FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #5

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Dont want to get into that edit stuff so started new post ! links last post !

603 calls made to city police and fire departments

FBI has talked to over 500 people

FBI wasn’t being as transparent with the Orlando attack as it has been with other mass shootings.
It bears repeating: in retrospect, when the MSM links are broken, all that will remain are snips you took the time to bring to the thread, the words of the WS poster.

We must continue to document on this case. There's an old saying (in medicine), "If you don't write it down, it didn't happen."

CARIIS, your tireless work on this thread does not go unnoticed! It is appreciated. You are appreciated.

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........investigators say Mateen's profile is more like that of a "typical mass shooter" than an individual radicalized by ISIS, as NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports.

intelligence officials and investigators say they're "becoming increasingly convinced that the motive for this attack had very little — or maybe nothing — to do with ISIS."

al-Qaida and ISIS-inspired attacks tend to follow a different pattern.

"We know that during the attack the gunman posted messages on Facebook saying he was doing this on behalf of ISIS. But officials have yet to find any of the precursors usually associated with radicalization. T

"And they say that they've yet to find any indication that he became noticeably more religious,

The way he dressed didn't change. His relationship with his family didn't change

typically warning signs that parents and friends and educators are told to look for i

the signs of radicalization aren't there,

Investigators have also been struck by "how closely Mateen's biography adheres to profiles that they associate with typical mass shooters,"

"He was bullied as a kid in school. He had well-documented behavioral problems. He was aggressive toward other kids. As he got older, things didn't get much better. He took steroids, he jumped from job to job, he had a history of domestic violence. And all these things together fit into a mass shooter's profile."

Dina says Mateen reportedly beat both his first wife and his second one — and "violence and control and power are often precursors to mass attacks."

had some problems with his sexuality, maybe even had some latent attraction to men. And he lashed out at the gay community as a result."


Four of them entered the building through one patio, while six others shot out a window to get inside.

Among the 10 officers who went into Pulse, some had powerful military-style rifles and one had a shield.

At least two had tactical experience.

Police fired at Mateen when he popped his head out of one the bathrooms. .
But then, police decided not to pursue him.

The new details raise questions not to follow Mateen into the bathroom proved critical. Because Mateen was not subdued or killed sooner,

final standoff, in which police initially failed to breach the club wall and struggled to make entry, Mateen apparently shot more victims, according to witnesses.

At least five people were alive in the bathrooms when the standoff began and ultimately died at the club,

Witnesses in the women’s bathroom said Mateen killed at least three people during the final moments

.........If they had moved faster they would have gotten us out of there and everybody could have possibly lived.”
“He went from an active shooter to a barricaded gunman,”

.....will join a grim catalogue of assessments that sought to learn lessons from attacks in Aurora, Colo.; at the Washington Navy Yard; and at Virginia Tech.

“The highest priority is to eliminate the threat,” said Dan Oates, who was the police chief in Aurora w

Oates declined to comment on the Orlando shooting ..... “If the best information is the shooter is on the fourth floor, you get to the fourth floor. If you run into the bad guy, you better be ready to deal with it.”

...........able to move around the space quickly. ... contains less than 5,000 square feet.

............he returned to the main room.-----returned to the back room, shooting...a third time, he walked into the main room,

By 2:10 a.m., at least 10 officers had entered the club.

. One who entered through the east patio said he heard shots, while another said that was not the case.

A group of six officers, including Officer Brandon Cornwell, had entered the club by busting out a window.

............he saw two other officers shooting down a hallway.

...........It was not clear whether Mateen fired at police during this encounter.

2:18 a.m., police seemed to have control of the club’s main room,

“people are bleeding out in the bathroom.”

...........air conditioning unit ....eight people escaped

..........failed attempt probably signaled to Mateen that police were coming.

Minutes passed as officers tried to ram the right opening

“We were already at great risk, but … they made it worse,” Parker said. “They put us at more risk.”

.............when police ordered people away from the wall ..... shot several more people.

...........punched a hole between the two bathrooms, but they had picked the wrong spot. In a third attempt

Mateen emerged

“I was getting burned up by the bullets bouncing from everywhere,”

..............dozen or so dead in the bathrooms.

.............during the standoff, they were continuously taking victims out of the club from the main room and bringing them to medical help outside.

............if this had been a college campus or mall, emergency fire and rescue personnel would have come into the building. But this was a relatively small building that police cleared quickly.

