Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #8

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I'm pretty sure it's an automatic dog feeder, because you can hear the food fall into the bowl.
Yes, someone else had said that it was an automatic feeder of some sort; and that they had the same one. It's one where you can record your voice with it. I believe its Maddies voice.
i also believe this was Maddie was trying to send a message- but, thats just me..

Heres an example of what I think they had: CC @Anika
Screen Shot 2024-06-05 at 5.48.29 PM.png
Read other transcript if you havent yet ^
**Edited some of the news reporters irrelevant parts out and the spelling of their names
Video/ Transcript 2
Red = Indescrepencies &/ Incorrect language tenses (ODD)
Purple = Discussing Maddie being 'Taken'
Orange = Links to a comment/ opinion of my own

I feel like I can't breathe. All I keep thinking about is where is she? Is she safe? Is she okay? But we're all a wreck. My entire family is a mess. We're just so worried.

When did you first realize or when did you file a missing report?: We filed a missing report, we called the police at like 4:45 p.m. yesterday. But she actually went missing early that morning, around between 8:45 and 9:00 in the morning, she went missing. We had dropped her off close to the school. She wanted to walk the rest of the way. Sorry. That should be it. Sorry about that. We dropped her off at school, close to school. She wanted to walk the rest of the way.
I'm not sure what I'm allowed to share.

Yeah, she was spotted walking by the church by the middle school on the cameras. They saw her hang out in the parking lot for a little bit and then get up and leave. They didn't see a vehicle or anything else. They just saw her walk away around 9:00 a.m. heading towards the school, but she never made it.

*But she never made it, "Never made it" ; that phrase again..
What has the school said? Have you been in contact with the school?: Yes, they're doing everything they can. They've given me all their resources. The principal's called me. They've looked at their cameras. I don't think they've caught anything on the cameras. It's too far away from the sidewalk. Everything is too grainy, so they can't see specific faces, but they've looked. I'm just waiting to hear anything else from them.

Is this normal behavior?: Not at all. To just not show up or call or text or anything, not at all, no. From time to time, she will leave her cell phone at home accidentally, and that's actually what happened yesterday. She left her phone at home. She went to school, but that happens from time to time. She's got ADHD. Her memory, she's very forgetful. So, yeah, there's no way to track her right now. The detectives now have her phone, but this isn't normal behavior, no.

What was the last conversation that you two had, you and your daughter?: We spoke about her birthday party. She had a birthday party on Sunday. She had a great time. I couldn't make it because I was working, but she had an amazing time. She was so happy with all her gifts. I told her good night, and that was it. I wasn't the one who took her to school in the morning. That was my partner.

Kind of odd that you just.. say that.. right? or, is it just me?
She's 13 years old?: Yes, 13.

What are you thinking right now?: In my heart, I feel like somebody took her. This isn't like her to just pick up and run away or just not go to school. I don't know. I don't know what to think.

Friends, the friends' parents, you've contacted everyone?:
Everyone that we know that she knows, we've contacted them all, reached out to them. The parents have gone out to search and look for her as well, and we haven't come up with anything yet.

I've seen a lot of posts on Facebook, Hunter Creek Rants and Raves. Did people say they were going to conduct some type of search party or anything?: A lot of people have asked me to volunteer, like if there is one, if they can do one. I have people passing out flyers, going to every store in that vicinity, gas stations, church. I think people are being stopped in the street this morning in front of the school to see if they've seen anything, if they've heard anything. My family is going all out right now.

As a mother, a lot is going on in your brain, so much to bring her back home. What have law enforcement told you that you are able to share?:
I mean, they're doing the best they can. They've had detectives come out and interview us. They took a piece of her clothing for the K-9 dog to see if they can sniff her out. I'm not sure when that's being done.

Do you have any inkling where she possibly could be? Like, if you would say, okay, last time I went to work and came back, she was at James' house or Sabrina's house, and maybe I'd forgotten to check that house. Or she played at this park one week, and maybe she went back there or something like that?: We've looked everywhere we could have thought, anywhere she would have been. She would have known to wait for me at the school. But we did check where she could have walked. My mom's office is close to the school. We checked there. We checked the walking paths that she could have taken. We've checked all of her friends' houses. I think we've checked everywhere I could think of, honestly.

