FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #5

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The autopsy of the gunman who massacred 49 people in a Florida nightclub attack last month revealed he was HIV-negative and likely a long-term user of steroids, two U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Federal investigators are not sure if steroids played a role in the shooting. A medical examiner found evidence of physical changes to Mateen’s body that were consistent with long-term steroid use, the officials said, and is seeking to confirm that assessment through further testing.

University of Maryland Center for Substance Abuse Research:

Psychological Effects

Steroids have been reported to increase a persons aggressiveness or lead them to become more violent. This is sometimes called a "roid rage," defined as a manic rage where the user displays episodes of outright aggression and/or violent feelings and actions.

Though scientific evidence is hard to find in support of roid rages, there are a large number of individual accounts of users who describe their own uncharacteristic aggressive behavior while under the influence of anabolic steroids.

In addition, many users report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, but researchers report that extreme mood swings can also occur.

Depression is often seen when the drugs are stopped and may contribute to a dependence on anabolic steroids.

Researchers further report that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.

Documents show Pulse gunman felt he was taunted for being Muslim

Records released Monday by the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office show Mateen claimed he was regularly called derogatory epithets for being Muslim by deputies and others at the St. Lucie Courthouse, where he worked as a contract guard

But the documents show the FBI didn't believe he was a terrorist, and an agent told a sheriff's office major that he didn't think Mateen "would go postal or anything like that."
Mateen’s comments to co-workers about having terrorist ties in 2013 caused enough concern with the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office that they asked G4S Secure Solutions to have him reassigned, away from the courthouse.

Mateen was born in New York and his family came from Afghanistan. In the letter to his employer, he expressed his patriotism to the United States and said he loved his job.

“I love the United States. The boasting I did it just to satisfy the gang of co-workers who ganged up against me,” Mateen wrote. “I’m 1,000% pure American. ... I’m against these terrorists anyone of them.”
some pics that did not seem to get plastered all over media



had not seen the shots on the left

it is amazig ot me how much attn media gives to words from these folks. Their murderers. How much focus woud one give Homes, Batman dude? Lanza? Congresswoman shooter? Planned Parenthood.

America has been having mass shootings for decades. Terrorist is the buzz word in media today. Medonalds yesterday was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The one last night was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. Batman was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. PUlse was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The Dallas guy was not a terrorist He was mentally ill.IMO..

The longer we, as a society keep trying to blame everything in ISIS the longer we are not gonna address educating the public on signs and behaviors that should make one more aware, to help authorities. Do not be looking for Muslim folks, be aware of isolated, angry, domestic violent, criminal history, lack of social skills, numbed affect, odd thinking patterns--- way before ISIS was even present America has been shot up by mentally ill folks that fall through our cracks - our misunderstanding of what metnal illiness looks and sounds like. What it IS.

It is real illiness. It is identical to diabetes. Just like insulin - neurotranmitters are not being produced, or over produced, resulting in symtoms. It is like this country "stalled" in the 50's with insane asylums. Very few severly mentally ill folks are talking to the stars. Very few.

Mental illiness is like ice cream. Ice cream is ice cream , indeed, but there are many many flavors.....................

IMO our best bet would be to educate public on what severe metnal illiness looks like - that would go a long way to intervening beofre it ends on a WS thread!!!

All our ills are not ISIS mooo
it is amazig ot me how much attn media gives to words from these folks. Their murderers. How much focus woud one give Homes, Batman dude? Lanza? Congresswoman shooter? Planned Parenthood.

America has been having mass shootings for decades. Terrorist is the buzz word in media today. Medonalds yesterday was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The one last night was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. Batman was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. PUlse was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The Dallas guy was not a terrorist He was mentally ill.IMO..

The longer we, as a society keep trying to blame everything in ISIS the longer we are not gonna address educating the public on signs and behaviors that should make one more aware, to help authorities. Do not be looking for Muslim folks, be aware of isolated, angry, domestic violent, criminal history, lack of social skills, numbed affect, odd thinking patterns--- way before ISIS was even present America has been shot up by mentally ill folks that fall through our cracks - our misunderstanding of what metnal illiness looks and sounds like. What it IS.

It is real illiness. It is identical to diabetes. Just like insulin - neurotranmitters are not being produced, or over produced, resulting in symtoms. It is like this country "stalled" in the 50's with insane asylums. Very few severly mentally ill folks are talking to the stars. Very few.

Mental illiness is like ice cream. Ice cream is ice cream , indeed, but there are many many flavors.....................

IMO our best bet would be to educate public on what severe metnal illiness looks like - that would go a long way to intervening beofre it ends on a WS thread!!!

