GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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@legalmomma Thank you so much!!! After all the blah,blah,blah "I wanna' go home"...the employees refused to provide their medical credentials when asking about her medications!! Oh brother. Really? Give me a break! (Maybe all their
scholastic accomplishments, degrees and certifications are hanging on their office walls & they dont carry them while interviewing detainees?) Hey and don't blame the scarcity of items in your cell that one could use for self are the one who brought up suicide! Geesh. If DA is getting the same food, treatment, and accommodation as any other female being detained on murder charges, what's the big deal? Oh I know, DA is paying $600 per hour to have an attorney write up her complaints.
But, I love the State's position:
..."the State does not oppose an independent psychological evaluation; the State opposes Donn's release from pretrial detention."
DA filed this emergency motion complaining about her treatment in the the Leon County jail and requesting that she be moved, or even released on house arrest (good luck with that).
thanks for posting a link, which can be copy pasted ( not sure why some accounts are trying to make public documents un-copiable)

from your link:
' Donna in a unit where she can prepare for trial and speak to her family, or conduct an independent psychological evaluation in order to be placed in a different unit where she can
properly prepare for trial and speak to her family; alternatively, she requests to be released on house arrest coupled with standard conditions of pretrial release'

- Since when have indicted persons on such serious charges & who pose obvious flight risks been eligible for pre-trial release?
- IME psych evals, if commissioned, are independent
- If you're on suicide watch in special housing, are you realistically going to get materials to allow you to do all your trial prep right now?

'Donna is entitled to a fair trial, has a right to counsel, and has a right against cruel and unusual punishment. '
- attorney is likening special housing & suicide watch to that?
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@legalmomma Thank you so much!!! After all the blah,blah,blah "I wanna' go home"...the employees refused to provide their medical credentials when asking about her medications!! Oh brother. Really? Give me a break! (Maybe all their
scholastic accomplishments, degrees and certifications are hanging on their office walls & they dont carry them while interviewing detainees?) Hey and don't blame the scarcity of items in your cell that one could use for self are the one who brought up suicide! Geesh. If DA is getting the same food, treatment, and accommodation as any other female being detained on murder charges, what's the big deal? Oh I know, DA is paying $600 per hour to have an attorney write up her complaints.
But, I love the State's position:
..."the State does not oppose an independent psychological evaluation; the State opposes Donn's release from pretrial detention."
DA signed the checks that financed a hit on the son-in-law she despised. It's already in court transcripts that KM admitted to being paid for the hit. House arrest for a murder charge?? The entitlement is strong with this one, but I guess that is to be expected.
this is interesting
From @BSBC 's link - which allows you to copy & paste from ( and is the full 9 pages)

Post 13th Nov arrest, while at Miami jail, she cleared both psych evals and was removed from isolation after 4 days ( Contrary to speculation that she was completely losing it)

'Following two psychiatric evaluations, Donna was cleared within 96 hours of her arrest and placed in general population where she was able to contact her family and attorney.'

but if she's had no further eval, how can her attorney assert the following?:
'Donna's mental state has not changed since the determination by the psychiatrist at TGK Miami.'

Isn't this the same attorney, Descalzo, whom Judge Everett had to school during per-trial motions phase?
'Upon arrival at the Leon County Jail, officials put her in the infirmary under direct observation. She was then placed in a small solitary unit with a toilet, a sink, a mattress on the floor, and a dirty blanket.'

The cell is .............small
Who knew? I am shocked. Thanks for that Marissel.
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DA filed this emergency motion complaining about her treatment in the the Leon County jail and requesting that she be moved, or even released on house arrest (good luck with that). View attachment 466216

This should come as no surprise as her attorney reserved her clients right to address such concerns while she was still in Miami awaiting transfer to Tallahassee. This will likely be brought up before Judge Everett as the chief reason why DA should be released on bond!

This family and manipulation as a way of life..... :rolleyes:
There may be different rules for people on psych watch as to contact with people from outside. Theyre kept segregated and isolated with limited access to people and things. Much of this motion, it seems to me, is just complaining about things that are probably just part of procedures they have in place for people on suicide watch.
The request to be released on House Arrest is just a standard type of alternative request for relief. No one really thinks it will be granted -- attorneys just put it in to show they are fighting for their client. All they really hope for is that the Court enjoins what they say is the current inappropriate treatment. They know House Arrest is a non-starter.
The request to be released on House Arrest is just a standard type of alternative request for relief. No one really thinks it will be granted -- attorneys just put it in to show they are fighting for their client. All they really hope for is that the Court enjoins what they say is the current inappropriate treatment. They know House Arrest is a non-starter.
The motion says she was placed in the general population at Dade faculty after she was examined. Theyre requesting a psych exam, so maybe if she gets that she will be placed back in the gen pop and some of these concerns will be alleviated.
This should come as no surprise as her attorney reserved her clients right to address such concerns while she was still in Miami awaiting transfer to Tallahassee. This will likely be brought up before Judge Everett as the chief reason why DA should be released on bond!

This family and manipulation as a way of life..... :rolleyes:
Isn't this the same attorney, Descalzo, whom Judge Everett had to school during per-trial motions phase, Charlie's trial?
I have vague recollection of that.
this is interesting
From @BSBC 's link - which allows you to copy & paste from ( and is the full 9 pages)

Post 13th Nov arrest, while at Miami jail, she cleared both psych evals and was removed from isolation after 4 days ( Contrary to speculation that she was completely losing it)

'Following two psychiatric evaluations, Donna was cleared within 96 hours of her arrest and placed in general population where she was able to contact her family and attorney.'

but if she's had no further eval, how can her attorney assert the following:
'Donna's mental state has not changed since the determination by the psychiatrist at TGK Miami.'

