GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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Regarding the keys

I think there were issues with the starter and that's why he had to go under the hood to start the car. Probably a solenoid bypass. This still needs to be done with the key in the ignition and the car on. Perhaps he could remove the key when the car was running? He must have taken the keys when he returned to the apt because he was specific about that in the Florida Star article, although he claimed he took them out in the parking lot to get back into the apt, even though he later claimed the roomate and 5yr old were up watching TV. He also claimed there was a switch to start the car once he had done something under the hood so perhaps this is not the issue. :waitasec:

Either way, I believe the car needs to be turned off with the key so that is why he left it running. His story included him having the key so the "carjacker" would not have been able to turn it off.

He was question. Taking off the shirt to prevent it from getting sweaty, leaving the car running to go with his story. He thought he was smart enough to pull it off. Gotta love video surveillance. :giggle:


the keys were in the vehicle
In the first presser 7/24 12p.m. @2:00
Since Chief Hackney talked about the smart phones, and said Ebron's is smart, I'm assuming the search around his parents home was because he was around there that night?

"The search has moved to a swath of Jacksonville east of Interstate 95, including areas such as Oceanway, the Cape and Pumpkin Hill.It is roughly 15 miles from where Lonzie went missing from a Brierwood apartment complex on Old Kings Road near Baymeadows Road, but is in an area where Ebron has family.
Hackney won’t say if interviews with Ebron were instrumental in moving the search that earlier concentrated on the opposite end of Jacksonville near Philips Highway near I-95, but said the search is “intelligence-driven,” relying on clues investigators have been able to find."

You know they've been going over recordings from businesses and homes, they just got the video of Ebron running from his car this weekend. There could be others they're sifting through to give even more important info any day, plus there's volunteers searching now. I knew there would be, so proud of these people that are so caring to do it.

--doing his "rehearsal"/timing his actions doesn't necessarily mean that Lonzie was dead at the time.

--this would be approx. 5:30-6 p.m. (3 hours before Lonna went to work) and prior to the Laundromat visit. JSO says they have video of the Laundromat (but he didn't specify what/who was on it) Lonna says that she saw Lonzie at the Laundromat.....surely he was there? (!)

--the roommate, who was allegedly home according to ruben, b/c he left the 5 year old watching TV with him when he went out and "saw his car being driven away"......when does HE say that HE last saw Lonzie?

Newly following the case ..trying to catch up. The original reports were that the little girl was in the car and came back upstairs because she was scared.. which is it ?

What are the time and sources to say that she was downstairs in the car then got out of the car.... and later reports perhaps saying that she was upstairs all the time with an unnamed roomie ?

Any assistance catching up on this thread will help me thank you very much!

Signed ..confused !
Regarding the keys

the keys were in the vehicle
In the first presser 7/24 12p.m. @2:00

This presser was only about 10 hours after the 911 call and it was a panic situation to find the baby. Not sure that all the info given in those early pressers turned out to be correct. Chief Hackney may have assumed that because the car was running when it was taken and running when it was found that the keys were in it. I believe WRE himself indicated in his Florida Star interview that he took the keys back to the apt with him. That would be an odd thing for him to say if he knew they were in the car.

This just gets more confusing by the day.

If it was premeditated, why just Lonzie? Why not the sister, too? Or the sister instead since she can talk and share information with LE? To me, it feels like the staging of the car, etc was to cover up what happened...after the fact. Which doesn't explain the car being there earlier.... Has the earlier presence of the car been confirmed by LE or just the neighbor? I don't know, I'm having a hard time with the premeditation idea. I lean more towards an...alternate...timeline.
I think it was known fairly soon after the initial Amber Alert scam that the car had been seen @the location earlier that day.
LE was asking questions of people around there and trying to find anyone who might know WRE or LL.
We don't know if this was premeditated. But I think LE does. I don't believe the man who gave the video to them and just commented today would've spoken to the news if he wasn't cleared to do so.
I think Hackney et al just showed another card from their hand by allowing this interview.
They are upping the ante. WRE gives an interview face-to-face and points @CB. Hackney brings out the video.
Today WRE said no more interviews w/out getting paid. LL won't speak to the press.
Hackney brings out the man who had the video and lets him tell what he saw/knew.
If a person is in charge of 2 kids and one is 5 and plays w/toys and games on phones/etc while the 2 year old can't understand the "rules" yet, then IMO the 2 year old is much more likely to be killed.
The comments made by the officers who found the car were made hours after the 911 call. Those comments were nothing more than their opinion and speculation at that time. It's obvious that they were already doubting the carjacking story.

It seems to me that the media are taking liberties with these comments and concocting a whole new story line. Certainly wouldn't be the first time just to keep a story going in light of lack of information from LE now that the daily pressers have ended.

