Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #3

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seen at complex dumpster at 7:35. then driving away from school at 8:10 then video of him returning to the complex at 8:19? make it make sense.

Only a theory, but since LE is not yet sharing all the details about what they have seen and what they know, he might have gone to check out the dumpster at 8:19, maybe regretting his earlier decision to discard her school things in it and trying to see if they could be retrieved or if they'd fallen in too deep for that? Or just checking to see whether the container had been emptied by a garbage truck, if it was pick-up day.
If she suspected anything she may have needed to get out and away to a safer spot to call Le without him there.

It’s possible friends and fam had messaged mom to ask where Maddie was all day since no one had heard from her. Most kids here have their friends mom’s number and will text or call or kid friend isn’t answering them. I like this actually because when the kids know how to reach mom they can help keep each other safer! Imagine your kid goes to play with X and can’t be reached by Y so she phones you and you can tell them where to find their friends? Or they call and ask why X isn’t there yet and you suddenly have an idea something is wrong? Great safety net!!

We weren’t told in Maddie case but we read friends and fam said unsual for her to be out of contact. Maybe some had messaged mom and she was suspicious and afraid.
if she was afraid, why didnt she go to the police and file a report in person and explain why she is afraid and/or suspicious and let them go bring him in? respectfully, I do not think she was afraid of him.
Two more things…hopefully they provide additional clarity.
Friend who works at the school shared w me that many parents drop off their kids at the church to avoid waiting in the carline. On the map it looks pretty far, but it really isn’t.
Church parking lot in the morning is mayhem during drop off time.
Also, MS went to school in a different county, and initially used grandma’s address in the county the school is she attended. Could have also utilized “school choice” option in florida as the law now gives an opportunity to apply (may or may not be granted) to a school of your choice that’s not in the county you live in.
we do not know traditionally who took Madeline to school every day and picked her up. and whether the church was an occasional drop off for her or never a drop off. it really is irrelevant now because the story was fabricated.
That’s where my mind went. Did she have enough, threatened to tell <modsnip> when he was at the party w her, then again while in the car with him Monday morning?

Mom says she’s tired, tells him to drive her backpack and comp and go pick her up from grandma’s and drive her to school.
He decides he can’t risk it, he’s now had enough, tosses her belongings, picks her up, kills her in the car, pretends he’s dropping her off, comes back and she’s seen deceased in his car.
It’s all so heartbreaking and ugly.
No way. That’s too tight. It doesn’t make sense. Gran woulda surely taken her to school if she’d been there with her and it wouldn’t have been stupid early unless there was an extra curricular to get her to. We still haven’t even heard why SS took her so early (even though we now know he didn’t).

Has anyone considered that if Maddie was drugged on prior assaults she may not have really known what she lived through. Any chance she found the photos and videos featuring her on his device? Maybe that’s what set him off? Maybe he realized she found out and that was his motive.

Kids are super tech savvy! We call the teens in schools here the teachers IT dept. lol. They can often fix issues faster than the actual IT teams.

Who knows. But I think she was dead well before 7:35 when he dumped her things and well before 8:19 when Le say she may have been dead in the car.

If she had planned to tell or anything she wasn’t gonna alert him to her plan and endanger herself. She wasn’t gonna get in a car with a man she knew to be dangerous to her. That makes no sense. Least of all if she was safe with grandma - no way she’d have agreed to get in a car alone with him and end up dead so quickly. All MOO.
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if she was afraid, why didnt she go to the police and file a report in person and explain why she is afraid and/or suspicious and let them go bring him in? respectfully, I do not think she was afraid of him.

we do not know traditionally who took Madeline to school every day and picked her up. and whether the church was an occasional drop off for her or never a drop off. it really is irrelevant now because the story was fabricated.
Edited by me: sorry I misunderstood. I thought you meant Maddie - if she was afraid why not go to police. I need sleep. Haha. Yes. Mom may have wanted to get police to help - she may have needed to be away from SS to tell her concerns to them but then why didn’t she when she was alone? At any point?

I didn’t say she was afraid of him (in this post). I’m only asking if mom got messages during the day / evening from friends or fam asking where Maddie was all day as no one heard from her which they said in the warrant was unusual. If people texted mom to ask where Maddie was - she may have known she wasn’t at school and had r been heard from far sooner than when the teacher emailed her back. That’s all.
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Only a theory, but since LE is not yet sharing all the details about what they have seen and what they know, he might have gone to check out the dumpster at 8:19, maybe regretting his earlier decision to discard her school things in it and trying to see if they could be retrieved or if they'd fallen in too deep for that? Or just checking to see whether the container had been emptied by a garbage truck, if it was pick-up day.
makes sense . I was wondering if anyone confirmed what day garbage day was ? It would have been risky to leave her belongings in a dumpster for too long.
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we do not know traditionally who took Madeline to school every day and picked her up. and whether the church was an occasional drop off for her or never a drop off. it really is irrelevant now because the story was fabricated.
Agreed. People were questioning why would he drop her off at the church so far away.
Wanted to provide some clarity that, while it sounds crazy at the first glance, it isn’t unusual for many parents at that school to do that so they don’t waste time in a slow carline.
Thought about this too. My first three guesses as to how a parent would discover their child left their phone at home are as follows:
  • Parent goes into child's room and sees phone still on charger next to bed
  • Parent(s) are/is unable to contact child all day, neither can siblings (would prompt to check room)
  • Parent sees their phone left on the table, counter, couch, etc.
4. Parent pings / checks location on child's phone and finds it at home (speaking from experience one day when our child forgot their phone at home and we eventually pinged it after not hearing back about a scheduling during question, when normally they'd have at least responded at lunch time)
No way. That’s too tight. It doesn’t make sense. Gran woulda surely taken her to school if she’d been there with her and it wouldn’t have been stupid early unless there was an extra curricular to get her to. We still haven’t even heard why SS took her so early (even though we now know he didn’t).

