FL FL - Isabella Hellmann, 41, catamaran off Cay Sal, FL Keys,14 May 2017 #2 *GUILTY*

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(snipped by me) Still though, this guy hid stolen coins on the boat, in a raft, in a backpack, and in the shoes in the closet of a home he shared with his wife. He has told some people he is a plumber, and others is he a sailor. Plus he owns a solar company, which has nothing to do with plumbing or sailing. Perhaps he is a jack of all trades, or just a good liar.

I hope more will come out on the coin theft, I have a feeling he didn't act alone. For example, where were the coins during the year since they'd been stolen? I think someone had them on St. Martin.

My speculation is he's the type of guy who, having discovered the lifestyle of sailing and hanging around in laid-back tropical locations, didn't want to become a 'wage slave' to support his wife and child. Plenty of those roaming the world, they depend on various schemes to try to make money, like buying a boat or condo and fixing it up to sell, picking up odd jobs compatible with their lifestyle, going home for a few months to live off Mom and Dad while working to save up some money. They may be tempted by opportunities/offers to make a bundle quickly by smuggling or stealing from a rich guy's boat.

In my mind, that doesn't automatically lead to killing your wife and sinking a boat. It's possible he had a guilty conscience and fear about getting caught with the coins, and that could explain his unwillingness to speak much to the press and made an accident appear very dodgy. I also don't think he ever had the intention to settle down in Florida, and didn't want to be tied down by Isabella's relatives, and was a selfish, insensitive jerk to them.

I really don't know what would've happened if Isabela hadn't died, and how they would've resolved this impasse about where to live. It remains possible that, unable to persuade her to leave Florida, he decided to resolve the situation and make money off insurance at the same time. But it seems an insane plan unless there's some other factor that made him feel utterly desperate. And it's very unusual, to be honest, for a man in that situation to want to be burdened with a baby.
Bennett is scheduled to be arraigned on Monday in Key West. I'm sure it'll be adjourned because of Hurricane Irma.
Bennett is scheduled to be arraigned on Monday in Key West. I'm sure it'll be adjourned because of Hurricane Irma.

I had a little mosey around and I *think* he might have made bail...

Can't quote Satchie's latest post (sorry), but I think s/he has some very good points. My over-active speculative mind thinks that the "coins" saga may be the 'tip of an iceberg', and/or that a possible tragic accident may have exposed more than anyone ever bargained for.
YES!!!! I've thought this all along, but didn't know if it could be said. (I'm still catching up but had to agree with you before I went any further)

I'm thinking worse then that, I think he packed the lifeboat before he killed her and sank his boat.
Put all of the stuff he wanted to save in the lifeboat way ahead of time. He never went to bed! Moo

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
I have some thoughts on this/related subjects.

1. Her wording was very odd in the satellite phone call to her sister that night. It was almost like she was trying to call attention to the BP (business partner). Was she trying to subtly send a hint? Maybe she didn't ask about the baby because she was shaken up by her discovery, but was afraid to say anything specific because she thought he might overhear.

2. Perhaps he called the BP to tell him the deed was done and they could go ahead with phase 2 - i.e. the cat is sinking and he's in the life-boat and "calling for emergency help".

That said...

3. In a true emergency, people don't always know/remember phone #s (ask any emergency personnel). When my BIL was shot in the line of duty (he survived), my SIL was so hysterical she ended up calling my other SIL 4 hrs away, because that was the only # she could remember (the rest of us are local). That SIL then called us so we could get to her.

4. I think IH found the coins aboard the boat and confronted him/figured out his deal with BP. After her phone call to her sister, I think he killed her and disposed of her in the ocean, then spent the remaining 5ish hours sailing around to find a big enough piece of flotsam to crash the boat into, to make it look like an accident. He didn't have to frantically dig around for things to go into the life raft, because he had it all set out before the "collision" even took place, and he didn't stick around to look for her because he already knew where she was. I've thought this since the beginning, the coins just provided the motive for me.

