GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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Thanks Seattle.
Plus, that pertains to September 2022 and he'd been arrested in April 2022, so why she expects so much at this stage. Pffft.

Attorney has a blog and particulars.
I wonder if Wendi recommended her to Donna?

University of Miami School of Law (J.D., 2003), magna c/um laude ( Wendi would have been in her first year there)

'My colleagues know they can refer me the most difficult clients because I will handle them with great care and personal attention.'
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As I noted above, after the defense added a Motions hearing to the agenda, DA's arraignment date has been reset from 12/12 to 12/11:


'Another one bites the dust'
Anyone else struck by the repeated references to desire the opportunity to talk to family. Who in her family are not listed as witnesses or co- conspirators, or victims’ family? Who is left in her family to talk to?
It says she was allowed to talk to Harvey once for five minutes with people listening
Ok, I‘ll take a shot (you know I can’t resist)

#1 and #2: I can’t answer this either. Why would someone, hypothetically, rely on an indeterminate window to establish an alibi?

#3. In my opinion, they followed him all morning to make sure he wasn’t with the kids. Rivera had testified that there was a prior attempt, when they did wait outside his house, but they couldn’t tell if he was inside with the kids. Of course, hypothetically they would not have needed to continue following him once he dropped the kids off. But perhaps, and I am only speculating, they thought waiting outside the gym would be less conspicuous than waiting outside the house. In my opinion they were planning to ambush him outside his house exactly as they did (breaking in is too complicated), and that would have depended on them being there exactly as he got home.

#4- see above. In my opinion the original plan was to ambush him outside his house, shoot him quickly, and drive away. That’s what Rivera says they did. I am not sure that this was planned in advance in great detail, Rivera says they had been up all night using drugs. But the way they followed him suggest that this is how they wanted it to go. I believe CA might have known only that It would occur that morning and/or that the killers were following Dan. Someone may have provided them with his schedule, but it seems to me that the killers did not really need to know that, because they followed him anyway and could see where he was.

#5- the evidence from phone records shown at trial suggests Wendi began planning the lunch late that morning. This suggests to me that she may have needed or wanted a reason to leave the house and drive down Trescott. The lunch is not a great excuse to do that, in my opinion, because Trescott is not on the way. But neither is the liquor store,

#6. It is my opinion that IF W knew this was going to happen, she was told only that it would be that day. We know she was concerned about Dan possibly picking the kids up that afternoon, from her testimony and her police interview. We know she spoke to Charlie that morning, hypothetically he might have been reassuring her it would happen before Dan would be picking them up. She may also have been told not to leave the house before 12:30, this is consistent with the window for the repair job, and the window itself may have been part of their code, I don’t know. According to Corbett, she leaves right around 12:30; this is around the same time Sig calls and tells them the deed is done, so she may have received word. It is possible that she left of her own accord when she thought it was safe. The timing of the lunch and the fact that it was last-minute suggests, to me, that these things are all related somehow. The plan may have been to remain in the house until 12:30 snd then leave, and a 1pm lunch and liquor run is a good way to do that, in my opinion. The last minute timing also suggests to me that the lunch plans may have been made only after the conversation with Charlie, and so the planning of the lunch may have had to do with what was said, whether it be the reassurance that the murder would happen in the morning, or something else. This could explain her apparent sensitivity around the lunch being described as last minute.

#6. In my opinion they didn’t count on anyone hearing the gunshot, and so she would not have expected to see police tape or any roadblock and would have anticipated simply driving by and continuing on with her errands and lunch. In my opinion she would never have mentioned driving on Trescott at all had it not been for the police tape and the need to preemtively address her driving down there In case she had been spotted by the cop at the scene. It is possible she was not prepared for that and had to come up with a reason she was driving there on the fly.

#7- it is possible she intended to get the liquor after the planned 1pm lunch, but was notified after Sig’s call snd left in a hurry to drive by the scene, and used the trip to the liquor store as an excuse. But this is inconsistent with the lunch being planned last minute. It does not appear to me to have been part of her original plans for that day. As I said above, both the lunch and the liquor run may have been part of the same plan to have a reason to drive by Trescott.

