Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #9

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DBM that didn’t make sense.

If rigor mortis is from about 8 hours after death to 36 hours after death (per the article linked above), the parking garage footage at 9:40 would presumably place her death at like 2:00 am at the earliest right?

Also, I need to dive into the documents but is it true that she appeared to be asleep in most of the CSAM images described there?

Just trying to figure out his MO in terms of the SA and how that led to murder this time around.
interesting theory on the timeline of events and possible motivations of the seeming lack of urgency about contacting the school that afternoon. I can see this as a possible expalation for that lack of urgency.

I go back and forth between JS being overtly complicit in her daughter's murder to her being complicit in the abuse and simply CYA when she figured out SS had been caught with his CSAM to her being clueless to all of it and just a completely brain dead zonked on meds negelctful mother with zero maternal instainct.

Every day I swing more one way or another. I am almost angier at her and I realize that may seem irrational given what we know SS did to MS. He is what he is, sick as that may be, a leopard doesn't change his spots. But her? To send her child to go sleep with her adult male lover night after night? To have her daughter share the king size bed with her and her lover? I just cannot make that make sense in a way that doesn't have JS basically pimping her child to keep a man around. And what a catch she picked.
P. 873

JS tells LE she used to be hyper vigilant around Stephan but "as years have gone by", she's allowed Stephan to be alone with MS "because they get along very well".

Which is, of course, how trust is built with trustworthy people ... and false trust is engineered by pedophiles.

It's hard to fathom the oblivion required... but it happens.

Did she never do any investigating of her own? It's not enough to ask SS. He's a lying liar who lies. It's not enough to ask MS. She's a victim who's been groomed.

If only school personnel had asked the next questions, but there's no way to know if MS would have felt safe enough to answer them...

I get the impression JS was trying to pay the bills. New job, money maybe tight. Juggling mental health challenges -- BPD wreaks havoc on relationships, think what happens when that's exploited by an exploiter. Just not a lot of bandwidth for critical thinking, sustained vigilance, proactive parenting...

The reality is shocking. Even the night of, SS murdered MS in the home, with two other adults and a 15 year old RIGHT THERE...

Poor MS. Even with people around, she was alone.

She couldn't even watch cartoons without SS violating her. 8 years old...

Jesus wept.

Police attended a home of a person who said he was good friends with SS and his daughter was described by the friend to Le as being Ms best friend. He told police his fam had moved to Colorado (when?? Why??) but had “just flew back after learning MS was missing”. (Quote marks are my own. Doc .#KIPD 24-001896-000140).

Does the idea that this person flew back bc Ms was missing strike anyone else as weird? Not his kid. He had moved out of state. Why would he fly back for this?
I think it says that this guy actually searched for Maddie. I assume they came in to help and be supportive. I agree that it would have to be a close friendship to do this. It’s kindof a family type of move. Imo they didn’t know of anything weird going on though and believed she was truly missing.
I don't believe he was seen changing his tire around 9am. That witness stated that they noticed that his tire was flat and missing a hubcap around that time at the Circle K. I also think page 17 has 2 reports on it that aren't obvious at first reading since they are smushed together. At least for me I didn't realize that. The 2nd witness statement time is outlined in blue. MOO

Pg 17
View attachment 511016
View attachment 511017
Did the red head have a vehicle? How did he get there? Random good Samaritan? Cohort of SS, summoned by SS? Did this person see what SS had in the trunk? Has LE located this person?

Is it possible that, from a moving car, the witness saw an optical illusion? SS was wearing a red shirt, the only other person who we know was there was MS, either dead or very close to it. If SS was removing MS from the trunk, but a car was coming, he may have had to put her back in. Could some manner of that movement have given a passing motorist the fleeting impression of a redheaded helper? Who would help him for real?

What happened to that red shirt, I wonder? He was wearing a different shirt that evening.
I can't help but wonder why JS, SS and his father checked into a hotel in the middle of the night Wednesday morning, 2/28 (or Tuesday evening which is how I can make the most sense out of middle of the night times). What was all that about?

Pg 120:

I find this easier to read:

2:13am – JS, SS & father check into hotel.

4:42am – SS drives away from hotel thru main front entrance

7:28am – Father leaves hotel thru main front entrance 2 hrs 46 min after SS leaves.

9:54 – JS exits to walk dog thru main front entrance

10:03 – JS returns to hotel

10:50 – SS father returns thru main front entrance, 2:22 hrs after leaving.

10:55am – SS returns thru main front entrance, 5 minutes after his dad.

3:07pm – SS check out of hotel

Thursday, 2/29:

8:19am – SS father checks out
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P. 873

JS tells LE she used to be hyper vigilant around Stephan but "as years have gone by", she's allowed Stephan to be alone with MS "because they get along very well".

Which is, of course, how trust is built with trustworthy people ... and false trust is engineered by pedophiles.

It's hard to fathom the oblivion required... but it happens.

Did she never do any investigating of her own? It's not enough to ask SS. He's a lying liar who lies. It's not enough to ask MS. She's a victim who's been groomed.

If only school personnel had asked the next questions, but there's no way to know if MS would have felt safe enough to answer them...

I get the impression JS was trying to pay the bills. New job, money maybe tight. Juggling mental health challenges -- BPD wreaks havoc on relationships, think what happens when that's exploited by an exploiter. Just not a lot of bandwidth for critical thinking, sustained vigilance, proactive parenting...

The reality is shocking. Even the night of, SS murdered MS in the home, with two other adults and a 15 year old RIGHT THERE...

