FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, brutally murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #2

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I'm also pondering if it was AH's request that his parents not be allowed in. Being of an adult age he can make that decision and his requests have to be honored. At some point he was able to speak to people at the scene and possibly for a while after. Beginning to think his father's appearance on Dr. Phil was to reach out to his son more than anything but also to help with a mental illness defense. I'm very curious now what his actual issues were in the hospital. With his ability to walk and barely no muscle wasting makes me think he wasn't in as serious of a condition as was told to the public. It also explains why he was under constant police watch. If he was near death that wouldn't be necessary. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I felt that way too at times during this also. What a waste of taxpayers money - if he is so close to death why is there an armed guard all the time. It made no sense to me either!
While I don't think only mental illness was in play here, I have heard police officers say that those in the midst of a psychotic episode are some of the physically strongest people they go up against. I wish I had something to link to but I remember a story of it taking 2 officers to take down an 80 year old woman who was having a psychotic episode. I guess I just don't understand the gruesome nature of this crime, if it is mental illness related. Murder would be one thing, and still not common for those with mental illness, but this was a whole different ball game. Also, I read that as the neighbor walked up Austin said "You don't want any of this" which to me is a lucid statement. Along with the "test me, you won't find any drugs" and he did not put up a fight with police, as I understand it. The only thing I can think is potentially if he was having delusions and thought these people were after him and he was protecting himself. The turtle thing earlier in the day was really weird, too. Sorry, I know this is all over the place...just thinking out loud.
Oh they are so strong. When we had to do a takedown it was five people. ONe for each limb and one for the head.
At least the LE know he killed them, unlike the Missy Bever's case just went cold. No justice served at all for her family.But again recent court cases have me no longer trusting our judicial system money buys affluenza slaps on the wrist.
It seems many go cold. Pike Co? The N mia autistic child case? Joey Labute? Zacvhary Marr ( I think that was last name). Were IMO not gonna get any more info - its been two months - media gone - new terrorist attack or mass shooting every several days - enough to keep the news media striving for eye balls instead of doing journalisim. IMO much of this is cause of the internet .......................................
Well I can give you my personal experience with my daughter. She had been having long standing bouts of depression since she was in 4th grade even mentioning suicide. I, as a nurse, knew something was immediately wrong and got her help. She was on depression meds for several years which never seemed to help much. She was also in therapy. Early on I questioned the possibility of a bipolar diagnosis with her doctor. She told me that until she had a true manic episode, we couldn't be sure although it would explain why her depression meds never seemed to help. When she was 18 she experienced her first manic episode. It was horrible to say the least. But she didn't harm anyone physically! Only then did she finally start getting the proper medications. Sometimes they require tweaking but they do help tremendously. My daughter is a sweet beautiful girl and she is more hard on herself than anyone else. She's very empathetic and loves her family. She doesn't like being very social due to severe anxiety. But! Schizophrenia also raises it's ugly head during these young ages of late teens and early twenties. Maybe being a nurse helped me in recognizing symptoms but it was always obvious she had troubles dealing with depression. Thankfully in my case, she was and still is veryyyy vocal in how she is feeling. I think it helps if the person suffering feels safe opening up and doesn't feel judged. If they think opening up may trigger a "ahh your fine quit worrying blah blah blah" attitude from whomever they speak with, they more than likely will keep it in festering. So that's one of my personal experiences. Each person is effected differently and has different triggers and situations. So it's important to get them in therapy quickly. I do feel he has some metal health issues that were exacerbated by steroid withdrawal and use of a synthetic drug possibly. Stabbing someone is one thing, but eating their face and abdomen is a whole nother ballgame. Something else was definitely in the mix for this young man to go that barbaric. JMOOAlso want to add that it is such BS that they kept his recovery quiet. I think it was important for the victims and their families and the public to be made aware of his improvement. At first the whole "we will wait to charge him so his parents have to foot the bill" thing I thought was smart. Now looking back, I wonder if the sudden stop in updates was more of the attorney and his family doing this so they were able to keep his medical info private for as long as possible. If the parents were footing the bill, they couldn't be forced to release his progress I'm assuming. But! If the state was footing the bill, we would have constant updates. Just my opinion but in my mind this might have been a smart move to keep it out of the public eye.I'm totally shocked at how healthy he looks. Yes he looks like he lost weight. Yes he had a medicated shuffle to his gait. But...from total organ failure to this is pretty remarkable. Unless it was being very exaggerated. I seem to think it was. Doesn't appear to be any muscle wasting either. If there was I would expect him to require a wheelchair due to lack of strength and endurance. Did he even blink during his first court appearance?Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
TY For sharing. He def had the overmedicated gaze and walk - its like a shuffle. THe really sad thing is that meds for major depression excaberte bipolar stuff. I had a very hard time when I started diagnosing bipolar correctly. Often, when manic , the would R/S , after all on the top of the world and all is well, so in reality you would only see them when depressed intially. I found promiscuty very helpful in moving toward bipolar - folks suffering with uni polar derpession are hardly going out. Female pts were flirty (I am only saying this generally - but there is a seductive sense to some) . Money and spending were often helpful as well. Its tough to diagnosis correctly, until you practice for a while. ANd back then the pill pushers, were not aware that the uipolar depression meds made the indiv suffering with bipolar worse. I think he took something (got a bad batch lets say) but I think he def is mentally ill. A lot of folks "seem fine" until the illiness emerges. I still would really like to know if he messed up his last semester, cause in reality, I think his downward sprial started months before that night. If I had seen his videos the day before this, I would totally think something was starting, his videos are tangential, grandoise, wildly dark, while his music is just gosh I dont know. I agree with other posters - I was stunned at how he looked - he sure did not look like someone who had spent the last 6 weeks on the verge of being six feet under-and again, if I passed him (getting out of the car and walking down the street w/o handcuffs) I would think mental illiness and or mental and his meds are not correct yet.Now there is another side tho. Is it better to have someone suffering with the illiness out running around on the expressway being Jesus, or drooling on a couch cause they cant get the meds correct. Typically very non compliant with meds - but that too is part of the illiness. Memory, feeling like a log all the time is very real - a lot of schzophrnics are homeless, so its real easy after being invol committed for 72 hours, overdrugged , and write on a discharge summary pt will take bl bla 3x per week and see Dr bla bla in 4 weeks when the reality here is they are lving in a boxExactly how are they gonna get to the doc in a month? How are they gonna pay for the meds, remember to take them, there is often drinking, Soceity wise IMO we abuse the mentally ill that dont have some resources .........................moo
When working as a CNA in a nsg home in 1989, we had an 84 year old man who was agitated, and continuing to get more so as the eve progressed. He was tall and very slender, and it took five of us to hold him down to give him a shot.
(first my apologies, wrong about the release date of the possum kingdom video. Don't know why it never came up on my searches before now)

