GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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LL & WRE didn't live at the end of some rural lane. They lived in an apartment complex. How did Lonzie stay invisible for 6 0r 7 hours.
Is it known he was home all that time?
How about someone covering for him or each other?

How is she going to cover for him? She was at work. She doesn't have access to the car or apartment and didn't have access to those things before the police did, so I don't see how she would be able to cover for him i.e. remove or clean up evidence, etc. She could be telling the police he's a great guy and she loves him and blah blah blah. Maybe she is, I don't know, and I don't really care if she is, because that doesn't cover for him. JSO knows Ruben isn't a nice guy, so I don't see how singing his praises (if she even is) would help him in the long run.

I don't know. I just don't see a cover up being effective.

Good reasoning. However, If someone was aware of what he did & felt it was partly their fault, they could go along with the car jacking ruse. I'm not buying he's smart enough to pin it on them.

But he IS dumb enough to try.
Case in point: trying to pin it on Lonzie's dad.

Mother of suspect in Lonzie case questions evidence, says State Attorney's Office bullied her

--unfortunately I've run out of reading free articles here, can someone please give an idea of what it's about..
Here you go:

The mother of the main suspect in toddler Lonzie Barton's disappearance said she questions the validity of the video recently released in the case and said that the State Attorney's Office — even State Attorney Angela Corey herself — tried to bully her last week.

The State Attorney’s Office said it was the other way around concerning the interview.

“The hostility came from one direction — Wanda Ebron,” according to a statement released by Jackie Barnard. “Mrs. Ebron was hostile, uncooperative and evasive in the interview.”

Ebron, 58, said the State Attorney’s Office kept her and her husband, William Ebron Sr., separate when they questioned the two about their son, William Ruben Ebron Jr., on Thursday after being subpoenaed.

As for the Ebrons’ older son, Ruben Ebron told police that Lonzie was abducted when the car the 21-month-old was in was driven away, but the case is now being investigated as a homicide without a body.

Slideshow: The search for missing toddler Lonzie Barton

Wanda Ebron said questioning at the State Attorney’s Office didn’t go smoothly. At times, shouting matches erupted between her and the prosecutors. “They were trying to make me say what they wanted to hear,” she said.

She said they showed her a video that police believe shows her son running away from the car that he said was stolen with Lonzie inside. If Ruben Ebron is in the video, it would contradict his story he was getting ready to pick up Lonzie's mother from work and left the boy in the car to get something from his apartment. When he came back out, he told police, somebody was driving off in the car.

Ebron said after watching the video, she couldn’t say whether that was her son. “I did not agree because I did not know what the hell they were showing me,” she said.

She said it looked to her as if the video was the result of cut and paste, as if it had been manipulated to show her son in that situation when it may not have been him.

She said her husband also couldn’t identify their son in the video. Police previously said they believe it’s him because the clothes appear to be the same as the ones he was wearing when he talked with investigators the morning of Lonzie’s disappearance.

“They asked me a million things," Ebron said. "Angela [Corey] chimed in and read me the law and the riot act. She was doing it with the meanest face I’ve ever seen on anybody. … They were trying to bully me.”

Ebron said her husband’s experience didn’t seem as bad as hers.

“State Attorney Angela Corey had very little interaction with Mrs. Ebron other than to explain what her obligations were and to diffuse Mrs. Ebron’s hostile demeanor,” according to the State Attorney’s Office statement. “There is a record of this interview and that record will show that Mr. Ebron’s interview was conducted by the same prosecutors and Mr. Ebron cooperated with authorities during the interview.”

She said her son isn’t 100 percent innocent and probably does deserve to serve time behind bars, but not for murder.

She said if he’s holding something back, it probably has to do with drugs.

Wanda Ebron said that based on conversations she’s had with Lonzie’s mother, 25-year-old Lonna Lauramore, her feeling is that the boy is not dead, and she’s hoping and praying he’s OK.

When the Ebrons talked with their son Monday night, he said he was doing fine but that the police want Lauramore to pursue domestic-violence charges so they can keep him in jail if he gets off for Lonzie, according to his mother.

She said Lauramore has been calling the Ebrons to show her support and says how much she loves their son. Lauramore said she knows he didn’t hurt Lonzie and when the truth comes out her child be back with her.

“With all of the information I’m hearing from everyone, I just don’t believe he’s dead,” Wanda Ebron said.
LL & WRE didn't live at the end of some rural lane. They lived in an apartment complex. How did Lonzie stay invisible for 6 0r 7 hours.