Has anyone considered that if Maddie was drugged on prior assaults she may not have really known what she lived through. Any chance she found the photos and videos featuring her on his device? Maybe that’s what set him off? Maybe he realized she found out and that was his motive.

Kids are super tech savvy! We call the teens in schools here the teachers IT dept. lol. They can often fix issues faster than the actual IT teams.

Who knows. But I think she was dead well before 7:35 when he dumped her things and well before 8:19 when Le say she may have been dead in the car.

If she had planned to tell or anything she wasn’t gonna alert him to her plan and endanger herself. She wasn’t gonna get in a car with a man she knew to be dangerous to her. That makes no sense. Least of all if she was safe with grandma - no way she’d have agreed to get in a car alone with him and end up dead so quickly. All MOO.
I’m gonna add to this - he said he took early and didn’t say why. She slept all the way there.

Have we considered he drugged her the night before and she at some point willingly got into his car in street clothes vs party or sleep wear and died in the car? Maybe she changed at the party before going home? Maybe she didn’t actually make it home.

Waiting on news from LE. All speculation on my part. Not facts.
Hey Everyone,
We have a lot of off-topic posts in this discussion that we have to remove.
I understand how frustrating it is when we see a parent allow a predator in their home who ends up harming their kids. We can all agree that women and men need to be more careful when picking partners, AND there are those people out there who seem to pick the abuser over their kids. This is so maddening I can barely see straight when I think about it. However, can we please stick to the facts of this case and this case alone? It will save our hard-working mods a lot of work.
Thank you,
No way. That’s too tight. It doesn’t make sense. Gran woulda surely taken her to school if she’d been there with her and it wouldn’t have been stupid early unless there was an extra curricular to get her to. We still haven’t even heard why SS took her so early (even though we now know he didn’t
You’re probably right. Just a thought…. Grandma lives closer to school in another county. MS still needs her book bag and school laptop which were at the primary. Would make sense why he would go pick her up from grandmas since he’s supposed to bring her school things.
Only saying this bc JS kept saying “he picked her up to bring her to school”. Why say that if that was all of theirs residence. You’d just say “he drove her to school”.
Wait. “… when Maddie didn’t appear to have been picked up”?

Wouldn’t mom KNOW she hadn’t been since she was there to get her and she wasn’t there? Was someone else supposed to pick up?
I think what she said in answer to the question "when did you she notice she was missing, because this was at the beginning of the morning'....she answered: 'she got dropped off in the morning, WE did not notice until after school pickup at 4, at 4'oclock when I went to pick her up at school'.

of course, someone else can check, but thats what I hear. :)
Seems to me they made the point, for a reason, that she wasn't using her phone or computer that night. Said she went straight to bed. We all know that isn't typical behavior for a 13 year old"so happy " kid right after such a great birthday party. They were covering for why there is no activity on her electronics. She was already dead Sunday evening or night. They knew that LE would be checking activity on her phone and computer.
Edited by me: sorry I misunderstood. I thought you meant Maddie - if she was afraid why not go to police. I need sleep. Haha. Yes. Mom may have wanted to get police to help - she may have needed to be away from SS to tell her concerns to them but then why didn’t she when she was alone? At any point?

I didn’t say she was afraid of him (in this post). I’m only asking if mom got messages during the day / evening from friends or fam asking where Maddie was all day as no one heard from her which they said in the warrant was unusual. If people texted mom to ask where Maddie was - she may have known she wasn’t at school and had r been heard from far sooner than when the teacher emailed her back. That’s all.
my apologies as well....yawnies here hahahaha! its certainly possible JS knew much earlier she was not in school. for a myriad of reasons.

opinions are respected. :cool:
need to know SS movements that morning, was he already there, or did he come in the morning to pick up Maddie. Mom says the computer was at home sunday night. How and when did he get it? they see him disposing of it, was he in a car? The garbage is not close by. And where did he go after returning to the complex?
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Seems to me they made the point, for a reason, that she wasn't using her phone or computer that night. Said she went straight to bed. We all know that isn't typical behavior for a 13 year old"so happy " kid right after such a great birthday party. They were covering for why there is no activity on her electronics. She was already dead Sunday evening or night. They knew that LE would be checking activity on her phone and computer.
that has always been my very first opinion from that statement alone. bed, no electronics. and all the happy happy happy Madeline which is merely stating how Madeline supposedly 'was' after her birthday party...but no conversations were talked about. right to bed.

seems like fabricated stories for murdered children more often start out with bedtime, no other activity preceding it, no conversations to recollect. or they were sleeping and nothing happened before bedtime.
The interviews were on Tuesday, right? And in one of them she says something to the effect that LE took a piece of Maddie's clothing to do a dog search but she doesn't know when that will take place.

Too late to edit my post so I am replying to it as ETA:

what parent of a missing child doesn't know exactly when and where searches conducted by both humans and canines are taking place?
Also, MS went to school in a different county, and initially used grandma’s address in the county the school is she attended.
Do we know if
1) MS and JS both used to live at the grandmothers place before
1.1) only got the house they lived in because SS was around (could be different: money, work offers, friend owns it, etc)
1.2) JS got the place by herself at some timepoint for whatever reasons
2) MS used to live with grandmother instead of JS at some point
3) Grandmothers address was simply written on paperwork only, to "get" her into that exact school. (why did they want that exact school?) This is something people do in my country for good schools, but I don't know about the US.
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