Then, HOLY COW!!!!

I don't check in for a few days as I think nothing much is happening, so color me surprised and stunned!
Good heavens, I thought they would at least announce when he was moved out of ICU. Apparently he has been recovering for awhile now.

I am still thinking he had to be told what he had done. When did that occur and what was his response? Mentally ill or not, you would be sedated for that kind of news!

I was glad to see one msm article mention steroids.

I take 3 psychotropic drugs, ie, a high dose of an atypical antipsychotic, a strong tranquilizer and an antidepressant that is sedating and I do not have the shell shocked look. But it would be perfectly understandable to me if he were drugged extra strength much higher than normal dose., so I see a combination of being in shock and medicated to the gills.

I think this must be very surreal to AH.

This is jmo, but those sleeping pill blackouts are very scary to me. We would be scared if it were an alcohol blackout.

My story is not benign. I went to work in my professional office dressed worse than a hooker and was talking about seeing 4 of everything (while driving too). It ruined my career with those people and that company. I was talked to as if I were doing illegal drugs and told to go home. Only the secretary knew something was really very wrong...I wore long skirts & dresses usually, never in the least immodest. My sis came and took me to the ER, then a DR and he was furious with the combo I had been prescribed. Still mad at the guy who told me to go home while I was seeing 4 of things. He should have offered to drive me at least, it wasn't far. Apparently I also woke a co-worker neighbor distressed telling him someone was messing with my clock throughout the night.
Now, if I had been pulled over, I think I would have been way too disoriented to understand the situation and comply with police orders. Think about that.

Something I have been wondering about but thought I had all the time in the world......AH's dad said he had walked out on him from a restaurant 3 times in the past week, and we know he ran off from dad during that walk. Is this new behavior or had it happened before?

What exactly was dad referring to when he grabbed him and shouted "What is wrong with you?" Is this a normal thing for dad to say to him?

Did I miss a date for the next court appearance, a hearing of some sort? don't they usually do that at the arraignment? or is it wait and see because he is in the medical unit.

