FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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Now I am still on the fence whether this was: 1. heat of the moment or 2. planned in advance.

Regardless I think he had a plan in his mind to erase Michelle "one day". Whether this was the specific day planned or not, I still think he had some help....From the screenshots I have seen of Dale's FB account leading UP TO the disappearance, ON the date of, and AFTER Michelle went missing, his posts IMO lead me to conclude this was pre-planned for THAT day. I think he purposely wanted to have "clean hands" in all of this...so who would be most likely to help him? Friends? Family? A random stranger (hired)?

I personally still believe Dale had KC help him erase his second wife JMO... so could Dale have "got by with a little help from his friends" again? Just some thoughts for today...I still can't rule out he harmed Michelle in an argument and knew he was up for FL 3rd strike.....maybe he wanted to try to avoid jail so he finished the job and had help cleaning up his crime? What are your thoughts?
IMO LE had Dale refusing a lie detector test, caught in numerous lies, phone pings suspiciously in between his and his parents house, a history of abusing Michelle, and a report of him threatening to kill her on at least one occasion. IMO LE got it ABSOLUTELY 100% correct. I have looked at all the evidence from both sides and it leads me to ONE conclusion: LE has the right suspect! Only Dale can convince us otherwise...

I feel that it's LE's responsibility to prove the accused guilty and so far they have not even charged anyone.
Well so much for trying to actually figuring out how he accomplished all of this in 37 minutes and out smarting everyone. As long as we scream he did it, I guess that will get justice for Michelle. If this ever does go to court, the DA has the burden of proof and from where I sit, he's not going anywhere.
Now I am still on the fence whether this was: 1. heat of the moment or 2. planned in advance.

Regardless I think he had a plan in his mind to erase Michelle "one day". Whether this was the specific day planned or not, I still think he had some help....From the screenshots I have seen of Dale's FB account leading UP TO the disappearance, ON the date of, and AFTER Michelle went missing, his posts IMO lead me to conclude this was pre-planned for THAT day. I think he purposely wanted to have "clean hands" in all of this...so who would be most likely to help him? Friends? Family? A random stranger (hired)?

I personally still believe Dale had KC help him erase his second wife JMO... so could Dale have "got by with a little help from his friends" again? Just some thoughts for today...I still can't rule out he harmed Michelle in an argument and knew he was up for FL 3rd strike.....maybe he wanted to try to avoid jail so he finished the job and had help cleaning up his crime? What are your thoughts?

Well said Jazz!
Well said Jazz!

Thanks...IMO LE has the RIGHT guy! Those first 42 minutes were critical. If planned properly...he only needed 10-15 minutes of those 42 BEFORE heading to mom and dad's to establish a phony alibi...JMO Can anyone without Smith in their name corroborate his story?
Well so much for trying to actually figuring out how he accomplished all of this in 37 minutes and out smarting everyone. As long as we scream he did it, I guess that will get justice for Michelle. If this ever does go to court, the DA has the burden of proof and from where I sit, he's not going anywhere.

I hate to agree with you because I want to see justice for Michelle. Unfortunately, prosecuting "no body" cases can be very difficult. I have been reading up on them and one of the things that will be a real challenge in court is Michelle's bar tending. She came into contact with a lot of people. Most of them would've been total strangers to her. It would be impossible for the prosecutors to prove that they eliminated all of her customers. Then, her tanning business comes into play. No matter how careful she was, some of those women had men in their life. How could they all be eliminated? Then, the condo complex is huge. Michelle lived there at one point and likely knew people that lived there. Can all of them be eliminated? What about the salon? Did men ever some into the salon?

The defense will immediately jump all over the SODDI angle and the prosecution will have to show that it was impossible for anyone else to have done it. Basically, they are left with proving location of the crime scene and how it ties to DS II. If they can't establish that connection, the case will never proceed.

