FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #2

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Here's a video of an Imam invited to speak at a mosque in Sanford Fla. on March 29,2016. He calls for death to Gays...it's "compassion, get rid of them now." Now why would a house of religion, of peace and tolerance, invite such a speaker? Surely this mosque does not support Isis! This is supposedly a mainstream house of Muslim jworship.

Why would there be any interest in hearing this odious pusher of hate and death? These are the things that worry and disturb people.

And they havent been arrested yet? Wonder why? (Sarcasm)
Thanks WS for correcting the crawl.
100% serious question for an article I have to submit on this tragedy.

Can anyone give me links to any/all actual cellphone footage from within the nightclub at the time of and/or the immediate aftermath. I go to these bars regularly and there are more selfies and cameras going off than at the Oscars. Most pics immediately go up into the cloud, are posted on facebook, and are forwarded to families and friends. Frankly, they're everwhere. It's the culture.

I know it will be really tough but before you send me any links, can you please make sure that I will be actually able to see whatever horrific injuries and scenes that I know will be depicted.

So far, I can't find any anywhere, which makes no logical sense. All I can figure out is that I must be looking in the wrong places.

Thanks in advance and BIG HUGS to all.
I will ask again....each crime is different so that is why I ask this...

Does ANYONE, the father, the ex-wife, family member, friend, get PAID in anyway for the interviews they have given or will give? These interviews are not given on the street, spur of the moment, but set up with mics, questions and answers, set up in a home, room, office. I am very curious to know the answer.

100% serious question for an article I have to submit on this tragedy.

Can anyone give me links to any/all actual cellphone footage from within the nightclub at the time of and/or the immediate aftermath. I go to these bars regularly and there are more selfies and cameras going off than at the Oscars. Most pics immediately go up into the cloud, are posted on facebook, and are forwarded to families and friends. Frankly, they're everwhere. It's the culture.

I know it will be really tough but before you send me any links, can you please make sure that I will be actually able to see whatever horrific injuries and scenes that I know will be depicted because that's what I need.

So far, I can't find any anywhere, which makes no logical sense to me. All I can figure out is that I must be looking in the wrong places.

Thanks in advance and BIG HUGS to all.

I agree with the selfies pics etc but maybe LE is asking for those things to not be released ? IDK just guessing.
And they havent been arrested yet? Wonder why? (Sarcasm)

This Imam is from Iran, one of the ten Islamic States that have a death penalty for homosexuality. Here in the United States, we find such a view abhorrent. This is where a comparison to Hitler is appropriate. So why invite those views here to be heard by American Muslims? What possible purpose could there be to export hate and violence? There SHOULD be a law against it...unless some want to argue a "freedom of religion" situation. But then, one would have to then agree that odious preaching is part of mainstream Islam. I don't think anyone wants to argue that.

Freedom of speech? That's the most vomitous kind of hate speech. Did they pay this Iman...like some honored speaker? Did they have a dinner for the congregation?

Less than 3 months later...a horrific massacre. How is this defensible?
And I have to say, this happened when I lived in Germany.

Americans were targeted.

Yankee Go Home was a popular saying.

American cars were bombed,even housing areas were targeted, the ones that were not directly on the kaserne and gated.

That's what it was like when I lived there too, which is why I came up with the example I did. Victims matter.
Why do people give up their names????????? Especially when your last name is ZIRKIE.....FB has photos of him with this caption with an assault weapon in hand.

.762 ak47 if you want it you can get it......

perhaps he should be investigated! Looks like a white supremacist to me.

I think everyone that believes ISIS was the primary motive also believes he intentionally chose gay targets because he did not like them and believed they could be righteously exterminated. No argument there.

Look at the Paris attackers, they decided they were going to commit large scale terrorist attacks and while choosing victim groups/venues they set their sites on the Eagles of Death Metal concert (they wanted to target the American band members, two birds with one stone). No one argued that the attack had to be ISIS motivated OR simply an extreme hatred for American rock bands, but couldn't be both.