Poor MS. Even with people around, she was alone.

She couldn't even watch cartoons without SS violating her. 8 years old...

Jesus wept.

Hyper vigilant, yet the abuse seemingly began right away. Sure Jan.
1) Did the red head have a vehicle? 2) How did he get there? 3) Random good Samaritan?
1) Yes
2) By his car
3) Likely IMO

Pg 17:
Cohort of SS, summoned by SS? Did this person see what SS had in the trunk? Has LE located this person?
IMO SS had already disposed of Maddie before dealing with the tire since she was in the trunk (placed here there earlier in the hotel parking garage) and the body would be in the way to reach the spare. While most of us have come to the determination that SS isn't the sharpest crayon in the box... he's certainly not dumb enough to prop up a dead body against the car, or lay it on the ground for fear of being seen.

This is where the spare is located in 2007-2015 Lincoln MKX's. The car SS had was a 2010:

What happened to that red shirt, I wonder? He was wearing a different shirt that evening.
I too have been wondering when he changed. Likely because he might have gotten 'stuff' on it. Oddly he told LE that he hadn't changed when asked why he was wearing a different color shirt. What's with that lie?

Pg 34:

I don't believe he was seen changing his tire around 9am. That witness stated that they noticed that his tire was flat and missing a hubcap around that time at the Circle K. I also think page 17 has 2 reports on it that aren't obvious at first reading since they are smushed together....
Once again, @Gemmie, thank you for pointing out those were two witness reports smushed together, plus it's not the right date. My mistake for not noticing. I had trouble with my computer yesterday, and couldn't get back into the file to read it again. Oops, nevermind. 1718646864212.png
Interesting info on the swabs taken from Maddie and SS.

Pg 427 – Maddie’s left fingernail clipping showed no sign of blood or DNA results foreign to Maddie which I find odd. You’d think she would have fought back and tried to scratch him.

Her right fingernail there WAS presence of blood, but no DNA foreign to her.

Her neck swabs had presence to blood that appears to be hers.

Her right hand had presence of blood which the DNA says WASN’T hers

Her left hand swab indicated presence of blood and mixed DNA.

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And from Pg 428 so the above post isn't so darn long.

There was hair observed and collected from vaginal swab. There was also hair on her rectum swab. SS's? Maddie's? The pet dog? (I only brought the latter up because I have a cat and it's hard not to find hair everywhere)

Interesting info on the swabs taken from Maddie and SS.

Pg 427 – Maddie’s left fingernail clipping showed no sign of blood or DNA results foreign to Maddie which I find odd. You’d think she would have fought back and tried to scratch him.

Her right fingernail there WAS presence of blood, but no DNA foreign to her.

Her neck swabs had presence to blood that appears to be hers.

Her right hand had presence of blood which the DNA says WASN’T hers

Her left hand swab indicated presence of blood and mixed DNA.

View attachment 511033
She may have been sedated, unable to fight back.

It might not have been from a single event either. First the nighttime routine, then 4 am....

He. Is. Vile.
Pg 34:

There was specifically a red shirt taken into evidence from JS's condo/Bedroom #4, so I'm (edit: wondering if/but speculating so) that's the same one.
KIPD 24-001896//000545
It would have to be well before 7:30am IMO because one of the roommates said she always leaves the house by 7:45. So IMO, he'd know that there was always activity going on in the house around that time so he'd be very stupid (Yeah, I know, he is) to try to move her out when he KNOWS there's usually activity.

Pg 875 of DD:

View attachment 511003

At least 2 roommates were DEFINITELY there that night as she said she went to bed by 8:45pm, and left the house by 7:45. Hence not seeing Madeline that morning. See above SS.
She also saw MS on Sunday at 12:30. So was she staying with gran the week before and went home for whatever or was she home the week before she was killed?
I can't help but wonder why JS, SS and his father checked into a hotel in the middle of the night Wednesday morning, 2/28 (or Tuesday evening which is how I can make the most sense out of middle of the night times). What was all that about?

Pg 120:
View attachment 511019

I find this easier to read:

2:13am – JS, SS & father check into hotel.

4:42am – SS drives away from hotel thru main front entrance

7:28am – Father leaves hotel thru main front entrance 2 hrs 46 min after SS leaves.

9:54 – JS exits to walk dog thru main front entrance

10:03 – JS returns to hotel

10:50 – SS father returns thru main front entrance, 2:22 hrs after leaving.

10:55am – SS returns thru main front entrance, 5 minutes after his dad.

3:07pm – SS check out of hotel

Thursday, 2/29:

8:19am – SS father checks out
The excerpt from P 120 may be misleading in its brevity. For all 3 persons, the phrase "through the main entrance" is employed but JS was described as "to walk her dog" which I would think makes the main entrance, a doorway. That because, I believe there were only (2) vehicles that the threesome had access to: JS's Nissan; and whatever SS's father Chris drove to that location. If SS and his father were separately gone at 9:54 and JS exited with a car for only 7-minutes at that time, what car was she driving? And how could the purpose, "to walk her dog" be established if she left the grounds with the dog in a car?

The implication is, all 3 left via the same doorway. Whether or not they then drove somewhere is not apparent though SS being gone for more than 6 hours, one would think he had to be driving. If it weren't for how often we have seen SS wandering around already, one might speculate he went back to the site of the body. If that represented the third visit and the body was still found more or less in the open, one could draw the conclusion that his visits had nefarious intents.
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