FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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Yeah, it could very well be bad reporting. But if that's the case, why hasn't Dale's lawyer forced a correction? If Dale was my client, I sure would have. Could MN have missed this? I wouldn't think so, but I guess it's possible.

Edited to add:
The news story specifically states that both phones pinged that tower "on the night Parker vanished." It's not a specific time, but that kind of narrows it down to after dark, IMO.

We also know that it has to be before 8:01 because, the phone was powered down at that time. I can find a link if you need it, it is in the media links on page one of this thread.
Yeah, it could very well be bad reporting. But if that's the case, why hasn't Dale's lawyer forced a correction? If Dale was my client, I sure would have. Could MN have missed this? I wouldn't think so, but I guess it's possible.

Edited to add:
The news story specifically states that both phones pinged that tower "on the night Parker vanished." It's not a specific time, but that kind of narrows it down to after dark, IMO.

Wowie zowie SleuthDecay, something new for me to add to the ol' question list. Thank you! :)
[Respectfully snipped by me]
I states that LE is working off a tip but not saying how reliable the tip is. I am not sure where or how a reporter got information about the pings at night. But if that is the case, I see why they chose this lake to search.

Here is Dustin Erickson (Michelle's Brother) on Feb. 1 on the JVM show explaining the tip that led to the search that day:

Link: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1202/01/ijvm.01.html

ERICKSON: I think unfortunately, it was kind of through the grapevine. But from the way that it went from mouth to mouth is that actually, I guess it came from a really -- not a credible source but a --


ERICKSON: Someone close to the investigation, yes.


ERICKSON: That they had heard it through someone that they worked with. And the person that worked there told it to their father and their father said that it came from this person. So we searched it in full force.

Can anyone unpack that last quote about the person who heard it from someone they worked with? Apparently it was someone "close to the investigation", and police found the tip reliable enough to go and search the lake. But I got lost trying to decipher it any further than that.

Dustin goes on to say:
ERICKSON: We have not had any real new leads as far as what Crime Line has been giving us. We haven`t had any concrete evidence in quite a while.
From that, I'm gathering that the double phone pings reported by Fox Orlando are either A) "Old news" to him. Or B) Were reported in error. Neither would surprise me. MOO.
Who would be considered close to the investigation?

Officers or Deputies
not sure if a reporter would be on the list or not, LOL
Matt Morgan, on the Feb. 1, 2012 JVM program

Link: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1202/01/ijvm.01.html

Her phone was found, her cell phone found under a bridge in east Orlando. And that was a few weeks later. So I guess my question, to Matt Morgan, you`re the attorney for Michelle Parker`s family. It seems like there is a perpetrator scattering evidence all over Orlando, Matt.

MATT MORGAN, ATTORNEY FOR MICHELLE PARKER`S FAMILY: That`s what it appears, Jane. And you know, ultimately, the police have a time line that they developed at the beginning of this thing. And all the evidence that they found up to this point kind of fits that time line and so they keep hammering away, using the tips that they`ve received from Crime Line and from various sources around the Orlando area and beyond. And ultimately, they`re getting close; they`re getting very close.

I'm not sure how much we should read into this, since it was over 3 months ago and there still hasn't been an arrest. But I found it interesting that Morgan would go out on a limb and say the police are "getting very close". I'm also thinking that if "all the evidence kind of fits the timeline" as Morgan claims, then they have something (Dale's phone pings? Surveillance video?) that puts Dale Jr. in the same place as Michelle's phone pings at some point. That would explain the Fox Orlando story about their phones pinging from the same tower. MOO
But the only thing I can't get past is with all this "evidence" why no body?!

There are plenty of cases on this site and others where LE knows who commited a murder YET have no body. If you look back through the last thread, I posted a link to where you will see that there were over 300 murder cases tried WITHOUT a body but STILL had over a 90 percent conviction rate. Just google "no body murder cases" and you will see plenty of ways Dale could have pulled this off. We may be playing "what if" because we don't know how he did it but IMO there is plenty to prove he was the one responsible...

Just because Dale hasn't been arrested yet doesn't mean LE isn't working on it as we speak....IMO they could be gathering what they need to establish probable cause. It's awfully quiet, but we shall see...MOO
Could it possibly be a tower where it would have pinged off by his dads where we all know he was confirmed to be ?