LE have known since they found the car that JF claimed to have seen it there about 10 hours earlier. Their investigation and search, including requests for people and businesses to check video, do not seem to lend to the idea that they believe Lonzie was not alive prior to 8pm.

There is video surveillence at the laundromat. If he wasn't there at 8pm when LL claimed he was, LE would have known that early on IMO.

They aren't going to play games with a missing baby with that baby's mother. If she lied, and they knew she lied, they wouldn't just let her off the hook trying to "trap" her. They'd be leaning pretty heavy on her too in an effort to find the baby. Evidence is being lost by the day.

The comments made by the officers who found the car were made hours after the 911 call. Those comments were nothing more than their opinion and speculation at that time. It's obvious that they were already doubting the carjacking story.

It seems to me that the media are taking liberties with these comments and concocting a whole new story line. Certainly wouldn't be the first time just to keep a story going in light of lack of information from LE now that the daily pressers have ended.

LE have known since they found the car that JF claimed to have seen it there about 10 hours earlier. Their investigation and search, including requests for people and businesses to check video, do not seem to lend to the idea that they believe Lonzie was not alive prior to 8pm.

There is video surveillence at the laundromat. If he wasn't there at 8pm when LL claimed he was, LE would have known that early on IMO.


BBM: I got the same impression from that article. There aren't any quotes from LE stating they think it was a dry run.
Now that LE isn't doing daily press releases, it looks to me like some of the media is going to start the speculation game.
Hackney has been spitting mad at WRE for most of this time. I think he only showed the video to stop some of the gossip.
I realize they only found the actual frames late this past weekend. We don't know exactly what they do have. He said evidence was in the car. Footage from the laundry place. I believe JF would be a witness who found evidence and prolly wouldn't have been interviewed if LE had not given him permission.
I am hoping that LL had zilch to do with this, and I know she doesn't owe me an explanation. It's her flesh and blood that's gone. She needs to tell everything and not cover for anyone. Same for WRE's parents.
How do you have one son in prison for murder and then this going on w/Ruben and be such a normal seeming family?
The strangeness of it all.
I agree, Hackney is ticked off with Mr. Ebron.

LE can't control who talks to the media, even if they are witnesses to a crime, but they can request witnesses not talk to media or reveal evidence.

This guy only saw the car hours before the crime near his home. He didn't discover any evidence, but LE did review his home surveillance and didn't see the car on it. I think the media is just digging for new dirt and this guy provided a nice statement for them to speculate over.

LE would corroborate the statement if they wanted that information taken seriously, imo.
The video of Ebron running that Hackney shared was found on another home owner's home surveillance video, and the address of that home has not been released by LE. I got the impression that it may be an absent homeowner but there's no evidence of that either. Just my impression.

This case is definitely getting more and more interesting and complicated and intriguing. :fence:
JMO but I'm not getting the feeling that Lonzie was dead prior to WRE being seen by JF around 5pm. I think that the 5pm sighting was just a test-run for later that night. If Lonzie was already dead, why wait until 2am to say the car was stolen? Mom was gone after 8:30pm so plenty of time to get rid of a body and still call in a carjacking before 2am. I feel the timeline more supports that Lonzie was killed some time between Mom going to work and WRE getting gas. As far as we know, Lonna saw Lonzie at 8pm and the police haven't denied this. I feel like if they thought she was lying about seeing him she wouldn't be free right now.

Does anyone know if there was prior conflicts between CB and WRE? Just wondering if WRE planned on killing Lonzie to get back at CB because of some prior beef, real or imagined. That sounds horrible, but we've seen what kind of person WRE is.
Update #5, tweaked with additions, bolded

5pm'ish (before 7pm when it started to rain): car parked near where it was later abandoned. Resident in area said LE told him Ebron was doing a practice run but LE has not stated this publicly.

8pm: Ebron and Lonna at laundromat. Lonna says she last saw Lonzie at laundromat. What time did they arrive/depart? Were both kids there?

8:30pm: Lonna drove car to her work. It was raining. Manager says Ebron got out of passenger seat and went into driver's seat. Third person was in car as seen on video, but not confirmed to public if that was 5yo daughter.

Up until midnight: rain

12:33am at gas station

2:10am Ebron seen on video running from where he parked the car. He left it running (car needs to be hot-wired under the hood to be started). Carrying a shirt in his hands. 5yo girl at apartment.

2:19am Ebron calls 911 from home about stolen car and abduction. LE says Lonna was on her way home...but not sure this means at the time the call was placed or when LE showed up??

2:30am Manager says Lonna ended her shift at work. She received a ride home from someone.

2:40'ish (found about 20 minutes after 911 call): LE find abandoned car, still running. Initial reports say keys were in the ignition. Ebron says he had the keys with him.

I agree, if LE had evidence Lonna was involved, her bootie would be behind bars.