What was she wearing?: She was last seen (this is what they call 'dispatch talk' aka- she memorized what to say...) wearing a green hoodie, black shorts, white Crocs, and a black JanSport backpack with gray hibiscus flowers on it.

And you said this is not like her?: Not at all. To run away, no arguments, nothing like that to provoke her. She's never done anything like this, and we haven't had any arguments recently to have this outcome.

What school?: Hunter Creek Middle School.

Any questions?: No.

Is there anything that you think our viewers would need to know about the way you're feeling, the family's feeling?
We are desperate for any answers. Anything that you could do to help, I'm here for it. Just please, if you see my daughter, just please bring her home. I just hope you're okay, Maddie. I hope you're safe. I hope you're not hurt. I just hope she's okay.

When did you notice that she was missing?
Because this was at the beginning of the morning. She got dropped off in the morning. We did not notice until after school pick-up at 4:00 when I went to pick her up and she wasn't at school.

So we're going in 24 hours now?:Yeah, just about.
Nothing?: Nothing. No word, no text message, no messages anywhere from her. I've looked at all her social media. I've looked at all her games she could have played with, any app, no weird conversations, nothing strange. Everything was conversations with just normal friends or us.

She knows how to get home by herself, like to take a bus or an Uber or something like that. She would know how to get home alone, correct?
I'm not sure. I don't know if she would know how to get home. Maybe, I mean, if someone... I'm thinking if someone got in the car with her, and if she pointed the way, she probably could figure out how to get home. But like, does she know a full address? I don't think she does,
--which would mean she always comes home with someone. There's no need for her to really learn.

Stephan, you seem very emotional right now. Explain to us.: I dropped her off. Everything looked fine when I drove away. That was the last time we saw her.
What were the conversations that you had in the car when you dropped her off?
Not much. She was asleep for most of the way. I told her to have a good day at school when she got out. I love her. She said, "Thanks, love you too."

Where do you think she could possibly be? I mean, this isn't normal behavior.: This is not normal behavior. She's not the type that would just run off. We don't know where she can be, and we're scared. We just want her home.

Are you in a sense blaming yourself?: It's hard not to.
I'm sorry, uhm.. What? this is so odd. The questioning. I really wonder if the reporters were asked by police to ask certain things / try to pry for them. Because, who says this sh**??

Why?: I dropped her off early. I could have waited longer. She looked okay. She was walking towards the school when I saw her. It was like any other day, so I went on with my day. It's hard not to blame myself.

What has the conversation been with Jen since?: She's been a lot stronger than me. She's been holding it together really well. But it just keeps coming in waves. The reality keeps hitting. We don't know where she is. We don't know if she's safe. We're just scared. We just want her home.

Have you literally put boots on the ground and went out?: Yeah, I even went out with the cops where I had dropped her off, and we looked all up and down the road, all in communities, and there was nothing helpful. None of the cameras were pointing at the street, nothing. Which in 2024 was surprising. (Ironic considering this is how you got caught...) The church across the street had some cameras, and they mentioned seeing her waiting around in the parking lot for a while before moving on, and that was it. But it was grainy footage, and not much else.

Does it seem like she walked west, east?: They said in the direction of the school. I'm not sure what that is.

What was the body language when you dropped her off? Did she seem happy? Was she like, "I'm going to meet my friends"?
Happy. She had a happy weekend. She had just turned 13. She had her 13th birthday party. She was happy that we were all together. She's a very sweet girl. She brings a lot of joy to us, and we just... just not knowing.

So the unknown is killing you?: Yeah. It's like our whole world is upside down. Without feeling her presence here, is... Sorry, it's hard.

No, you're fine. You don't need to apologize. What do you want our viewers to know when they see this?: She's a sweetheart. She's a very sweet, kind girl. Just please be nice to her, bring her home. If you find her, tell her that we love her. Wherever she is, I hope she's okay.

I mean, if someone were to come in contact with her, and you gave me her diagnosis, would it be easy to approach her without any agitation or anything?: Yeah, yeah. She's a good kid. She's a good kid.

