FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #1

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MSNBC is reporting that OM called 911 right before the shooting declaring his allegiance to ? (someone's name) with ISIS. He said a name but I can't remember. Reported by someone name Pete just a few minutes ago.

Also, Ex wife saying he was unstable.
Everytime we have one of these, after about an hour media starts on all this "security" stuff..

Its a soft target, so was last night. Batman was a soft target. We do not have a capacity to guard everywhere. IMO we have to accept this reality

BBM. Well, I don't agree at all that we "have to" accept this reality. There is much, very much, that can be done. We just need the collective will to do it. And we are getting closer to that with every mass terrorist attack, IMO. But we're not there yet. IMO. That's all I'll say on that.
"MSNBC is reporting that OM called 911 right before the shooting declaring his allegiance to ? (someone's name) with ISIS. He said a name but I can't remember. Reported by someone name Pete just a few minutes ago."

^Pete Williams

ISIS leader is Al Baghdadi
[h=2]Basic Security Guard Training Course Curriculum[/h]

Whether or not your state requires you to take a security guard training course before you apply for a position, you will eventually be trained in basic security guard knowledge and procedures.
The following will outline a curriculum or syllabus for a basic security guard training course:
Powers to Arrest
This covers the complete requirements and duties of a security guard associated to the arrest of someone. It will teach trainees how to successfully deal with an arrest situation, addressing matters which include escalation and de-escalation of force , legal ramifications in trespass and restraint procedures.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
This course familiarizes trainees with approaches for correctly looking for and reporting possible terrorist activities. Terrorism is researched, and various weapon types are talked about in order to equip security officers with the capacity to aid and take care of others in the case of a terrorist event.
Public Relations
Security guards are explained procedures to prevent stereotyping that borders on discrimination. This course instructs trainees appropriate behavior in reply to to discriminatory thinking in the job. They learn to recognize indications associated with aggression, substance mistreatment and psychological illness.

Observation and Documentation
Applicants master techniques of observation and patrol, yielding detailed report writing. They're presented tips on how to ask relevant questions and determine symptoms of dubious activity.
This vital study course covers internal and external ways of communication for security officers. Trainees discover the appropriate application of radios and monitors for internal communications. When and just how to reach external support, such as the authorities, the fire department or paramedics and also various government services.
Liability and Legal
Students understand the legal implications of being employed as a security officer. Themes which include personal and employer liabilities are discussed. Individuals also analyze many different criminal, civil and administrative laws as they pertain to the job.


O/T Interesting how this mass shooting was given to the FBI instantly, while Pike county called in the AG!

MSNBC is reporting that OM called 911 right before the shooting declaring his allegiance to ? (someone's name) with ISIS. He said a name but I can't remember. Reported by someone name Pete just a few minutes ago.

Also, Ex wife saying he was unstable.

They do that so that ISIS can freely claim responsibility for what they do. It's part of the whole plan for terrorists. It's not a "good" terrorist attack unless responsibility and loyalty can be claimed. It happens over and over-- a would-be terrorist makes statements of loyalty, then commits a terrorist attack. "Inspired" islamic terrorism, versus "directed" and funded terrorism, doesn't matter a whit anymore. ISIS is urging home grown and lone wolf attacks. They don't have to fund and direct these attacks for them to be radical islamic terrorism. Terrorists don't carry ISIS ID cards.
"MSNBC is reporting that OM called 911 right before the shooting declaring his allegiance to ? (someone's name) with ISIS. He said a name but I can't remember. Reported by someone name Pete just a few minutes ago."

^Pete Williams

ISIS leader is Al Baghdadi

Thank you! :) I do not have a DVR so could not rewind.
I'm having difficulty finding any difference between what may have been this guy's motive and Eric Rudolph's when he bombed the Otherside Lounge in Atlanta.

Hatred fueled by righteousness.
Mina Justice was outside the club trying to contact her 30-year-old son Eddie, who texted her when the shooting happened and asked her to call police. He told her he ran into a bathroom with other club patrons to hide. He then texted her: ‘‘He’s coming.’’

‘‘The next text said: ‘He has us, and he’s in here with us,' ’’ she said. ‘‘That was the last conversation.’’


I'm just reading this for the first time. Tears are streaming after reading this quote. I can't even imagine the pain this mother is feeling. Her child is texting her and there is nothing she can do to help, nothing she can do to protect him. My heart hurts.

I shall tell you all. Waking up yesterday, seeing the headline that Voice contest killed and scrolling down and seeing it was here, in a place I have been in was really awful.

Waking up this morning , and seeing a headline 20 dead in bar shooting, and I scroll down and see it was a gay bar I had been in (years ago)

I shall tell you.

To then as the story progressed, to then learn that Orlando is now home to the biggest mass shooting in the United States of AMericas , in a gay club (not saying that matters but as a member of that community) it has been a whirlwind 24 hours
Dylan Roof and the Oklahoma bomber were "Christians". I forget which other ones were "Christians". We do not need to stir up hate. The average Muslim person does not need to get beat up or children hassled in school and in public.

There are indications he hated gays just like a lot of "Christians" do.
Hi my WS friends. I'm very behind on the thread but had to comment here, human.

I date a Muslim man. I'm a white blond American woman. I can tell you, this devastates them just as much as anyone else. It makes life so hard for decent American Muslims.

So heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the families and friends of the innocent victims.

Sent from my XT1031 using Tapatalk
Los Angeles Times: Man with weapons and possible explosives arrested, said he was going to L.A. gay pride parade

Authorities in Santa Monica found possible explosives as well as assault rifles and ammunition Sunday in the car of a man who told them he was in town for the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood, a law enforcement source said.​


That led officers to inspect the car and find several weapons and a lot of ammunition as well as tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create a pipe bomb.

The car had Indiana plates. He made comments that he was in town for the Pride event in West Hollywood this weekend. Sources said they did not know of any connection between the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday morning and the Santa Monica incident, and the investigation has been taken over by FBI.​
Interesting. It takes almost 12 hours for it to come out that the terrorist called 911 to claim ISIS loyalty, and references the boston bombers, and we find out the FBI has had this guy on their radar since 2013, and the terrorist is the american born son of Afghani immigrants, whose father is running for political office in Afghanistan. And all of them are Muslim. And it's Ramadan. And Al Baghdadi has called for lone wolves to attack during Ramadan. And a gay pride celebration is scheduled for today.

Authorities (Including the POTUS and highest levels of leaders) absolutely, positively knew ALL of this in the first 15 min after the 911 call came in, and the shooting started.

But we will be led to believe it's all just a vast coincidence. Or that it's workplace violence, or some other absurd notion.

See how the spin and suppression works? This time they kept a lid on it for 10-12 hours. How long was it in San Bernadino?
When are we going to WAKE UP! These terrorists hate everyone! They are equal opportunity haters.
I hope the organizers of the Gay Pride parade call it off. The police are pretty busy at present.

Running that parade, and encouraging crowds of supporters and grief-stricken supporters, could present another soft target, IMO.

If I knew anyone in the area, I'd urge them to stay home today.
CNN just stated gunman called 911 and claimed allegiance to issis.
CNN says the terrorist rented a van to drive to Orlando.
CNN just stated gunman called 911 and claimed allegiance to issis.

And spoke in a "foreign language", thought to be middle eastern.

** And certainly by now it has been reviewed a gazillion times by forensic and terrorism language experts. They know exactly which "foreign language" was spoken, which dialect, and where that dialect originates.
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