“There wasn’t a need” for paramedics to enter the building,....easily able to get people to aid.”...

go to the shooter, and do not wait for special teams

............., rescue personnel respond to what we call “warm zones” (where contact with the shooter or shooters is not likely to occur) so they can quickly enter, locate, treat, and evacuate casualties.”

.............officials do not know ....s who were alive during the prolonged standoff later died in the bathrooms or how many had survivable gunshot wounds.

total of 14 officers fired their weapons at Pulse.

Orlando police say 11 of their officers fired, . Three Orange County sheriff’s deputies also fired.

..............decision not to follow Mateen into the bathroom was a gamble,

“Cops are paid to take risks but not stupid risks,” No casualties are acceptable.”

....rule for law enforcement, he said, is, “Don’t make things worse.”

“We don’t want cops to be cowboys,”

“I have no regrets in the decisions that my officers and commanders on the ground made and I have no regret with the decision I made either,” he said.

July 11


MTV's long-running documentary series True Life will debut a special episode featuring survivors of last month's mass shooting that left 49 dead and more than 50 injured at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando

True Life: We Are Orlando, which premieres at 8 p.m. on Aug. 15 on MTV.

For nearly 20 years, True Life has documented groundbreaking topics through the eyes of brave young people

If anyone here knows some way to post some of it here that would be great. I would tend to think our demo here might not watch MTV! Just my pondering!

For the first time in the MTV True Life franchise's 18 year history, viewers will meet the subjects and follow their stories as the docuseries is being filmed,"

MTV's long-running documentary series True Life will debut a special episode featuring survivors of last month's mass shooting that left 49 dead and more than 50 injured at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando

True Life: We Are Orlando, which premieres at 8 p.m. on Aug. 15 on MTV.

For nearly 20 years, True Life has documented groundbreaking topics through the eyes of brave young people

If anyone here knows some way to post some of it here that would be great. I would tend to think our demo here might not watch MTV! Just my pondering!

For the first time in the MTV True Life franchise's 18 year history, viewers will meet the subjects and follow their stories as the docuseries is being filmed,"


Within the link is a short clip, fwiw..

Season 2016

We Are Orlando: Supertease
True Life: Orlando premieres Monday, August 15th at 8/7c.
'I still see all the red,' officer who removed bodies from Pulse says



Here is the second round of police reports after the intial ones 7/21


Only two victims had traces of soot, gunpowder or stippling, meaning most of the victims were likely more than 3 feet away when they were shot in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. The autopsies show that about half of the victims had five wounds or more, and one victim had 13 wounds.

The large number of head injuries and multiple wounds on victims suggests Mateen was targeting his victims rather than shooting randomly,.....“I wouldn’t expect to have those many hits on those many people if you weren’t actually trying to take aim and make sure you hit your target rather than running around, spraying bullets,”


Pulse survivor takes his first unassisted steps since the shooting


Performers such as Melissa Etheridge, Cyndi Lauper and Will.i.am will make appearances at the Hollywood event,

video appearances from President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

A spokeswoman says the Pulse nightclub in Orlando will not reopen as a memorial ......but problems with reopening at the site include the expense and emotional reactions to the scene of a massacre.

The survivor who has been in critical condition at Orlando Regional Medical Center since the shooting at Pulse nightclub on June 12 has improved and is now in "guarded" condition.

Hospital officials did not provide any details other than the fact that the patient's condition was upgraded on Tuesday.

During an interview last month, when only one patient remained in critical condition, Cheatham was much more optimistic.

"I think if you don't believe in miracles, if you don't believe in God, then you haven't learned about the Pulse event, because clearly, there have been miracles here," he said. "And we just hope that there will be one more miracle. And that [the patient] will be able to get out of the hospital."
I thought this was interesting -- did not know

Continuing coverage of the terrorist attack in Orlando has left local stations spread thin. Sister stations from around the country have been helping with the coverage.
Sources tell Florida News Center that staffs from cable outlet Bay News 9 in Tampa have been sent to Orlando to assist its sister News 13 with coverage. The stations already share resources and some staff.

