GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #8

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The Ebron's at it again, he needs a Gag order to stop spouting about himself at every opportunity he gets....

Where is Lonzie you .

In that phone interview he says how LE are keeping the '3' of them meaning him, LL & CB incarcerated to get info relating to Lonzie. At no time did he protest his innocence, he's too hell bent on talking about his own kids (for what it's worth I don't think he would harm them) but Lonzie on the other hand..........

He also says he feels sorry for the 3rd person shawn arrested alongside LL & CB as he was probably only the driver and done nothing wrong LOL ohhhh but LL & CB did then, tables are starting to turn, on eachother I hope! Continued to make out he cared in some way for Lonzie & his sister because he was the only 1 who drove them to see CB however apparantly LL didn't approve and didn't want the kids with CB (sounds like a ploy to have LL & CB argue).

At no stage was the hurt or heartache that Lonzie is still missing mentioned!

I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not going to read about it, because I don't care what he says (unless he tells where Lonzie's body is) but I thought Ebron's lawyer wanted a gag order? Why is his client allowed to talk if no one else is?

If Ebron is going to do interviews, then there shouldn't be a gag order and information should be disseminated as Florida laws allow.
i too think LLB knows morme than she says. I don't think CB is involved.

Let's keep bumping for Lonzie 2 keep this angel in the spotlight. As it sure does seem the gag order is working. Silence. Hate it.

For those of you who have followed this case from the beginning, I am curious what your gut feel is on who did what. (LB, CB, E). Let's keep the conversation going and bumping 4 Lonzie.

The Ebron's at it again, he needs a Gag order to stop spouting about himself at every opportunity he gets....

Where is Lonzie you .

In that phone interview he says how LE are keeping the '3' of them meaning him, LL & CB incarcerated to get info relating to Lonzie. At no time did he protest his innocence, he's too hell bent on talking about his own kids (for what it's worth I don't think he would harm them) but Lonzie on the other hand..........

He also says he feels sorry for the 3rd person shawn arrested alongside LL & CB as he was probably only the driver and done nothing wrong LOL ohhhh but LL & CB did then, tables are starting to turn, on eachother I hope! Continued to make out he cared in some way for Lonzie & his sister because he was the only 1 who drove them to see CB however apparantly LL didn't approve and didn't want the kids with CB (sounds like a ploy to have LL & CB argue).

At no stage was the hurt or heartache that Lonzie is still missing mentioned!

I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm, sounds like Ebron isn't happy that his story has slipped from page 1 in msm. Gag order? He doesn't want no stinkin' gag order, he just wants to keep flapping his gums, trying to convince the world that, like Norman Bates (from Psycho) he wouldn't even hurt a fly. His skewed perception about himself and utter lack of insight tells the true story:

Ebron also defended himself as a parent and asked the reporter if he'd heard the phone calls he's had with J.R. that were released to the public. When the reporter said he had heard them, Ebron said that showed that he was a good father and J.R. didn't think he raped her.
Prosecutors also released a series of voicemails Ebron left for J.R. before he was arrested were he called her misogynistic words and implied that someone was going to kill her if he wasn't allowed to see his kids.

When the reporter pointed out that those voicemails made him look bad, Ebron said he hoped it demonstrated that he loved his kids.

Um, okay. This is one seriously messed up dude.
Sounds to me like someone is very afraid of being incarcerated the rest of his life. It's just more of WRE's typical hypocritical, lying, manipulative blah, blah, blah. He can't manipulate the police, he can't manipulate his family, his ex, not even LLB (innocent or not, but if she knows something about him, he doesn't want her to talk). Who is left? The public.

Methinks he's managed to tighten the guilty noose a bit tighter...he's now implied that LE knows that CB, LLB, and their "driver" know something about him and Lonzie's disappearance and therefore are trying to keep them in jail until they spill the beans on him.

I also wondered if this is an attempt to get a message to or manipulate them (if they do know what happened to Lonzie). I got the impression his defending their current incarceration was a way of sending them the message that he is "loyal" to them, perhaps hoping they will remain loyal in return?

GutInstinct, I have two schools of thought because I keep getting mixed messages from WRE's mouth...
One, he's the sole actor in Lonzie's death/disappearance.
Two, they were all guilty in Lonzie's death/disappearance and made a pact to cover it up.
I lean towards one, because I do think someone would have turned by now to save their own skins.