Finding Michelle is the key to seeing progress in this case, but that is just my opinion.
I hate to agree with you because I want to see justice for Michelle. Unfortunately, prosecuting "no body" cases can be very difficult. I have been reading up on them and one of the things that will be a real challenge in court is Michelle's bar tending. She came into contact with a lot of people. Most of them would've been total strangers to her. It would be impossible for the prosecutors to prove that they eliminated all of her customers. Then, her tanning business comes into play. No matter how careful she was, some of those women had men in their life. How could they all be eliminated? Then, the condo complex is huge. Michelle lived there at one point and likely knew people that lived there. Can all of them be eliminated? What about the salon? Did men ever some into the salon?

The defense will immediately jump all over the SODDI angle and the prosecution will have to show that it was impossible for anyone else to have done it. Basically, they are left with proving location of the crime scene and how it ties to DS II. If they can't establish that connection, the case will never proceed.

Finding Michelle is the key to seeing progress in this case, but that is just my opinion.

I agree prosecuting "no body" cases is not the preferred method but these types of cases are not IMPOSSIBLE to win. Do we even know half of the evidence LE has? IMO LE could have something up their sleeves they are not telling the public. We don't know what is in the works as we speak....But we shall see. JMO

"For now", Dale can enjoy his freedom if you want to call it that. I can't imagine being this MUCH in the spotlight is very freeing...just saying!
I have seen this page before, UGH! BIG TIME UGH! So I am not a medical person, but it sounds like the head would have more damage because of shape if hit with let's say a lamp,than another part of the body. But anything sharp has to cut the skin. But you said you saw a kid hit a wall, and have fractures. If Michelle was thrown into a wall, that hard, there would be damage to the wall. They are not solid anymore, they are plaster board or dry wall and plaster over them.

I was actually thinking that he might've hit her and that blow forced her head against something else. Door jam? Floor? Kitchen counter? I am thinking that maybe the double blow would've generated enough kinetic energy to cause death. If it was a whole body impact, the force would've been lessened by her body absorbing some of the energy. Maybe he had a hold of her and hit her, keeping her body still? Digging around for information on exactly how this could happen. I am very limited by my tolerance for the graphic photos on some of the sites, as well as my lack of medical knowledge.
If you google "no body cases", you will find:
Through January 1, 2012 (356 trials) (48 states, DC and Virgin Islands)(No cases found in: NH and IDAHO) (Approximately 35 dismissals, mistrials, acquittals or reversals on appeal for conviction rate of approximately 90%)

Source: http://www.nobodycases.com/no_body2.pdf
Well so much for trying to actually figuring out how he accomplished all of this in 37 minutes and out smarting everyone. As long as we scream he did it, I guess that will get justice for Michelle. If this ever does go to court, the DA has the burden of proof and from where I sit, he's not going anywhere.

LE announcing Dale as the prime suspect did absolutely no good for the situation IMO. If they hadn't annouced him, of course we would have suspected him. After all he was the (supposedly) last person to see her. All this has accomplished was to hurt the twins. No good has become of Dale losing his job and not being able to support his children.
If you google "no body cases", you will find:
Through January 1, 2012 (356 trials) (48 states, DC and Virgin Islands)(No cases found in: NH and IDAHO) (Approximately 35 dismissals, mistrials, acquittals or reversals on appeal for conviction rate of approximately 90%)

Source: http://www.nobodycases.com/no_body2.pdf

I'm of the opinion there is no need for a body to prosecute Dale or anyone else if the evidence it substantial enough. Of course it would be good to be able to convince the jury that a murder has been committed, but in this case if Michelle was found tomorrow what would be found on her that could prove the killers indentity?
I'm no expert on the timeline so if I am wrong about anything fire away.

3:15pm In sister, Lauren's public statement on 11/30 she stated this time as an ETA for Michelle arriving at the daycare to p/up the twins.
[sister, Lauren]

If this is correct then how did Michelle arrive at the condo at 3:18? Was the daycare only 3 min away from Dale's?

3:18pm ORIGINAL ARRIVAL TIME OF MICHELLE AT DALE's. Surveillance video shows Michelle's blk Hummer(sister, Lauren confirmed it was Michelle's Hummer)arriving at Dale's condo. The 3:18pm timestamp has been verified as correct(only "off" 2seconds) by the very man whose surveillance cam caught the Hummer footage.
**also note that 3:18pm marks the BEGINNING of the 72min window of op later given by Dale JR's ATTY, NeJame**
[MSM, video confirmation, sister, MN]

So the camera time stamp was verified by the owner, but was it ever verified by police? Also, I find it odd the neighbor can pinpoint the time down to the exact second.