All our ills are not ISIS mooo

Whether some insist these Islamic extremists mass shooters were mentally ill or not doesn't change the facts that they were Isis terrorists. They clearly stated their motive was because of their Islamic radical beliefs. Just like the homegrown terrorist who struck in Dallas did so because of his hatred against police officers.

None of the recent mass shooters here had severe mental illness which would make them incapable of knowing right from wrong. They all knew what they meticulously planned and plot was wrong but like so many mass shooters they just didn't care. Their mission was more important and that is why all of these victims were dead.

Isis is very real and it is one of the worst enemies facing this nation and all democratic free countries across the world. To deny they exist is dangerous for all. The homegrown Isis lone wolves or Isis cells are in our country and will continue to plot and carryout more heinous murders on the unsuspecting. Its only a matter of time before we are struck again and the next one wont be mentally ill but one who has been radicalized by soaking up the hate filled propaganda Isis continues to put out.

It is obvious that Isis is a very real threat to our nation since the FBI has stopped hundreds of terrorist plots by them from happening and are now investigating over 1000 cases involving Islamic terrorists right here on our soil.

This mass murderer has gotten no more attention that Holmes, Lanza, maybe even less than most. All mass shooters always gets a lot of attention so this one isn't any different than when they committed their mass shootings.

I don't think anyone in our society blames everything on Isis unless the evidence shows the mass shooter did it for the same beliefs Isis radicals hold. I don't know of any cases where Isis was blamed that didn't have evidence showing the shootings were due to their same ideology or the mass murderer made sure he said he did it for Allah Akbar and/or for Isis or some other fanatical terrorist group.
Mental Illness Not Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds

American Psychological Association

Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds:

Most offenders didn’t display pattern of crime related to mental illness symptoms over their lifetime, according to study

WASHINGTON — In a study of crimes committed by people with serious mental disorders, only 7.5 percent were directly related to symptoms of mental illness, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.


When we hear about crimes committed by people with mental illness, they tend to be big headline-making crimes so they get stuck in people’s heads,” said lead researcher Jillian Peterson, PhD. “The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent, not criminal and not dangerous.”
Whether some insist these Islamic extremists mass shooters were mentally ill or not doesn't change the facts that they were Isis terrorists. They clearly stated their motive was because of their Islamic radical beliefs. Just like the homegrown terrorist who struck in Dallas did so because of his hatred against police officers.

None of the recent mass shooters here had severe mental illness which would make them incapable of knowing right from wrong. They all knew what they meticulously planned and plot was wrong but like so many mass shooters they just didn't care. Their mission was more important and that is why all of these victims were dead.

Isis is very real and it is one of the worst enemies facing this nation and all democratic free countries across the world. To deny they exist is dangerous for all. The homegrown Isis lone wolves or Isis cells are in our country and will continue to plot and carryout more heinous murders on the unsuspecting. Its only a matter of time before we are struck again and the next one wont be mentally ill but one who has been radicalized by soaking up the hate filled propaganda Isis continues to put out.

It is obvious that Isis is a very real threat to our nation since the FBI has stopped hundreds of terrorist plots by them from happening and are now investigating over 1000 cases involving Islamic terrorists right here on our soil.

This mass murderer has gotten no more attention that Holmes, Lanza, maybe even less than most. All mass shooters always gets a lot of attention so this one isn't any different than when they committed their mass shootings.

I don't think anyone in our society blames everything on Isis unless the evidence shows the mass shooter did it for the same beliefs Isis radicals hold. I don't know of any cases where Isis was blamed that didn't have evidence showing the shootings were due to their same ideology or the mass murderer made sure he said he did it for Allah Akbar and/or for Isis or some other fanatical terrorist group.

IMo, only, the old adage know right from wrong is from the 50's /the notion of insanity. Back then we knew very little about mental illiness. The fact that most know right/wrong does not make them any less mentally ill. The one that did last night at the bar, has documented mental illiness in his files, two suicide attempts.

That is mental illiness!! One can endore ISIS stuff, and be mental at the same time. The media endlessly starts anything with is this terrorist rleated. Yes, mass shootings are terrorizing. Is ISIS a threat sure, but untreated mental illiness IMO, is far more dangeroues - look at all the deaths from mentally ill mass shooters before ISIS even existed.

They are not mutually exclusive entities -- its kind like Homles watched Batman stuff all the time -- cause he suffers with mental illiness. It is what comes first! Pulse guy was bipolar - and watched some ISIS video. San Bern - there terrorists. The Mcdonalds guy is mental illiness. Cop killer is mental, who could not as a result of his illiness act on his issues without violence by LE toward AA.