The question is who had Michelle's phone...do you think it was Dale or his accomplice? If Michelle and Dale's phones were pinging together away from the condo that is a dead giveaway that Dale told another lie. Where did he hide Michelle? And who helped him? When will he start telling the truth about what happened that day....praying we find Michelle soon!
You certainly don't need a body to convict someone of murder. I would imagine to get a conviction you first need to prove a murder has taken place and also prove a certain person did it. In this case as far as we know of course there isn't even evidence of a crime and of course no arrest 6 months in.
Matt Morgan, on the Feb. 1, 2012 JVM program

Link: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1202/01/ijvm.01.html

I'm not sure how much we should read into this, since it was over 3 months ago and there still hasn't been an arrest. But I found it interesting that Morgan would go out on a limb and say the police are "getting very close". I'm also thinking that if "all the evidence kind of fits the timeline" as Morgan claims, then they have something (Dale's phone pings? Surveillance video?) that puts Dale Jr. in the same place as Michelle's phone pings at some point. That would explain the Fox Orlando story about their phones pinging from the same tower. MOO

So why not search everywhere within that radius? Why focus on some little lake
They searched the lake because of a tip that they considered reliable. HTH.

Yes...you are correct Sleuth! I have driven the route Dale mostly likely took to his parents (based on pings and other info I have gathered) and there are THOUSANDS of places Dale could have hidden Michelle. Just around his condo there are plenty of woods. There are landfills, lakes, more woods. You get the point....

Now if he planned a hiding spot in advance or even thought of a good place during his coverup, it makes it very difficult without witnesses or a confession. Considering he is a trained marine (though a dishonorably discharged one), I'm sure she wasn't left in plain sight. But even 6 months in, LE hasn't given up looking. In fact they are still working quite a few new leads IMO. We have to keep hope that Michelle will be found and Dale will be brought to justice. The truth is going to come out. It's just a matter of time.
Yes...you are correct Sleuth! I have driven the route Dale mostly likely took to his parents (based on pings and other info I have gathered) and there are THOUSANDS of places Dale could have hidden Michelle. Just around his condo there are plenty of woods. There are landfills, lakes, more woods. You get the point....

Now if he planned a hiding spot in advance or even thought of a good place during his coverup, it makes it very difficult without witnesses or a confession. Considering he is a trained marine (though a dishonorably discharged one), I'm sure she wasn't left in plain sight. But even 6 months in, LE hasn't given up looking. In fact they are still working quite a few new leads IMO. We have to keep hope that Michelle will be found and Dale will be brought to justice. The truth is going to come out. It's just a matter of time.

And to add to that, the most obvious reason for a stranger abduction would be sexual assault. Strangers do not hide their victims well. They usually leave them at the crime scene. They commit the crime, leave the victim and get out of there. If they do not want to steal the vehicle or strip it for parts to sell, then the victim is usually found close to the vehicle. They do not go to the trouble of stripping decals off the vehicle and driving it to another location. If anything, the vehicle would be in the location of where the person was abducted from. And Michelle had no reason to be in that area at that time. Don't think someone had the time or inclination to strip the vehicle of the decals in broad daylight in a well used parking lot while simultaneously holding Michelle hostage. Nor do I think they went back to the vehicle after abducting Michelle to do this at a later time.

People who are known to the victim usually hide the body. Because evidence on the body can lead back to them since they will be under the umbrella of suspicion.

I found this article interesting to say the least.


From that article...

On May 18, police officials in Idaho designated Robert Roy Lutner a "person of interest" in connection with the bloody murder of three people found at a rural home, and the apparent abduction of two children from the murder site.

Lutner reportedly had an extensive criminal record, was on probation, and was the last known person to visit the house where the killings occurred. Numerous news stories publicized these facts to all and sundry after he was designated a "person of interest."

Yet twenty-four hours later, the police captain in charge of the investigation declared that Lutner had absolutely nothing to do with the murders or the abduction. Lutner, it turns out, voluntarily came in for an interview, convinced the cops he was innocent, and backed it up by taking a polygraph test.


Now if DSJr were to do this, then he'd have grounds for a lawsuit or ten. But he doesn't do that. Why?

Not to mention that LE are well aware of the difference between naming someone a POI and a prime suspect. It was the Richard Jewell case that spawned the POI designation. But in this case, LE bypassed the POI designation and went straight to prime suspect...for good reason I'd imagine.

From that article...


Now if DSJr were to do this, then he'd have grounds for a lawsuit or ten. But he doesn't do that. Why?

Not to mention that LE are well aware of the difference between naming someone a POI and a prime suspect. It was the Richard Jewell case that spawned the POI designation. But in this case, LE bypassed the POI designation and went straight to prime suspect...for good reason I'd imagine.


Excellent point as usual Kamille! Bravo...I see far too many people (journalists included) confuse or interchange the terms "person of interest" and "suspect". A person of interest is someone police want to talk to for information about a case...A suspect is somebody LE believes may be involved in the crime.

OPD has been treating Dale as a SUSPECT since the VERY beginning of the case, meaning they believe he was involved. IMO it was a brilliant move...Until they have enough evidence to arrest him why not make his life as uncomfortable as POSSIBLE? At least Dale can still breathe, we do not know if Michelle has that same benefit.