Interesting interview with the father. I don't recall having seen it before.
Orlando Hospitals Announce They Won’t Charge Pulse Nightclub Massacre Victims

By James Michael Nichols
Queer Voices Deputy Editor, The Huffington Post
08/25/2016 11:45 am ET


“Two hospitals in the Orlando, Florida, area who treated victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre announced Wednesday that they would not bill victims of the mass shooting for the medical expenses incurred following the attack.

A total of 49 people, most of them queer people of color, died and an another 53 were injured when Omar Mateen opened fire on June 12 in the worst mass shooting in American history. Orlando Health, the health care network containing the two hospitals in question — Florida Hospital and Orlando Regional Medical Center — said in a statement to ABC on Wednesday, “Orlando Health has not sent any hospital or medical bills directly to Pulse patients and we don’t intend to pursue reimbursement of medical costs from them.”

According to Orlando Sentinel, the medical costs being forgiven by the health care network total an estimated $5.5 million.”​

Orlando Hospitals Announce They Won’t Charge Pulse Nightclub Massacre Victims

By James Michael Nichols
Queer Voices Deputy Editor, The Huffington Post
08/25/2016 11:45 am ET


“Two hospitals in the Orlando, Florida, area who treated victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre announced Wednesday that they would not bill victims of the mass shooting for the medical expenses incurred following the attack.

A total of 49 people, most of them queer people of color, died and an another 53 were injured when Omar Mateen opened fire on June 12 in the worst mass shooting in American history. Orlando Health, the health care network containing the two hospitals in question — Florida Hospital and Orlando Regional Medical Center — said in a statement to ABC on Wednesday, “Orlando Health has not sent any hospital or medical bills directly to Pulse patients and we don’t intend to pursue reimbursement of medical costs from them.”

According to Orlando Sentinel, the medical costs being forgiven by the health care network total an estimated $5.5 million.”​


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Suit over releasing Pulse 911 calls goes back to state court


U.S. District Judge Paul Byron ruled that the federal court lacks jurisdiction over the claims in the case.

In a legal maneuver, the city filed an amended lawsuit, naming the U.S. Department of Justice as a defendant, and DOJ attorneys moved for the case to be transferred to federal court where Florida's Public Records Act isn't applicable.

In court papers, the Department of Justice argued the recordings are federal records and not subject to Florida's public records law.
Orlando Hospitals Announce They Won’t Charge Pulse Nightclub Massacre Victims

By James Michael Nichols
Queer Voices Deputy Editor, The Huffington Post
08/25/2016 11:45 am ET


“Two hospitals in the Orlando, Florida, area who treated victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre announced Wednesday that they would not bill victims of the mass shooting for the medical expenses incurred following the attack.

A total of 49 people, most of them queer people of color, died and an another 53 were injured when Omar Mateen opened fire on June 12 in the worst mass shooting in American history. Orlando Health, the health care network containing the two hospitals in question — Florida Hospital and Orlando Regional Medical Center — said in a statement to ABC on Wednesday, “Orlando Health has not sent any hospital or medical bills directly to Pulse patients and we don’t intend to pursue reimbursement of medical costs from them.”

According to Orlando Sentinel, the medical costs being forgiven by the health care network total an estimated $5.5 million.”​


I wonder how much of this forgiveness was actuallt paid by/offset by "Orlando One", through the fundraiser?

Have they yet made statements of what they are doing with the millions of dollars it has raised?
This Orlando Sentinel article pretty much explains it. Read it to get more detail, but in essence:

“Orlando Health and Florida Hospital will not bill survivors of the Pulse nightclub massacre
for out-of-pocket medical expenses, officials announced Wednesday.

Instead, the hospitals will write off an estimated $5.5 million or more in care.


Many of the survivors will be needing help with rent, lost wages, and other kinds of non-medical expenses. I imagine the Orlando One Fund will help them with those expenses. If and when they decide to distribute the funds.
This Orlando Sentinel article pretty much explains it. Read it to get more detail, but in essence:
“Orlando Health and Florida Hospital will not bill survivors of the Pulse nightclub massacre
for out-of-pocket medical expenses, officials announced Wednesday.

Instead, the hospitals will write off an estimated $5.5 million or more in care.


Many of the survivors will be needing help with rent, lost wages, and other kinds of non-medical expenses. I imagine the Orlando One Fund will help them with those expenses. If and when they decide to distribute the funds.

Here is their plan

Interesting interview with the father. I don't recall having seen it before.

I had not either! And I found it interesting too. Resulted, for me, for more empathy for him
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