GUILTY FL - Felicia Brown, 25, & her two kids slain, Palm Beach County, 2010 & 2011

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Police continue to question Beauchamp about the two children found dead in a canal

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. - Police continue to question 37-year-old Clem Beauchamp about the two two children found dead in a canal Wednesday.
Neighbors, who seem fixated on Beauchamp's house, and the fate of the two children who often played in front, can't believe it. Authorities have not stated whether he was related to the victims or not.
A fight broke out between two groups of neighbors, who say they're family of the dead children and the suspect, and had to be broken up by the police Thursday evening.

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Police questioning Delray man about dead children found in canal

DELRAY BEACH — Clem Beauchamp walked to the end of his driveway on Tuesday night, passed his mailbox and headed for the church on the corner. As neighbors stood and stared, the troubled father fell to his knees and prayed. It was 11 p.m.

The scene was the first hint to the neighborhood that something wasn't right at the Beauchamp house
, where just two weeks earlier four happy kids had tossed a football during a family barbecue.


Neighbors who ringed a police perimeter at Beauchamp's house on Thursday said they hadn't seen children around since the barbecue.


He shared the home with one girlfriend or another, but lately he always was surrounded by four kids. Staying with him were JA, 6, and JM, 10, children of his ex-girlfriend B, and his own kids, K, 10, and D, 15. Police on Thursday wouldn't say whether all of the children were accounted for.

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From the above article, if these sadly turn out to be his ex-GF's children, then the State of FL really didn't have anything to do with it after all... I still hope the other two children are okay.
A co-worker of mine knows this guy (from growing up in the same area) and he said he just recently got out of jail. Not an upstanding kind of guy if you ask me. Funny how neighbors say he was a doting father - everything else written about him sounds opposite of that.

How many times does this sad story have to play itself out??? This time we have TWO precious children who should have been looking forward to summer and family fun. Instead, an evil, pathetic excuse for a MAN had to take out his self-hatred on two innocent children. Seriously, what can we as a society do about this??? I am just hear broken....
In recent weeks, Beauchamp split up with Brown, his girlfriend of four or five years, and Dent, whom he had been fighting for custody, moved back into his house, neighbors said. They said Brown disappeared after the breakup, but her kids remained with Beauchamp.

does this mean the mother of the children is still missing? is that the reason her sister is the one who went to the police station with photos of her niece & nephew to try & identify them? it seems the mother of his kids had hate for his g/f too and in the past had threatened her with a knife, then conveniently moves back in after they break up? I hope they're looking at Dent as well ... he could be covering for her
In recent weeks, Beauchamp split up with Brown, his girlfriend of four or five years, and Dent, whom he had been fighting for custody, moved back into his house, neighbors said. They said Brown disappeared after the breakup, but her kids remained with Beauchamp.

does this mean the mother of the children is still missing? is that the reason her sister is the one who went to the police station with photos of her niece & nephew to try & identify them? it seems the mother of his kids had hate for his g/f too and in the past had threatened her with a knife, then conveniently moves back in after they break up? I hope they're looking at Dent as well ... he could be covering for her

My heart sank when I read that and I fear for Browns safety. Though after reading Dents history, I'm wondering if she may be the one responsible for these childrens demise as well as Browns disappearance. I wonder if we will see Brown reported as missing shortly. No word on the well being of the other children, or even Dent for that matter either.

I'm also wondering how long an official id will take. Dental records aren't often used to id children. (that I recall).

Incredibly sad. ...and it sounds like those children should have been removed from that home a LONG time ago after one mother pulled a knife on the other mother....... What a sad sad case. My heart is breaking for these kids.
Oh I really hope the GF is okay - this is sounding worse and worse. :(

After reading the article, I agree - this Dent woman needs to be looked at but this man himself is bad enough as it is:


On Thursday, as he was being questioned by Delray Beach police in the slayings, he was formally charged in U.S. District Court with possession of a silenced firearm, according to a complaint filed by an agent with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

In laying out the federal allegations, the ATF agent described finding, in the trunk of Brown's repossessed car a .22-caliber handgun fitted with a homemade silencer and a black bag filled with a green Halloween mask, ammunition, a black knit cap and a tube of crack.


The women in Beauchamp's life often were at odds, records show. Once, in 2008, Dent lured Brown out of Brown's Boynton Beach house using Beauchamp's daughter as bait. Dent put a knife to Brown's throat and threatened to kill her, according to an affidavit for Dent's arrest.
What kind of parents ACT like that???
What on earth?????
Even if the kids weren't murdered and were alive.. they probably still didn't stand a chance with adults in their lives teaching them it was ok to behave in such a manner........
What ever happened with the woman who was also found in the water around the same time, there was a link on page one I think. Could that be the ex GF?
No offense to anyone living in florida..... BUT its FLORIDA...... Their DHS system is screwed up and I am sick of hearing about it. It would not surprise me that they thought he was a "fit parent" .:twocents:

I live in FL, no offense taken. DCF has dropped the ball so many times that the Department should be re-constructed from the top down. Last week, twin ten year old's were doused with Chemicals, one died, the other is fighting for his life in Hospital. DCF failed to fully investigate the Hot line report, because it was late Fri night. At times I'm embarrassed to admit I live in FL., because of what happens to children here on an almost routine basis.
Here's more... Sadly, it does sound like these were the ex-GF's two children, ages 6 and 10 who were stated earlier as living with him (MOO):

Canal deaths suspect facing fed charges
Charges unrelated to canal deaths

At a Friday morning news conference police say it does appear children were living in Beauchamp's house.