So many questions and none likely to be answered soon.

WOW, this is just the last thing I expected to see!

Got to go help hubs with all the fall plants we bought on deep discount. YAY! but I will be checking in regularly.

Thanks to everyone for bringing all the latest here.
dad statement that hw walked out before helped me , all along he never looked like he was mad or ongry he was calmly wakiing so that made sense.

And then learning he had done that before that is info, its atypical and curious behevior
TY For sharing. He def had the overmedicated gaze and walk - its like a shuffle. THe really sad thing is that meds for major depression excaberte bipolar stuff. I had a very hard time when I started diagnosing bipolar correctly. Often, when manic , the would R/S , after all on the top of the world and all is well, so in reality you would only see them when depressed intially. I found promiscuty very helpful in moving toward bipolar - folks suffering with uni polar derpession are hardly going out. Female pts were flirty (I am only saying this generally - but there is a seductive sense to some) . Money and spending were often helpful as well. Its tough to diagnosis correctly, until you practice for a while. ANd back then the pill pushers, were not aware that the uipolar depression meds made the indiv suffering with bipolar worse. I think he took something (got a bad batch lets say) but I think he def is mentally ill. A lot of folks "seem fine" until the illiness emerges. I still would really like to know if he messed up his last semester, cause in reality, I think his downward sprial started months before that night. If I had seen his videos the day before this, I would totally think something was starting, his videos are tangential, grandoise, wildly dark, while his music is just gosh I dont know. I agree with other posters - I was stunned at how he looked - he sure did not look like someone who had spent the last 6 weeks on the verge of being six feet under-and again, if I passed him (getting out of the car and walking down the street w/o handcuffs) I would think mental illiness and or mental and his meds are not correct yet.Now there is another side tho. Is it better to have someone suffering with the illiness out running around on the expressway being Jesus, or drooling on a couch cause they cant get the meds correct. Typically very non compliant with meds - but that too is part of the illiness. Memory, feeling like a log all the time is very real - a lot of schzophrnics are homeless, so its real easy after being invol committed for 72 hours, overdrugged , and write on a discharge summary pt will take bl bla 3x per week and see Dr bla bla in 4 weeks when the reality here is they are lving in a boxExactly how are they gonna get to the doc in a month? How are they gonna pay for the meds, remember to take them, there is often drinking, Soceity wise IMO we abuse the mentally ill that dont have some resources .........................moo
RBBM - so so so so true!!!!! My daughter actually got pregnant while off her meds during a really rough period. Horrible pregnancy, very very sick, we knew early on our granddaughter would be born with Gastroschisis. (intestines are on the outside). She was in labor for a month. Granddaughter was in NICU for 3 months. My daughter actually did really well mentally during the pregnancy, (I think her hormones helped a little here) But after a scary birth and NICU for a week, my daughter bottomed out again and we were literally BEGGING for help. She was even begging for help. We were 3 hours away from her doctors and at the hospital 24/7. Do you know what they told us? That she would need to go to the ER and be processed and kept for 72 hours of observation (away from her very sick daughter) before they could do anything. AND even then she would probably just be released without proper help. Let me just tell you...that was HELL on EARTH. She obviously refused to go to ER to be separated from her daughter. (Can't blame her!) I had a ton of convos with all the doctors and social workers in the NICU and reminded them that my daughter is not the only one suffering with mental issues in the NICU. Postpartum depression etc was rampant. You could see all the young mamas suffering. I couldn't believe they didn't have a procedure in place to check on these mamas who were not only stuck in a strange place (it was the only NICU that was capable of taking in these sick babies and caring for them) but many were ALONE because of most people needing to continue working while the babies were in NICU for long periods of time. So most of the mamas didn't have the support my daughter did from family members. THEN they release these very sick babies home with a mama that could be psychotic at this point. I told them that eventually something bad was going to happen to one of these babies and it would be ON THEM. People don't understand how intense NICU is. I actually took care of my granddaughter for 3 days while my daughter was taken home to her doctors to receive proper treatment. Her medications were in place when she came back and within a week she was stable and more calm. She was never a danger to her daughter, she was a danger to herself. It broke my heart watching all of these mamas suffering and no one checking on them to make sure THEY were taken care of. So So sad.
When working as a CNA in a nsg home in 1989, we had an 84 year old man who was agitated, and continuing to get more so as the eve progressed. He was tall and very slender, and it took five of us to hold him down to give him a shot.
OHH yes! I was a nurse in a nursing home for 8 years before switching to pediatric patients. I was SO OFTEN the only nurse that could straddle them to give them the shots to calm them. Seriously so strong! We would have almost all of the skeletal staff on weekend night shift taking down an out of control elderly patient. THEY ARE STRONG. Full moons were the worst! It was nothing to get kicked, punched, bit, cussed at by some of the "most Christian" patients. I swear we deserved hazard pay! I loved my patients though even if they were very mentally ill. They couldn't help it most of the time.
If dad was in the habit of being angry, volatile, insulting and/or drunk...walking away is the thing to do. So I want to know if that behavior just started that week prior.