If you can sum up in one complete sentence, waking up, getting ready to drop her off at school, dropping her off at school to now speaking to me after talking to the police about her being missing for over 24 hours, what would that be?
A living nightmare. It started off like any other, and I just want to wake up and just get hit with waves of the reality. It's just setting in. As soon as it got dark last night, we started falling apart because
we knew it wasn't going to come to an end. And now we're going on 24 hours and still nothing. Conflicting reports here and there, people say they see this or that. None of it's conclusive, and none of it's helpful. We just want our baby girl back.

After reading these and watching the videos;
These questions, some of them.. Seem a bit.. Much, right?
Given, at the time that nobody knew what had happened..
Could LE have asked the reporters to ask certain Qs, as if they were considering them suspects (already)?
What do you think?​
As soon as it got DARK Last NIGHT?? This makes me think that MS was dead long before 7:35am!! does seem like I'm hearing a sing-songy "Jenny, get the pho-ooone" as a part of the noise...
Is that what it's specifically saying? I never thought it was a bird myself, and she knew exactly when it would turn off whatever it was. MOO, she had more fondness in her look then than she had when she'd talk about her daughter. Usually, a parent shows some kind of affection remembering the last time they saw their child. Nope, sent her off to bed without mentioning any kiss or affection and "that was it".
Her smile during that time was certainly discussed, but what was the noise that was causing it?
Yes, she gets that smile like it's so endearing to hear that squawk interrupt the interview. All her worries about her missing daughter lift while she listens to that thingy.

She also was able to laugh about Madeline not having tattoos with the officer. No confusion even then. She has a quick response time to what's going on. She's a faster thinker than she lets on. When SS was trying to push her phone at her, she didn't have to look over to take the phone from him and she was able to keep talking while doing so. She's very aware, and yet wasn't aware of what was going on with SS molesting MS for years? Yes, I do keep bringing it up. It matters if JS had any inkling of that going on.

Now, why a mother of a 13 yr. old girls would not know if her child knows how to get home, or maybe even her address, but would know how to get to grandma's office is kind of odd. Didn't she teach her child basic info that's common to teach even a very young child?

Mother also knows Maddie has a friend from school that lives near there, but mother acts like Maddie wouldn't know where that is either. In my world, parents sometimes do know more about their kid's friends. MOO, just seems like JS doesn't take much interest and keeps her child in a vacuum. Makes Maddie sound much younger and doesn't seem to expect her to know what's going on. Plus, both JS & SS using the excuse she's ADHD, and maybe on the spectrum. All I heard positive was Maddie was a sweet happy happy girl when she was alive, but don't ask what happened because you'll get evasive answers.
Where is this idea that JS saw a video of her daughter getting dressed come from and that JS was not at home in the morning? Madeline's grandmother said that JS worked late the day of the party and even SS said that he turned to JS and exclaimed, "What did I just do!" when he "reset" his phone that morning. Even JS herself puts herself at home that night when she said she saw Madeline go to bed and saw her gifts. And JS herself was specific of the time she saw Maddie getting dressed at 08:00 hours. I agree with you that JS was not shown a video of her daughter getting dressed. MOO.
It came from another member or members who have postulated that perhaps she saw her daughter via a video the morning she didn’t arrive for school - how she may have seen her at 8am getting ready for class. Some think maybe SS sent a text of a clip he had on his phone from some other day and that is odd enough imo!! She couldn’t have seen a live video of her that morning as imo Ms was already hours dead. If SS has texted a clip from some other day, why not show the cops that? It would have her exact outfit as well. Would have made better sense than scrolling to find a photo from the party. All imo

Premiered 20 hours ago #MadelineSoto #bodycam #CourtTV
New bodycam footage shows the first day 13-year-old #MadelineSoto was reported missing. A body language expert analyzes the #bodycam footage of accused murderer Stephan Sterns and the victim's mother, Jenn Soto.
While the YT replays the same bodycam videos already released, Reporter Shannon Butler does provide here that neither SS/JS seemed to get the clothing MS last seen wearing correct because MS was wearing blue shorts when located. She doesn't include her source.