Isn't this the same attorney, Descalzo, whom Judge Everett had to school during per-trial motions phase?
'Upon arrival at the Leon County Jail, officials put her in the infirmary under direct observation. She was then placed in a small solitary unit with a toilet, a sink, a mattress on the floor, and a dirty blanket.'

The cell is .............small
Who knew? I am shocked. Thanks for that
@cottonweaver " a mattress on the floor, and a dirty blanket That is what she said. She can really twist a story, huh? The concierge of The Gray Bar hotel can easily be accessed by simply dialing zero on your access panel and ask for an upgrade based on our loyalty program.
(There was a time when half my community was thankful for a private toilet, a sink with running water and a mattress!!)
page 2
'Donna's mental state has not changed since the determination by the psychiatrist at TGK Miami.'
since she was 'cleared' and given the ok to move to G- pop.

page 4
..... As a result of these cruel and inhumane conditions, Donna is becoming weaker and weaker every day...

From @BSBC 's link , previous page
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@cottonweaver " a mattress on the floor, and a dirty blanket That is what she said. She can really twist a story, huh? The concierge of The Gray Bar hotel can easily be accessed by simply dialing zero on your access panel and ask for an upgrade based on our loyalty program.
(There was a time when half my community was thankful for a private toilet, a sink with running water and a mattress!!)
Give this next segment the IQuestion treatment please.

re initially being on psych unit

..... 'Donna did not have access to any clothes, cups, silverware, books, blankets, or toiletries and was only permitted to shower once.'
page 2
@cottonweaver " a mattress on the floor, and a dirty blanket That is what she said. She can really twist a story, huh? The concierge of The Gray Bar hotel can easily be accessed by simply dialing zero on your access panel and ask for an upgrade based on our loyalty program.
(There was a time when half my community was thankful for a private toilet, a sink with running water and a mattress!!)

Wonder how much the story is twisted on the ride from the Dade County Jail to Leon.

According to DA, she tried to get the attention of traveling officers a couple hours into the drive but couldn't as she needed water and a bathroom break. I find it hard to believe officers in a police SUV or van would not have paid attention to her at that point in time.

So 4-5 hours in when they finally listen to her, they stop at a rest area and paramedics are called ????

I do believe she could be getting weaker if she's not eating jail food.
However, on 12/5/23, per DA's docket, her arraignment is shown as being reset for the same date/time with Judge Everett as CA's sentencing. (Arraignment previously set on 11/22 for 12/12 at 8:45 am).

I'm sure this is in error -- stay tuned for the next calendar revision/update. The dates/time were most likely set for the convenience of the mutual prosecution and not that they will appear together!

As I noted above, after the defense added a Motions hearing to the agenda, DA's arraignment date has been reset from 12/12 to 12/11:


Wonder how much the story is twisted on the ride from the Dade County Jail to Leon.

According to DA, she tried to get the attention of traveling officers a couple hours into the drive but couldn't as she needed water and a bathroom break. I find it hard to believe officers in a police SUV or van would not have paid attention to her at that point in time.

So 4-5 hours in when they finally listen to her, they stop at a rest area and paramedics are called ????

I do believe she could be getting weaker if she's not eating jail food.
yes, sounds very sus

quoting it, so others can see it easily and chip-in with their thoughts

' On November 20, 2023, around noon, Donna was picked up from TGK Jail and transported to Leon County Jail. Her transporters placed her in the back of the transport vehicle with no water. Several hours into the journey, Donna tried to get the attention of the officers because she needed water and a restroom stop, but she was not able to get their attention.
Approximately 4-5 hours into the trip, when the officers finally checked on her, Donna was shaking, dehydrated, and unable to stand up or move. As a result, the officers had to call paramedics to a rest stop.'
Page 3 from @ BSBC's link to the full document)


Rewind to 2013, Donna's email advice to Wendi:
'You can be a good actress when you want to.I've seen you in action. You need to put on the performance of your life!'
From Steven Epstein's book ' Extreme Punishment'
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LC Jail meals reviewed

ok, it's only a tiny sample but from interviews with ex-inmates of LC Jail

Quoted from Javier on the jail meals ...

"My least favorite and worst (speaking in behalf of everyone) is macaroni and erasers."

DA must be loving the cuisine !
from your link:
' Donna in a unit where she can prepare for trial and speak to her family, or conduct an independent psychological evaluation in order to be placed in a different unit where she can
properly prepare for trial and speak to her family; alternatively, she requests to be released on house arrest coupled with standard conditions of pretrial release'

The Motion by DA citing how she was placed in general population with privileges in the Miami Dade jail after 96 hours in custody is misleading at best-- especially given DA was transferred to Tallahassee by Nov 20! The comparisons pitting Miami-Dade against Leon County jail were clearly written for the benefit of the defendant.

Please be reminded that CA was also held in protective custody while in Leon County jail (as typical for his protection), and don't know why it would/should be any different for DA.

Rashbaum also revealed his client is spending his days at the Leon County jail in “protective custody,” likening it to solitary confinement. Rashbaum said Adelson gets 30 minutes outside of his cell per day, and reviewing evidence over the phone has been tedious.

While the judge denied release, he did indicate he’d help Rashbaum and his team gain better access to Adelson in the coming weeks. Adelson’s attorneys were asked to write a motion to get that process started.

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