It doesn't really sound like it. Remember neighbors saying they were arguing loudly outside, then one speeding off in a car.?

So very sorry what you, your daughter & the other mothers went thro, Positive Light! You wouldn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that post partum depression would be more likely when your child is gravely ill.
OHH yes! I was a nurse in a nursing home for 8 years before switching to pediatric patients. I was SO OFTEN the only nurse that could straddle them to give them the shots to calm them. Seriously so strong! We would have almost all of the skeletal staff on weekend night shift taking down an out of control elderly patient. THEY ARE STRONG. Full moons were the worst! It was nothing to get kicked, punched, bit, cussed at by some of the "most Christian" patients. I swear we deserved hazard pay! I loved my patients though even if they were very mentally ill. They couldn't help it most of the time.
It's really difficult to care for elderly pts with emotional problems. Later, I left the nsg home and began doing private duty with the elderly. After getting my LPN licence, I worked med-surg part time, then I went back to private duty with pediatric special needs pts. That's where my heart is! Been working in that field for the past 10 years. I never really thought mental health was my calling!
I applaud you glf for your duties as a nurse! :)

Honestly, this day and time, I would not want to be a nurse, due to issues...sickness vs mental illness...vs...evil. Bad things happen, bad things happen to people, and I see/hear of so many people that are innocent being murdered by people, then use "Mental Illness" for the excuse. How can you give a full accession of a person, whom is mentally ill before they do bad things? Why do parents, friends, family, etc let signs pass them by if they think a person in the family has issues and are a threat to themselves and others?

I guess I don't understand, because my mind can't go there.

I say too many drugs and alcohol affect kids these days.

jmo :moo:
I think when it comes to mental illness, many people are overwhelmed and don't know where or how to start getting a family member the help they need. My recommendation is take that person to their family doctor for an evaluation, and they can help you decide where to go from there.
And you are SO RIGHT! Way too many street drugs available, and a person who has mental issues too often try to self medicate, which can exacerbate the problem.
I think when it comes to mental illness, many people are overwhelmed and don't know where or how to start getting a family member the help they need. My recommendation is take that person to their family doctor for an evaluation, and they can help you decide where to go from there.
And you are SO RIGHT! Way too many street drugs available, and a person who has mental issues too often try to self medicate, which can exacerbate the problem.
I applaud you too! That's what I would recommend too. Family doctor!

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Is it odd that we haven't heard anything? I'm not extremely familiar with the process of getting statements from individuals after they have been arrested.
Is it odd that we haven't heard anything? I'm not extremely familiar with the process of getting statements from individuals after they have been arrested.
I am tellin ya - it not since I got here and then it took years to catch on -- LE really does not do all that much -- in any case -- they end up in la la land - and I did not get it until where we follow and follow I cant think of one case that has been solved or dealt with

Mal 370 poof, Pulse mass shooter or terrorist - followup on the lady who was chopped up and left around whereever (he was arrested at least) , this guy vanishes from the earth for 7 weeks and next we seem him he is skinnier but looks fine, Pike county nothing,Zachary Marr nothing, JOey Labutr nothing , who shot up that family in their backyard ? nothing, what is happening with the cop in the autistic case, nothing, do we have any new info about the 14 year old who shot at people?

How about Rita nothing. Anything further on the Maceys guy? How about the lawyer- was there anything to the Nazi stuff? I cannot wait until the elction is over - all we get is Trump and Trump and Trump and then Trump - he was not interesting from day one,

endless...........................................it is really odd how most believe that stuff comes to resolution - that imo is just cause of intenet - in the old days Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather would not put up with this stuff!Pike county imo is the most repulsive, AG flies in , shuts down a mass murder, and not a word. Its actually, if you ponder it somewhat scary- casue it really is a control over information.

