For those who wonder how SS responded on Reddit 198 days ago to an “am I the a hole for thinking my husband was sexualizing our daughter” post…
For those who would rather me just tell you, here it is:
“YTA. Absolutely, 110%. Go back to therapy, please. Imagine how it would feel to be treated like a monster, constantly, without the benefit of the doubt, without having ever given you a reason to, simply because you had a bad experience with someone else. He shouldn't have to defend himself all the time from your accusations and misplaced suspicions. Stop projecting your father's horrible actions onto your innocent husband. They are NOT the same person. All men are NOT automatically predators and lurking monsters. JFC, we get enough of that treatment from random karens out in the world. We don't need it from the people we love and trust, whom should love and trust us too.”