JMO & all that

No one else was on the boat as far as we know. Not sure who she was referring to but I seem to recall something about a business partner who lives in Australia. He might have been the one to help set up the SAT phone. I seem to recall that Bennett called the partner in Australia when he was trying to reach someone about the boat sinking and the partner actually contacted the Coast Guard. A lot of people were up in arms about him calling his partner in Australia and saying it's suspicious but I didn't see it that way at the time it came out. The time differences being what they are, if it was 1 AM in the EST of the US, it was 7 AM in Australia. I assumed he called Australia because he was trying to get a hold of someone and it's easier to reach a person at 7 AM than in the middle of the night when most people are sleeping. However, now in light of all this new info I do have to wonder if his partner knew about the stolen coins. :thinking:
Does anyone know if Bennett is still in custody? I found this info about the Key West Jail:

About 250 animals swapped places with inmates of the Key West Jail after the Monroe County Sheriff’s thought jail cells would be safer for the animals. Just ahead of Hurricane Irma, 426 inmates were evacuated by bus to lockups in Palm Beach County.

Does anyone know if Bennett is still in custody? I found this info about the Key West Jail:

About 250 animals swapped places with inmates of the Key West Jail after the Monroe County Sheriff’s thought jail cells would be safer for the animals. Just ahead of Hurricane Irma, 426 inmates were evacuated by bus to lockups in Palm Beach County.


I'm pretty sure he made bail before the hurricane and is out. I can't remember where I found the link (vine link maybe?), but he wasn't in Key West jail, I don't think.
This guy is a piece of...... work.
Wow, I'm amazed at the new developments upon checking in here and MSM. I can't say that I'm surprised though.

The new developments have added to my suspicions. I am bringing forward a previous post because it's relevant now more than ever.

Anything written in red is not from my original post, but me adding to the post now.

Thread #1, post #160

I'm starting to see this is boiling down to $$$...

- Lavish / frequent traveling = $$
- Bought Condo in Delray Beach = $$$$ ( Isabella told the neighbor, she dumped her savings into the new condo. I assume since it was her savings, the condo was under HER name since they weren't married when it was bought. I've always seen this about money, it's also easier for me to believe that Bennet married her so the condo/ her assets would be legally his if something happened to Isabella, which is more $$$$ in his pocket.)
- Remodeling apartment = $$$
- Baby = $$$$
- Boat = $$$
- Wedding / Ring = $$$
- Bennet trying to cash in Isabella's life insurance policy: http://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/delray-beach/lewis-bennett-250k-bond-set-for-husband-of-missing-delray-beach-woman
- Missing expensive items from apartment... ( I always felt the family was justified taking whatever they did from her apartment, now I think the family caught on or maybe knew more about his illegal activities or had their own suspicions that he was a thief and took what was Isabella's so his plans to profit from her death would fail. I always thought it was a BIG red flag that Bennet even got as upset as he did. It now makes me think everything expensive he gave Isabella and her expensive possessions were things that he was planning to return, sell or pawn for $$$.. the ring, clothes, electronics (that the family took). I think they were one step ahead of him after Isabella went missing.

None of these things individually raise a red flag, however all of them together within a short period of time (expect the boat purchase in 2013) is a red flag. Also, these expenses wouldn't raise a red flag for me if I saw a significant income to support the lavish spending but I don't. Bennet's wealth and career is a big question mark. Isabella may have been a successful realtor and made lots of money but recently went to part time to take care of the baby and hence her comment of blowing through her savings.

I get the feeling that one was supporting the other which would be more $$$ on top of the other expenses. Perhaps Bennet makes his money in the UK or Australia which is why he wanted Isabella to move that way. I am only speculating but if that's the case (which seems likely since he is not a US citizen), then it was probably also expensive for him to travel back and forth to his ties over seas back to his new family in FL.

My question is, why were some of the coins on the boat if they were stolen almost a year ago? The point of the trip has been a big question mark since Isabella's sister revealed it was not a honeymoon trip and Isabella didn't want to go on the trip but "needed" to in order to help Bennet. Was Isabella in on the illegal activity? Was the business partner in on it? Were they retrieving the rest of the coins that were stashed in a bank account in the British Virgin Islands? Or were the coins there because that's how they paid for their lavish trips/ expensive items without raising suspicions from the IRS, government, etc. ?

All JMO!!
I am having difficulty quoting msphilosopher's post (#329 above). So here are some related comments:

1) Property records are in the public domain. It shouldn't be too hard to look up who owned the property/whether it was in one or both of their names. Not being married at the time of purchase has NO bearing on whether or not it was in one or both names.