#8. According to the warrant for Harvey’s phone, by time the police picked her up at the restaurant they had already found out, at the scene, about the contentious divorce. The affidavit says they began looking for her after that. The officer at the scene testified that he was told to look out for her car. The fact that a car similar to hers was spotted driving by the scene, together with the contentious divorce, may have highlighted to the police the urgency of speaking with her as soon as possible, keeping her in the dark until they got her into an interrogation room where they could record her, and not giving her an opportunity to refuse to go with them. JMO.
I knew you'd be there for me, amicus. Thanks!
Thanks Seattle.
Plus, that pertains to September 2022 and he'd been arrested in April 2022, so why she expects so much at this stage. Pffft.

Attorney has a blog and particulars.
I wonder if Wendi recommended her to Donna?

University of Miami School of Law (J.D., 2003), magna c/um laude

'My colleagues know they can refer me the most difficult clients because I will handle them with great care and personal attention.'

IMO, this case is not a job* for white collar and healthcare attorney M Descalzo. I think she may have previously represented HA when he was called before the dental board. (Posted about this many threads ago). Adelson's probably saved some money during these pre-trial matters and still shopping for trial counsel.

*You may recall Descalzo telling circuit court Judge Mindy Glazer at first appearance that they were waiving extradition(??). Everybody was like huh?.. there's no in-state extradition between counties!
Anyone else struck by the repeated references to desire the opportunity to talk to family. Who in her family are not listed as witnesses or co- conspirators, or victims’ family? Who is left in her family to talk to?
who's not listed as witnesses in the PCA for her arrest:

IMO, this case is not a job* for white collar and healthcare attorney M Descalzo. I think she may have previously represented HA when he was called before the dental board. (Posted about this many threads ago). Adelson's probably saved some money during these pre-trial matters and still shopping for trial counsel.

*You may recall Descalzo telling circuit court Judge Mindy Glazer at first appearance that they were waiving extradition(??). Everybody was like huh?.. there's no in-state extradition between counties!
I noticed that Rashbaum apparently is also a white collar/regulatory specialist.

"Daniel Rashbaum focuses his practice on white-collar criminal defense, internal investigations, regulatory enforcement, and qui tam litigation. He represents individuals and institutions in high-profile matters including those involving alleged violations of the federal securities and commodities laws, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, price-fixing, alleged violations of anti-bribery and anti-kickback statutes, insider trading, money laundering offenses, export violations, and fraud against health care benefit programs."

Daniel Rashbaum – MNR Law Firm
IMO, this case is not a job* for white collar and healthcare attorney M Descalzo. I think she may have previously represented HA when he was called before the dental board. (Posted about this many threads ago). Adelson's probably saved some money during these pre-trial matters and still shopping for trial counsel.

*You may recall Descalzo telling circuit court Judge Mindy Glazer at first appearance that they were waiving extradition(??). Everybody was like huh?.. there's no in-state extradition between counties!
yes I recall that but I was trying to recall whether it was Descalzo whom Everett had to ' school' earlier this year. There was a video of that hearing and a few legal expert commentators had been laughing at it

Have now found it

Descalzo moved to dismiss the order, arguing that a state law conferring immunity to people who testify under subpoena was unconstitutional and that any statements they made could be used against them in a parallel federal investigation.

But Everett shot that down, saying that case law holds that the immunity granted by the state extends to federal authorities.

“In fact, in your motion to dismiss, you’re arguing against a statute, Florida appellate law and the United States Supreme Court,” Everett said. “What is your basis in fact or law to make this argument?”

Descalzo cited a more recent case involving testimony sought by a foreign authority. But she acknowledged under questioning by the judge that the Adelsons’ testimony had not been sought by any foreign sovereign.
Everett dismissed Descalzo's motion, finding that it was “without merit.” She then asked for a stay on the Adelsons’ testimony, but Everett flatly denied that, too.

