FL - Megan Todt 42, Alek 13, Tyler 11, Zoe 4, & dog Breezy, Celebration, 6 Jan 2020 *ARREST*

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Here's the thing, I can't imagine he'd have had to go to jail, if at all. Probably, the fraud was a first offence.
They already owned a small condo in the area. Why not downsize into that? After the penalties were decided, he could have just filled bankruptcy for everything. In Florida, they won't take your house.
His wife surely could have gotten a decent paying job. She was educated, trained and experienced.
He could have gotten a job. Even at a home depot?
I'm sure they had some assets, medical stuff at the clinics, furniture, jewelry, cars?
Yes, their lives would have changed, but they'd all be alive.
Am I missing something here?

Either she didn’t know at all, she just very recently found out and there was some kind of reaction/argument, or she did know and he wanted to protect her from being part of the investigation.
Here's the thing, I can't imagine he'd have had to go to jail, if at all. Probably, the fraud was a first offence.
They already owned a small condo in the area. Why not downsize into that? After the penalties were decided, he could have just filled bankruptcy for everything. In Florida, they won't take your house.
His wife surely could have gotten a decent paying job. She was educated, trained and experienced.
He could have gotten a job. Even at a home depot?
I'm sure they had some assets, medical stuff at the clinics, furniture, jewelry, cars?
Yes, their lives would have changed, but they'd all be alive.
Am I missing something here?
Because he had evil within? And it came out?
It takes a lot IMO to kill children and the woman you must have loved once but we see it here over and over - most of us normal people IMO cannot begin to imagine this behavior yet here we are ... again
I predict that Tony is going to have some kind of highly implausible story about someone else being responsible and that he's going to stick to that story. I'm going to take a further shot in the dark that law enforcement found him "tied up" or "locked in a room", something like that. Maybe he even screamed for help when the police were finally entering the house.

Here's the thing, I can't imagine he'd have had to go to jail, if at all. Probably, the fraud was a first offence.
They already owned a small condo in the area. Why not downsize into that? After the penalties were decided, he could have just filled bankruptcy for everything. In Florida, they won't take your house.
His wife surely could have gotten a decent paying job. She was educated, trained and experienced.
He could have gotten a job. Even at a home depot?
I'm sure they had some assets, medical stuff at the clinics, furniture, jewelry, cars?
Yes, their lives would have changed, but they'd all be alive.
Am I missing something here?

It depends on the state and the amount of money involved but if it’s years of fraudulent billing it can be a couple of years in jail. It’s not that bad, plenty of company with bankers and hedge fund guys in Connecticut.

I think the issue is more ego than the actual consequences. Everyone in his life would know he’s not actually a successful businessman, he’s a fraud. It shatters his whole image of himself and he couldn’t bare to have his family see that.

Couple that with what could be an inherited tendency toward psychopathy (based on his dad’s history of repeatedly trying to kill his mother) and you have a powder keg waiting to explode.

Normal otherwise well-adjusted white collar criminals don’t kill their families. So there’s definitely something besides some financial fraud that would cause this. (My law practice is white collar criminal and civil defense)
I definitely think they were gone on 12/29. I'm on the fence about before Christmas now (that was my initial guess, too) just because the sheriff said the condition of the bodies was consistent with the end of Dec. I think it's really odd that there was a week to week and a half that no one heard from anyone other than Tony if they weren't already dead. The piano teacher did state she got a response from Megan about lessons the first week of 2020, but since that's completely isolated, I think it's very likely that was Tony.

I think it was one of the sisters that called, but I do not understand their actions after that. Completely mystified.

Christmas is the end of December. Since no one got to hear from them on Christmas or see pictures, I think it was before.
Here's the thing, I can't imagine he'd have had to go to jail, if at all. Probably, the fraud was a first offence.
They already owned a small condo in the area. Why not downsize into that? After the penalties were decided, he could have just filled bankruptcy for everything. In Florida, they won't take your house.
His wife surely could have gotten a decent paying job. She was educated, trained and experienced.
He could have gotten a job. Even at a home depot?
I'm sure they had some assets, medical stuff at the clinics, furniture, jewelry, cars?
Yes, their lives would have changed, but they'd all be alive.
Am I missing something here?