The shooting in Ft Myers bar, had a paragraph or so about not being terrorist related! Did the guy in the Van have intense ISIS stuff, indeed. Before going that direction [FONT=&amp]Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel had a long history of violence and mental illness, his family back in his homeland of Tunisia said

The guys that were having the shootout and killed the captain as that one was breaking media [/FONT]The shooting "looks like a terror attack," a police representative said. It was an officer killed in the line of duty.(KMBC).

[FONT=&amp]Paris were terrorists imo.

[/FONT]There are more than 1.6 billion Muslims in the world -- nearly a quarter of the global population -- living all kinds of lives and espousing all kinds of political and religious beliefs. Just as most people don't point a spotlight at Christians to condemn the actions of the KKK, or at Buddhists for the monks who are slaughtering people in Myanmar, or white people for slavery.....it isn't the special responsibility of Muslims to apologize for a very radical fringe group.

Aslan dispels the idea that we can use isolated cases like terrorist attacks by the Islamic State or stoning in Pakistan to describe "Muslim countries" more broadly. "We're using two or three examples to justify a generalization. That's actually the definition of bigotry," he says.


Mental Illness Not Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds

American Psychological Association

Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds:

offenders didn’t display pattern of crime related to mental illness symptoms over their lifetime, according to study

WASHINGTON — In a study of crimes committed by people with serious mental disorders, only 7.5 percent were directly related to symptoms of mental illness, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.


When we hear about crimes committed by people with mental illness, they tend to be big headline-making crimes so they get stuck in people’s heads,” said lead researcher Jillian Peterson, PhD. “The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent, not criminal and not dangerous.”

True most mentally ill are noy violent!

Nearly all mass shooters have this one thing in common
Over the past decade, America has developed a tragic reputation as the land of senseless mass shootings. And in the wake of last weekend’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, which left 49 victims dead and an additional 53 wounded, we as a country must ask ourselves how to prevent such tragedies from happening again. And again. And again.

The first step, of course, is to identify a pattern.

While those of us on the left fight for stricter gun control, those on the right argue that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” And Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants us to believe that, specifically, Muslims kill people. But what happens when we look at the data—who is really behind the shootings?

For the past three-and-a-half years, Mother Jones has been compiling data on every mass shooting in this country since 1982. There have been 81 in total. And of these, a whopping 79 involved a male shooter. That’s right. The common denominator has nothing to do with race or religion or ethnicity—it’s gender
Garbarino points to a variety of factors, including a gene that researchers believe impairs some men’s ability to deal with stressful situations, such as abusive families. Other factors include the prevalence and glorification of male violence in media and a culture of “toxic masculinity.”

“This is vitally important,” Gabarino writes, “because as a society, we often ‘promote’ the various socially toxic cultural messages to which boys and men are exposed—racism, misogyny, the belief that ‘it is better to be mad than to be sad.'”

On Monday, Amanda Marcotte wrote in Salon about how Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter, may himself have been influenced by toxic masculinity, which she describes as “a specific model of manhood, geared towards dominance and control. It’s a manhood that views women and LGBT people as inferior, sees sex as an act not of affection but domination, and which valorizes violence as the way to prove one’s self to the world.”
July 27, 2016

DOJ pressed on decision to drop Orlando gunman from terror list

Key lawmakers are demanding an explanation for the FBI’s decision to drop Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen from its terrorist watch list, despite signs the Orlando gunman had ties to radical Islam.

In a Tuesday letter to the Department of Justice’s internal watchdog, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs asked for a thorough examination of the agency’s “decision to add—and, later, to remove” Mateen from the Terrorist Screening database. Mateen killed 49 and wounded 53 inside a gay nightclub in Florida on June 12, and pledged his allegiance to ISIS during the attack.

“It is unclear how the FBI made the decision to remove Mateen from the TSDB, despite the concerns that had been raised,” wrote committee chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., pointing to multiple red flags linking the killer to terrorism in the years leading up to the attack.


Body cam here (you can hear a cop saying Holy sh#t -- Holy s7it and laughing and laughing, and later talking all excited about it - something about call from DJ, as soon as iheard gunshops saying HS again laughing some more

further on - touching = you can hear one say to another you ok? and he says just blow my mind how fed up this world is

i would not be able to stand still that long its a lot of standing around

Might be being too sensitive but i find the use of "them" (victims) offensice might be me tho

A lot of em do have that macho authortian, staccoto way of speaking with one another


Lots of new info here


Pulse plans for permanent memorial documents for memorial submitt

98 pages of new info released today trying to locate

Body canm

I don't know what to say, I started crying again. All the horror and to say what the LE had to endure, no words could explain. After watching the videos, the one thing that sticks in my mind is one LE saying, "I don't know what this F'kd up world is coming too!!!"

The pain will will fade, but the memories will haunt forever.

Just so sad.

Do you know if that was all of the taping's that was released, my understanding there is more?????