Someone decides no info and poof the media leaves. That is not their job - there main function IMO was to keep those in power in checkThey all get away with anything. Until here I never realized that no news happens starting Friday afternoon until Mon at around 9!! If its a bunch of people getting slaugtered in a night club then CNN might report something on the weekend - but if the death toll is not high enough they will get to it , maybe, on Monday

That Voice singer , who was killed here, the night before PUlse, not a word. That would have been a big story if PUlse was not the next nightI

have thought about her family, like their childs murder went unnoticed cause Omar was in a bad mood the next night.

Its very creepy just mo!!!!
I am tellin ya - it not since I got here and then it took years to catch on -- LE really does not do all that much -- in any case -- they end up in la la land - and I did not get it until where we follow and follow I cant think of one case that has been solved or dealt with

Mal 370 poof, Pulse mass shooter or terrorist - followup on the lady who was chopped up and left around whereever (he was arrested at least) , this guy vanishes from the earth for 7 weeks and next we seem him he is skinnier but looks fine, Pike county nothing,Zachary Marr nothing, JOey Labutr nothing , who shot up that family in their backyard ? nothing, what is happening with the cop in the autistic case, nothing, do we have any new info about the 14 year old who shot at people?

How about Rita nothing. Anything further on the Maceys guy? How about the lawyer- was there anything to the Nazi stuff? I cannot wait until the elction is over - all we get is Trump and Trump and Trump and then Trump - he was not interesting from day one,

endless...........................................it is really odd how most believe that stuff comes to resolution - that imo is just cause of intenet - in the old days Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather would not put up with this stuff!Pike county imo is the most repulsive, AG flies in , shuts down a mass murder, and not a word. Its actually, if you ponder it somewhat scary- casue it really is a control over information.

Someone decides no info and poof the media leaves. That is not their job - there main function IMO was to keep those in power in checkThey all get away with anything. Until here I never realized that no news happens starting Friday afternoon until Mon at around 9!! If its a bunch of people getting slaugtered in a night club then CNN might report something on the weekend - but if the death toll is not high enough they will get to it , maybe, on Monday

That Voice singer , who was killed here, the night before PUlse, not a word. That would have been a big story if PUlse was not the next nightI

have thought about her family, like their childs murder went unnoticed cause Omar was in a bad mood the next night.

Its very creepy just mo!!!!
Totally agree! Sick of hearing about Trump. Sick of hearing about the Kardashians too. So much gets hushed now. Journalism isn't what it used to be. I hate watching the news in fact. It's all BS. It's time to get back to true reporting. No bias.

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Jenise Wright's case is coming up soon isn't it?
I am tellin ya - it not since I got here and then it took years to catch on -- LE really does not do all that much -- in any case -- they end up in la la land - and I did not get it until where we follow and follow I cant think of one case that has been solved or dealt with

Mal 370 poof, Pulse mass shooter or terrorist - followup on the lady who was chopped up and left around whereever (he was arrested at least) , this guy vanishes from the earth for 7 weeks and next we seem him he is skinnier but looks fine, Pike county nothing,Zachary Marr nothing, JOey Labutr nothing , who shot up that family in their backyard ? nothing, what is happening with the cop in the autistic case, nothing, do we have any new info about the 14 year old who shot at people?

How about Rita nothing. Anything further on the Maceys guy? How about the lawyer- was there anything to the Nazi stuff? I cannot wait until the elction is over - all we get is Trump and Trump and Trump and then Trump - he was not interesting from day one,

endless...........................................it is really odd how most believe that stuff comes to resolution - that imo is just cause of intenet - in the old days Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather would not put up with this stuff!Pike county imo is the most repulsive, AG flies in , shuts down a mass murder, and not a word. Its actually, if you ponder it somewhat scary- casue it really is a control over information.

Someone decides no info and poof the media leaves. That is not their job - there main function IMO was to keep those in power in checkThey all get away with anything. Until here I never realized that no news happens starting Friday afternoon until Mon at around 9!! If its a bunch of people getting slaugtered in a night club then CNN might report something on the weekend - but if the death toll is not high enough they will get to it , maybe, on Monday

That Voice singer , who was killed here, the night before PUlse, not a word. That would have been a big story if PUlse was not the next nightI

have thought about her family, like their childs murder went unnoticed cause Omar was in a bad mood the next night.

Its very creepy just mo!!!!

It's pretty messed up. I don't think there's enough journalists to cover all the crimes.
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