The problem is many people do not want to believe this was ISIS motivated, so they are going to say it is strictly a lone wolf anti-gay attack OR mental illness. They have deep seated reasons to reject both motives because that would conflict with their established belief system.

I don't think he was a part of any huge ISIS cell w/in our borders. ISIS is using the internet very effectively. (Just like I don't think the guy in LA was part of a major hate group but was probably communicating w/others like himself, online, or had friends of his same ilk). But I do believe he bought into ISIS' extremist form of Islam, so, combined with fact that it was the first full weekend of Ramadan, and ISIS pushes Ramadan as the time to kill, (rather than for fasting and prayer like other Muslims of the faith), and combine that with his hatred toward gays, and you have this nightmare.
and he picked Pulse. He picked Pulse b/c it was popular and had a fairly large attendance. Much larger than any gay bar in his area. jmo
This Imam is from Iran, one of the ten Islamic States that have a death penalty for homosexuality. Here in the United States, we find such a view abhorrent. This is where a comparison to Hitler is appropriate. So why invite those views here to be heard by American Muslims? What possible purpose could there be to export hate and violence? There SHOULD be a law against it...unless some want to argue a "freedom of religion" situation. But then, one would have to then agree that odious preaching is part of mainstream Islam. I don't think anyone wants to argue that.

Freedom of speech? That's the most vomitous kind of hate speech. Did they pay this Iman...like some honored speaker? Did they have a dinner for the congregation?

Less than 3 months later...a horrific massacre. How is this defensible?

Let's not forget this isn't ONLY an 'imported' point of religious view:


In a series of tweets today, Westboro Baptist Church, the extremist Christian cult that is pretty much the definition of a faith-based hate group, claimed that the victims of the Orlando nightclub massacre brought their murders upon themselves because they were gay.

Here's a video of an Imam invited to speak at a mosque in Sanford Fla. on March 29,2016. He calls for death to Gays...it's "compassion, get rid of them now." Now why would a house of religion, of peace and tolerance, invite such a speaker? Surely this mosque does not support Isis! This is supposedly a mainstream house of Muslim jworship.

Why would there be any interest in hearing this odious pusher of hate and death? These are the things that worry and disturb people.

That particular speaker almost certainly opposes ISIS. He is Iranian (lives in Iran) and was traveling as a guest speaker. He is Shi'ite as is the mosque that hosted him, ISIS is at war with the Shi'ites too.

He belongs to a totally different branch of Islam that is completely opposed to ISIS but they still follow the same book, believe in Sharia law, and believe the punishment for homosexuality is death.
Let's not forget this isn't ONLY an 'imported' point of religious view:


As a Christian woman I am not the least bit surprised what this cult has to spew. They are not Christians and I don't know any genuine Christian who believes they are and they like me consider then a hate filled cult with a small following. Mostly family members.

However as despicable as they are they don't murder people. All they do is go in small numbers to funerals holding up signs against our military, cops, and gays. I am so happy to see more and more show up when these POSs come to funerals who are now blocking them where even their hateful signs cant be seen by the mourners.
Why do people give up their names????????? Especially when your last name is ZIRKIE.....FB has photos of him with this caption with an assault weapon in hand.

.762 ak47 if you want it you can get it......

perhaps he should be investigated! Looks like a white supremacist to me.

Are we supposed to be sleuthing innocent people (people who did not commit mass murder yesterday) who spoke to the media?

Looks like a white supremacist to me

Please tell me you're being facetious.
Calling Westboro Baptists Christians is like calling Islamic terrorists Muslims.
I agree Westboro baptist is messed up etc but they don't go out and kill anyone for their religion. They just make themselves look like asses.

I was replying to a poster who stated that just saying (x minority group) deserved to die should be illegal.

Look, we all know this is a huge political mess and everyone has a dog in the fight. But religious fervor + mental illness + weapons of mass killing is bad news. It's going to continue to be so while weapons are so easy to get.
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