I imagine there probably were some conflicts between WRE, LL, and CB. Two guys with domestic violence in their past...yeah, they've probably had words.

If the earlier sighting of the car was a dry run, it seems to me much more likely that WRE planned to sell Lonzie and needed to come up with a reason why he's missing. All that running around beforehand, he could easily have met up with someone, handed Lonzie over, and come back home to start his "kidnapping" plan.

But who knows? WRE is one coldhearted criminal. He's capable of anything, IMO.
"Police are now questioning whether Ebron was alone in his scheme to dispose of the toddler, ditch his car and allege a carjacking, or did someone else know about what police are calling a scheme to cover up a murder."
Bumping off of your post/article [emoji1]

JSO officers won’t confirm if they have surveillance video of Ebron running along this same street while rehearsing the crime the day before.

IMO they have him on video earlier on.

After 11 days of searching more than 40 acres of land and 61 bodies of water, police think someone else besides Ebron may know what happened to the little boy, maybe even his mother, Lonna Lauramore.

I sit here and look at my own 2 year old son sleeping, and I just cannot even begin to understand how someone could harm a child. And yet it happens every single day. One thing I do wish is that all criminals were dumb enough to get caught on camera like this ! There are so many cases of children who go missing and no one knows what happened to them. If Lonzie's mother is involved in this too I am just going to scream! [emoji35]

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
We've been working on this collectively today. Please make additions/corrections for items that are wrong or missing:

Update #3, with time LE found the abandoned car, still running

Afternoon (before 7pm when it started to rain): car parked near where it was later abandoned

8pm: Laundromat (were the kids there too?)

8:30pm: Lonna drove car to her work. It was raining. Manager says WE got out of passenger seat and went into drivers seat. Third person was in car as seen on video, but not confirmed to public if that was 5yo daughter.

Up until midnight: rain

12:33am at gas station

2:10am Ebron seen on video running from where he parked the car. He left it running. Carrying a shirt in his hands.

2:19am Ebron calls 911 from home about stolen car and abduction. (LE says Lonna was on her way home...but not sure this means at the time the call was placed or when LE showed up??)

2:30am Manager says Lonna ended her shift at work. She received a ride home from someone.

2:40'ish: LE find abandoned car, still running (found about 20 minutes after 911 call)


Thank you, Inthedetails, for this great timeline!

LE reported Lonzie was last seen around the time LL was dropped off. I don't believe they said who reported seeing him @ that time. That was said early in the investigation & whoever reported it may have lost credibility since then. I still think LE gave out the info on WRE running back to the apt. to put pressure on those that have not been completely truthful. To show them WRE is not going to get away with what he's done. And I don't think that if LE thought Lonna was involved or was withholding info she would have already been arrested. It has been clear to me that LE was not happy with her from the get go. There is no reason to arrest her yet. The biggest threat is already locked up.
This presser was only about 10 hours after the 911 call and it was a panic situation to find the baby. Not sure that all the info given in those early pressers turned out to be correct. Chief Hackney may have assumed that because the car was running when it was taken and running when it was found that the keys were in it. I believe WRE himself indicated in his Florida Star interview that he took the keys back to the apt with him. That would be an odd thing for him to say if he knew they were in the car.

This just gets more confusing by the day.

A properly trained police officer would not touch the car, lean into it or even stand close to it, due to concerns about contaminating evidence, they would wait for CSI, so it may have taken a while the notice that it was running without key, a quite unusual occurrence. In the meantime, "unoccupied with motor running" could easily morph into "keys in ignition" as word is being passed along. Ever play the "telephone game"?
BBM: I got the same impression from that article. There aren't any quotes from LE stating they think it was a dry run.
Now that LE isn't doing daily press releases, it looks to me like some of the media is going to start the speculation game.

I agree with you and Kamille. The media took something said at Monday's press briefing, combined it with already known (and second hand) info from the neighbour about the car and tried to turn it into a sensationalized story.
Had the neighbor dude been on video/news before?
I really don't know that info.
Honestly things began to go sideways w/the media w/WRE's first interview w/the Florida Star (iirc), and they did teasers for a day or so before that, including some comments that were extremely anti-police and brought in some racial terms.
Then Ruben's dad spoke and seemed like a great guy. Next thing we know he is saying his son is not a monster and then we have the latest interview w/Ruben pointing his finger at CB.
So both sides are guilty of trying to tilt the truth back and forth.
In an absence of updates, gossip and speculation will fill the void. Some of it may be true.
I think LE has a whole lot more evidence than anyone knows.
And even if they do suspect Lonna, I also don't think they would arrest her yet. There is possible physical evidence that hasn't been returned from labs yet.
I would not want to be sitting on that powder keg. And I do so hope Lonna had zilch to do with this.
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