Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #3

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I did, still no record of a Jennifer Lissette Soto. So weird. I also tried TX.

Sure, what I mean is many times they bring in an expert like Michael Baden who is board-certified forensic pathologist known for his work investigating high-profile deaths.This takes some time and resources. She was laid to rest so they must be pretty confident about what happened to her. IMO, suicide will be ruled out. Hope this better explains my post. MOO
Could it not still be suicide if she overdosed on something prescribed to someone or some sort of drugs? Maybe she took something hoping it would kill her and it did? Or maybe someone administered something (encouraged or tricked her into)? A tox report may show this but it may not be evident at autopsy?
One of the news articles talks about going to the home of JS Mom to interview her. She wasn't home but spoke to them via ring camera.She said JS and SS had been together for several years. And she said she was very concerned about MS after finding out what was on his phone. Edited to add: this is what spurred my opinion that there are other phones with other evidence...somewhere.
Do you have a link for this? After SS was arrested?
Could it not still be suicide if she overdosed on something prescribed to someone or some sort of drugs? Maybe she took something hoping it would kill her and it did? Or maybe someone administered something (encouraged or tricked her into)? A tox report may show this but it may not be evident at autopsy?
In this particular case, with what we know from LE, it would be hard to prove she actually committed suicide, rather than it being made to look like she did. Not saying it's not possible. But I do think if it was deemed to be suicide, they would not release the body for burial so soon. Questions may come up later. It's not unheard of for bodies to be exhumed for retesting years later, but that takes a LOT from my understanding and evidence is lost, tissue is lost etc. I agree with others that it must be obvious what happened to MS, even without toxicology reports which will take some time.
I agree that I don't think it was suicide. Why move her, dump her belongings or anything else in that case?
edited to add: this is MOO.
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Bravo, TT!!! Someone who is making a HUGE and much needed difference. Hope to see a bill/law soon implement that does not allow details of the abused minor (under the age of 18) child disclosed. This personal info, such never be given to anyone, and should be sealed. It should not be allowed on the internet (imo) Have not opened links, but seeing this info is out there to read -- about what happened to MS is tragic, and feel she is being victimized all over ago. :confused: When does it stop? moo, at this time.


Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback and SEC football legend Tim Tebow donned a suit and tie Wednesday to go to battle for special MVPs: Most Vulnerable People.

The man who will forever be known as the Florida Gator who led the team to two BCS National Championship titles, Tebow testified March 6 at a House hearing on child abuse.

The Tim Tebow Foundation is proposing legislation "to enhance the capability to identify and locate the more than 50,000 unidentified children who are being abused, raped and tortured."

On Wednesday, Tebow made an emotional appeal, asking members of Congress to rescue unidentified children.
Interpol comes together with numerous organizations (police forces, service providers, etc) to review clips of video or photo stills showing in great detail: wallpaper, furniture, lights, curtains, windows and what you can see out of them, toys and bookcases, soda bottles, wine bottles, etc. basically anything visible that appears in the images that could help identify where the abuse is taking place. As for the abusers, tattoos or parts thereof, physical eccentricities of the perpetrator like scars, moles, nail shape, whether the perp is circumcised (I wondered whether the discoloration on SS's penis was from circumcision; circumcision scars are less likely when done as an infant) whether they have sideburns, philtrum and lip shape, deformations of fingers, rings, watches, anything that could identify the perp. Every detail in an image can provide information. Sometimes these details are released to the general public to aid in identification.

While some perps are already aware of the things that can help identify and hone in on the location of the abuse so are careful to avoid showing identifiers, its still vital information when it appears because many abusers are not 'professionals' they just share much of the abuse that takes place when the circumstances for abuse were ripe for exploitation: babysitting, overnight stays, singling out a child to help them do something whether it's at a neighbours, a camp, at church, at school. In a doctor's office, at home.

It's not for the faint of heart. It takes its toll on law enforcement officers. Most CSAM originates in India and Thailand, with the US coming in fifth place. number of,filed between 1998 and 2017.
Proof Stephan DID in fact work for Disney at some point, within the last year. This video was uploaded to YouTube July 2023. He is in the very first second of the video. Face and beard at this point are pretty unmistakable.