3:28pm This would mark the 10mins of Michelle staying and talking with Dale at his condo where she says she is then headed to go shopping.. The time Michelle would be leaving Dale's condo.

No it wouldn't!! Michelle had to park and get out the the vehicle and get in the house. Maybe 3 to 5 minuntes?

Throughout those first hours Michelle's family were desperately seeking to make contact with Dale Jr.(calls placed to his cell by mom, Dustin, Lauren all went unanswered). Yvonne at some point was able to make contact with Dale Jr's mom at Dale Sr's house.. She shared her growing concerns of Michelle being missing but for reasons unbeknownst to us Yvonne was unable to speak with Dale Jr at that time. His mom assured Yvonne that she would have Dale Jr contact her.

Some think that Dale Sr had something to do with this. It makes me wonder if the mother knew and if so how did she act toward YS?

[family, MSM]

Why? Who calls the police and tells them that their daughter is missing at the exact time she is supposed to show up for work? Makes me wonder what the family told the police to get them to act so quickly and to search Dale's condo? Did LE have a search warrant for the condo search?

11:08pm This was the time that Dale Jr took to his facebook to speak out about Michelle MISSING and that he and his home were already being looked into by LE(as is SOP). Below is his IMO troubling post(he refuses to call her by name, but rather de-personalizes her by speaking of her as "his kid's mother")

"Oh man, oh man, (expletive)! Michelle, the mother of my kids is missing, her mother called me said she never showed up to work after dropping the kids off with me. The police just came by and searched my whole house, this isn't good. My kids need their mother,"

I find nothing in Dale's statement that de-personalizes Michelle at all. At this point in Dales and Michelle's lives they are the parents of their children, not even ex's since they were never married.. Dale had no reason to call her anything but, especially when she was in another relationship. He also seems concerned for his kids.

Specific time unknown Dale Jr returns the phonecall to Yvonne. The family asks him when was the last time that he saw Michelle. His response was that Michelle/twins arrived at his condo at 4:00pm, Michelle stayed and they talked for 10mins, upon Michelle leaving his condo she told him that she was headed to go "shopping". That was the last time that he had seen Michelle.
According to the family Dale had no reaction when told that Michelle was MISSING!

First of all what does that mean, Dale had no reaction? Did he hang up with out saying a word? Would love a little more clarity on this. Also, I find it odd that Michelle's family at that early time would consider her missing. Wouldn't it be more logical to say Michelle never showed up for work or we can't find her? It's almost like they knew something bad happened already. I would be more likely to think car wreck, flat tire, maybe her phone went dead.
I went through pages and pages of my notes and cannot find any links to this: other than Dale's mom and dad, do we have any real alibi for Dale between say 4-10 pm on Nov 17th?

I know MN says there is a witness but I cannot find any links stating if this was a neighbor or someone without Smith in their name. I think that is critical because with the way those Smiths work the system, they most likely would lie to protect Dale...JMO. BTW Senior just filed a motion on May 3rd to enter into the pre trial diversion program for his drug manufacturing & distribution charge http://myclerk.myorangeclerk.com/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=7912523 - like father like son? Didn't Dale do the same thing when he got busted with drugs?

IMO If there is no other witness besides a Smith, that would strengthen the state's case, especially if they found any inconsistencies when Dale's parents answered questions while subpoenaed....

In this post:

1. 3:28pm This would mark the 10mins of Michelle staying and talking with Dale at his condo where she says she is then headed to go shopping.. The time Michelle would be leaving Dale's condo.

2. 4:30pm Dale's atty, Mark NeJame states that Dale and the twins arrived at his father, Dale Sr's home at this time. Thus marking the END of the 72minute window of opportunity that NeJame claims Dale Jr had to kill and dispose of Michelle..