I lived in an apartment complex for a year and a half...and I couldn't even tell you what any other people living there looked like. Let alone what they did for 6 hour stretches of time.

Mother of suspect in Lonzie case questions evidence, says State Attorney's Office bullied her

--unfortunately I've run out of reading free articles here, can someone please give an idea of what it's about..

Thanks for posting this, lauriej. :) And thanks to those who posted snippets. I've boded some gems from the article. My opinions follow.

"When the Ebrons talked with their son Monday night, he said he was doing fine but that the police want Lauramore to pursue domestic-violence charges so they can keep him in jail if he gets off for Lonzie, according to his mother."
Errr, no. There is enough, IMO, to charge Ruben on. Why would they need Lonna to make claims of domestic violence? Is there evidence he was abusive to her, too? He's up on drug charges. A permanent injunction has been filed against him and there is a long list of DV charges that they could use. Not to mention the neglect charges he is being held on.

"She said it’s possible her son fears for not only his life, but that of his biological children and even his parents. She said if he’s holding something back, it probably has to do with drugs."
O RLY? If he is sooo concerned about his kids, then why did he beat their mother while she was holding one of them? Why did he assault his own father. In fact, I would submit that the people listed can breathe easier now that WRE is indisposed.

After reading that article I think I know why Ruben won't take responsibility.


I guess the mudslinging is about to start up in Jax, FL.

Like his older brother, the arrest wasn’t the younger brother’s first run-in with the law. Marcus Ebron had previously been arrested on battery charges as well as another armed-robbery charge. He isn’t scheduled to be released from prison until he is 59.
Is his mother serious? Claiming that LE want LL to press DV charges on WRE so they can keep him in jail? Seems to me they have plenty of reasons to keep him in jail and sure don't need ANOTHER woman to press DV charges. He's got assault and rape charges pending doesn't he? Plus his bond is technically revoked from Baker county, although I'm sure they'd prefer to keep him where he is.

His parent's are shaping up to be not at all the kind of people they were given credit for in the beginning IMO. :notgood:

How about someone covering for him or each other?

I will concede there is a very remote possibility he is not talking to LE so as to protect another person, but it doesn't make sense to me why he would do so. He might be hoping there isn't enough evidence to convict him, I guess.

The only person covering for him seems to be his mom. And I think I trust her word about as much as I trust his.
From the article:

She said Lauramore has been calling the Ebrons to show her support and says how much she loves their son. Lauramore said she knows he didn’t hurt Lonzie and when the truth comes out her child be back with her.

This is partly why I believe also she is covering something up. Jax sheriffs can say all they want that shes cooperating. I am not buying it. I understand she isnt a "suspect" yet so no one should mudsling at her. However knowing what we know about what "Ebron" did to little Lonzie, what mother will still show support for him and love him? UNLESS she is covering up something. Maybe in the end we are all being played as fools, maybe she did something and hes getting blamed and covering up. Who knows.. time will tell.

Edited to say.. that is IF Ebrons mother is telling the truth about this.
I don't know but a witness claims that WRE wasn't. Or at least his car wasn't.
if that's the case, he didn't need to be invisible. He just needed to be absent. For all we know, he could have spent hours divvying up drug packets in preparation for sale at some drug house, and won't disclose that for fear of retribution.
How is she going to cover for him? She was at work. She doesn't have access to the car or apartment and didn't have access to those things before the police did, so I don't see how she would be able to cover for him i.e. remove or clean up evidence, etc. She could be telling the police he's a great guy and she loves him and blah blah blah. Maybe she is, I don't know, and I don't really care if she is, because that doesn't cover for him. JSO knows Ruben isn't a nice guy, so I don't see how singing his praises (if she even is) would help him in the long run.

I don't know. I just don't see a cover up being effective.


As I said before, I think it happened before she went to work.
I will concede there is a very remote possibility he is not talking to LE so as to protect another person, but it doesn't make sense to me why he would do so. He might be hoping there isn't enough evidence to convict him, I guess.

The only person covering for him seems to be his mom. And I think I trust her word about as much as I trust his.

Okay I'll say it. I think LL has info that could hurt WRE's case & has not divulged everything she knows. Whether she can be charged with obstruction, that depends.
As I said before, I think it happened before she went to work.

It could have. And i can see a scenario where those two would cover for each other if they were both to blame for what happened to Lonzie because of some type of negligence that could of caused the boys demise.
Would they rat on each other if Lonzie died of an illegal substance overdose? I don't think so, because then they would have to give up all kinds of other type of information about being in possession of those illegal substances and that wasn't about to happen IMO.
It could have. And i can see a scenario where those two would cover for each other if they were both to blame for what happened to Lonzie because of some type of negligence that could of caused the boys demise.
Would they rat on each other if Lonzie died of an illegal substance overdose? I don't think so, because then they would have to give up all kinds of other type of information about being in possession of those illegal substances and that wasn't about to happen IMO.