Thank you so much CARIIS for the updates
Thank you CARIIS.
This is beyond words, as images are IMO
I hope someone will ensure these recordings are retained for posterity elsewhere, so we will have some way to remember what really happened 5, 10, or 20 years from now (after links are broken and websites return Error 404s) when we click on them on the somber memorials of the 12th of June....

After my years here at WS, I've learned that what is captured via the text of the poster, via their thoughts and snips, are sometimes all that remains as documentation.

The victims deserve for all that transpired there to be remembered - All. Of. It.

And that's what makes CARIIS' posts all the more appreciated.

A single :rose: for all we've lost and for all we remember...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't know what to say, I started crying again. All the horror and to say what the LE had to endure, no words could explain. After watching the videos, the one thing that sticks in my mind is one LE saying, "I don't know what this F'kd up world is coming too!!!"

The pain will will fade, but the memories will haunt forever.

Just so sad.

Do you know if that was all of the taping's that was released, my understanding there is more?????

Thank you so much CARIIS for the updates

You are welcome!

I found that exchange moving too. It was after the cop who walked in and loved what he was seeing, so it was some what redeeming- the cop who found it all so funny - reallly upset me. Truly upset me.

And before the guy said (his voice was so neat) "I don't know what this F'kd up world is coming too!!!" it was in response to a collegue of his standing near him who asked him "you ok?" which made me think the other guy could see that this guy was really upset.

I lost it when the guy was being led out and he said something (hard to hear) like pls go upstairs my friends are up there hurt really bad, it gave some insight into what was going on. I saw blood on one guys gloves that was upsetting, but I am glad they released it gave insight into what it might have like.

I also heard one guy, asking if he was "recording", is there like a light on the outside of body cams that tell them they are "on"? I did not really think about it until I heard him ask - optionial on/off IMO kinda mitigates there purpose no??

There are houndreds of hours of tape they have looked at. When I heard that, and started watching and I caught on to how they were doing it , I thought, yea they have 100's of hours, but the truth here is there is too much graphic stuff in there to release.

There was only one picture released (I think only one) of the Battican, and when it came up it threw me.I had never really imagined what scenes like that do.

The audio part of the cell phones ringing was not as bad as described - there was some comfort in that. I remember 911 the first time I heard all those things beeping and it freaked me out.

Last week - maybe alittle further back, when it was day after day of this stuff, in a row, was rough. I do think it was because I was coming off of PUlse.And Pulse was right after the Voice singer - which impacted me in a very weird way cause I used to go to the Plaza all the time.

It does change everything . On JOeys thread, I did not really grasp how the folks on that thread who lived there, or been to Union, were impacted , I do now.

Right this minute I am realizing that the body cam stuff was agiating - look how much I need to process right now.

Well I should be quiet now.


On a funny note found a 1971 yearbook this AM and the comments were hysterical. Lots of referances to my big mouth!! I found it quite amusing - looks like much has not changed- that is funny. The teachers who signed it , most of them just wrote their first and last names- it occurred to me that I was a teachers nighmare!

Some gems: "Hi, Bye your enemy" !!!! What I found amaing (no recollection at ALL!) apparently I was really into some girl named Terry!!! there were several comments regarding her. Most made referance to what teachers would call "disruptions"!!!!! I just could not focus!

I know I know most of you just cant believe this, but outside of anything math - the typing class was the worst class ever. Just sitting there like that. Who could come up with a joke with all that ruckus? And Mrs Brown was really really into typing - which stunned me in and of itself!! BORING, and had to sit still- not within my capacities!!

Never once, did I get a Satisfactory in the behavior part of any report card! Never. Report card dinners were always about the behavior part of my report card - and my older sisters endless sterling academic performance!! My younger sister got pretty left out!!

funny funny stuff

ok now I shall shut up !!!
Thank you CARIIS.
This is beyond words, as images are IMO
I hope someone will ensure these recordings are retained for posterity elsewhere, so we will have some way to remember what really happened 5, 10, or 20 years from now (after links are broken and websites return Error 404s) when we click on them on the somber memorials of the 12th of June....

After my years here at WS, I've learned that what is captured via the text of the poster, via their thoughts and snips, are sometimes all that remains as documentation.

The victims deserve for all that transpired there to be remembered - All. Of. It.

And that's what makes CARIIS' posts all the more appreciated.

A single :rose: for all we've lost and for all we remember...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ty for your kind post. your post resulted in a tear, a good thing....................................Interesting that you mentioned the texts - they impacted me greatly as they came out as well.

The site IS going to be turned into a memorial - was so pissed when I came back, from the memorials that day -every single pic I took was blurry- to the point that all you could see were a lot of colors. I really wanted those pics, like you said , for later.

No idea why camera did that. Every single one.........
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