FL FL - Isabella Hellmann, 41, catamaran off Cay Sal, FL Keys,14 May 2017 #2 *GUILTY*

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Not if it is someone who went missing at sea... something that overwhelmingly leans to the odds of death happening. He can do that now in her case.

Eta: Amy Bradley's parents started the process of having her declared dead 6 months after she went missing.

Yet her parents are convinced she’s still alive and being used for some cryptic form of white slavery in the Caribbean [emoji848]

Anyway that’s a whole different story.

Nice to see you around here hiandmighty. Has your stance changed since Bennett’s arrest? I’ve been curious about the current thoughts of the boaters who didn’t see anything sketchy about the boat crash. Not saying this sarcastically, I’m genuinely curious if Bennett’s arrest has changed anything

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Yet her parents are convinced she’s still alive and being used for some cryptic form of white slavery in the Caribbean [emoji848]

Anyway that’s a whole different story.

Nice to see you around here hiandmighty. Has your stance changed since Bennett’s arrest? I’ve been curious about the current thoughts of the boaters who didn’t see anything sketchy about the boat crash. Not saying this sarcastically, I’m genuinely curious if Bennett’s arrest has changed anything

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I've always been personally inclined to think he killed her, and was just pointing out the reasonable doubt in his story.

I'm hoping they have enough evidence to convict him of her murder.

I could have happened how he said it did, but where there's smoke, there's fire...
Bennett could use any weapon to damage the catamaran and, after throwing it afterboard, waves are strong enough to capsize the catamaran...
Bennett could use any weapon to damage the catamaran and, after throwing it afterboard, waves are strong enough to capsize the catamaran...

With all those gold pieces, he could have also put everything to one side of the hull causing it turn turn over because I believe they said the sails were up too?

And they took a photo of the hole from the air, wouldn't the hole be under water if that's where the water "rushed in"?
BREAKING: Court refuses to declare missing Delray woman dead

PALM BEACH GARDENS — A judge Thursday refused to declare Isabella Hellmann dead, saying she needs a declaration that authorities’ investigations into Hellman’s mysterious reported disappearance at sea are complete.

It’s been five months since the 41-year-old suburban Delray Beach real estate broker reportedly vanished at sea. On Thursday, Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Kathleen J. Kroll said she wouldn’t approve a request from Lewis Bennett, Hellmann’s husband, for a “presumptive death certificate.”

That’s because while the Coast Guard called off its four-day search, it and the FBI say they continue to conduct a missing-person investigation. Neither has said it suspects foul play.
“ ‘Not searching’ is not ‘no longer having an investigation of her death,’ ” Kroll told Bennett attorney Lee McElroy IV.
“That’s what I’m after, is closure,” Kroll said.

McElroy had submitted the thick Coast Guard package of documents related to the search that the Palm Beach Post obtained this summer. Kroll said it wasn’t enough.

Kroll set a new hearing for the afternoon of Nov. 3
The judge also would not close out Bennett’s probate filing. McElroy had argued Hellmann’s modest estate didn’t require a full proceeding.
Lewis Bennet asked the judge to sign an order granting him and the couple’s 1-year-old daughter legal rights to take care of Hellman’s condominium in Delray and her remaining assets — a 2006 Mercedes-Benz C230 and two bank accounts, one with $5,001 and another containing $724.

Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Kathleen Kroll said, “This is really quick. Normally I see these after a year or two. So what’s the rush?” Bennett’s attorney, Lee McElroy, said he understands it isn’t a common occurrence, but that the couple was “married shortly before she died” and Bennett’s name is not listed on the condominium, so the house is just sitting there and no one has access to it.

Kroll set the next hearing for Nov. 3 at 3 p.m. Bennett’s attorneys must submit the Coast Guard’s declaration that the investigation is over or subpoena someone from the Coast Guard to testify before that date.

McElroy said after the hearing that he would follow up with the Coast Guard and hopes they will cooperate.

Hearing still scheduled for Friday at 3:00 p.m.
With all those gold pieces, he could have also put everything to one side of the hull causing it turn turn over because I believe they said the sails were up too?