You're just missing that he does not behave rationally in the face of all of this. That's what rational people would do. She could stop homeschooling and practice PT again - she still had an active PT license. It's craziness.

Strong odor? Like what? Alcohol? Body odor? That is an odd statement.

I'm dying to know!

I’m thinking he was in the house with decomposing bodies for quite some time and it absorbs into your skin? No power to shower ? It was cut off IIRC

That's possible, but I'm sure he was able to shower in the hospital. Maybe monitored, but offered the opportunity.

Turns out I was totally wrong. I bet his father would be very disappointed in him. Not for the murders, but for the admission.

His father is still alive. It will be VERY interesting to see if he has anything to say about this.

It depends on the state and the amount of money involved but if it’s years of fraudulent billing it can be a couple of years in jail. It’s not that bad, plenty of company with bankers and hedge fund guys in Connecticut.

I think the issue is more ego than the actual consequences. Everyone in his life would know he’s not actually a successful businessman, he’s a fraud. It shatters his whole image of himself and he couldn’t bare to have his family see that.

Couple that with what could be an inherited tendency toward psychopathy (based on his dad’s history of repeatedly trying to kill his mother) and you have a powder keg waiting to explode.

Normal otherwise well-adjusted white collar criminals don’t kill their families. So there’s definitely something besides some financial fraud that would cause this. (My law practice is white collar criminal and civil defense)

Ego is exactly it. But interesting that his whole extended family will see it. This case has a TON of twists and turns to come, IMO.
Christmas is the end of December. Since no one got to hear from them on Christmas or see pictures, I think it was before.

That's been my guess from the beginning. I've heard he wouldn't send any pictures to his family of the kids at Christmas. Said they were asleep. But, I don't consider that the end of December, since there's still a week left - it's all semantics, really. I've gone back to my original before Christmas timeframe.
Here's the thing, I can't imagine he'd have had to go to jail, if at all. Probably, the fraud was a first offence.
They already owned a small condo in the area. Why not downsize into that? After the penalties were decided, he could have just filled bankruptcy for everything. In Florida, they won't take your house.
His wife surely could have gotten a decent paying job. She was educated, trained and experienced.
He could have gotten a job. Even at a home depot?
I'm sure they had some assets, medical stuff at the clinics, furniture, jewelry, cars?
Yes, their lives would have changed, but they'd all be alive.
Am I missing something here?

IMO, possibly an inherent propensity to mental aberration.
Very sad. Rest in peace Megan, Tyler, Alek and Zoe. Like everyone else, I'd really hoped for a better outcome to this missing persons case.

And, like many others, this reminds me of another family annihilator case --- Christian Longo. John List was before my time and seemed like a one-off when I read about him long after the fact. Longo was the first such case I'd ever followed real-time. It was mind boggling to me.

Longo was living above his means, came across as a doting husband and father, had committed financial crimes that were catching up to him, and had moved his family around. Very similar to Tony Todt's situation in those respects (though Longo was not working as a licensed or career professional).

Longo murdered his wife and three children, same as Todt has done. But whereas Todt stuck around..........Longo stuffed the bodies of his family in suitcases, dumped them in a body of water, assumed a new identity, and then left the country to live a party life.

Why didn't Todt hit the road? Did he think he could convincingly peddle a scenario whereby he was a (surviving) victim, like Watts initially tried to do? Did he think he could commit a terrible crime against his family and still go on to build a new life, like his dad? Did he still want to be the head of his family, even though they were dead? Was he too cowardly to kill himself? Too drugged up to function? Lacked the means to make a move? Obsessed with a local woman? I hope we find out soon.

Anxious to hear the details of his confession (and really hope it doesn't include the predictable, self-serving, blame the murdered wife crap).
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