That's a burn!
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I noticed that Rashbaum apparently is also a white collar/regulatory specialist.

"Daniel Rashbaum focuses his practice on white-collar criminal defense, internal investigations, regulatory enforcement, and qui tam litigation. He represents individuals and institutions in high-profile matters including those involving alleged violations of the federal securities and commodities laws, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, price-fixing, alleged violations of anti-bribery and anti-kickback statutes, insider trading, money laundering offenses, export violations, and fraud against health care benefit programs."

Daniel Rashbaum – MNR Law Firm
Wonder why the couldn’t get an attorney who specializes in violent crimes, not white collar? There are similarities, of course, with criminal procedure, but I would imagine there are differences as well. What did David Oscar Markus do? White collar, too?
Anyone else struck by the repeated references to desire the opportunity to talk to family. Who in her family are not listed as witnesses or co- conspirators, or victims’ family? Who is left in her family to talk to?

Remember that there is the Texas part of of the family, not sure if it is DA or HA's side but CA was known to visit them. Unknown though if they are close enough to DA to stay in contact since CA was arrested.
IMO, this case is not a job* for white collar and healthcare attorney M Descalzo. I think she may have previously represented HA when he was called before the dental board. (Posted about this many threads ago). Adelson's probably saved some money during these pre-trial matters and still shopping for trial counsel.

*You may recall Descalzo telling circuit court Judge Mindy Glazer at first appearance that they were waiving extradition(??). Everybody was like huh?.. there's no in-state extradition between counties!


Well, Jose Baez is tied up but they may be able to coax Mark Geragos or Dick DeGuerin out of retirement.
Give this next segment the IQuestion treatment please.

re initially being on psych unit

..... 'Donna did not have access to any clothes, cups, silverware, books, blankets, or toiletries and was only permitted to shower once.'
page 2

Give this next segment the IQuestion treatment please.

re initially being on psych unit

..... 'Donna did not have access to any clothes, cups, silverware, books, blankets, or toiletries and was only permitted to shower once.'
page 2
And that is why one should always pack those items in their carry on luggage. While the airlines make every attempt to get your luggage to its intended destination...unexpected layovers may occur.
Wonder why the couldn’t get an attorney who specializes in violent crimes, not white collar? There are similarities, of course, with criminal procedure, but I would imagine there are differences as well. What did David Oscar Markus do? White collar, too?
It's certainly not due to low inventory! It's no secret that white collar and high net worth tend to go hand in hand, and for many criminals, it's both ego and mindset that they want pedigree counsel because, well, they are better, deserving, and smarter than the rest. And many white collar defense attorneys are too happy to feed their egos and narcissism, while smiling all the way to the bank. JMO :)
She may also have been told not to leave the house before 12:30, this is consistent with the window for the repair job, and the window itself may have been part of their code, I don’t know.
BBM. That's astute. As a lawyer, WA would have told the planners not to tell her anything she did not need to know. Setting up a dual-purpose appointment window would have been perfect.
Tell her she's dreaming. :rolleyes:
At $600 an hour in fees, she can dream all she wants.
IMO, this case is not a job* for white collar and healthcare attorney M Descalzo.

To be clear, not implying "white collar" criminal defense lawyers in general are not capable of representing felony murderers but that some are better than others. For example, Descalzo's own bio does not indicate she's represented individuals charged with murder or multi-counts of murder.

David Oscar Markus (and Margot Moss) recently represented the very wealthy Lawrence Rudolph, DDS, in US District Federal Court for killing his wife Bianca while on safari (and $$$ insurance fraud). Although Rudolph was convicted, it wasn't for ineffective counsel. I think same can be said for Rashbaum and CA. MOO

And that is why one should always pack those items in their carry on luggage. While the airlines make every attempt to get your luggage to its intended destination...unexpected layovers may occur.
Looking at the food and service in 1st/Business Class, Air Emirates Miami - Dubai, she has to have been in major shock.

( speculating that she didn't book economy, she may have)
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