GUILTY FL - Janiya Thomas, 11, Bradenton, Jan 2015

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It just burns me up that this monster was so brazen to use bullying tactics to work the system, and they let her get away with it at the cost of this innocent child's life. I am at a loss how her actions were rewarded by closing her file, instead of setting off major alarms and expediting a thorough investigation into those children's well-being. Ridiculous.

Oh, yes, you are so right to be so enraged. Closed the file, for Pete's sake. Dayam. How in the world could they legally do that? Were all of them involved with the case that afraid of her? Or just too "over-loaded" with cases? (They prolly were, but this case should have literally screamed at them.) Somebody should have been fired -- probably more than one. SMH. And all of them got PAID for doing this.

Many of us have followed child abuse cases before -- this little girl was probably tortured in some way every day she was alive. And the other children do not seem to have fared much better. What he!! that woman deserves. Grrrrrr.
Oh my goodness, in the spring one of the siblings got a popsicle out of the freezer and observed the box.
Oh my goodness, in the spring one of the siblings got a popsicle out of the freezer and observed the box.

A memory that child will forever have to live with.

Guess she installed that padlock after that.
I followed this like at hawk as soon it showed up here but have had to recently stop following (in such detail) all cases. Everything seems to make me cry these days and these cases, this little girl especially, just rip my heart clean out. There WILL be just for Janiya. And her siblings as well.

December 30, 2015 7:28 PM

Death of 11-year-old Janiya Thomas went unnoticed in Bradenton for several months in 2015

Details have since emerged of how Janiya is suspected to have died. The girl's eldest sister told investigators she saw their mother tie Janiya up and dunk her head in water inside the bathroom she was regularly locked in. Afterward, the bathroom was cleaned, the door was open and Janiya was never seen again.

Although an autopsy was inconclusive in determining the manner of death, it did reveal Janiya weighed only 44 pounds at the time of her death, her right leg had been broken two to fours weeks before her death, and marks on her hands and feet were indicative of being tied.

More information available at the link above.
Everyone around this child and her siblings has failed them. These children have been in danger and neglected for years and no one did a damn thing. It's not like Florida has a great reputation for child protection, I read a very long and disturbing piece last year about children that Florida as a state has failed. If I were a resident of the state I'd be asking the governor what he intends to do to start protecting the children of Florida.
Everyone around this child and her siblings has failed them. These children have been in danger and neglected for years and no one did a damn thing. It's not like Florida has a great reputation for child protection, I read a very long and disturbing piece last year about children that Florida as a state has failed. If I were a resident of the state I'd be asking the governor what he intends to do to start protecting the children of Florida.

Was this the piece? I read it last year and it is haunting. :(
Yes, thank you BUF! The 9-page story is heartbreaking and infuriating! The last part:

J.A. peeks his head out of his bedroom as he hears Thomas tell the investigators in her apartment that she struck her son with an open hand after she learned he had shoplifted. She hadn't pushed him into a mirror, she says — he slipped. The boy shakes his head behind her so the officials can see him.

When they are alone in a room, he whispers to an investigator.

“Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me.” In another room, his sisters cry in the dark.

The investigators take him with them, and Thomas is later informed that all her children will be removed from her care.

“If y'all gonna take 'em, take 'em,” she tells CPS staff, according to department notes.

Weeks later, after the children are placed in foster care, before his sister's body is found and his mother jailed, J.A. reunites with his remaining siblings at a local home. He is eager to see his sisters and youngest brother.

He does not, someone notes, ask about his mother at all.

The article includes an interesting story from Janiya's grandmother's childhood friend about the abuse Keishanna's mother endured as a child:

“You got it good,” Lois [Janiya's grandmother] would tell Bell when she would come back from a fishing trip with her grandfather or visit her aunt's house in the summer. Sometimes, Lois' anger and attitude got her a smacking. Sometimes, her family locked her in a metal tool shed in the backyard, Bell said. Bell used to sit outside the shed and knock on the walls to let Lois know she was there.
The friends grew up, and their paths diverged. Lois quit school early, and had her first child at 13. Court records show arrests for drug possession.
Lois called Bell years later, when child protection officials intervened in Lois' life and her daughters needed a place to go. Bell took them in, and remembers the girls' clothes were too dirty to keep. She pulled bugs and dirt from the children's hair. She washed their bodies with water and baking soda until the smell finally went away

Rest of the story is at the link
No news on Janiya's case but I just read another article about a dead child in a freezer:

This is like the third or fourth one this year that I've seen. WTH is wrong with people? :furious:

Here's the thread on it:

Thank you MsM for linking this new case. I read about this yesterday, and I'm heartbroken.

:rose: :rose:

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More from your link:
If Thomas is found guilty of first-degree murder, she will be sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole.

Thomas had a case management hearing scheduled Thursday morning but did not appear in court personally. After public defener Franklin Roberts, Brown and Judge Susan B. Maulucci conversed privately for a few minutes, Maulucci announced the hearing would be continued on March 3.

Read more here:

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Sorry to sound hateful, but I honestly wonder if this is the reason why "parents" in Florida keep abusing, killing, and dumping their children.

Unfortunately it's not only Florida, it happens all over..

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