, just a hypothetical.)
I slept on this, and I still can't think of anything printable to say beyond RIP Dontrell.

I, likewise, Wolf. Just sit here numb. Something in his little eyes remind me of Aliayah's. I wonder if he ever really smiled.

The despicable actions of his parents...are comments better left for me to least til I calm down. :furious:

Yes, rest in peace, lil Dontrell.
I need to correct something I said. i thought it was recently (in the last month) that BS (Dontrell's mother) contacted authorities about CM (Dontrell's father) not letting her see Dontrell but it was actually in October that this happened and the report was brushed off then (if I understand correctly).
I find it infuriating that parents can conceal a death so that the cause of death can be proven and may get a much lighter sentence (or get away with it with no jail time as Caylee Anthony's killer did).

This is why there needs to be harsh punishment for anyone who conceals the death or disappearance of a child. Otherwise we will be seeing more cases like these.

Respectfully snipped. I think you mean cause of death can not be proven....

but in any case, what prompted me to snip the above portion of your post is the new law in FL that requires parents to report a missing child immediately. I think they call it Caylee's law and iirc it went into effect recently. I was wondering how that might impact this case. I'm not sure if the law applies from the date the child went missing, or the date LE finds out about the child being missing.

Anyone more familiar with this new(er) law that can explain it for us?
HB 37 went in effect in October.

Knowingly and Willfully Giving False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer; Provides that it is third-degree felony for person to knowingly & willfully give false information to law enforcement officer conducting missing person investigation involving child 16 years of age or younger with intent to mislead officer or impede investigation if child suffers great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or death.

What exactly was the other thing Calvin was charged with? He may have been charged with this, right?

ETA: Yes, Calvin was charged with this. Here is the citation # for this 837.055 - False information to law enforcement during investigation. Here is citation Calvin charged with. Charge 2
STATUTE: 837.055

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