Also, beginning around the 32 min marker, body language expert adds some context to SS actions.
I'm inclined now to think otherwise, after friendlysleuth's post. It could be "[pet name] get the [bowl/food]" or something. There are words, but I cannot clearly make them out. Perhaps someone else will succeed. :D

I think it's saying "Koda come get the food" and IIRC before it was taken down the website for Jenn's petsitting service mentioned her dog named Koda.
Who says LE hasn't figured out more? Oh, you mean in regards to if JS was involved in the death? If their stories were a cover up? Why JS hasn't been charged with anything? I don't know, but I've seen arrests made years after. A lot goes on behind the scenes. Or maybe JS really is a gullible, confused woman who was used for access to her young daughter. We all mourn the loss of Madeline. It is painful to know what SS was doing to that young girl, and he was gone, comes back into their lives only to end MS's life?!! :(

I'm sure the investigators, some being parents themselves, flipped out to hear how freely a young Madeline was made available to this on and off boyfriend of the mother's.

After Madeline is found dead, I would think her mother would put the pieces together. I'd think she'd suddenly turn on SS in a fury of info to investigators to nail him to the wall. Nope, don't think she did. Saying she allowed him to sleep with her daughter is hardly turning on him. I don't know. Wish somehow the suspicions cast upon JS could be addressed. MOO, she gives off hinky vibes.

They know SS told them how he hadn't been around, and was glad to be just getting back to live in the condo. Remember his complaining about the hard of hearing parents yelling at each other, and the houseful of poodles? Why he went to his parents to begin with and why they kept breaking up and not really a couple is of interest to me. Why was JS letting this man back into their lives???
pointing out your last paragraph...poodles and screaming parents aside.....interesting he told LE he arrived AFTER the party.....and what stood out to me: he pauses when asked about what day he arrived...ummmmmmmmmmmmmm...oh, Sunday. and then says he was available for Madeline's 'bedtime routine'. (on the audio interview)...... he has to think about when he arrived?

Im sure LE knows exactly what day he arrived. also confident they have her timeline and movements. but have not released any info.

from the onset, LE had ALOT to unravel.....first, she's 'missing'...then they discover he was sexually abusing her, putting together HIS timeline, and conclude and deliver the news via the media, she is believed to be deceased based on CCTV, discovery of her belongings, etc and now have to recover her remains...

all the while, JS is not overlooked, for sure. its still on an ongoing investigation...LE hearing from SS Madeline was in bed alone with him and BOTH of them, JS CONFIRMING YES, she allowed her daughter to be in bed with him alone, is disturbing and must be investigated.

hopefully waiting for JS's audio LE interview to be released. all we got was an abbreviated snippet of her LE interview narrative.

Thank you for the transcription. It helps so much.... since her verbiage is so strange to me, I can never remember it.

THIS part has always stuck on me:

Is there anything that you think our viewers would need to know about the way you're feeling, the family's feeling?
JENN: We are desperate for any answers. Anything that you could do to help, I'm here for it. Just please, if you see my daughter, just please bring her home. I just hope you're okay, Maddie. I hope you're safe. I hope you're not hurt. I just hope she's okay.

"I'm here for it"? This is so effing weird. Who talks like this in the face of their own dear child missing for a day??? It makes us all so sick, what Maddie endured. The fact that Jenn seemed to have served up her own daughter to the accused is even worse.
I don't know. I don't think I've ever heard Maddie's voice.
You can hear her talking in this video from it was taken during her party. She's in the blue dress.

It's about 40% of the way in. I can't timestamp it.
IMO he's way too selfish and narcissistic to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to throw her under the bus right now.
I’m sure he has and that may be the defense’s strategy but we don’t have any information past day 2 or day 3 from the public records yet ?

ETA: I’m sure defense will be trying to say mom orchestrated all of this. It’s really just awful all of it. I don’t know what the truth is as we are missing essential information from the party and aftermath. I think we have a good idea of what was going on for years though
As soon as it got DARK Last NIGHT?? This makes me think that MS was dead long before 7:35am!!
Posting the full quote because it doesn't come across to me in the same way. What I'm reading is "last night" as in the evening Maddie went missing (Monday). So Monday night, as soon as it got dark, they started falling apart after getting hit with waves of "the reality" (Maddie "missing" IMO). So no change in time of death (Sunday evening until 7:30-ish Monday morning. And yes, I've seen reports as late as Tuesday but I just can't wrap my head around it being the day after. Not with what LE is telling us). All MOO

"A living nightmare. It started off like any other, and I just want to wake up and just get hit with waves of the reality. It's just setting in. As soon as it got dark last night, we started falling apart because we knew it wasn't going to come to an end. "
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