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Yeah that was the weird part - her correct linked in info was connected to another Jennifer Soto, but it was the wrong birthdate/year and was tied to a residence elsewhere in Florida.

I think her info has been scrubbed. I found it the other night but I can't find it again tonight and the link I'm pretty sure I followed the other night now has a message saying the info has been removed.
Everyday I'm thankful for something. Today it was the fact that SS was found out and arrested before Maddie's funeral. I'd have hated for him to have been able to attend it, knowing what he did. So for that, I'm very thankful.
Proof Stephan DID in fact work for Disney at some point, within the last year. This video was uploaded to YouTube July 2023. He is in the very first second of the video. Face and beard at this point are pretty unmistakable.

Wonder why he's not working there anymore. TBH this guy presented, even before his offense, as quite the loser. Nothing of his own at his age, no car, no living on his own has ever been mentioned. Returning to mom and dad frequently. There was mention of him gaining a real estate license at some point, probably funded by and urging to do so by his family, but apparently he let that lapse.
Sitting on my hands for the rest of my response.
Everyday I'm thankful for something. Today it was the fact that SS was found out and arrested before Maddie's funeral. I'd have hated for him to have been able to attend it, knowing what he did. So for that, I'm very thankful.
Yes. This. We've seen that here at WS far too often. I'm sharing your gratitude today.
For those who wonder how SS responded on Reddit 198 days ago to an “am I the a hole for thinking my husband was sexualizing our daughter” post…

For those who would rather me just tell you, here it is:

“YTA. Absolutely, 110%. Go back to therapy, please. Imagine how it would feel to be treated like a monster, constantly, without the benefit of the doubt, without having ever given you a reason to, simply because you had a bad experience with someone else. He shouldn't have to defend himself all the time from your accusations and misplaced suspicions. Stop projecting your father's horrible actions onto your innocent husband. They are NOT the same person. All men are NOT automatically predators and lurking monsters. JFC, we get enough of that treatment from random karens out in the world. We don't need it from the people we love and trust, whom should love and trust us too.”
You would certainly think so! I am very curious as to how and when he moved her to his vehicle because it seems like taking such a huge risk of being seen, no matter what condition she was in.
Was she possibly in his car overnight? The last picture we have of her alive is at the birthday party on Sunday.
I really hated typing that :(
Everyday I'm thankful for something. Today it was the fact that SS was found out and arrested before Maddie's funeral. I'd have hated for him to have been able to attend it, knowing what he did. So for that, I'm very thankful.

Yes. This. We've seen that here at WS far too often. I'm sharing your gratitude today.
Well said to the both of you, joining your circle of gratitude.
Does the death penalty still apply if those acts happened before the law went into affect?
Sadly, Florida’s good law would likely not withstand appellate scrutiny because the death penalty for rape has been ruled as unconstitutional (8th Amendment) numerous times.

The first SCOTUS ruling was in Coker v. Georgia where Coker broke into the (adult woman) victim’s home, raped her and stole her car. They sentenced him to death and it was later held you can’t do that because it’s cruel and unusual punishment.

Interestingly, however, states were still using the death penalty for child rapists. That continued until Kennedy v. Louisiana (Warning: horrific facts) where a step-parent rapist was given a well-earned death sentence and SCOTUS, yet again, said it’s unconstitutional under the 8th Amendment because it’s cruel and unusual.

So, yeah, I personally totally agree with Florida’s law - I’d even volunteer to help - but it would not likely withstand appeal considering it is SCOTUS precedent that it’s unconstitutional.
Was she possibly in his car overnight? The last picture we have of her alive is at the birthday party on Sunday.
I really hated typing that :(
Awful thought, I agree, but it's possible. He could have panicked after she died, when and however that was, moved her to the car with the intent of going to take her somewhere, and then came up with the idea of trying to make it look like he dropped her off for school and she ran away.

The more I think about it, the more I think that's a reasonable answer compared to the idea that he just hauled her out in broad daylight and got lucky that no one was walking their dog at that moment.
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