Didn't Dale state he left for his parents at the same time as Michelle...3:28? Why in the world did it take Dale over an hour to get to his parents house? I have driven from Carter Glen to Rose and back SEVERAL times and the longest it ever took me WITH traffic around the same time of day is 30 mins. I tried toll roads, back roads, etc, etc and I cannot for the life of me figure out where those additional 32 minutes went?
In this post:

1. 3:28pm This would mark the 10mins of Michelle staying and talking with Dale at his condo where she says she is then headed to go shopping.. The time Michelle would be leaving Dale's condo.

2. 4:30pm Dale's atty, Mark NeJame states that Dale and the twins arrived at his father, Dale Sr's home at this time. Thus marking the END of the 72minute window of opportunity that NeJame claims Dale Jr had to kill and dispose of Michelle..

Didn't Dale state he left for his parents at the same time as Michelle...3:28? Why in the world did it take Dale over an hour to get to his parents house? I have driven from Carter Glen to Rose and back SEVERAL times and the longest it ever took me WITH traffic around the same time of day is 30 mins. I tried toll roads, back roads, etc, etc and I cannot for the life of me figure out where those additional 32 minutes went?

She couldn't have left at 3:28 if she supposedly stayed 10min if the camera saw her at 3:18.

I don't know did Dale state that? See, this is the whole problem with the timeline and the reason no arrest of Dale, nothing fits not even close.
I went through pages and pages of my notes and cannot find any links to this: other than Dale's mom and dad, do we have any real alibi for Dale between say 4-10 pm on Nov 17th?

I know MN says there is a witness but I cannot find any links stating if this was a neighbor or someone without Smith in their name. I think that is critical because with the way those Smiths work the system, they most likely would lie to protect Dale...JMO. BTW Senior just filed a motion on May 3rd to enter into the pre trial diversion program for his drug manufacturing & distribution charge http://myclerk.myorangeclerk.com/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=7912523 - like father like son? Didn't Dale do the same thing when he got busted with drugs?

IMO If there is no other witness besides a Smith, that would strengthen the state's case, especially if they found any inconsistencies when Dale's parents answered questions while subpoenaed....

Maybe the witness doesn't want to come forward at this time. Unless MN is lying?

I finally found the interview where Michelle's sister talks about the loop and why the hummer isn't seen leaving DS II's condo. I linked to the transcripts, but there is also a video of that show available. The conversation about the Hummer starts around 19:19 in the video.

Her exact words were:

That`s in the neighborhood where Dale`s house is. And the way that that neighborhood works is, a lot of people have asked why don`t they have video of the vehicle leaving if it came in. Well, it`s a loop around. So when you drive in, you would drive up to the house and then it just loops back around to leave out of the gate. So that`s why the vehicle is actually not seen leaving because normally she just went around the loop so --
If you google "no body cases", you will find:
Through January 1, 2012 (356 trials) (48 states, DC and Virgin Islands)(No cases found in: NH and IDAHO) (Approximately 35 dismissals, mistrials, acquittals or reversals on appeal for conviction rate of approximately 90%)

Source: http://www.nobodycases.com/no_body2.pdf

There is a lot of information on that site, including a sort of playbook for law enforcement to follow. It does a great job of illustrating how complex these cases can be. The sad thing is that there are a lot of cases that never make it to trial at all.

Thanks for adding the link.

I finally found the interview where Michelle's sister talks about the loop and why the hummer isn't seen leaving DS II's condo. I linked to the transcripts, but there is also a video of that show available. The conversation about the Hummer starts around 19:19 in the video.

Her exact words were:

That`s in the neighborhood where Dale`s house is. And the way that that neighborhood works is, a lot of people have asked why don`t they have video of the vehicle leaving if it came in. Well, it`s a loop around. So when you drive in, you would drive up to the house and then it just loops back around to leave out of the gate. So that`s why the vehicle is actually not seen leaving because normally she just went around the loop so --

Thank you so much. So there is no way to say Dale is lying about her leaving and what time. If Dale called for help from his dad, the dad had to jump into his car or truck and travel time would be the same for him, 30 minutes. Wouldn't he be seen coming in?

Does anyone know how people are let in? I have asked several times but no response.
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