Why wouldn't he rat on her? Especially since he's sitting in jail and she's apparently gone back to her husband. They've both already been arrested on drug charges, so why would it be a big thing now? I'm not saying you guys aren't correct; it just doesn't make sense to me.

ETA: I don't know about numbers, or even specific cases, but don't people usually turn on each other more often than clam up to save their partner's bacon? IDK.

Why wouldn't he rat on her? Especially since he's sitting in jail and she's apparently gone back to her husband. They've both already been arrested on drug charges, so why would it be a big thing now? I'm not saying you guys aren't correct; it just doesn't make sense to me.

ETA: I don't know about numbers, or even specific cases, but don't people usually turn on each other more often than clam up to save their partner's bacon? IDK.


I havent read anything about her getting back with her husband? I musta missed something? According to Enbrons mom

"She said Lauramore has been calling the Ebrons to show her support and says how much she loves their son. Lauramore said she knows he didn’t hurt Lonzie and when the truth comes out her child be back with her."

If it was "joint" responsibility of the both in what happened to the baby. Maybe in their minds he will get off and they can keep their lips shut and be done? If they start mudslinging at each other probably evidence to convict both? Just an opinion or thought ofc.
Why wouldn't he rat on her? Especially since he's sitting in jail and she's apparently gone back to her husband. They've both already been arrested on drug charges, so why would it be a big thing now? I'm not saying you guys aren't correct; it just doesn't make sense to me.

ETA: I don't know about numbers, or even specific cases, but don't people usually turn on each other more often than clam up to save their partner's bacon? IDK.


Being arrested previously for drug charges is bad enough, but bring into the equation the death of a 21mnth. old and that is a totally other different and much more serious scenario. And they would also both be protecting not only themselves but others as well.
I can't see them taking that risk. And LL going back to her husband or whatever would not even be an issue for RE i wouldn't think.
Whoa! Very interesting comments by the mother.
IMO - I am beginning to think -- from piecing together mother's words of :drugs + deserves jail time + - but not murder + LL thinks L is alive that:

L was "sold" for drugs and/or money (interpretation: still alive, drugs, not murder)
LL AND her BF were involved (both needed money & drugs)
BF "did" the transaction but LL knew
and yes, it was preplanned - and staged

IMO IMO IMO ps - BF = you know who in jail

Would also explain why L has no been found. And why LL has been dead silent.

OR --- back to one of the original theories: somehow L ingested drugs....or died in a hot car left while dealing drugs -- so, it perhaps was an accident, but firmly believe they are both involved (LL and her BF)
Why wouldn't he rat on her? Especially since he's sitting in jail and she's apparently gone back to her husband. They've both already been arrested on drug charges, so why would it be a big thing now? I'm not saying you guys aren't correct; it just doesn't make sense to me.

ETA: I don't know about numbers, or even specific cases, but don't people usually turn on each other more often than clam up to save their partner's bacon? IDK.


Why wouldn't he rat on her? IMO, because they are BOTH involved. So if he rats on her, she was rat on him. They are in this together IMO.
Whoa! Very interesting comments by the mother.
IMO - I am beginning to think -- from piecing together mother's words of :drugs + deserves jail time + - but not murder + LL thinks L is alive that:

L was "sold" for drugs and/or money (interpretation: still alive, drugs, not murder)
LL AND her BF were involved (both needed money & drugs)
BF "did" the transaction but LL knew
and yes, it was preplanned - and staged

IMO IMO IMO ps - BF = you know who in jail

Would also explain why L has no been found. And why LL has been dead silent.

Problem with that scenario is "where's the money"? LL is broke and was begging her employer for a job and a place to stay a week after the disappearance of her child and the arrest of her BF. LE arrested WRE so where would he have hidden a large sum of money?

I think this is far more simple than that. And I'm not sure if I believe the propaganda that the Ebron's are throwing around regarding LL but if it's true, I'd say she's got some explaining to do. They're sure not making her a sympathetic figure in this and they seem to be trying to stir up some doubt as to whether she may be involved, even though LE, with all the evidence at their disposal, is saying she is not. It seems to be working well here on this forum. There is a lot of doubt about WRE being solely responsible it seems. Even though that is the message LE have been putting out since day 1.

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