ETA: in scenario two, I mean at least one more person knows what happened but perhaps three or even four. Because he sort of implicates that the other guy who was driving knows something too. Unless, I'm reading it wrong.
I have a feeling he did this talk to Times Union seeing if he could get a pay out...remember he said early on he wouldn't talk to any media unless he got paid for he might have hoped by calling them they might offer him some money....he had been looking for if I remember right 50K or 150K to give his story back then.
I have a feeling he did this talk to Times Union seeing if he could get a pay out...remember he said early on he wouldn't talk to any media unless he got paid for he might have hoped by calling them they might offer him some money....he had been looking for if I remember right 50K or 150K to give his story back then.

True, but I think he's moved past a money motivation to "get an innocent vote from the jury" motivation. IMO, he's scared to death that he will be incarcerated for what is effectively the rest of his life.
Very very very messed up state of affairs that's for sure.

I don't get the impression he is on LL or CB's side, it's as if he's pissed at them insinuating that the 3rd guy arrested probably had nothing to do with the sale of drugs just merely the driver. Further stating that he feels sorry for him LOL

I thought this cares only for his kids now my mind is swinging the other way and wonder if his apparent love and care etc. for his own kids is actually a tactic to make it look like he would never harm any child (Lonzie) therefore trying to somehow get himself out the ****.

IMO it's definitely starting to sink in that he's going down, for a long long time. This may be his lawyer giving him the worst case scenario etc. Whatever but I feel he is quivering in his lying boots. And I also believe IF LL & CB were in cohorts with the disappearance of Lonzie he sure as hell would snitch for a lighter sentence. I think MAYBE LL is aware of something but I think WRE is the main culprit. I think he caused Lonzies death (blow to the head maybe to cause the fluid or maybe he was just ill, dying of natural causes) then he passed away and LL is aware of this fact helping WRE with a story to come up with but earlier in the day discarding of poor Lonzie and going to work so to somehow let the story flow.

I believe Lonzies death was either something WRE done purposely or accident. Either way I think it was fast & not pro-longed over a period of time. All JMO

Part of me also thinks they done a burial for him, like in a weird, sicko kind of warped in their minds burial or discarded of him in a way they think was a good send of. Maybe I'm way off, just the impression I get.
Let's keep bumping for Lonzie 2 keep this angel in the spotlight. As it sure does seem the gag order is working. Silence. Hate it.

For those of you who have followed this case from the beginning, I am curious what your gut feel is on who did what. (LB, CB, E). Let's keep the conversation going and bumping 4 Lonzie.


SInce you asked :D
I think it was Ebron. I think he was high and mad and had enough of a sick Lonzie. I think he hit him - probably not premeditated, but more like in a fit of rage - panicked, and then dumped Lonzie somewhere. Why not the 5 year old? She wasn't sick, so wasn't whining/crying/being needy like sick kids are and I think she's learned in her 5 years to be quiet (she has lived in a chaotic home full of DV and drug use and knows, IMO, when to make herself invisible.)

I am on the fence with LLB. I don't think she was involved, but she doesn't seem to be a good mother and only is concerned with herself. IMO she wasn't involved, but doesn't really care, or else cared and escalated her drug use (injecting bath salts...seriously?!) to cope.

I don't think CB is involved. He's clearly not a good person i.e. drugs, DV, etc., but I don't believe that he was in Jax when Lonzie went missing or in the days prior.

All IMO and all subject to change if more info becomes available!
Brighidin, I agree with you 100%

I suspect that drug addiction-in LLB's case, at least-escalated to very serious proportions in the past year and it led to whatever has happened to Lonzie. Considering the changes in her family and home life, work, etc. in that time speak to it IMO.
i think it was an accident. I think the little fellow fell down the very set of stairs we see in the picture of him with the boots on. I feel LL turned her emotions off and didn't want to watch the child suffer nor did she want to take him to the ER because she was probably high and there were other signs on Lonzie showing abuse. She told her flavor of the month to do whatever he had to do to get rid of the child while she went to work. She has some serious detachment issues going on.
Since you asked.... I think WRE acted alone. There is something about his face in that running video that reflects guilt and fear. Just a gut reaction. Also I think his actions that night point to the fact that LL was not directly involved. I think her kids shouldn't have been in her care. I think her drug use escalated since the arrest and her decisions got from bad to worse.
I think WRE is a abusive narcissist and I bet he has left a trail of physical and emotional victims. I don't think he had his claws in LL yet but I bet he was testing boundaries and I bet the young ones witnessed more of the monster than LL.
I think his interview was to sell his version of the story and test possibly sway public perception. It will play right into the hands of the attorneys request of venue change if needed down the road.
i think CB was trying to be the man he thought his wife was now attracted to. I think he's wrapped around her finger. I don't think he has anything to do with what happened that night.
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