They say they are still actively looking for the mother of the children.

I'm betting the federal charges relate to the silencer on the guns.

Also, when the ex-GF "disappeared" after their breakup, did that mean she disappeared from his life and the children's lives, or - did she disappear as in not seen by ANYONE again?

ETA: And if they can't find the mother, I wonder if that's why they're not releasing the names/identities yet? If she is okay and out there somewhere, it would be awful for her to hear about it in the news.
Any locals who can see the news conference?
I didn't see any links but read about it in a couple of articles.

Check out the Barahona thread (in this forum). I just posted a new article about how our state legislature is working on a bil that will limited damages in cases like this!

Sad to think our electeds want to put a cap on our children's lives - especially when the state is involved in their lives (supposedly to protect them).

I'm waiting for DCF to come out in this one. I would be quite surprised if DCF was never involved with any of these children.
On CNN news it stated arrest made for the deaths of 2 children found floating in a Fla canal.

Trying to find a link.
I've said this before and I'll say it again -- if you want to help children like this, the most effective thing you can do is become a foster parent in your area if you're able, or support whatever organizations and activities support foster parents. Call your appropriate state reps to support adequate funding for foster parents and supporting services.

We've had more than one case in this area where an endangered child had to stay with the family because child services had literally no place else to put them. One worker slept overnight in her office with a child she had removed; another child spent the night in the visitor's area of the women's prison with her mother after her father was arrested robbing a bank (with his daughter in the car!) There aren't enough $$$ in the budget to pay for housing any more.

Yeah, things are tight with the economy, but cutting corners in child protection and development is jeopardizing not just their future but everybody's.
I've said this before and I'll say it again -- if you want to help children like this, the most effective thing you can do is become a foster parent in your area if you're able, or support whatever organizations and activities support foster parents. Call your appropriate state reps to support adequate funding for foster parents and supporting services.

We've had more than one case in this area where an endangered child had to stay with the family because child services had literally no place else to put them. One worker slept overnight in her office with a child she had removed; another child spent the night in the visitor's area of the women's prison with her mother after her father was arrested robbing a bank (with his daughter in the car!) There aren't enough $$$ in the budget to pay for housing any more.

Yeah, things are tight with the economy, but cutting corners in child protection and development is jeopardizing not just their future but everybody's.

Or volunteer to be a CASA worker! That is helpful as well!!
I live in FL, no offense taken. DCF has dropped the ball so many times that the Department should be re-constructed from the top down. Last week, twin ten year old's were doused with Chemicals, one died, the other is fighting for his life in Hospital. DCF failed to fully investigate the Hot line report, because it was late Fri night. At times I'm embarrassed to admit I live in FL., because of what happens to children here on an almost routine basis.

I don't want to go too OT here with FL or any community DCF discussion however, I think this happens everywhere and perhaps Florida's sunshine law makes info and details so much more widely known. I live outside of Chicago in what I might call an ultra over conservative area and not long ago we had childen doused with gasoline in a bathtub but not yet deceased driven by dad (who tried to kill them) and dads brother/uncle to the hospital. One lived in pain for months before he finally passed. Neither one of them thought to call an ambulance. In this case it was both domestic and a cultural issue - which opens another topic for discussion... in another thread in another forum. (which I will try to open soon).
Or volunteer to be a CASA worker! That is helpful as well!!

I forgot about CASA. For people who don't know what it is: Court Appointed Special Advocates "CASA volunteers are everyday citizens judges appoint to advocate for the safety and well-being of children who have been removed from their homes due to parental abuse and neglect. They stand up for these children and change their lives."

Other programs, often run through churches, reach out to support women and children at risk in their homes.

Volunteer at domestic violence or homeless shelters.

Volunteer with an adult literacy program.

Guys especially, volunteer with big brother/big sister or another organization that provides healthy adult role models to the kids, so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle.

Volunteer with a program that helps convicted felons get back on the straight and narrow.

Or donate money or merchandise to any or all of the above. It sounds crass, but funds are desperately short for most groups and every little bit helps.

These kinds of tragedies are happening everywhere, to kids of all races and colors and ethnic backgrounds. Poor kids might be more at risk, but rich kids get abused too.

I don't suppose we can ever stamp out human violence to other humans, but we can make it better. Maybe we can make it so nobody else has to die.
This article makes it sound more recent - the mother's disappearance:

Yet here they don't think there are any more victims:

I am missing MSM info indicating they do not think there are any more victims.
Do you have a link to MSM info indicating no additional victims or LE believes there will be no additional victims?


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