2) Whatever our personal feelings or thoughts about what happened to Isabella, as she and/or Lewis Bennett owned their own home (and even if they didn't), Isabella's family had no business nor any legal right to go into their (I & B's) home and remove ANYTHING without permission from LB.

Following on from that thought, her family may have complicated, or contaminated, any investigation which may be going on.

I can't find/haven't seen a link to where the sister said it wasn't a honeymoon trip?
Husband of missing Delray Beach woman indicted on stolen coin charges

September 22, 2017

Lewis Bennett, for good or bad the central figure in the reported May 15 disappearance of Isabella Hellmann, has formally been indicted on a charge of transporting stolen coins.

Palm Beach County court records also show Bennett has filed a formal probate case regarding Hellmann, his wife of three months and the mother of their child, and has asked the court to declare her dead. Bennett wrote to the U.S. Coast Guard within a day after it called off its search of the Atlantic for Hellmann and requested a “letter of presumed death,” something the Coast Guard said it was not authorized to do.


The indictment filed this week in federal court is brief and provides few new details, except to say that on Sept. 1 federal authorities seized $22,000 in U.S. currency from Bennett.


Authorities said Bennett, 40, was moved Tuesday to the Broward County Jail from the Palm Beach County Jail, where he’d been moved from the Keys with more than 400 other inmates when Hurricane Irma made its way to Florida.


The [probate] petition repeats Bennett’s assertion that, after the Coast Guard called off its search for Hellmann, he traveled to Cuba and visited that nations’ Interior Embassy as well as the U.S. embassy and also searched area hospitals, “but sadly to no avail.” Bennett asked that the court waive the five-year wait on declaring someone dead because Hellmann was “exposed to a specific peril of death.”
Husband of missing Delray Beach woman indicted on stolen coin charges

September 22, 2017

Lewis Bennett, for good or bad the central figure in the reported May 15 disappearance of Isabella Hellmann, has formally been indicted on a charge of transporting stolen coins.

Palm Beach County court records also show Bennett has filed a formal probate case regarding Hellmann, his wife of three months and the mother of their child, and has asked the court to declare her dead. Bennett wrote to the U.S. Coast Guard within a day after it called off its search of the Atlantic for Hellmann and requested a “letter of presumed death,” something the Coast Guard said it was not authorized to do.


The indictment filed this week in federal court is brief and provides few new details, except to say that on Sept. 1 federal authorities seized $22,000 in U.S. currency from Bennett.


Authorities said Bennett, 40, was moved Tuesday to the Broward County Jail from the Palm Beach County Jail, where he’d been moved from the Keys with more than 400 other inmates when Hurricane Irma made its way to Florida.


The [probate] petition repeats Bennett’s assertion that, after the Coast Guard called off its search for Hellmann, he traveled to Cuba and visited that nations’ Interior Embassy as well as the U.S. embassy and also searched area hospitals, “but sadly to no avail.” Bennett asked that the court waive the five-year wait on declaring someone dead because Hellmann was “exposed to a specific peril of death.”

Thanks, Greater! Good. This will buy LE more time to investigate Isabella's death without any worry that Bennett will leave the country.

His arraignment hearing is Tuesday, Oct. 26. I've been looking for the fedreal indictment doc but no luck.


This says the little girl is with family but didn't provide a name.

This would be a good time for Isabella's family to re-petition for partial/temp grandparent custody. If they have too fly to England to get her as one of the conditions, so be it.
Whoa... $22k in cash? What was this guy doing for a living??? He's so shady
IIRC this was $22,000 in stolen rare coins.

Shady artifact trading....

FYI, these were recently minted gold and silver coins, similar to gold bars, they're easy to buy and sell. http://www.bankrate.com/investing/5-tips-to-shine-in-investing-in-gold-coins/

They included 158 “Year of the Horse” English silver coins and 77 Canadian Maple Leaf coins, the arrest papers state.
IIRC this was $22,000 in stolen rare coins.

Shady artifact trading....

The $22,000 in cash is actually in addition to the stolen coins.

Nine plastic tubes containing 225 coins. Coins in a pack-back too.

Later-- according to affidavits-- investigators found more coins hidden in shoes in his closet at his delray beach apartment.


The indictment also mentions 22 thousand dollars in cash in a backpack-- investigators say that is evidence too that will be used to convince a jury that Bennett transported stolen goods.

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