And they took a photo of the hole from the air, wouldn't the hole be under water if that's where the water "rushed in"?

I don't know the physics of boats sinking/flipping, but catamarans have a reputation for flipping over. https://catamaranguru.com/catamarans/why-a-catamaran/catamaran-safety

I question why he would have risked losing his coins/boat/own life, in order to get rid of his wife. There had to be easier ways. I think the real purpose of the trip was to smuggle the coins. If so, why would he draw attention to them and to himself in this dramatic fashion. I think it'd be natural to be afraid of the coins going overboard or being discovered, as in fact has happened.

I think his shifty, devious behaviour was related to his secret about the coins, rather than his secret about the accident.
My thoughts in red to your questions / comments. Of course, my own opinion :)

I question why he would have risked losing his coins/boat/own life, in order to get rid of his wife.

Very experienced & confident in this regard.

I think the real purpose of the trip was to smuggle the coins. If so, why would he draw attention to them and to himself in this dramatic fashion.

Narcissist, cocky. Although, I don't believe this was the trip's purpose. The presence of the coins may have been to fund the trip. Or to purchase specific items that would be untraceable.

I think it'd be natural to be afraid of the coins going overboard or being discovered, as in fact has happened.

We don't know any coins actually went overboard. I doubt he thought the coins would be discovered or investigated. We don't know the connection in which the coins were discovered.

FBI didn't look at coins and say "Ah ha! At last, the stolen coins!" -- Not being a smart *advertiser censored* here lol, trying to make a point that possession of the coins was probably not suspicious. The manner in which they were discovered wasn't anticipated by Bennet. I tend to think someone, somewhere suspected Bennet of the robbery or of shady things but had no tangible evidence to implicate him and sent in a tip in the aftermath of Isabella's disappearance.

I think his shifty, devious behavior was related to his secret about the coins, rather than his secret about the accident.

For me, it's less about his behavior after the "accident" and more about the many red flags prior to the trip. I still think there was strange behavior after the disappearance but this is not what convinces me.
WPTV reporter Michelle Quesada's live tweets from today's hearing are below.


Judge Kroll to hear Lewis Bennett's petition to declare his wife Hellmann is dead, Bennett's attorneys McElroy and Downey present. @WPTV

Judge says she cannot take judicial notice on the facts in the Coast Guard report stating Hellmann would not have survived conditions @WPTV

Judge cannot make a finding that facts are true, says what's in the report is hearsay. @WPTV
Attorney Downey says Coast Guard Captain is available on phone to have testimony. Attorney says Bennett not available, offered deposition.

Judge won't find that Bennett is not available, says being in custody is not being unavailable. @WPTV

"With what authority am I going to tell the federal government to bring an individual here." Says Judge @WPTV
Judge says I do not have the power to order US Marshal to do anything, but does not believe incarceration is being unavailable.@WPTV

Judge says you can wait till he gets out, talking about Bennett. Judge says lawyers can pay to have Marshals bring him. @WPTV

Judge wants a witness in the courtroom for petition to declare Isabella Hellmann dead. @WPTV
Captain w/ Coast Guard called on phone to testify to the facts in CG report saying Hellmann could not have survived while missing at sea.

Coast Guard Captain says he is not familiar with Hellmann case but says search is suspended. @WPTV

Captain says case is not closed, just means they have suspended search. @WPTV
Captain says case would always stay open showing search suspended if body was not found of missing person. @WPTV

Judge confirms Captain Cook not involved with Hellmann case, and does not know the facts of the case. @WPTV

Judge says they have to prove peril existed and the fact the person was really on the boat @WPTV
Judge says generally people don't do this quickly they have hope the person is alive, the immediacy is concerning @WPTV

Judge says she needs witness to prove Hellmann was on the boat, that can testify to her financial difficulty, mental health etc. @WPTV

Hearing to presume Isabella Hellmann dead will be continued, Judge asking for Bennett to be present @WPTV

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