Choices have sequences. Dale made his choices now he has to live with the repurcussions. He should be thankful he's not in prison yet though his current life situation probably feels a bit like one. I hope he thinks about Michelle and what he did to her each night as he goes to sleep. JMO
I know there has been some confusion or wondering about the use of "dogs" with this case; Just found some info on another site i thought i would post.


The search for a missing Orlando mother takes a serious turn this weekend as police raid a house Saturday.

Mother of three Michelle Parker, has been missing for more than a week now.

Neighbors say SWAT teams tear-gassed a home, where Parker's ex-boyfriend lives, and went inside. The home is on Rose Boulevard, off of South Texas Avenue. That's just east of John Young Parkway.

Police only said they are searching for "a piece of the puzzle" on where they might find her.

Orlando police said no one was arrested in the raid, however neighbors claim everyone was taken out of the home and someone was put into a patrol car.

According to Orange County property records, the home is registered to a "Dale Smith Senior." That's the name of Michelle Parker's ex-fiance's father. Parker's family said Dale Smith Jr. lives in the home.

Parker's brother, Dustin Erickson, said whatever police were looking for at the house, they did not find it.

"They had reason to search the house. They searched the house, they didn't come up with what they were looking for," Erickson said. "The SWAT team was there, They had dogs there and they didn't come up with nothing."
The Parker family has said in the past they don't think Smith had anything to do with the disappearance.

Meanwhile, searchers moved into Lake Nona Saturday. Four search parties with dogs went into that area to look for the woman who has been missing for more than a week now.

"There's a lot of high hopes still. We're waiting on answers to a lot of different leads," said Dustin Erickson, Michelle's brother. "We've had, from what I hear, in the high hundreds, of phone calls in with leads, and it just takes time to process all that."

Volunteers from Texas Equusearch, a non-profit search and recovery team, arrived in Orlando Saturday and are working with authorities and Parker's family in coordinating the search. Search dogs, ATVs, and men on horseback are all being employed as rescuers try to locate her.

Parker is described as 5 foot, 6 inches tall with short, dark brown hair. Anyone with information on her disappearance is being urged to call the Orlando Police Department at (321) 235-5300.

i had not seen this before....so just thought i would pass it on.

Does anyone know if the search with Texas Equusearch ever Happened? I know that tim was leaving shortly after he arrived in orlando, but there were volunteer searchers in orlando from texas equusearch working on the case before tim arrived if i am correct.

In this case as far as we know of course there isn't even evidence of a crime and of course no arrest 6 months in.

true, jazzmaster can think they are wrapping it up, but the fact is we haven't heard any news in months meanwhile the police have stated they are having conferences with other police, setting up investigative panels, and receiving help from the fbi. The fbi has been involved for months now.

IMO this is broadcasting and advertising the fact that the police have nothing. They made a mistake naming dsjr, they couldn't find a way to make it stick to him, and now they are asking for help trying to find an other explanation.
I found this article interesting to say the least.


Publicly Identifying "Persons of Interest" Is As Destructive as Publicly Identifying "Suspects"

The Department of Justice has long maintained strong policies against identifying suspects in pending investigations. One major reason for this policy is lots of "suspects" turn out, as Mr. Lutner did, to be perfectly innocent - yet the stigma of the "suspect" label may linger after they are publicly exonerated. Or, worse, these "suspects" may never be publicly exonerated, even though internally, the investigators have come to believe they are innocent.

Sorry to quote my post, just couldn't get the link and copy together.

I know lots think Dale should do a poly, but I get not wanting to do it. There have been several cases of where people fail them and are innocent and also case of people passing them and being guilty. I hope they get some kind of lead soon or at least are checking other avenues of interest to solve this mystery. JMO
true, jazzmaster can think they are wrapping it up, but the fact is we haven't heard any news in months meanwhile the police have stated they are having conferences with other police, setting up investigative panels, and receiving help from the fbi. The fbi has been involved for months now.

IMO this is broadcasting and advertising the fact that the police have nothing. They made a mistake naming dsjr, they couldn't find a way to make it stick to him, and now they are asking for help trying to find an other explanation.

Do you have a link to where the police have stated they are having conferences with other police? How about a link where they are setting up investigative panels, and receiving help from the FBI? I checked the FBI website and no mention of Michelle. Do you have inside info that The FBI has been involved for months now? I haven't seen this...TIA for the links.
Do you have a link to where the police have stated they are having conferences with other police? How about a link where they are setting up investigative panels, and receiving help from the FBI? I checked the FBI website and no mention of Michelle. Do you have inside info that The FBI has been involved for months now? I haven't seen this...TIA for the links.

All this information, with links, has been posted here at WS! i believe in this thread or the one before it, so if you go back and search you will find it all here at WS!

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